social and philanthropic actlritlee. Favors wo- Dep't of Univ. of Buftalo, M.D., 1906; m. Elmira, man suffrage. Contributed several articles to N.Y., Sept. 5, 1893, Frederic B. Green; children: Am. Chemical Journal. Presbyterian. Recrea- Roswell Park, Frederic B. T*ught school In tion: Tennis. Mem. New Century Club, West Southern States previous to marriage. Engaged Chester, Pa. in practice of medicine in Elmira since gradua-
GREEN, Hettv Howland Robinson (Mrs. Ed- tion. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Chemung Co. ward H. Green), The Waldorf-Astoria, N.T. Med. Soc, N.Y. State Med. Soc, Women's City; office, 170 Broadway. Med. Ass'n of N.Y., Order of Eastern Star, Inde-
Financler; b. New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 21, pendent Order Foresters, etc. Recreations: 1835; dau. Edward Mott Roiblnson; ed. Mrs. Boating, fishing, outdoor life, automoblling. Lowell's School, Boston; m. 1866, Edward H. GREEN, Sarah Letty, Wilson College, Cham- Green (died Mar. 19, 1902); children: Edward bersburg. Pa.; permanent, Granville, O. Howland Robinson, b. Aug. 22, 1S68, and a Teacher; b. NIngpo, China; dau. David D. and daughter. Father died in 1S65, leaving her a Lydia Jane (Goodrich) Green; ed. Granville (O.) fortune said to have been $9,000,000. This she Female Coll., Granville; Denison Univ., Cor- has personally administered and Increased by nell Univ., B.S. ; Ohio State Univ., M.A. Was investments In real estate, stocks, bonds and teacher of science in Granville (O.) Female CoU., securities, railroad property, etc., until she is the Misses Mackies' School for Girls, Newburgh, now reputed to be the richest woman in the N.Y. ; the Montrose School for Girls, South country; distinguished for financial aoility; in- Orange, N.J. ; now head of Dep't of the Physical terested in many large enterprises, and has iart;o Sciences in Wilson (3oIl. Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. real estate holdings In New York, Chicago and Chemical Soc Preebyterian. Favors woman other cities. Episcopalian. suffrage.
GHEEN, Lilian Bayliss (Mrs. Albert Randolph GREEN AW ATT, Mary Eliza (Mrs. George L. Green), 18 W. Cedar St., Boston, Mass. Greenawalt), 501 East Wayne St., Ft. Wayne,
Miniature painter, magazine editor; b. Mas- Ind. sillon, Ohio, Feb. 20, 1875; dau. Edwin and Cor- Bom Fort Wayne, Ind., Jan. 19, 1854; dau. delia (Zerbe) Bayliss; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. Oliver W. and Mary C. (Lewis) JefTerds; ed. '96 (mem. Shakespeare Soc); m. Cleveland, Ohio, Fort Wayne High School; m. Fort Wayne, Ind., March 3, 1909, Albert Randolph Green. Exhibited Sept. 5, 1883, Dr. George L. Greenawalt Mem. miniatures at exhibitions of the Soc. of Am. Duodecimo Club, Morning Musical. Recreation: Artists, Pa. Acad., Soc. of Am. Miniature Traveling. Presbyterian.
Painters, N.Y. Water Color Club, the Pan- GREENE. Anne Bosworth (Mr.. H. W. Greene), American and St. Louis Exhi'bltions. Has pub- South Woodstock Vt.
lished several housekeeping arUcles In the ^.rtist and farmer; b. Chippenham, Wilts, Eng- Ladles' Home Journal; now editor of the Little ,and, 1877; dau. Homer L.^nd Delia Rood) House Dept of that magazine Unitarian Mem Bosworth; grad. Miss Porter's School, Spring- Boston Women s Educational and Industrial q^^^ ^aas., 1891; studied at Eric Rape's School Union, New England Home Economics Ass n; ^j ^^t, B<^ton (scholarship and medal), and chairman of Housewives League of Boston, 1911, gogton Art Museum; m. Springfield, Mass 1900 under auspices of New England Home Economics d^. h. W. Greene; one daugh^r: Lorna Greene Ass'n. Recreations: Theatre, symphony con- b. 1903. Exhibitor In all chief water-color certs, art lectures, entertaining. shows, landscape and figure work. Illustrator of
GREEN, L. Pearle, 15 East Av., Ithaca, N.Y. travel articles. Owner of a farm in South Editor and sec; b. in Ind.; dau. Dr. A. W. Woodstock, Vt., where present studio Is located; and Jennie Marcella (Hayes) (jreen; grad. Stan- formerly had studio at Provincetown, 'Gap* (3od. ford Univ., A.B. '98; N.Y. State Library School, Interested in establishment of libraries In the 1900-01 (Kappa Alpha Theta). Ref. librarian, rural districts. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- Stanford Univ., 1902-07; Nat. sec and editor palian. Mem. South Woodstock Grange Soc. for Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity, 1909-—. Dele- Recreations: Horses, riding and driving, music gate and sec, 1908-09, Nat, Panhellenic Congress, (pianist), gardening, mountain climbing, cami>- Author: Handbook of Kappa Alpha Thet*. Mem. ing. Mem. Pen and Brush (Hub (N.Y. City), Ass'n Collegiate Alumnas. Presbyterian. Favors Copley Soc. (Boston).
