Vt, B!dward G. Greene; children: Lena Louise, Pulse and Rhythm (Pop. Science Monthly, Sept.,
Inez May. Kindergartner of Kindergarten Train- 1903); Pulse in Verbal Rhythm (Folk-Lore, Aug.,
Ing School, San Jos6, Cal. ; teacher of mothers' 1906); Twine EJternal, 1908; articles on music in
and teachers' classes at summer schools and Etude and Musician. Presbyterian. Mem.
Chautauquas In Cal. Pres. Vt. W.C.T.U. six Woman's Suffrage Ass'n; director Browning
years; nat. sup't kindergartens W.C.T.U. four Soc. of Philadelphia, Arts and Letters Club,
years. Author: Handbook for W.C.T.U.; The Recreations: Swimming, gardening.
Kindergarten Out of School (book for mothers); GREENING, Helen Eugene Haines (Mrs. Henry
occasional writer for magazines and newspapers. g Greening) Vincetown N J
Congregattonalist Progressive Republican State ggrn Pennsylvania; ed. 'mIss Randolph's
chairman Federated Women s Cluts, Waterways school, Baltimore; Miss Mary E. Stevens' School,
Dep't. Recreations: Social life music, lectures, Qermantown, Philadelphia; Bryn Mawr Coll.,
reading, out-of-door life. Now engaged in ^g .9^ Sorbonne, 1898-99; m. 1901, Henry B.
arousing an interest among clubs In subject of Greening. Teacher of English in Miss Case's and
Waters-Their CoDservaUon. Favors woman j^,^g Hollowell's School, Philadelphia. 1897-98;
suffr.ige. in ^igg Hebb's School, Wilmington, Del., 1889-
GBEENE, Minnie Wanrh, Cofteeville, Miss. 1900.
».,P'^^-,cTo°°lf°= ^;,J^^^a°^^'A l'"^^?'^n'l ^°-: GREENLEAT, Sue, 776 Bush St., San Fran- Miss., 1882; dau. William S. and Fannie Greene; cIsco Cal
ed. Indianola, Miss., unUl 15 years old, then in Teacher, writer, translator and land dealer; b.
boarding school four years, one year In luka, ^^^ j^^^^ Bottom, Clark Co., Mo.; dau. Eric
Miss., and three years at Cleveland. "Tenn Hinckley and Mary Elizabeth (Sweet) Greenleaf;
Episcopalian; active n church work. Junior ^ ^^ g ^ Normal School. KlrksvlUe. Mo.;
Altar Guild, and King's Daughters. Mem. boc. •, r o r» 'qn Actlvelv eneaeed In mining
United Daughters of confederacy; Martha wash fn^^-^M-ex^co-^and'^seinnfolT Ss' in 'caU '^nd
ington Chapter D.A.R., Washington D.C by Mexico. Translator and compiler of historic
,'?'"^"® ,?.' descent from Gen. Nathaniel Greene ^ especially relating to the early Spanish his-
Mem. Woman's Culture Club (pres.); Muslca ^^ p y and the Republic of Mexico;
Club (treas),paughters Confederate Veterans' -^^3^ ^ad professional and business connections
^'l^;. ^Hf r.Pfifrli'v^prL, ??<=<• V„,^^. with people of Nat. fame for 20 years. Suf-
unlon of Confederate Veterans at St. Louis; f-„pHef_TniHtaTit if npnp<?<?arv Author- Wed bv
mem Miss. State Federation of Women's Clubs ^S wiv^? a HistoricaTRomance of t^ GaY
^°»^^^'^^'^l^^""*"°,° ""^ ^,T . ?^^- ^, veston Tidal Wave and Cyclone; Don Miguel
GREENE, Nancy Andrews (Mrs. John Bradley Let^mada a Story of Reincarnation, dealing
Greene). South Brown St Dayton. O. ^u^ j^g^^l^.,, and the U.S. (written in 1898).
Born Dayton, p., Feb. 26, 1858; dau. George W. ^^^ Internal. Radical Club of San Francisco,
and Mary (Perrine) Shaw; ed Dayton and NY. Recreations: Walking, horseback riding. City; m. Dayton, June 4, 1879, John Bradley
Greene; children: Katherine Thompson, George GBEENOUGH. CUra Mary, 17% Federal SL,
Shaw. Mem. Fruit and Flower Mission, Y.W.C. Greenfield, Mass.
