��Washington, Md. (pres. 35 years, now pres. emeritus). Founded the Nucleus (first woman's club In that section) in 1870, Girls' Club (domes- tic science), 1872; active in art interests for women. Author: Poems (Illustrated in colors by the author); Daisies and Buttercups; Holly and Mistletoe; Home Cookery. Writer of short stories, newspaper correspondence, and special articles for newspapers and magazines. Quaker. Mem. Ass'n for the Assistance of the Blind, Industrial Home and Schoo'.s for the Blind, for Advancement and Education of the Negro, for Help for the Aged, and Domestic Science. Clubs: Dickens, Nucleus (Mt. Washington, Md.); honorary mem. Sorosis Club of Md., Charlotte Emerson Brown Club of East Orange, N.J. ; charter mem. of Woman's Literary Club of Baltimore. GRAHAM, Evalyn Sarah Norton (Mrs. Joseph
Marshall Graham), 2 W. 8Sth St.. N.Y. City.
Born Youngsville, Pa.; dau. Rev. Albert and Mrs. Sarah Evalyn (Gray) Norton; ed. Baldwin Univ., near Cleveland, O.. B.S. '75; M.Litt. '04; m. Cleveland, O., Oct. 12, 1880, Joseph Marshall Graham. For some years gave elocutionary re- citals for philanthropic affairs, lectures and reading in the Nat. W.C.T.U. work; several years vlce-pres. Temple trustees of Women's Temple in Chicago. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor to various magazines (travel) and some leaflets of Nat. W.C.T.U. dep't work. Methodist. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Descend- ants, Home Missionary Soc, Foreign Mission- ary Soc, Nat. W.C.T.U., sup't dep't of Work Among RailTvay Employees. Mem. Woman's Press Club of N.Y. City, D.A.R., Health Pro- tective Ass'n, Daughters of Ohio in N.Y. Has attended as elected voting delegate several world's conventions in Europe of the World's W.C.T.U., and several of the Gen. Federations of Woman's Clubs, a World's Congress against Alcoholism, in Budapest, Hungary, and many Continental congresses of D.A.R.
GBAHA3I, Hannah Isabel, Seaforth, Ontario,
Music teacher; b. Harpurhey, Ontario, Can.; dau. Rev. William and Elizabeth (Gouinlock) Graham (Scotch parentage) ; ed. at Seaforth in public school and Collegiate Inst. ; received mu- sical education at Toronto Coll. of Music under Dr. F. H. Torrington. Favors woman suffrage, but not militant methods. Author: A Song of December and Other Poems; a sacred song called Satisfied; contributor to various Canadian and American magazines. Presbyterian. Mem. Foreign Missionary Soc. of Canadian Presby- terian Church (sec. Huron Presbyterial Mission- ary Soc); mem. of and strangers' secretary for the Woman's Home Missionary Soc, Nat. Coun- cil of Women and various other philanthropic societies. Recreations: Music, social life, read- ing, writing, out-door exercise, needlework. Mem. Canadian Woman's Press Club.
GRAHAM, Hannah M., 2233 N. Meridian St.
(office, 11-14 Malson Bldg.), Indianapolis, Ind.
Physician; b. Charleston, 111., 1874; dau. Rich- ard and Hannah M. (Cullen) Graham; ed. St. Mary's of the Woods, Central Coll. of Medicine and Surgery, Indianapolis; Chicago Northwestern Mod. Coll., M.D. 1900; studied at Berlin, Ger- many, 1902; London Hospital, 1902; Vienna, 1902. Junior student of law at the Indiana Univ. of Law, 1912. First woman surgeon appointed on staff of Indianapolis City Hospital. Mem.. Aid Soc. of SS. Peter and Paul Cathedral; Christ Child Aid Soc; Woman's Deportment Club of Ind.; Am. Med. Soc; Miss. Valley Med. Soc; Indiana Med. Soc; Indianapolis Med Soc, Mag- azine Club of Indianapolis. Catholic. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n of Indianapolis; chairman Home Nursing Branch of Indianapolis Civic League.
GRAHAM, Jeanelte Elizabeth, 8S South St^
Newburgh, N.Y.
Educator; b. Newburgh, Nov. 7, 1872; dau. William and Jennie (Eidmonston) Graham; grad. Newburgh Acad., '90; Albany State Normal Coll., Pd.B. '94. Taught 1894-1908 in State Normal School, at New Paltz, history and science; grade
��supervisor In School of Practice; resigned in 1908 to take a course in the Univ. of Chicago. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church. Mem. Delta Omega. Recreation: Music GRAHAM. Minnie Almlra, Lake Erie College.
