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��and missionary societies. Has written essays,

local liistory and for newspapers. Mem. D.A.R.

Mem, Current Topic Club (Owosso), Woman's

Club (Owosso); pres. Mich. State Fed. Women's

Clubs, 1903-04. Congregationalist. Favors woman


GOULD, Mary Hurst (Mrs. Elgin R. L,. Gould),

57 W. B2d St., N.T. City.

Bom Baltimore, Md., July 28, 1868; dau. Lyttleton Bowen and Mary Berry (Hurst) Pur- nell; ed. Mme. Lefebvre's School, Baltimore, Md.; m. Baltimore, Sept. 27, 1887, Elgin R. L. Gould; children: Mary Adelaide (Mrs. Charles Ingram), Lyttleton B. P., Earl C. B., John H. P. Participates in religious and social work of St. Bartholomew's Church, Y.W.C.A., several phil- anthropic societies. Protestant Episcopalian. Hon. vice-pres. Women's Municipal League; mem. League for Political Education, Hygiene Com. of N.Y. State Federation of Women's Clubs, Women's Auxiliary of the Civil Service Reform Ass'n, Nat. Soc. Colonial Daughters of Am. Founders and Patriots, Child Welfare Com. and others. Clubs: Women's Cosmopolitan, Bar- nard. GOULD Y, Jennie Augrusta, 169 Montgomery St.,

Newburgh, N.T.

Born N.y. City; dau. Francis and Jane (Disosway) Gouldy; ed. Miss Mackie's School, Newburgh, N.Y. ; Vassar Coll., B.A. Sup't of grading and instruction in Sunday-school; one of the - arganizers of Ossoli Club (woman's); mem, Vassar Alumnas, Vassar Students' Aid; pres. Newburgh Branch of the Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnse, Women's University Club, Post Parliament (N.Y. City), Rubinstein Club, N.Y. City, Guardian of Camp Fire Girls. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. Consumers' League of N.Y. City, A.A.A.S.; manager Home for Friendless, Newburgh; mem. Executive Com. Women's Foreign Missionary Soc, N.Y. City. GOULSTON, Therese (Mrs. Edward S. Goul-

ston), 25 Gaston St., Roxbury, Mass.

Born Germany, Feb. 3, 1848; dau. Jacob and Amelia (Robinson) Hirshfield; ed. Germany, later Manchester (N.H.) public and private schools and Boston, Mass.; m. Boston, Oct. 13, 1867, Edward S. Goulston; children: Edward S., Herbert E. (deceased), AimSe Therese, Leopold Morse, Ernest Julian. Ex-pres. Council of Jewish Women (Boston Section) ; vice-pres. Sisterhood Temple Israel, Boston; vice-pres. and act. pres. Boston Ruskin Club; charter mem. of Naomi Lodge; active mem. Nat. Education Ass'n; chairman Joint Committee of Mass. for School Patrons Dep't; vice-pres. Central Jewish Organization and chairman of Prisoners' Aid Fund doing active work in prisoners' families for their uplift and permanent self-support; vice- pres. Hebrew Women's Sewing Soc; director Mass. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage Votes for Public School Board. Mem. Municipal League, Consumers' League, Public School Ass'n, School Voters' League, Women's Educational and Industrial Union, City Federation and Jewish Federated Charities. GOUVEBNEUB, Marian (Mrs. Samuel Laurence

Gouverneur), 1636 Rhode Island Av., Wash- ington, D.C.

Born Jamaica, L.I., N.Y. ; dau. Judge James and Mary Ann (Hazard) Campbell; ed. Miss Forbes' School, Madame Chegary; m. Washing- ton., D.C, 1855, Samuel Laurence Gouverneur; children: Maud C, Mrs. William Crawford Jolmson, Mrs. Randall Hoes. Author: As I Re- member. Episcopalian. GOVE, Anna M.. 517 Highland Av., Greensboro,


Physician; b. Whitefield, N.H. ; dau. George S. and Maria P. (Clarke) Gove; ed. public and private schools, Whltefleld, N.H. ; grad. St. Johnsbury (Vt.) Acad.; two years' biology course in Mass. Inst. Technology; grad. Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '92. Engaged in practice of medicine at Greensboro, N.C. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. N.C. Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Soc. of N.Y. City, Woman's Study Club, Woman's Club.

