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��GJXMAN, Elisabeth, 513 Park Av., Baltimore,


Social worker; b. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 25, 1867; dau. Daniel Coit and Mary (Ketcham) Giiman; ed. by governess and at Miss Comegys' Sciiool, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Protestant Episcopalian. Interested in various societies and philanthropies of Baltimore. Manager of Feder- ated Charities and of St. Paul's Guild House Ass'n. .

GII.MAN, Florence, 33 Elm St., Northampton, Mass,

Physician; b. Meredith, N.H., 1878; dau. George E. and Edna (Ela) Giiman; grad. Tufts Co!!. Med. Schcwl, M.D. '02 (mem. Zeta Phi); clinical work at Boston Dispensary, 1903; in- terne at New England Hospital for Women and Children, 1904; assist, physician at Vassar Coll., 1907-09; college physician at Smith Coll., 1909-12; made head of Dep't of Hygiene and Physical Education, as well as college physician at Smith Coll., 1913. Engaged in study of physical education at Wellesley Coll., 1912-13. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Mass. Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n.

GILJI^VN, Margaret, 300 Angell St., Providence, R.I.

Headmistress; b. Lee, Mass., May 22, 1866; dau. Arthur and Amy Cook (Ball) Giiman; grad. Bradford (Mass.) Acad., '85; student at Radcliffe Coll., 1885-87; studied at Oxford, Eng., '95, and at Harvard Summer School, 1897-1903, specializing in mathematics and Latin. Taught in Boston in private school for boys, 1886-87; in 1888 became teacher in Miss Bucklin's School for Girls, which she bought in 1889, changing name to The Lincoln School, sold same in 1911 and spent 1911-12 in California; now headmistress of Whitman Hall, Radcliffe Coll., Cambridge, Mass. GILMAN, Margaret May Rose (Mrs. Charles Wyman Giiman), Mt. Pleasant, Maury Co., Tenn.

Born Rutland, Vt., May 6, 1873; dau. Thomas and Elizabeth (Forbes) Ross; received education at private schools and public schools in Rut- land; m. Rutland, Vt., Oct. 15, 1901, Charles Wyman Giiman. Interested in civic work, musi- cal and literary societies and maintenance, with others, of a public library in Mt. Pleasant. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Rec- reations: Motoring, bridge, driving, singing. Mem. Book Lovers' Club (vice-pres). Music Club.

GILMAN, Mary Rebecca Foster (Mrs. Bradley Giiman), Canton, Mass., and Hotel Hemen- way, Boston, Mass.

Writer; b. Worcester, Mass., 1859; dau. Hon. Dwight and Henrietta (Baldwin) Foster; ed. Boston schools and in Switzerland; m. Boston, Mass., 1886, Rev. Bradley Giiman; one daugh- ter: Dorothy Foster Giiman, b. 1891 (grad. Rad- cliffe Coll., '12). Director of Boston District Kitchen, and active in philanthropic work; on Fiction Com. of Boston Public Library. Mem. Women's Municipal League, Civil Service Re- form Soc. Author: Wit and Wisdom of George Meredith; Biography of St. Theresa (Famous Women Series). Translated from the French, 1911, under the title of Love Versus Law, Colette Yoer's Les Dames du Palais; was contributor to many papers and magazines. Edited: The Quest of Happiness (posthumous work of Philip Gilbert Hamerton), and Mrs. Fawcett's Life of Queen Victoria. Unitarian. Progressive Re- publican. Mem. Mass. Colonial Dames (dele- gate to Peace Congress in Munich, 1908), Deutsche Gesellschaft, Cercle Frangaise. Recre- ation: Travel.

GILMAN, Stella Scott (Mrs. Arthur Oilman), Cambridge, Mass.

Author; b. Tuscaloosa, Ala., Apr. 9, 1844; dau. David and Stella (Houghton) Scott; grad. Ingham Univ., Le Roy, N.Y.; m. Cambridge, Mass., 1876, Arthur Giiman (died Dec. 28, 1909); children: Dorothea, Alice, Arthur. With husband was originator of the Soc. for Coll. instruction of Women, which they developed into what was called Harvard Annex, and finally became Rad- cliffe Coll., of which her husband was regent and

��herself a member of the corporation and chair- man of its Students' Committee. Actively inter- ested in trying to prevent suffrage tor women. Author: A Mother's Record; Mothers in Council (pen-name "Mrs. Marion Vaughn"). Episco- palian.