Shaw. Mem. Fruit and Flower Mission, Y.W.C.A. Physician; b. Deerfleld, Mass., Mar. 16, 1870;
Vice-pres. Dayton Ass'n Opposed to Woman dau. John Johnstone and Linda W. (Gushing)
Suffrage. Presbyterian. Clubs: Dayton City, Greenough; ed. Deerfleld Acad, and Dickinson
Dayton Country, Dayton Automobile. High School, Smith Coll., A.B. '94; Woman's
GREENE, Nellie Cady (Mrs. Allison Greene), Med. School, Northwestern Univ., M.D. '99. Ap-
Tallapoosa Ga. pointed medical school Inspector for toiwn of
Born Geneseo, 111., Nov. 8, 1860; dau. Hiram J. Greenfield, 1909-13. Mem Mass. Med Soc.,
and Mary G (Bartlett) Cady; ed. country school. Smith Alumnae Ass n, Deerfleld Acad, and DicTi-
Geneseo City School, High School grad., '80; m. Inson High School Ass'n Franklin Co. District
Aug. 10, 1885, Allison Greene; children: Mary Med. Soc. Mem Girls Club (philanthropic),
Alma, Mark Albert, Monroe Allan and Marie Greenfield Doctors' Club (professional), Woman s
Isabelle (twins), Ross Cady. Taught seven years Cut) (study). Recreation: Farming. Congrega-
before marriage. Has been pres. or vlce-pres. tlonallst.
Woman's Christian Union several years; held GREENOUGH, Jane Ashley Bates (Mrs. James
the oflBces of vice-pres., treas., cor. and rec. C. Greenough), 30 Court St., Westfleld, Mass.
sec. of Local W.C.T.U. for years; has been pres. Bom Westfleld, Mass., Feb. 24, 1835; dau. Hon.
or vice-pres. of Civic Club four years; pres. or William Gelston and Jane (Ashley) Bates; ed.
vice-pres. of Music Club three years, and also Westfleld Acad, and in Boston at George B.
of a study clu'b. Favors woman suffrage. Con- Emerson's private school; m. Westfleld, Nov.
gregationallst. Pres. Ladies' Aid. Recreations: 27, 1860. James C. Greenough; children: Jeanle
Summer trips. Mem. Matron's Club. Grace. William Bates, Henry Waldo, Beulah.
GREENE, Sarah Pratt McLean (Mrs. P. U Interested In religious, literary, social and all
Greene), Lexington, Mass. benevolent activities. Favors woman suffrage.
Author; b. Simsbury, Conn.. July. 1856; dau. Author: At Dawn of Day; A Year of Beautiful
Dudley Bestor and Mary (Payne) McLean; ed. Thoughts; Plain Thoughts on Common 'things;
Mt Holyoke Coll.; m. St Louis. Mo., 1887, also several booklets, club papers and occasional
Franklin Lynde Greene; children: John Lynde. contributions to periodicals.
Dudley Bestor. Author: Cape Cod Folks; Vesty GREENWOOD, Elizabeth Ward, 35 Monroe St.,
of the Basins; Wlnslow Plain; Floodtlde; Power Brooklyn, N.T.
Lot; The Long Green Road; Towhead. Favors Evangelist World's W.C.T.U.; b. Brooklyn, woman suffrage. N.Y. 1850; dau. Joseph M. and Cynthia (Ward) GREENEWALT, Mary E. Hallock (Mrs. Frank Greenwood; ed. Brooklyn Heights Sem. (vale- Lindsay Greenewalt), 1424 Master St., Phlla- dlctorian) ; Chicago Univ. (valedictorian), and delphia. Pa. (Summer home. Crocus Road, Theological Sem. Sup't Evangelistic dep't Park Building, Wildwood Crest, N.J.) World's Nat. W.C.T.U. Has lectured in every Pianist; b. Beyrout, Syria; dau. Samuel and State of the Union, supplied a pulpit twenty Sara (Tabet) Hollock; grad. head of class at summers In Berkshire Co., Mass.; supplied pul- Chelten Hellls School, Wyncote, Pa.; gold medal pit of Mr. Beecher's Church (Maj'flower Mission Philadelphia Conservatory of Music; Deaconess of Plymouth Church) seven winters; has written Sisters Beyrout; music with teacher in Vienna; several religious and temperance books and m. Johnstown, N.Y., July 14, 1898, Frank Llnd- many leaflets and has labored In the Continent say Greenewalt; one son: Crawford Hallock of Europe. Mem. Brooklyn Suffrage Soc. Au- Greenewalt Toured with Philadelphia and thor of several books, many printed sermons, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and Kueisel and many leaflets, including one upon the Bible Quartette. Extensive tours in piano recitals and Religion in all public schools, which has starred by Frederic Shipman, season 1912-13. had wide circulation in every State and flfty-flve First to arrange and utilize a color lighting ac- nations abroad. Formerly Methodist, now Con- companiment shifting with every phase of music, gregationallst. Recreations: Driving, walking In sympathy with the feeling and mood. Life and summer outings In Berkshire County, Mass- mem. Philadelphia Co. Suffrage Ass'n. Author: achusetts.