��GOZZALDI, Mary Isabella de (Mrs. Silvio M.

de Gozzaldl), 96 Brattle St., Cambridge,


Born Burlington, N.J., Sept. 19, 1852; dau. Thomas Potts and Isabella (Batchelder) James; ed. private schools in Philadelphia, Pa., and Cambridge, Mass.; m. Feb. 4, 1885, Silvio M. de Gozzaldl of Denno, Tyrol, Austria; children; Isabella Luigia, b. June 24, 1886 (died Aug. 17, 1887); Amy Frances, Richard Silvio, b. June 2, 1890; Alfred James, b. Nov. 3, 1891. Principal literary work has been on local history and writing historic guide to Cambridge. Protestant Episcopal. Republican; voter on school com- mittees. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions, Associate Girls' Friendly Soc; vice- pres. Cambridge Branch Mass. Indian Ass'n; mem. Coancil Associated Charities of Cambridge; charter mem. and mem. of council since founda- tion of the Cambridge Historical Soc Librarian and cataloguer of the Church Library Ass'n (Nat.); mem. (formerly regent) of the Harriet Winthrop Chapter D.A.R. ; active mem. Soc. for Preservation of New England Antiquities; mem. Auxiliary to Civil Service Reform Ass'n. Against woman suffrage.

GRACE, Elizabeth Ross (Mrs. Archibald Hew Grace), Strassburg, Saskatchewan, Can. Born Brucefield, Ontario, Can., June 12, 1875; dau. John and Anna I. (Duncan) Ross; ed. Coligny Coll., Ottawa (finishing school), re- ceiving gold medal for general proficiency and gold medal for music; McGill Univ. (Montreal), B.A. (with honors in philosophy) ; m. Bombay, India, Nov. 9, 1901, Rev. Archibald Hew Grace (died July 3, 1908); children: Nathaniel Hew, Archibald John, Norman Singers. Gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., Ypsilanti, Mich., 1897-98; traveling sec Student Volunteer Movement, 1899; first traveling sec. Canadian Y.W.C.A. for a few months in 1900; taught in Ottawa Ladies' Coll. (history, literature, etc), 1900-01. Deeply con- cerned over treatment of Hindus in this country; has been trying to develop sympathetic relations between those from the East and the Western world by the use of the press and by establish- ment of Sunday-schools for the Hindus; during six and a half years in India was closely in touch with the Hindus, her husband being then College Y.M.C.A. sec. in Allahabad, India. Pres- byterian. Mem. W.C.T.U.

GBAEFF, Virginia E., care Mr. William Clarke Mason, 133 S. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher; dau. John E. and Marie La Fayette (Morrill) Graefi; ed. in American, Canadian and Swiss schools; student at Univ. of Pa. and at Pratt Inst.; also at Oxford and with Prof. Pat- rick Geddes in Edinburgh. Has been supervisor of kindergartens in the Cleveland public schools; director of Dep't of Kindergarten Training in a normal school, lecturer and training teacher In various cities. Favors woman suffrage and has belonged to suffrage ass'ns in the past. Has written on educational lines and for children in educational publications. Journals, and news- papers. Mem. of the Internat. Kindergarten Union. Recreations: Meeting agreeable people, reading, driving, walking.

GBAH.\3I, Augusta Strong (Mrs. John Marion Graham; , The Oaks, Marietta, Ga, Born Atlanta, Ga., June 2, 1866; dau. Judge Cicero Henry and Lucy Harwood (Lockett) Strong; ed. Atlanta, Ga., and Petersburg, Va. ; m. Atlanta, Feb. 28, 1899, John Marion Graham. Active in patriotic, social and civic organiza- tions. Catholic Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Nat. Soc of D.A.R., Daughters of 1812, United Daughters of Confederacy; charter mem. Ladies' Memorial Ass'n of Atlanta. For- merly State regent for Ga. D.A.R.

GBAHAIVI, Elizabeth T. (Mrs. John T. Graham),

Mt. Washington, Md.

Born Baltimore, Md., Oct. 11, 1837; dau. John and Hannah B. (Turner) Turner; ed. in Friends School of Baltimore, Sharon, Pa., and by N. H. Morrison of Baltimore (pres. Girls' Club of Sharon. Pa.); m. Baltimore, 1858, John T. Gra- ham. Founded relief work for Union Army (not professional). Founded Lend a Hand Club of Mt.


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