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Equal Rights Soc. Author (books) : Apples of Cornell Women's Cl^ of N. Y. City, Women's

Sodom, 1883: Tlbby, ia04; (serials) Margaret's University Club, Legislsitlve League of N.Y

,^'"l.^'=%^^^'^^-= "^^ '^^H^o^^^T^^ ^^^^•&°^' GJXE8, Elizabeth Cynthia (Mrs. John Henry "*^^"°^in.^n'?.°°n.^ ^^°' l^OT-OS; Simon lu Eu- Giles). 22 Academy St., Amsterdam, N.Y. rope, 1903-10; Ten Days on the Dalphm, 1910. Portrait painter; b. Amenla. N.Y., Aug. 13, Mem. Congregational Church. Mem. Knights jggi. (jati. James Harry and Eliza Elinor (Abram aad Ladies of Honor, Ladies Order of the Morse; ed. Amenia Sem., Claverack Coll., Acad. Maccabees. of Design and Art Students' League, N.Y. City; GILDER, Jeannette Leonard, 100 E. Seven- m. Oct. 10, 18S8, John Henry Giles; children: teenth St., N.Y. City. Donald M., Doris Louise, John Morse. Exhibitor Critic editor; b. Flushing, L.I., Oct. 3, 1849; in Acad, of Design, N.Y. City. Mem. State dau. Rev. William Henry and Jane (Nutt) Charities Aid of N.Y., Red Cross Soc. for Pre- Gilder; ed. St. Thomas Hall (woman's collegiate), vention of Tuberculosis, Hospital Ladies' Aid, conducted by her father. Began newspaper work Elderly Woman's Home, Children's Home. Fa- in editorial department of Newark (N.J.) Morn- vors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Cen- Ing Register, then conducted by her brother, tury Club, Antlers' Country Club, Good Will Richard Watson Gilder, and was also Newark Club, D.A,R.

reporter for N.Y. Tribune; afterward on editorial GILES, Ellen Rose, 87 Via Roma, Sassarl, Sar-

Btafi of the old Scribner's Magazine (now Cen- dinis, Italy.

tury Magazine); afterward was literary and Journalist and editor; ed. Wellesley Coll., 1892-

dramatic critic of the N.Y. Herald until 1880, 93; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. and A.M. '96; graduate

when with her brother, Joseph B. Gilder, she scholar In philosophy, 1897-98; holder of presi-

founded The Critic, of which she was associate dent's European fellowship (Bryn Mawr), 1897-98;

editor until it was merged in 1907 in Putnam's student in philosophy, Univ. of Berlin, 1898-99,

Monthly, with which she was for a time con- and Sorbonne, 1899. Private tutor 1899-01. En-

nected; now regular correspondent and literary gaged In editorial and newspaper work, 1901-06.

critic for Chicago Tribune. Has been corre- ^rTTj-o at„-^ n^^^t^^A v„^/i-„.k„^i, fK.f^„ t

spondent of Boston Saturday Evening Gazette, ^^^^•^^,^?°^}^^ rZjt^^'^^f^. «f % v'

Boston Transcript, Philadelphia Record and ^f:^^^ '^"®^^' "^ ^- Twenty-third St., N.Y.

��Press and various other papers. Also owner and


��ediTorTf The Reader Aufiror- Taken by Siege- Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '93; student of

Autobiogranby of a Tomt^y The^ombw at 1^"°' ^°™^ poliUcal antiquities and peda-

Work Editor- Renresentluve Pc^ms o™ Uvl^ SOSY. Univ. of Mich.. 1901-02, M.A. '02; m. June

P^ts" (with J B GUder) ^^ys f rom tSI H- 1903' J- Edward Giles; one daughter: Marian

Critic with Helen G Cone) • Pen PorSS^tsol Burton, b. Aug. 9, 1909. Teacher in Englewood,

LUerary Women- The Heart of^YoGth^n an- N.J., 1893-98. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumna Ass'n.

thology. Mem. Colony Club. GILES, Rose Marie, Hull House, Chicago, 111.

nmviifiTwxrTi' virp-ini.^ rrnoho^nTi tm Teacher, settlement worker; b. Dodge City,

GILDERSLEEVL, \irgmia Crocheron, 404 ^^ . g^.^^ Rockford (111.) CoU., B.A. '92.

Riverside Drive, N.Y. Citj^ r, * o 10-^ -^-fter graduation became active In the charities

^.?,^^?,,tH^«^wifrv'ii^;.^;T-fl°Vi^WinU rrrifnh' °^ the Hull House district of Chicago until 1894;

dau. Justice Henry AJger and Virginia (Croch- ^ ^-^ occupied with setUement work as a

r-'^^^ T?.'inf.'r,^Tovf ^A R^'lt^'^Poiif^h?.^' TT^J' resident of Hull House, In charge of the gym-

?^' ^q;!^ Ph n • -i^ V^im ^^nn. K?nna nasium. Has been actively identified with the

r-Ji-rr,}^ \J}^-^n Ti5t TS^lnih ^Frl.rfl CnU ^ork of the Chicago Froebel Ass'n, as one of Its

§=f-tu^?,S^03^cirifc°t^ui?et' SlSf "^s^i lt^,ri.,, ^^-^S^rntl \CAlPsefr '^"

prof., 1910-11; dean and prof. English, 1911—. ^°^'^ ^'^^^- -^"mnffi ass n uormer sec.j.