Palnesvllle, O.
Prof, chemistry; b. Lockport. N.Y., Sept. 17, 1875; dau. Almon Miller and Jeannette (Cramp- ton) Graham; ed. Lockport public schools, Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.A. 1900; Univ. of Mich., M.A. '06; fellow in chemlstrv Bryn Mawr Coll., 1906-07 and 1910-11, Ph.D. '12. Teacher In Lockport pub- lic schools, 1893-96; instructor In chemistry, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1902-05; prof, of chemistrj-. Lake Erie Coll., 1907-10, 1912-13; two years of high school teaching, 1900-02. Author (dissertation for Ph.D.): A Study of the Change from Violet to Green in Solutions of Chromium Sulphate (Am. Chem. Journal, Aug., 1912). Congregationalist. CRAH.\JI. Nellie Dean rMrs. Clarence Van
Graham), 1200 E. Main St., Alhambra, Cal.
Born Newark, O., Aug. 29, 1S69; dau. Andrew and Gertrude (Dean) Smucker; ed. Newark, O. ; m. Newark, O., Nov. 8, 1888, Clarence Van Graham; one son: William Alexander. Pres. Lend a Hand Soc. of First Presbyterian Church, Alhamtra, Cal. Mem. Les Amigas Bridge Club. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of short stories; contributed to Godey's Ladies' Book, under Jen- nie Jane Ooley; Newark (0.) Daily Advocate, Columbus (O.) State Journal, Boston Globe and occasional stories in other magazines. Presby- terian. Republican. Mem. Nat. D.A.R. (Wash- ington, D.C.), worthy matron Order Eastern Star (Alhambra, Cal.), Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem (Los Angeles, Cal.). Pres. two terms Wednesday Afternoon Club of Alhambra; mem. Friday Morning Club and Woman's City Club, Audubon Soc. and Psychopathic Parole Soc. (Los Angeles), Civic Ass'n (Alhambra). GRAINGER, Minnie Starr (Mrs. Edgar J. R.
Grainger >, 116 W. Second St., Belvidere, 111.
Lecturer; b. Belvidere, 111., Aug. 15, 1869; dau. John Cambridge and Angeline (Pendleton) Starr; ed. 111. State Normal Univ.; m. Belvidere, Mar. 31, 1896, Edgar J. R. Grainger. Has taught in high school. For six years has been officer of the 111. Fed. of Women's Clubs, and served as pres. 1910-12; Gen. Fed. State sec for 111. Favors woman suffrage. Past editor 111. Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs' official organ, the Illinois Club Bulletin. Baptist. Recreations: Golf, tennis, rowing, motoring. Pres. Belvidere Ganesha Club for five years; mem. Chicago Woman's City Club.
GRANGER, Caroline D. Gregory (Mrs. Arthur
Otis Granger), Overlook, Cartersville, Ga.
Born Philadelphia, Aug. 28, ISoO; dau. Henry Duval and Mary (Jones) Gregory; ed. private school of Mary Anna Longstreth, Philadelphia; m. Aug. 15, 1870, Arthur Otis Granger; children: Henry Gregory, William Rowan Jr., Nathanlal Nelson, Sarah, Rene, Sherman. Interested in home and foreign missions; former pres. Ga. Fed. of Women's Clubs; life director and ex-chairman Child Labor Com., Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; ex-chairman Industrial Conditions of Women and Children, Ga. Fed. Women's Clubs. Writer of editorials in Southern Woman and newspaper articles, chiefly regarding Child Labor: 'The Effect of Club Work in the South; Annals of Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, 1906. Mem. Cherokee Club, Cartersville, Ga. Recrea- tions: Music, study, work in garden. Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage. GRAJTMS, Florence Alvord (Mrs. Marlln R.
Grannls), 909 ^V. Onondaga St.; office, 402
Court House, Syracuse, N.Y.
Superintendent for placing dependent children; b. Loomis Hill, Feb. 4, 1866; dau. Louis B. Alvord and Hannah (Randall) Alvord; ed. common school and high school at Syracuse, N.Y. ; m. Syracnse, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1885, Marlin R. Grannis; children: George Deming, b. Nov. 28, 18S7; Mary Alvord Grannls, b. Aug. 2, 1892. For 10 years leader of a class of young men called The Good Will Chevaliers at Good Will Congregationalist Church. Mem. Board of Lady Managers of Onondaga Orphans' Home since May, 1889, ap-