woman euflrage. GREENE, Carolyn May Wygant (Mrs. Joseph
GREEN, Margaret Morford (Mrs. Frederick Alfred Greene), Cold Spring, N.T. Voorhls Green), Nyack-on-Hudson, N.Y. Born PeeksklU, N.Y., May 21, 1874; dau. Dr.
Born Nyack.-on-Hudson, N.Y. ; dau. Anthony Henry Bernard and Sarah M. (Manterstock) Denton and Margaret A. (Ryerson) Morford; ed. Wygant; ed. Oakslde School, Peeksklll; Cornell private schools; m. Nyack-on-Hudson, June 20, Univ., A.B., with honorable mention In Greek 1894, Frederick Voorhls Green. Mem. Woman's (charter mem. of Semi-nightly Club); m. OcL 7, Board of Domestic Missions, Reformed Church 1903, Joseph Alfred Greene; children: Francis', In America, Nat. Geog. Soc, Rockland Co. Com. Marcellus. Methodist Favors woman suffrage' of the State Charities Aid Aas'n, Woman's GREENE, Ella Catherine, 165 Union Av., Mt Auxiliary of the Nyack Hospital. Club: Sorosls. Vernon NY
Mem. (Dutch) Reformed Church In America. Teacher; b. Albany, N.Y.; grad. Vassar Coll
GREEN, Mary Wolcott, 613 Prospect St., West A.B. '87. Teacher in Collegiate School Engle^ New Brighton, S.I., N.T. wood, N.J., 1887-90; Vassar Coll., 1890-95; the
Teacher, lecturer; b. Athens, Pa.; dau. Walter Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1896-1911; since Kerr and Marion (Wolcott) Green; ed. Syracuse 1911 teacher In Ethical Culture School, N.Y. Univ., A.B. '95; (hooper Inst, grad. chemist. City. Edited (in collaboration with Miss S. B. 1904; post-grad, student, Columbia Univ. regent Franklin): Selections for Sight Reading from and founder of Staten Island Chapter D.A.R. Latin Prose Authors.
Author: The Woman Who Did (historical play); GREENE, Flora Hartley (Mrs. Charles W. The Pioneer Mothers of Anierlca Mem. Syra- areene) 814 Virginia Av., Columbia, Mo. cuse Alumnse Ass'n, Staten Island Ass'n of Arts oo-,, vankeptown Tnd Tniv q ifiS- Ab,, ^°d, Sciences Nat Education Ass'n Deems Lit- o^Yel al^Snd^ Angeilne" kyior Makrtle'y ! rn^nX l^r•^,^h TI.wl A^n in. n^ Vh ^ n^" ^d. Lolaud Stanford Jr. Univ., A.B '95; Univ. of ^^nl^+« nf^wJrfrv Wni.^K Vinhc. w^ ^^ Mlssouri (home ecouomics), M.S. '09: m. Hood scendants of Henry Wolcott Clubs: Woman's Riypr Ore Aue 7 IS.% Pharlps W firppn^-
TlacheTs ^ M^thf^'-' cfub ^of 'p's'°2omem'^F^r Si'rifr'en?'ckrl^"^arL'e/,1iefen" Hastily, ^Haro d S^arS Council o7 C^bs Universal^ Favo™ H^^^" ^«°^- ^°^ <" directors Charity Or- S^m»n <=?,ffr«L Univcrsalist. Favors ganizatlon of Columbia; pres.. Woman's Civic woman sunrage. League of Columbia. Author of scientific papers GREEN, Sara Elizabeth (Mrs. Frederic B, In zoology and arUcles on home economic sub- Green), 921 Lake St, Elmira, N.T. Jects. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse, Physician and surgeon; b. New Albany, Pa., Am. Ass'n of Home Economics, Ass'n for Study April 20, 1868; dau. Henry Mead and Eliza Dor- and Prevention of Infant Mortality, Alumni cas (Hall) Crandall; ed. pu'bllc schools of Pa., Ass'ns of Stanford and Univ. of Missouri. Mem fcnd seminary course In N.Y. City; grad. Med. FortnlghUy Club (Columbia); State chairman