GILMAN, Wilma Anderson (Mrs. Charles L.

Giiman), 4326 Drew Av., Minneapolis, Minn.

Concert pianist; b. Winnishiek Co., la., July, 1883; dau. A. E. and Lavina (Nickols) Anderson; ed. Minneapolis and 4 years in Brussels, Bel- gium; 2 years private schooling; m. Minneapo- lis, Minn., 1907, Charles L. Giiman. Has ap- peared in concerts through 34 States, made debut in Brussels, appeared with Minneapolis Symphony orchestra. Actively Interested in phil- anthropic music of city. Presbyterian. Mem. of Minn. State Music Teachers Ass'n. Mem. four years of Exec. Board of Minn. Thursday Musical, now numbering 1,050; chairman music Minn. State Federation of Women's Clubs. Recrea- tion: Has home in wildest Minn, woods, spends summers cruising by canoe, hunting in fall; ranked expert shot. Favors woman suffrage.

GILMER, Elizabeth Meriwether (Mrs. George O. Gilmer), N.Y. Journal, N.Y. City. Journalist; b. Montgomery Co., Tenn.; dau. William Douglas and Maria (Winston) Meri- wetherr ed. Clarksville Female Acad., Tenn.; HoUins Inst., Va. ; m. George O. Gilmer. Began newspaper work on Picayune, New Orleans, La., May 10, 1896. joined staff of N.Y. Journal, Apr. 6, 1901, and still mem. Journal staff. Mem. Era Club, New Orleans; the Am. Nat. Suffrage Ass'n, Equal Franchise League, Woman Politi- cal Union, N.Y. Writes under pen name "Dor- othy Dix," newspaper work and magazine ar- ticles. Mem. Dixie Club, Club of Ky. Women.

GILMOBE, Evelyn Langdon, 2 Vine St., Gardi- ner, Me.

Librarian of Lewlston Public Library, Lewis- ton, Maine; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Langdon and Harriet Ellen (Blanchard) Gilmore; ed. Classical school, Hallowell, Me., 1875-79; Smith Coll., 1879-83; B.A., '83; library course at State Library, Augusta, Me., 1896-97. Author: History of Christ Church, Gardiner, Maine; Poems. Epis- copalian. Mem. Coll. Alumnse Ass'n, Nat. Geog. Soc. Recreations: Walking, riding, reading.

GILMORE, Marion Wilcox (Mrs. John Monroe Gilmore), 54 Gates Av., Montclair, N.J. Born Medford, Mass., April 22, 1869; dau. Dan- iel Wilmarth and Martha A. (Chapin) Wilcox; ed. public school, Medford, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., B.S. '93 (mem. Zeta Alpha); m. Medford, Mass., Mar. 15, 1900, John Monroe Gilmore; one son: 'Thomas Monroe (deceased). Sup't primary dep't of Sunday-school of First Congregational Church. Favors woman suffrage. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Consumers' League of New Jersey, Montclair (N.J.) Colony of Nat. Soc. of New England Women; mem. Women's University Club of N.Y. City, Wednesday Morning Club of Pittsfield, Mass. Hon. mem. Business Women's Club of Pittsfleld, Mass.; N.Y. City Wellesley Club.

GILSON, Mary Barnett, 105 Crafton Av., Graf- ton, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Service sup't. The Clothcraft Shop, Cleveland, Ohio; b. Uniontown, Pa., Sept. 10, 1877; dau. Samuel S. Gilson, D.D., and Agnes (Pollock) Gilson; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '99 (mem. Shakespeare Soc). Engaged in library work, Pittsburgh Carnegie Library, 1900-10; normal student in Union School of Salesmanship, Boston, 1910-11; vocational assistant in Boston Trade School for Girls, 1911-12; instructor in Boston Continuation School, 1913. Mem. Wellesley Coll. Graduate Council. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Women's Progressive Party of Mass. Presbyterian. Mem. College Club of Boston, Pittsburgh Wellesley Club, Business Women's Club of Boston.

GILSON, Sara Sumner Emery (Mrs. Claude W.

Gilson), 17 Crotou St., Wellesley Hills. Mass.

Lecturer; b. St. John, New Brunswick, Nov. 14. 1876; dau. William and Leila, S. (Comatock)


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