��(Mich.) High School, '78; Univ. of Mich.. B.A. '82, M.A. '83; m. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept 16, 1886, Charles Howard Greathouse; children: Ruth Curtis, Miriam Waring (dead), Lucien Helin, Raymond Ridgeley. Taught Latin, Greek and astronomy at Montlcello Sem., Godfrey, 111., 1883-86; interested in the publication Home and School at Louisville, Ky., 1890-92, and putlisher Government publications, Washington, D.C., since 1899. For eighteen years mem. of People's Church (non sectarian); devoted to religious and sociological work; actively Identified with work of organization; supporter of Baptist Church at Port Myer Heights, Va. Mem. Woman's Bene- ficial Soc. of People's Church, Mich. Alumnae Ass'n of Washington, D.C. ; Collegiate Alumnae Ass'n of Washington, D.C. Recreations: Art (studied at Corcoran Art School), music. Favors woman suffrage. GREATOREX, Kathleen Honora, Les Ramparts,
Moret sur Lolng, Paris, France.
Artist; b. Hoboken, N.J., Sept. 8, 1851; dau. Henry Wellington and Eliza (Pratt) Greatorex; ed. Miss Haines' School, N.Y. ; Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. ; Munich School of Art, and lessons with Carolus Durand and Henner, Paris. Hon- orable mention Centennial Exposition, Philadel- phia, Paris Salon, 1887; gold medal Atlanta Ex- position, Chicago Exposition. Mem. Nat. Arts Club (N.Y. City), Lyceum (Paris). GREET.EY, Helen Katharine Hoy (Mrs. Harold
D. Greeley), 2 Rector St., N.Y. City.
Lawyer, author; b. Albany, N.Y. ; ed. In schools of Albany, N.Y.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '99; N.Y. Law School, LL.B. '03; m. Aug. 29, 1908, Harold D. Greeley. Teacher South Orange, N.J., 1899-1902; Veltln School, N.Y. City, 1899-1902; admitted to N.Y. Bar, 1903, and since then in active practice of law In N.Y. City. Served as associate counsel to N.Y. Charter Revision Com- mission, 1907-09. Author: The Life and Legal Influence of David Dudley Field. GREELEY, Jane Lincoln, 111 East Fifth St.,
Jamestown, N.Y.
Physician; b. Methuen, Mass., Nov. 8, 1864; dau. Edward H. and Louisa M. (Ware) Greeley; grad. Abbot Acad., Andover, Mass., '84; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, '97. Taught Latin in Abbot Acad., 1886-93. Interne N.Y. Infirmary, 1897-98. Has practised medicine In Jamestown since 1898. Mem. N.Y. State Med. Asa'n, Am. Med. Ass'n, Am. Acad, of Medicine, Jamestown Med. See, Mozart Club (music). Congregatlonalist. GREEliY, Ann Frances (Mrs. E. H. Greely),
Ellsworth, Maine.
Born Ellsworth, Me., Oct. 15, 1831; dau. Charles and Mary Ann (Black) Jarvls; ed. common schools of Ellsworth and Surry, Me.; m. Ells- worth, Me., July 16, 1853, Everard H. Greely; one daughter: Mary Ann Greely. Studied medi- cine and was admitted to practice under a license given by the State Board of Registration of Medicine in 1895, In accordance with an act of the Legislature. As a young woman took an active interest in the Antl- Slavery cause; one of the pioneer business women of Maine, also one of the pioneer suffragists. Active in church, W.C.T.U., temperance societies, philanthropic, literary and reform movements. Recreations: Reading, gardening, care of animals. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage (vice-pres. Maine Woman Suffrage Ass'n). GREEN, Anna Katharine (Mrs. Charles Rohlfs),
