��active In church, club and philanthropic work; mem. for past nine years of Juvenile Court Visitors; pres. Study Club (philanthropic); mem. Parliamentary Club and of City Fed. Women's Clubs seven years. Favors woman suffrage. United Presbyterian. Officer In the Maccabees. Recreations: Traveling, motoring.
GOBHAM, Kate Toster (Mrs. Richard H. Gor-
bam, Milton, Mass.
Born N.Y. City, Dec. 21, 1860; dau. Andrew and Delia H. (Montgomery) Foster; ed. N.Y. Normal Coll. ; studied at schools of Nat. Acad. of Design and Art Students' League; m. Jamaica Plains, Mass Dec. 8, 1898, Richard H. Gorham; one son: Richard Montgomery, b. Apr. 10, 1900. For seven years was of the faculty of Prang's Normal Art Classes, 1888-95. Pres. Milton Woman's Club (2nd term); pres. of the Ladies' Aid of Infant Hospital, Boston. Author: Ele- mentary Needlework; has contributed articles on artistic and educational subjects to various magazines. Unitarian. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston, Associate Alumnae of N.Y. Normal Soc, Social Service League of Milton, Historical Soc, of Milton, Milton Educational Soc, Milton Branch of Women's Nat. Alliance, Milton Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage.
GOBMAN, Cora Peticolas (Mrs. Walter Gor- man), Forest City, Ark.
Born Richmond, Va. ; dau. Arthur Edward and Virginia (Mlchie) Peticolas; ed. Richmond, Va., and grad. La Grange Coll. for Young Ladies, La Grange, Tenn., A.B.; wrote salutatory in Latin, and delivered It; m. La Grange, Fayette Co., Tenn., Walter Gorman; children: Elsie Braddock, Paris, Arthur, Walter Peticolas, Henry Franklin Pitfield. Interested in religious, civic and charitable organizations. Recreations: Mu- sic, art, literature. Clubs: Cosmopolitan (literary club), Monday Musical. Has written criticisms for newspafiers and other articles.
GOBMAN, Grace Norris (Mrs. Arthur P. Gor- man), Falrview Farm, Howard Co., Md. Born Washington, D.C.; dau. James L. and Annie V. (Robinson) Norrls; ed. Miss Burgess' School, Washington, D.C.; Mrs. Flint's School, Washington, D.C. ; m. Washington, D.C., Nov. 28, 1900, Arthur P. Gorman Jr. Presibyterian. Rec- reations: Gardening, motoring, sewing, walking.
GOBBEXL, EmJIie C, 350 E. State St., Colum- bus, Ohio.
Physician; b. Bellaire, Ohio, 1883; dau. James B. and Mary M. (Morgan) Gorrell; ed. Bellaire public schools, 1889-1900; Columbus High School, 1900-02; Ohio State Univ., A.B. 1902-06; Starling Ohio Medical Coll., M.D. 1905-09 (mem. Delta Delta Delta). Interne at New England Hospital for Women and Children, Boston, Mass., 1911-12. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Columbus Acad, of Medicine, Altrurian Club, College Women's Club.
GOSS, Audrey, 1429 Dearborn Av., Chicago, III. Librarian of John Crerar Med. Library, Chi- cago; b. PJeasanton, Kan., Jan. 20, 1880; dau. David and Susan (Blystone) Goss; grad. Kan. Univ., A.B. '02 (Phi Beta Kappa); George Wash- ington Univ., Washington, D.C, M.D. '11. Held Interneshlp at Woman's Hospital, Philadelphia; for six months was woman physician at State Hospital, St. Peter, Minn.; since then (April, 1912) med. librarian. Chief interest Is In woman suffrage, civic betterment and Improvement of conditions for working women. Mem. Nat. and 111. State Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Woman's City Clnb of Chicago.
GOSS, Helen Louise (Mrs. Francis Webster Goss), The Warren, Roxhury, Mass.; country home. Oak Knoll, Sorrento, Me. Born Boston, Mass. ; dau. James Wyatt and Helen (Pratt) Hobbs; ed. Boston private schools; m. Jan, 1878, Dr. Francis Webster Goss (Har- vard '62); children: Charles Wlllard Young (by Brst marriage); Mrs. Miriam Helen (Goss) Shute (Cal.) by second marriage. Mem. Mayflower Boc, Paul Revere Chapter D.A.R., Boston. BplBcopallan,
