��tiTLIy, Dorothea Ambos (Mra. Klnnode F. Gill), 2178 Harcourt Drive, Ambler Heights, Cleve- land, O.
Born CoJumbus, O., 1871; dau. Harmon F. and Amelia (Heckman) Ambos; ed. Miss Phelps' Eng- lish and ClassicaJ School for Girls, class of '90; m. Aug. 21, 1894, Kirmode F. Gill; children: Amelia Louise, John Kirmode, William Ambos. Mem. Friday Literary Club. Christian Scientist. Flavors woman suffrage.
GILL, Ella Elizabeth Eaton (Mrs. Adam Capen GUI), Cornell Heights, Ithaca. N.Y. Born Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '80; student of chemistry and physics. Smith, 1882-83, M.A. '83; m. Ware, Mass., Oct. 2, 1896, Adam Capen Gill (prof, mineralogy and petrog- raphy, Cornell Univ.). Teacher Prospect Hill School, Greenfield, Mass., 1880-81; ass't In chem- istry and physics. Smith Coll., 1881-90. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.
GH^L, Georg:lne Belangrer (Mme. Charles GUI), pseudonym, "Gaetane de MontreuU," 42 Cham- bord St., Montreal, Can.
Writer; b. Quebec, Can.; dau. Ambroise and Berenice (de MontreuU) Belinger; (descendant, through mother, of the Marquis de Montreuil, commander with Montcalm on the Abraham Fields in Quebec, 1759); m. May 12, 1901, Charles Gill, artist, painter, writer; one son: Roger. For five years active journalist; was the first chron- Iqueuse of La Prasse, Montreal; correspondent of many French papers in Europe and else- where. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Fleur des Ondea (historical story) ; Fleur des Ondes (drama). Roman Catholic. Pres. Le Cercle Lit- teraire Feminin, founded In Montreal, 1909. GILL, Laura Drake, Sewanee, Tenn.
Teacher; b. Chesterville, Me., Aug. 24, 1860; dau. Elisha and Hulda (Capen) Gill; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '81; A.M. '85; D.C.L. Univ. of the South. Teacher of mathematics. Miss Capen'a School, Northampton, Mass., 1881-98; dean of Barnard Coll., 1901-08; pres. Coll. for Women, Sewanee, Tenn., 1912- . Mem. A.A.A.S., Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae (ex-pres.), Nat. Educational Ass'n (former pres. Dep't of Women's Organizations); Tenn. Acad, of Science, Soc. for Promotion of Industrial Education, Women's Univ. Club of N.Y., College Club of Boston. Mem. and former chairman Advisory Com. on Education of Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs; mem. Nat. Red Cross Soc, Am. Civic Ass'n, Nat. Municipal League.
GILLAND, Nell Crawford ninn (Mrs. Louis W.
Gilland). Kingstree, S.C.
Born New Orleans, La., Jan. 1, 1885; dau. J. William Flinn (D.D.) and Jane Adger (Smyth) Flinn; grad. Univ. of S.C, '05; received certi- ficate In elocution from Coll. for Women, Co- lumbia, S.C, 1902; m. Columbia, S.C, Apr. 18, 1906, Louis W. Gilland, of Kingstree. S.C; chil- dren: Jane Smyth, b. 1907; William Flinn, b. 1909. Field mem. for S.C. of Endowment Fund Com. of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1912; mem. and former pres. Kingstree Civic League. Mem. Daughters of the Confed- eracy (Kingstree, S.C, Chapter), Missionary Soc. of Williamsburg Presbyterian Church. Recreations: Working with flowers, vocal music. Though born In New Orleans, moved to Colum- bia, S.C, when three years of age; father was chaplain and prof, philosophy In Univ. of S.C. for many years before his death; spent life up to marriage in Columbia and made specialty of singing. GItLESPIE, Cora Haltom (Mrs. Thomas E.
Gillespie), Pine BlufT, Ark.
Born in Arkansas; dau. Major Woolfork and Bettie (White) Haltom; ed. public schools of Hot Springs, Ark., with special work at Galloway Coll., Ark.; Chautauqua, N.Y., and Boulder, Colo; m. Camden, Ark., Oct. 1, 1904, Thomas B. Gillespie; children: Floyd Haltom, Thomas E. Jr., Eldred Gallagher. Deeply Interested In the uplift of humanity In general. Active In Y.M.C.A., Sunday-school and charity work and clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary to Y.M.C.A., Hospital and Benevoleat Ass'n, W.C.T.U., Sunday-school.
��Ex-pres. and active mem. Sesame CHub; also mem. City Beautiful Club.
