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lisii, high school, Hudson, Mass. Bx-mem. in education, with special reference to Tolunteer

School Com., ex-trustee Public Library, ex- service in the Interests of the public schools.

Bup't Unitarian Sunday-school Primary Dep't. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman Suf-

Dnitarian. Favors woman suffrage. frage Party. Mem. Nat. Soc. for the Promotion

GLEASON, llattle May (Mrs. "William Martin ot Industrial Education, Am. Ass'n for L«abor

Gleason), 1119 W. Augusta St., Spokane, Lesislation, Public EMucatlon Ass'n, N.Y. City;

•Ws.sh. Woman's Auxiliary ot Nat. Civic Fed., Women's

Bom Pontlac lU., Feb. 24, 1873; dau. John and Municipal League, Boston, Mass.; Twentieth

Cynthia (Lanscoy) Corkins; ed. Ames (la.) High Century Club, Buffalo; Nat Arts Club, N.Y.

School; m. Huntington, Ore., July 17, 1895, City.

William Martin Gleason. Against woman suf- GLENTWOBTH, Margraerite tlnton, 70 W. 11th

frage. Protestant. Republican. Mem. Past St., N.Y. City.

Worthy Matrons of Order of Eastern Star, The Author; b. Jan. 18, 1882; dau. James Linton

Dalles; past G.N. of Woodman of the World, and Carolyn E. Glentworth; ed. by private in-

Portland, Ore. Recreations: Swimming, riding, structors. Achieved first success as a writer at

tennis, ball, bowling, dancing. Pres. Ladies' age of 12 years. Author: A Twentieth Century

Needlework Club, 1909-12 (Spokane, Wash.), Boy, The Dead Bard, and other poems; The

Woman's Club, Spokane Amateur Athletic Club. Ten Commandments, Small Boy Sketches. Mem.

GLEASON, Katherlne Florence, 456 S. Second Colony Club, N.Y. Mozart Soc, N.Y. Womaa's

St., San Jos6, Cal. Press Club, Playgoers. Episcopalian.

Born Natick, Mass., Dec. 23, 1868; dau. Charles GLORIEtJX, EmUie Iconise, Court House, Min-

Willard and Jane Grey (Story) Gleason; ed. neapoUs, Minn.

public schools of Natick, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., Police woman of Minneapolis, Minn.; b. Bos-

B.A. ; Univ. of Cal., A.M. (mem. Phi Sigma), ton, Mass., June 15, 1878; dau. Henry and Rachel

Tutor In chemistry, Wellesley Coll.; teacher of (Sanford) Glorieux; grrad. of Newark (N.J.) High

English and Latin in high schools of Redlands School, '96. Methodist. When it was decided to

and Campbell, Cal., and in the Washburne Stan- add women to the police force of Minneapolis,

ford Preparatory School; teacher of history of she was elected to its membership and Is

music, King Conser\'atory of Music, Saxi Jose, assigned to work in connection with cases In-

Cal. Mem. College Settlement Ass'n, Nat Child volvlng women.

Labor Com., Good Cheer Club. Against woman GLOVER, Clara Capitola (Mrs. A. Glover), Rifle,

suffrage. Congregationalist. Democrat. Recrea- Colo.

tlon: Music. Born Jefferson, Ashtabula Co., O.; dau. Ed-

GLEA80N, NeUle Miles (Mrs. R. P. Gleason), ward and Laura (Herren) Brown; ed. Jefferson,

Scranton, Pa. O.; m. Oct. 6, 1S95, A. Glover. Was the first

Bom Brookfleld, Mass.; dau. Dr. James T. teacher in Hess Co., Kan. Sec. of Rebekah

and Ellen (Miles) Rood; ed. in schools of Wor- Lodge, No. 46, I.O.O.F. Clubs: Pres. Tri-

cester, Mass.; grad. high school, '81; m. Wor- County Federation of Women's Clubs; pres.

cester, Mass., July 7, 1890, Ronald P. Gleason. Rifle Reading Club. Methodist Favors woman

Interested In club work — especially in their suffrage. Democrat.

civic and philanthropic activitira. Mem. Coll. glOVEB, Jane Beale, 4063 Westminster Place,

Club and Century Club, Scranton. Unitarian. gt. j^ouis, Mo.

GLEAVES, Evelina Heap (Mrs. Albert Gleaves), Born Columbus, 0.; dau. Henry and Susan D.

Navy Yard. Brooklyn, N.Y. (Flintham) Glover; ed. St. Louis, in Mrs.

Bom Louisville, Ky., Apr. 25, 1863; dau. David Byrne's School. Interested in the Home of the

Porter and Elizabeth (Bowyer) Heap; ed. Con- Friendless and Mission Free School, Church of

vent of the Visitation, Georgetown, D.C. ; m. the Messiah; manager in both institutions.