��GOSS, Winifred I^ne (Mrs. Charles C. Goss),
10 Lexington St., Dover, N.H.
Born Pittsfield, N.H., Apr. 30, 1875; dau. Charles H. and A. Lorena (Perkins) Lane; ed. Pittsfield schools, Kimball Union Acad., grad. '94; m. Pittsfield, N.H., June 26, 1895, Col. (5harles Carpenter Goss; one son: Charles Lane. Former State Vice-Regent Nat. Soc. D.A.R., now State Regent (elected April 14, 1913). Mem. N.H. Forestry Ass'n, N.H. Soc. of Colonial Dames, D.A.R. Clubs: Middlebrook Golf Club, Tuesday A.M. (literary club), Mizpah Club (charity). Children's Home Ass'n (charity), numerous missionary societies. Congregationalist.
GOTTHOLD, Florence Wolf (Mrs. Frederick Gotthold), 165 W. 58th St., N.Y. City (summer, Cos Cob, Conn.).
Artist; b. in Ohio, 1858; dau. Simon and Caro- line (Hahn) Wolf; ed. Washington, D.C; m. Washington, 1878, Frederick Gotthold; one son: Arthur Frederick, b. 1879. Studied painting in N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. The Greenwich Soc. of Artists. Clubs: Barnard, MacDowell, Pen and Brush.
GOULD, Alice Bache, 535 Beacon St., Boston,
Historical writer, archasologlst; b. Boston; ed. In Miss Ireland's School, Boston; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '89; student Mass. Inst, of Tech- nology, 18S9-90; Newnham Coll., Univ. of Cam- bridge, England, 1890-93; honorary fellow in mathematics, 1895-96, and graduate student in Univ. of Chicago, 1896-97. Actively Identified with historical and archaeological research. Ac- tive in numerous philanthropic Interests. Au- thor: Louis Agassiz (Beacon Biographies), 1900.
GOULD, Annie Westbrook (Mrs. Charles Judson Gould), 150 W. Fifty-ninth St., N.Y. City; and "SuncllfC," Tarrytown.
Bom N.Y. City, Dec. 29, 1844; dau. Frederick Edward and Catherine Eliza (Jackson) West- brook; ed. Mrs. O'Kill's School, 1856-58, and Spingler Inst., 1858-61, N.Y. City; Rockland Fe- male Inst., 1861-63; m. N.Y. City, December 15, 1869, Charles Judson Gould; children: Eleanor Francis, Rosalie, Carl Frellnghuysen, Edith Laura, Ethel, Muriel, Aubrey Van Wyck. Favors woman suffrage. Pres. Tarrytown Equal Suf- frage Ass'n. Protestant Episcopal. Progressive in politics. Mem. Tarrytown Civic League, N.Y. Woman's Municipal League, League for Political Education. Recreations: European travel, con- certs, lectures, reading, politics, history, gar- dening. Mem. Ardsley, Sleepy Hollow, Barnard, and Nat. Arts clubs.
GOULD, Elizabeth Lincoln, care Youth's Com- panion, Boston, Mass.
Writer; b. Boston; dau. Charles Duren and Sarah Bell (Wheeler) Gould; ed. Boston public and private schools. Author: Felicia books (4); The Admiral's Granddaughter (series), and other books for children; Book of Songs for Tom, Dick, Bob and Peggy (with Benjamin Whelpley and Josephine Bruce); Grandma; also contribu- tor of verse and short stories to various juvenile magazines. Episcopalian. On staff of Youth's Companion.
GOULD, Grace Margaret, care Crowell Publish- ing Co., 381 Fourth Av., N.Y. City. Writer, fashion editor Woman's Home Com- panion; b. Albany, N."?. ; dau. William and Sarah R. (Bender) (3ould; ed. Albany Acad, for Girls. Author: The Magic of Dress, 1911. Mem. Pen and Brush Club. Congregationalist. Against woman suffrage. GOULD, Helen Miller — see Shepard, Helen
Miller Gould. GOULD, Marlon Josephine White (Mrs. Lucius E. Gould), Owosso, Mich.
Teacher; b. Hardwick, Mass., Sept. 23, 1845; dau. Noah Webster and Annie (Lawrence) White; ed. public schools of Mass., high schools, Quaboag Sem., Warren, Mass.; m. Adrian, Mich., Oct. 20, 1875, Lucius E. Gould; children: Law- rence E., Irene Josephine. Teacher in Mass. and Mich., principal for 20 years School of Oakald. Owosso, Mich. Interested in various church organizations, and a worker in Sunday-school