��Emery; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '98; m. July 6. 1904 Claude W. Gllson ; two children (deceased). Teacher at Wellesley, 1899-1904. Director Gen. Con. Unitarian Churches; prea. N.Y League of Unitarian Women, 1911-12; direc- tor Nat. Alliance of Unitarian Women, N.J. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1910-11; Mass. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1912-13. Favors woman suffrage. Unitar- ian. Mem. Wellesley Hills Woman's Club, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Boston Wellesley Coll. GILTNER, Leigh Gordon, Eminence, Ky.
Author; b. Eminence, Ky. ; dau. William S. Glltner (pres. Eminence Coll.) and Elizabeth (Rains) Giltner; grad. Eminence Coll., B.A., A.M.; grad. study at Chicago Univ., Chicago Musical Coll., Anna Morgan School of Dramatic Art; pupil of Signer Augusto Fuseo and of Douglas Powell, baritone at Cincinnati Coll. of Music, in voice; has cultivated mezzo-soprano voice and Is capable of accompanist. Has been a writer 12 years, beginning as a writer of poetry. Interested chiefly in music, voice work, musical study. Author: The Path of Dreams (volume of verse) and has contributed stories and poems to the Century, Harper's Weekly, Munsey's, Ainslee's, Collier's Weekly, Red Book, The Reader, etc. Has now In construction a novel and play.
GIST, Annie Reavis (Mrs. T. J. Gist), Falls City, Neb.
Born Falls City, Neb., 1865; dau. Isham and Annie (Dorrington) Reavis; ed. Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 111.— first honors in classical course and music (PI Beta Phi); m. Falls City, Neb., 1888, Thomas J. Gist; children: Reavis, Frank, Annie Margaret, Elisebeth. Pres. Neb. State Federation of Women's Clubs; mem. D.A.R., Order of Eastern Star. Writes magazine articles in club magazines and American Mother- hood. Clubs: Sorosls. Woman's Club, Shakes- peare (Falls City, Neb.). Recreation: Traveling. Methodist.
GITTEBMAN, Alice Elsberg Sterne (Mrs. John M. Gltterman), 116 C St., N.E., Washington, D.C., and 40 W. 59th St., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City; dau. Hon. Simon and Mrs. Mathilde (Elsberg) Sterne; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. ; Columbia, A.M.; Washington Coll. of I^aw, LL.B.; graduate scholar Yale Divinity School; student of English, British Museum, London; of pedagogics. College of Preceptors, London; sociology, economics, pedagogics, Columbia; stu- dent Washington Coll. of Law; m. John Milton Gitterman, A.M., LL.B., Ph.D. Prof. Anglo- Saxon and English literature, Woman's Coll., London; magazine writer and lecturer. Pres. Public Education Ass'n of Washington. Active worker for cause of popular education; secured first appropriation from Congress for free lec- tures to the people, for the benefit of the work- ing classes in Dist. of Columbia, and became chairman of the Volunteer Com. appointed by Dist. Board of Education, to arrange the first two lecture series. Former mem. Library Com., N.Y. Free Circulating Library, one of incorpora- tors City History Club of N.Y. Aided in secur- ing from Congress first compulsory education law for District of Columbia and first Juvenile court and first law regulating employment agen- cies in city of Washington. Author: Ethnological Study of the Dyaks of Borneo; ass't editor for American and British subjects of the Interna- tionale Bibliograhpie der Rechtswissenschaft. Editor of Students' Questionary Series of Law Quizzes. Mem. N.Y. State Charities Aid Ass'n; League for Political Education (chairman for 13th Senatorial Dist., N.Y. City). Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, College Woman's Suffrage League, Lyceum Club (England), and Ass'n of American Women in London.
GIVEN, Helen Dennis (Mrs. Emery Wlnfleld Given), B30 Ridge St., Newark, N.J. Born Newark, N.J., 1874; dau. Laban Dennis, M.D., and Emily L. (Poor) Dennis; grad. Wel- lesley Coll., B.A. '95; Cornell Univ. Med. Coll., M.D., 1900 (mem. Zeta Alpha- Wellesley) ; m. Newark, N.J., 1907, Emery Winfield Given, Ph.D.; one daughter: Winifred. Two years physician to Newark Orphan Asylum; one yc^r chief of Children's Clinic Northwestern Dis-
��pensary, N.Y. City. Activities outside of home are chiefly in the missionary dep't of church work, being pres. of the Woman's Missionary Soc., also in philanthropic agencies for the social uplift of the poor and many foreign immi- grants. Presbyterian. Mem. Forest Hill Literary Soc. Recreations: Mountain climbing, tennis, motor-boating, walking; in winter concert or opera.
