Home Economics, Mo. Federation of Woman's John Waterman Aborn and Mary FraacM (J^'^)
Clubs Favors woman suffrage. Greene; ed. private schools; grad R.I State
y^iuua. rav^a yy e, -.o^t^, 4„ Normal School, '77; Boston Univ. Law Schocrf,
GREENE, Frances N.mmo, 519 Dexter Av., ^^^ ^^^^^ -^^ -^^^^^ ,gg g^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^
Montgomery Ala. rnhnmno Fin be admitted to the bar in Mass. (Sept. 1888);
Author; b. Tuscaloosa AU '^'^■7'^°™,^,!^°- first woman lawyer to appear in any court In ley and Virgmia (Owen) Greene, ed. Tusoaloosa ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ j^^ ^j^^
Female Coll. formerly public school teacher. . g^ ^ ^.^^^ March, 1907. Lecturer in
more recently in ^}^^^y^Z%J^^^ Author-' business law for women at Lasell Seminary,
State Dep't °f ArcMve^,,,^,°^^Yth °^^^^^^^ Auburndale, Mass., 1889-1906; one of two Am.
King Arthur and His Court With Spurs of Gold ^^^^^ lawyers selected to address the World's
(collaborating with I5»"yWmiams Kirk), Into ^ j Jurisprudence and Law Reform, Chi-
the Night; also many newspaper and magazme ^^^^ ^^^^ (sut,ject of her address. Married
contributions. Women's Property Acts in the U.S. and Needed
GREENE, Jessie Rice (Mrs. Charles Lyman Reforms Therein). Speaker at congresses in
Greene), 324 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn. ^^^ Woman's Building, World's (Columbian E>x-
Born St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 14, 1862; dau. Jus- position, Chicago, 1893, on subject of Legal
tus Burdick and Eliza (Garland) Rice; ed. in St. Rights of Women in 1492 and 1892. Chairman
Paul, in private school and Central High School, rj Colonial Commission at the Atlanta Expo-
St Mary's Hall, Faribault, Minn.; m. St. Paul, gition, 1895, commissioned by Governor of R.I.
Oct. 6, 1886, Dr. Charles Lyman Greene; chil- pj-gs. Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Soc.
dren: Mrs. Jessie Rice Greene Ritzlnger, b. ^j rj^ 1895-1910; vice-pres. Woman's Baptist
Sept. 13, 1887; Dorothy Lawrence, b. Dec. 9, Foreign Missionary Soc. (the gen. denominational
1896. Associated with several church societies. g<jg ) gj^ce 1898. State regent for R-I. D.A.R.,
Mem. Colonial Dames, Town and Country Club, iggs.gy^ and hon. State regent for life since 18S7,
Lafayette Club. Episcopalian. Against woman Regent Gaspee Chapter D.A.R., 1906-08. Dele-
sufirage. gate to an-d speaker at World Missionary Con-
GREENE Josie Craig (Mrs. Wallace Greene), ference, Edinburgh, 1910. Author: The Woman's
2024 Hillyer Place, Washington, D.C. Manual of Law; The Legal Status of Women in
Born Canton 111 • dau Robert Provinse and Rhode Island (two editions), 1893, 1900; The
Sarah A (Clifford) Craig; ed. Canton (111.) High Scope of the Work of the Woman's Baptist
School Oswego (N.Y.) Normal School, Cornell Foreign Missionary Society, and many pamphlets
Univ 'Columbian Med. School; m. Washington, and magazine articles on legal, historical and
DC 'Dec 18 1897, Wallace Greene; one son: missionary matters. First woman to contribute
Robert Craig 'Greene Favors woman suffrage, to the pages of the Am. Law Review. Baptist.
Mem Nat Geographic Soc., CJolumbian Women, Mem. Colonial Dames, Ass'n of Collegiate
Cornell Women of Washington, D.C. Alumns. Mem. of many important committees
^^Tn^-»TE. T-i^„« Tk-.—on* /■mt'> -nnvirt TTolman of conference In the Baptist denomination and
GREENE, I^^^« J'""^"* ^^^j^- ?f-lan MisT in interdenominational committees; pres. officer
Greene). Twenty- hirdAv., Meridian, Miss. ^^ ^^^ Triennial Conference of Women's Foreign
18f6^'dTu%'r Ho?^eVl&buSt. n'^Xe'^f Mission Boards of the U.S. and Canada. 1904.
iDswich Suffolk England, and Frances (Miller) GREENE, Mary E. Lewis (Mrs. A. M. Greene
Durrant native of Holly Springs, Miss.; grad. Jr.). Sunny Slope, Spring Av., Troy, N.Y.