105 Norwood Av., Buffalo, N.Y.
Author; b. Brooklyn, Nov. 11, 1846; dau. James Wilson and Katharine Ann (Whitney) Green; grad. Ripley Female Coll., B.A. ; m. Brooklyn, Nov. 25, 1884, Charles Rohlfs; children: Rosa- mond, Sterling, Roland. Author: The Leaven- worth Case; Agatha Webb; Behind Closed Doors; A Circular Study; Cynthia Wakeham's Money; Defence of the Bridge and Other Poems; A Dif- ficult Problem, and Other Stories; The Doctor, His Wife and the Clock; Dr. Izard; Forsaken Tnn; The Hand and the Ring; Lost Man's Lane; Marked "Personal"; A Matter of Millions; The Mill Mystery; Miss Hard, An Enigma; The Old Stone House and Other Stories; One of My Sons;
��Rislfl's Daughter, a drama; Seven to Twelra; X. Y. Z.; A Strange Disappearance; The Sword of Damocles; That Affair Next Door; The Amethyst Box; The House in the Mist; A Mill- ionaire Baby; The Woman in the Alcove; The Chief Legatee; The Mayor's Wife; The Filigree Ball; Three Thousand Dollars; The House of the Whispering Pines; Initials Only. Dramatized The Leavenworth Case in 1892. Presibyterlan. Mem. Board Buffalo Homoeopathic Hospital. Recreation: Floriculture.
GREEN, Bertha Stull (Mrs. Leslie Brooks Green), Mountain Home, Idaho. Lawyer; b. Illinois, 1875; dau. Morris C. and Maria (Hun toon) Stull; grad. Doane Coll., Crete, Neb., B.S. '93; Univ. of Neb., LL.B. '99; m. Lin- coln, Neb., 1904, Leslie Brooks Green; children: Marion, Walter, Arthur. As a college girl repre- sented Univ. of Nebraska on Inter-State debates for two consecutive years (was valedictorian of college class). For six years chairman Legisla- tive Com. of the Idaho State Federation of Women's Clubs; four years mem. of the Legisla- tive Com. of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. Interested in movements to better the condition of laboring women, and In laws for the protection and benefit of women and chil- dren; enthusiastic club woman. Compiled a booklet: Laws of Idaho, Concerning Women and Children, for use of women's clubs of Idaho. Mem. Daughters of Veterans, Eastern Star, eligible to D.A.R. Clubs: Progressive, Sub Rosa (Mountain Home, Idaho). Favors woman suf- frage. Republican (Progressive). GREEN, Cynthia A., Charlotte, Mich.
County Commissioner of Schools; b. Mexico, N.Y., Apr. 9, 1863; dau. B. F. and Samantha (Tallmadge) Green; ed. Onondaga Valley Acad., Mexico (N.Y.) Acad, and Oswego (N.Y.) State Normal and Training Stehool. Taught rural school In N.Y. State when 16; grad. Oswego Normal, '86; removed to Charlotte, Mich., and did grrade and high school work. Did work of science dep't many years; became principal of high school, 1904-07; then elected County Com. of Schools. Teacher in summer at Western State Normal at Kalamazoo, Mich. Favors woman suffrage. Inclined toward Theosophy in re- ligion. Mem. Women's Round Table of South- western Mich., an organization for the study of educational problems and wider professional acquaintance.
GREEN, Eleanor Surges, 14 John St., Provi- dence, R.I.
Born Providence, R.I., Mar. 3, 1870; dau. Arn- old and Cornelia Abby (Burges) Green; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '92 (mem. Shakespeare Soc). Director Providence District Nursing Ass'n; pres. Woman's Meeting (church). Mem. Rhode Island Woman Suffrage Ass'n; Rhode Island Coll. Equal Suffrage League. Episco- palian. Mem. Rhode Island Soc. for Collegiate Education of Women, Rhode Island Branch of Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Nat. Ass'n of Public Health Nursing, Review Club, Reading Club, Rhode Island Wellesley Club.
GREEN, Elizabeth Durfee (Mrs. Frank Monroe Green), 3020 Dent Place, Washington, D.C. Born 'Washington, D.C, 1873; dau. Benjamin and 'EllEfcheth Page (Winants) Durtee; grad. Washington High School, '93; Wellesley . Col!., B.A. '97; m. Washington, D.C, 1905, Frnni- Monroe Green; one daughter: Frances Winant.s Green, b. 1909. Previous to marriage was en- gaged as teacher of French, German and art Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recrea- tion: Walking.
GREEN, Elizabeth Shippen — see Elliott, Eliza- beth Shlppen Green. GREEN, Gertrude Heritage (Mrs. Francis Har- vey Green), 636 S. Walnut St., West Chester, Pa.
Born Philadelphia, Pa., June 19, 1873; dau. Albert Noel and Helen Augusta (Day) Heritage; ed Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll. A.B. '96, A.M. '99; m. Plainfleld, N.J., Sept.' 12, 1911, Francis Harvey Green. Demon- strator in chemistry, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-1911. Interested in various religious, educational,