Author: Government Regulation of the Eliza- GILEILLAX, Margaret NeTa, Union, Ore.

bethan Drama. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n Musician; b. Lane County, Oregon; dau.

of Am., College Settlements Ass'n, Phi Beta Thomas Glen and Jane (Cromwell) GilflUan;

Kappa, Classical Ass'n of the Atlantic States, grad. of high school of home town. Has taught

Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Women's Univ. music for several years; director of a choir two

Club (N.Y. City), Barnard Club. Favors woman years. Mem. Order Eastern Star (grand lodge

suffrage. officer two years). Against woman suffraga

^„ ^.. " „ _ -, ,^„r T, J •«' * Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Club.

GII,DNER, Laura May, 1425 Broadway, Metro- „„ .^' „ •,. « ,t ^ .,, „,,.

politan Opera House Building, N.Y. City. GILEORD, Mary Penrose HootonC Mrs. -Thomas

Instructor in Latin and mathematics, organist; Buchanan Gilford), 51 E. Fifty-third St., N.Y.

b. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 23, 1877; dau. Albert City, or West Chester Pa.

W. and Harriet (Holmes) Gildner; grad. Cornell „Born West Chester Pa., Oct. 22, 18.6; dau.

Univ., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) 1906; Norfolk Fjanols Carpenter and Anna (Penrose) Hooton;

Conservatory of Music, Ithaca Conservatory of ed. Miss Agnes Irwin s School, Philadelphia;

Music, New York School of Musical Art; organ Rome, Pans and tutors at home; m first, D T.

study with Clarence Eddy. Instructor in New- Lanman; second. Red- Roof, "R est Chester, Pa.,

port News (Va.) Sem.; tutor in Prof. George Oct. 8, 1908, Thomas Buchanan Gilford. Episco-

Jones' Summer School, Cornell Univ.; manager palian. Clubs: Acorn (Philadelphia), Philadel-

private tutoring school, N.Y. City. Organist of Pliia Country, West Chester Country. Favors

Old St. John's P.E. Church, Hampton, Va. ; St woman suffrage.

Luke's P.E. Church, Newport News, Va. ; Bruton GILKEY, Mary C. (Mrs. Edward A. Gllkey), Parish Church, Williamsburg, Va., during James- 1035 Michigan Av., East Lansing, Mich, town Exposition; Greenwood Baptist Churdh, Bom Royal Oak, Mich., May 31, 1865; dau. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; St. Andrew's By-the-Sea P.C. George G. and Alice (Wight) Cady; ed. in city Church, Allenhurst, N.J. Mem. Cornell Women's schools of Grand Rapids, Mich. ; m. Lansing, Club, Browning Soc., Cameo Club, Political Mich., Apr. 2, 1884, Edward A. Gilkey; children: Equality League, Alliance Frangalse. Favors Alice A., Edward A. Jr. Worked as com. chair- woman suffrage. man in Liansing Industrial Aid, one of the GILES. Bessie Isabel, 63 W. Fiftieth St., N.Y. organizers of Woman's Civic League. For Pj^y ' twelve years sec. of woman s work In Pil- Lawyer, b. N.Y. City; dau. Richard and Joanna grim Church; trea^ local Y.WC. A Active Merriam Giles; ed. private schools and old West ^em Lansing Equal Suffrage Soc. Congrcga- Twelfth Street School, Normal Coll., N.Y. City; tlonalist. Pres. Unity Club; mem. Matinee preliminary diploma from Woman's Law Class, Musicals ; pres. Woman s Club House Ass'n of N.Y. Univ., 1905; Cornell Univ. Coll. of Law,- Lansing, Mich.

LL.B. '09. Admitted to bar N.Y. State, 1909; GILL. B<«sle Fannce, 26 Prospect St., North- associate editor. Women Lawyer's Journal, 1912. ampton, Mass.

Director Legislative Bureau National Progressive Associate principal; b. ChestervUle, Me.; dau.

Party, 1913. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Col- Elieha and Huldah (Capen) Gill; ed. Smith Coll.,

legiate Equal Suffrage Soc. Contributor to A.B. '87; student of astronomy. Smith, 1887-88.

Women Lawyers' Journal, papers, etc. Presby- Since 1888 engaged in teaching In Miss Capen'B

terian. Mem. League for PoUtical Education, school, Northampton, Mass.


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