Oxford Female Coll., Univ. of Miss., with M.E.L. Born Salem, 0., 1869; dau. Dr. T. A. and Jean
degree '95- studied oratory with Miss Isom at (Alexander) Lewis; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '91;
Univ of Miss instrumental music in N.Y. City, graduate student of English in Univ. of Chicago,
voice in Cincinnati elocution in Boston; grad. 1895-96, 1899-1900; m. 1906, Prof. Arthur Maurice
in medicine Meridian (Miss.) Med. Coll., 1911; m. Greene Jr. Before marriage, prof, of English in
David Holman Greene, native of Indianola, Miss., Coates Coll. and Univ. of Dakota. Dean of
and a descendant of Gen. Nathaniel Greene; women, Oahu Coll., Honolulu. Adviser of wo-
children- Frances Elizabeth, b. June 28, 1905; men. Univ. of Missouri. Third vlce-pres. of
Horace Stanley, b. Feb. 28, 1912. Specializes in Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse; past pres. Wo-
children's diseases of the eye, ear, nose and man's University Club of Troy; pres. Eastern
throat Charter mem. Coffeeville (Miss.) Chap- N.Y. Wellesley Club; Nat. chairman Membership
ter United Daughters of Confederacy; mem. Com. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; mem. managing
Martha Washington Chapter D.A.R. (Washing- boards of three local philanthropies, of which
ton D.C.) Miss. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; Young Women's Ass'n is one. Has written
vice-pres ' Daughters of Confederate Veterans' articles for Ohio Modern Language Ass'n. Pres-
(~;iylj ■ byterian. Recreations: Driviilg, walking.
GREENE Maria Lonise, 14 University Place, GREENE, Mary Gertrude Mnnson (Mrs. Richard
New H-aven, Conn. Henry Greene), 235 Central Park West, N.T.
Social work'er; b. Providence, R.I.; dau. Wei- City. ,. „ ., t,., . t. i, come Arnold and Caroline (Austin) Greene; grad. Born New Haven, Conn.; dau. Edwin Beech Providence High School, Vassar Coll., A.B. '91; and Amelia Catherine (Sperry) Munson; ed. The student at Teachers Coll., 1891-93; Yale Univ., Misses Edwards School, New Haven, Ck)nn.; m. PI1.D '95' N Y Univ M.Pd. '09. Formerly Richard Henry Greene; children: Marshall Wins- specialized' in' Am. Colonial history; later in low, Mrs. Augustus Thatcher Hoibrook (Edna garden work with children— teacher, lecturer and Munson Greene), both living in Summit, N.J. director of such work; investigated in 1909 for Active mem. in social life in West Park Presby- the Russell Sage Foundation. Author: The De- terian Church, N.Y. City. Mem. Wonien s velopment of Religious Liberty in Connecticut, Auxiliary to American Historic and Scenic Soc, 1905 ^he Palatines as Founders and Patriots; N.Y. City; Tribune Sunshine Soc; N.Y. City also' various historical arUcles, and Among FederaUon of Woman's Clubs; delegate to Bi- School Gardens, one of the Russell Sage Founda- ennial, San Francisco, June, 1912; pres. Nat. tion publications. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Soc. New England Women; mem. Soc. Mayflower Am Nature Study Soc., D.A.R., Mayflower Soc, Descendants; delegate to Triennial Congress at vice-pres. School Garden Ass'n of America, 1912- Plymouth, Mass., Sept., 1912. Mem. D.A R., 15- mem A.A A S. Favors woman suffrage. founder Knickerbocker Chapter N.Y. City -and Its GREENE, Martha T. (Mrs. J. H. Greene), 481 first regent, founder and honorary mem. Nathan
Locust St., Dubuque, Iowa. Hale Memorial Chapter D.AR East Haddam,
Born Lansing, la., Feb. 24, 1859; dau. James Conn .mem. Washington Headquarters Ass n,
W and Nancy (Lemen) Thomas; ed. Rockford N.Y. City (founded by D.A.R.).
(111.) Coll., B.A. '81; m. Lansing, la., Jan. 21, GREENE, Mary Jane (Mrs. Edward G. Greene),
1885, Joel Henry Greene; children: James, Lois, 611 Waverley St., Palo Alto, Cal.
Joel. Interested in missionary societies. Mem. Kindergartner; b. Poultney, Vt. ; dau. William
Woman's Club (Dubuque). Recreation: Farm and Jerusha (Tift) Wright; ed. St. Albans (Vt.)
life in N. Dak. during summer. Presbyterian. public schools, Castleton (Vt.) Sem., klnder-
GRKENE, Mary Anne, 121 Benevolent St., garten training In School of Miss Van Wagner
Providence, R.I. at the Heber Newton Memorial Church, N.Y.
Lawyer; b. Warwick, R.I., June 14, 1857; dau. City, and Stanford Univ., Cal.; m. St, Albans,