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frage. Baptist. M«m. Women's University Club (N.Y. City).

GRAVES, Mande Miller (Mrs. William Stanley Graves), 200 N. Twelfth St., San José, Cal.

Born near Watsonvllle, Cal., Nov. 12, 1878; dau. Benjamin Franklin and Anna Elizabeth (Slankard) Miller; ed San Jos6 public schools, State Normal and Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley, Cal.; m. San Jos^, Cal., Jan. 27, 1906, William Stanley Graves (deceased); one daughter: Ada Willna Graves, 1907. Mem. Young Women's Club of San Jose. Presbyterian. Favors woman suf- frage. Republican.

GRAVETT, Nettie K. (Mrs. John A. Gravett),

Denlson Hotel, Columbus, Ohio.

State librarian; b. Bremen, O. ; dau. Rudolph and Anne Taylor (Alexander) Kagay; ed. Oxford Coll., Oxford, O. ; m. Lancaster, O., Dec. 5. 1889, John A. Gravett Acting State librarian of Colorado State Library; took library training after death of husband in 1907; opened and or- ganized public library and was appointed and served as State librarian of Colorado for term January, 1911, to January, 1913; now with Ohio State Library, Columbus, Ohio. Active In relig- ious, social and philanthropic work; has helped to organize woman's clubs in the State and was Gen. Federation State sec. for the Colorado Fed- eration of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suf- frage; has voted for 19 years; since women were enfranchised In Colorado has done much pioneer suffrage work. Has represented party at State and county conventions; mem. of Colo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Has done newspaper work and also written for magazines. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Mem. Nat. Soc. D.A.R., and served as State Registrar for Colo. State Conference D.A.R. Mem. Women's Club of Denver (social science dep't).

GRAY, Eddie Camilla, 2714 Routb St., Dallas, Tex.

Teacher; b. Sulphur Springs, Tex.; dau. William R. and Leannah (Nelson) Gray; ed. hlgli school, Campbell, Tex.; State Normal, Hunts- ville, Tex. Interested in the social betterment of the women and children in Dallas, Tex. Mem. Missionary Soc., Mission Study Class, City Fed. of Women's Clubs (on a committee for sanitary inspection). Mem. Poet Followers' Club (leader for three years). Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.

GRAY, Elizabeth Crittenden Cabell (Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Gray Jr.), 4411 McPherson Av., St. Louis, Mo.

Born St. Louis, June 13, 1860; dau. Hon. Edward Carrington Cabell (who represented Florida in Congress) and Anna M. (Wilcox) Ca- bell; granddaughter of Judge William H. Cabell (governor of Va. 1805-08), whose father. Col. Nicholas Cabell, fought in the Revolution, and has numerous other direct ancestors of Ck)lonial and Revolutionary distinction; ed. in Episcopal Sisters' School, N.Y. City; Mrs. Virginia Smith's School, Geneva, N.Y., and grad. from Southern Female Inst, (collegiate school for girls), Rich- mond, Va., 1878; m. St. Louis, Apr. 20, 1881, Benjamin Franklin Gray Jr.; children: Cabell, Benjamin F. III., William Ashley, Wastell. Mem. D.A.R., now being Vice-Pres. Gen. of Mo.; has served on many Nat. and State committees and as regent of St. Louis Chapter; mem. Board of Mo. Soc. Colonial Dames, Huguenot Society; mem. Peace Soc. of Mo. D.A.R. ; delegate to Congress held In St. Louis, May 1-3, 1913; mem. F.F.V.'s (descendants of settlers in Va. before 1620), Mo. Historical Soc. Interested in peace data, conservation work (was appointed a dele- gate to several Nat. Conservation Congresses); also In good roads, the Nat. highway and the preservation of the old trails. Greatly interested in the child labor question, the education and uplift of women and children. Episcopalian.

GRAY, Helen, Gray Lodge, Covington, La.

Journalist; b. New Orleans, La.; dau. Col. Andrew B. and Lina (Leacock) Gray; desultory education, attended lectures in London, England. Founder of Southern Mountain Educational Ass'n, Atlanta, Ga., which resulted in Industrial School for Mountain Girls at Mineral Bluff. Ga. Founder Southern Woman's Economics and Po- litical Science Ass'n (New Orleans, La.), South- ern Mountain Educational Ass'n (Atlanta, Ga.). Recreation: Travel. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.