Washington, D.C, June 12, 18S9, Lieut. Albert Unitarian. Republican. Mem. (Jolonial Gov-

Gleaves, U.S.N, (now captain); children: Anne ernors. Colonial Dames, the Colonial Daughters

Heap, EJvelina Porter. Episcopalian. of the Seventeenth Century, Laclede Chapter

GLEICK, Esther (Mrs. Henry A. Gleick), 340 ^■\^-' ^^- ^^^^ Woman's aub, the Wednesday

Elm Av., Webster Groves, St. Louis Co., Mo. Club.

Bom Cincinnati, O., Nov. 14, 1869; dau. Jo- GLUCKSMANN, Olga Neyman (Mrs. Carl

seph Oppenhelmer and wife (nee Gallinger); ed. Glucksmann), 14 E. 45th St., N.Y. City.

Cincinnati, Hughes High School, with highest Born Janesville, Wis., July 19, 1860; dau.

honors — gold medal and Alumn® gold (Latin) Emil H. and Clara (Low) Neyman; prepared

medal; m. Cincinnati, Oct. 12, 1892, Henry A. for Cornell Univ. partly in Switzerland (Zurich),

Gleick; children: Harry S., Joseph T., Caroline, at the Trier Inst, in Carlsruhe, Germany, and

Mem. Study Club, The Pioneers of St Louis, at Miss Anna Brackett's private school in N.Y.

Mo. Jewess. Favors woman suffrage. City; B.Litt. Cornell Univ., '81; D.D.S. from

GLENN, Helen MUler, University Hospital, Pa. Coll. of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia, '86;

Philadelphia, Pa. m. N.Y. City, Oct 24, 1893, Carl Glucksmann;

Born Franklin, Pa., Mar. 17, 1886; dau. Robert ojie daughter: Vanessa Practised denUsto'

and Harriet (THiller) Glenn; ed. Franklin High ^^^'^^v Mem. Gamma Alumnse Chapter, N.Y

School; Vassar Coll., A.B. '07; mem. Phi Beta pity. Kappa Alpha Theta soronty; sec. and

Kappa. Two years teacher Girls' House of tr^as. of the Realty Co. of the Women's Uniy.

Refuge, Philadelphia; four years In social serv- Club of N.Y. City Unitarian Mem. First Dist

lee dVt, Univ. of Pa. Hospital, Philadelphia, ^f^^al Soc. of N.Y. City 1887-93 Mem. Cornel

Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Women s Club (N.Y City); Cornel Alumni

Ass'n; Cornell Women s Graduate Ass n (Ithaca,

GLENN laary WiUcox (Mrs. John M. Glenn), N.Y.).

1S6 E3. Nineteenth St, N.Y. City. GNADE, Maude Fleming (Mrs. Edward Richard

Social service; b. Baltimore, Dec. 14, 1869; dau. Gnade), 128 Wyllls St. Oil City Pa.

J. WUlcox Brown and Turner (Macfarland) Bom Fairview, Pa., Aug. 10, 1879; dau. William

Brown; ed. private school, Baltimore; m. Baltl- and Ophelia Jane (Ray) Fleming- ed Oil City

more, 1902, John M. Glenn. Teacher private public school. Dr. Samuel Earp's private school,

schools; sec. Henry Watson Children s Aid Soc, oil City, and Wellesley Coll. B A. '02- m Oil

Baltimore; sec. Charity Organization Soc, Balti- city, Nov. 23, 1904, Edward Richard Gnade

more. Mem. N.Y. Charity Organization Soc, (Stevens '97); children: Margaret Fleming, Rlch-

N.Y. Church Mission of Help, Nat. Relief Board ard Edward. Presbyterian. Mem. Twentieth

Am. Red Cross. Author: Development of Thrift Century Club, Wyllls St Club

Episcopalian. Mem. Cosmopolitan Club (N.Y. GODD.4RD, Abby Rogers (Mrs. Alpheua John

City). Goddard). Freeport, HI.

GLENNY, Charlotte MiUer (Mrs. Bryant B. Born Sycamore, 111.; dau. John Henry and

Glenny), 253 Main St.. Buffalo, N.Y. Katherlne (Harris) Rogers; ed. public school

Bom Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 27, 1864; dau. William and tutors, Mary A. Burnham School, Northamp-

F. and Julia (Stedman) Miller; ed. Buffalo Sem. ; ton, Mass.; Smith Coll., B.L. ; vocal music study

m. Dec. 29, 1885, Bryant B. Glenny; children: in college, Chicago and N.Y. City; m. Alpheus

Bryant B. Glenny Jr., Anna Glenny. Interested John Goddard; children: Katherlne, John. Fa-


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