GILLESPIE, Laura Anna Milam (Mrs. Bryant Welsh Gillespie), 2546 College Av., Indianapo- lis, Ind.
Born Ellettsville, Ind., Feb. 16, 1861; dau. Francis Marrion and Sussanah (McNeely) Mi- lam; ed. in Ellettsville schools; m. Ellettsville, Ind., Oct. 20, 1884, Bryant Welsh Gillespie; chil- dren: Boyd Milam, Bryant Welsh, Jr. Mem. of Gen. Com. of Charity Organization of Indianap- olis. Methodist. Active in all socs. of Roberts Park Methodist Episcopal Church, as pres., vice- pres., rec. sec. and director of Young People's Soc. ; teacher In Sunday-school for years. Pree. Thursday Afternoon Club, of Indianapolis, for 9 years. Mem. Sorosis Club. The Thursday Afternoon Club was organized 15 years ago In her home, and for the 9 years of her presi- dency club has studied Shakespeare. Favors woman suffrage.
GIJ.LESPIE, Lillian Stokes (Mrs. Robert Mac- Master Gillespie), 8 W. Fifty-third St., N.Y. City, and Forest Lodge, Stamford, Conn. Bom N.Y. City; dau. Thomas and Elizabeth (Cositt) Stokes; granddaughter of James Stokes and Frederic Cositt; Grandmother Stokes was daughter of Anson G. Stokes, founder of An- sonia. Conn. ; ed. mostly at Paris or the Conti- nent by governesses, then two years in U.S. by governesses and one year at Brearley School; m. 1897, Robert MacMaster Gillespie, son of Major George L. Gillespie, U.S.A. Interested In col- lecting books and works of art. Presbyterian. Recreations: Riding, driving, outdoor life, travel- ing principally. Thinks women with property and education should be allowed to vote. GILLETTE, Gertrude Sanford (Mrs. J. Frederic Gillette), 222 E. 17th St., N.Y. City. Born Auburn, N.Y., 1869; dau. William E. and Elizabeth (Hacker) Sanford; ed. Buffalo State Normal; m. 1899, Dr. J. Frederic Gillette; one son: Frederic Sanford Gillette. Mem. Women's Municipal League (Kips Bay Branch), Gramercy Neighborhood Ass'n. Leader for 12th Assembly Dist. of Woman Suffrage Party. GILLETTE, Grace Fidelia (Mrs. John W^estfield Gillette), 601 Union St., Hudson, N.Y. Born Williamsburg, Mass., Nov. 20, 1865; dau. Lyman Dwight and Helen (Field) James; grad. Mary A. Burnham School, Northampton, Mass., and Smith Coll.; m. Oct. 31, 1888, John W. Gillette; children: Helen Field, b. Dec. 19, 1889; John Westfleld, b. Aug. 26, 1892. Trustee Hud- son City Hospital. Mem. Board of Education of Hudson.
GILLMORE, Inez Haynes (Mrs. Rufua Hamilton GlUmore), Scituate, Mass.
Author: b. Rio Janeiro, Brazil, Mar. 2, 1873; dau. Gideon and Emma Jane (Hopkins) Haynes; ed. Bowdoin Grammar School, grad. '87; Girls' High School, 1890-91 (Boston); Boston Normal School, 1893; Radcliffe Coll., 1896-97; 1898-99, final honors In English; m. Brookline, Mass., Aug. 30, 1897, Rufus Hamilton Gillmore. First sec. of the first Coll. Equal Suffrage League in America; honorary vice-pres. Mass. Woman Suf- frage Ass'n. Author: June Jeopardy, 1908; Marda's Little Shop, 1910; Phoebe and Ernest, 1910; .Janey, 1911; Phcebe, Ernest and Cupid, 1912. Recreations: Tennis, swimming. GILSL-VN, Charlotte Perkins (Mrs. G. H. Gil- man), 627 W. 136th St., N.Y. City. Author and lecturer; b. Hartford, Conn., July 3, 1860; dau. Frederic Beecher and Mary (West- cott) Perkins; greit granddaughter of Rev. Ly- man Beecher, D.D. ; m. Detroit, June 11. 1900, G. H. Oilman; one daughter: Katharine. Since 1890 lecturer on ethical, sociological and eco- nomic subjects In U.S. and Great Britain; magazine contributor. Has written much In favor of women's advancement along practical lines of social and economic progress and equal suffrage and upon various problems of labor. Author: In This Our World; Women and Eco- nomics; Human Work; The Home; Man-Made World; Our Brains; editor Forerunner Maga- zine, 1909-12. Mem. Am. Sociological Ass'n, League for Political Education, Equal Suffrage League.