GRAY, Llllie Putnam, Cambridge, N. Y.

Secretary and Judge of domestic dep't at agri- cultural expositions; b. Cambridge, N.Y.; dau. J. J. and M. W. (Putnam) Gray; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '77. Taught in boarding schools in Morristown, N.J., and Bristol, Pa., for three years; has been working at fairs for 20 years. Sec. Woman's Missionary Soc. in local church for 22 years; Young People's sec. in the Troy Presbyterial Soc. for Home Missions for 15 years; sec. of the Village Improvement Soc. of Cambridge for 12 years, and of the Public Li- brary Com. for 18 years. Mem. N.Y. State Charities Aid. Clubs: Authors' (local), Monday Reading Club (history and travel). Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.

GRAY, Maria Freeman (Mrs. John Henry Gray),

1603 Thirteenth Av., East Oakland, Cal.

Teacher and writer; b. New Salem, Mass., Feb. 15, 1832; dau. Daniel Sanford and Achsa Brldgman (Kimball) Freeman; ed. public schools. New Salem Acad., Wesleyan Sem. (Wilbraham, Mass.), '52 (valedictorian); m. Fort Wayne, Ind., May 5, 1855, John Henry Gray; children: George Freeman, b. May 20, 1858; Henry Nathaniel, b. June 1, 1862. Went West in 1852 as a teacher under auspices of the Nat. Board of Popular Education; had charge of public schools in Huntington, Ind., one year; was preceptress in Fort Wayne Coll. two years. Has been con- tributor to different publications on questions of public interest and given descriptive articles of places visited in her travels. State Sup't Peace and Arbitration in North Cal; vice-pres. in Universal Peace Union; vice-pres. Alliance Uni- versalle des Femmes pour le Paix, founded in Paris in 1896; vice-pres. Am. Humane Education Soc; mem. of Am. Peace Soc. and the Pacific Coast Woman's Press Ass'n; vice-pres. of the Anti-imperialist League of Cal.; mem. May- flower Soc. Life work has been identified with educational interests and the establishment of justice in philanthropic and humanitarian work; in 1862 was pres. of the Loyal Women's League in Des Moines, la. ; in 1888 was one of the six women who received about 25,000 votes for mem- bership on Board of Education in San Francisco. Mem. Society of Friends. Has been a worker for equal suffrage in la., Colo, and Cal., and held various official positions in the organiza- tions. Socialist.

GRAY, Marion Clark (Mrs. O. S. Gray), Mt,

Pleasant, Amherst, Mass.

Born Derby, Vt., Sept. 5, 1876; dau. Ezra War- ren and I. (Aldrich) Clark; ed. Derby Acad., Boston Univ., Ph.B. '99 (Delta Delta Delta); m. Brockton, Mass., Dec. 24, 1907, Ora Samuel Gray; one daughter: Margaret Genevieve. Taught in high school and seminary six years before mar- riage. Mem. Woman's Club of Amherst. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church.

GRAY, Myrtle M. (Mrs. Charles Mlckel Gray),

6th and Grape Sts., Vineland, N. J.

Born Cameron, N.Y., Apr. 10, 1875; dau. Charles Brown and Ellen M. (Johnston) Dickey; ed. Hornell (N.Y) High School, Buffalo Normal School (classical course); m. Hornell, N.Y., June 27, 1906, Dr. Charles Mickel Gray. Taught in Dansville (N.Y.) High School, public schools of Hornell, N.Y. ; supervisor of music of Hammon- ton, N.J., three years; Vineland, N.J., three years. Elected Mar. 19, 1912, mem. of Board of Education of Vineland. Charter mem. and treas. of Hannah Arnett Chapter Daughters of the Revolution, Vineland, N.J. ; mem. Woman's Club of Vineland (pres. 1909-11). Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.

GREAfHOUSE, Mary Melissa Curtis (Mrs Charles Howard Greathouse), R.F.D. No. 4 Washington, D.C.

Publisher of Government publications; b. Sagi- naw, Mich., June 15, 1S57; dau. Lorenzo Benja- min and Melissa (Pattee) Curtis; ed. Saginaw

schools; grad. high school, '73; Ann Arbor

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