GLADDEN, Alice, 631 East Tower St., Colum- bus, Ohio.
School principal; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Rev. Washington and Jennie (Cahoon) Gladden; grad. Smith Coll., '84. Teacher of Latin and mathe- matics, Smead School, Toledo, Ohio, 1884-85; history and English, Columbus High School, 1886-99; Columbus University School, 1899-1903; since 1903 principal of Columbus School for Girls. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. GLASEB, Lulu, Mt. Vernon, N.Y.
Actress; b. Allegheny City, Pa.; dau. Louis A. and Carrie (Auerbacher) G-laser; ed. Allegheny City. Began dramatic career with the Francis Wilson Opera Co., with which was first con- nected as understudy for Marie Jansen and later as leading comedienne. Since 1900 has starred in Dolly Varden, Madcap Princess, Dolly Dollars, Mile. Mischief, The Girl and the Kaiser, Miss Dudelsack, Lola from Berlin. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: All out-door sports. GLASGOW, Ellen Anderson Gholson, Richmond, Va.
Born Richmond, Va. ; educated at home. Au- thor: The Descendant, 1897; Phases of an Inferior Planet, 1898; The Voice of the People, 1900; The Freeman and Other Poems, 1902; The Battle- ground, 1902; The Deliverance, 1904; The Wheel of Life, 1906; The Ancient Law, 1908; The Romance of a Plain Man, 1909; The Miller of Old Church, 1911; Virginia, 1913. Mem. Soc. of Col- onial Dames, Nat. Inst, of Social Sciences. Clubs: Cosmopolitan (N.Y. City), MacDowell (N.Y. City). Approves of suffrage for women. GLASGOW, Fannie Englesing (Mrs. William Carr Glasgow), Washington Hotel, St. Louis, Mo.
Born Port Gibson, Miss.; dau. Francis Clement and Eleanore (De Luce) Englesing; ed. Sacred Heart Convent, Louisiana and New Orleans, La.; m. Port Gibson, Miss., Nov. 21, 1874, William Carr Glasgow, M.D., of St. Louis, Mo.; children: William Ross, Carr Lane, Clement Englesing, Francis Irving, Eleanor Englesing. Presby- terian. Mem. St. Louis Woman's Club. GLASNEB, Maude Wilcox (Mrs. H. C. Glasner), Nashville, Mich.
Born Bellevue, Mich., Dec. 19, 1876; dau. Frank P. and Olive M. (Hall) Wilcox; ed. pub- lic schools of Barry Co.; m. Hastings, Mich., June 22, 1898, Henry C. Glasner; children: Marion (deceased) Lillian May, Helen Grace. Taught school 6 years before marriage. Inter- ested in eugenics — speaks on that and legisla- tive topics before various organizations. Writes correspondence for daily papers with widely scattered sketches, humorous poems, and special articles. Wrote and staged a play— Votes for Men: A Comedy — which Is being widely sold. Mem. Nashville Woman's Literary Club; mem. Legislative Cora., Mich. State Federation of Clubs. Recreations: Club work, writing, speak- ing, walking. Methodist. Favors woman suf- frage (sec. of Barry Co. organization and speak- er for suffrage meetings). (JLASPELL, Su8an, Davenport, la.
Writer; b. Davenport, la., July 1. 1882; dau. Elmer and Alice (Keating) Glaspell; grad. Drake Univ., Ph.B. Author: The Glory of the Con- quered; The Visioning; Lifted Masks. Formerly in newspaper work; now contributor to various magazines. Socialist. Favors woman suffrage. GLEASON, Clara Bi-lle, 59 Washington St., Hud- son, Mass.
High school teacher: b. Hudson, Mass., Oct. 13, 1859; dau. Alden Bradford and Mary Hollis (Carter) Gleason; ed. public schools, Hudson, Mass.; Smith Coll., 1879-S3; A.B. '83 (Alpha). Principal and half owner of Belvedere Private School, Hudson, Mass; taught French and Eng-