��ed. Univ. of 111. (Phi Beta Kappa) A.B. '04, A.M. '08 (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Assistant in tex- tiles, 1905-07; instructor in textiles, 1907-09; asso- ciate in textiles since 1909, Univ. of 111. Active in work of Neighborhood House, a small settle- ment in the Unitarian Chnrch. Author of pamphlet: Some Points in Choosing Textiles; book — Household Textiles, and short articles. Mem. Am. Home EJconomlcs Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumns. Recreations: Golf, swim- ming, dancing, skating. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.
GIBBS, Winifred Stuart, 105 E. Twenty-second St., N.Y. City.
Teacher; b. N.Y. City, Oct 6, 1871; dau. George Holman and Catherine S. (Karnes) Gibbs; ed. Chicago high schools, Rochester Mechanics Inst., Univ. of Rochester. Organized Home Economy Dep't of N.Y. Ass'n for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Took part in Interna- tional Congress on Home Edtication at Brussels, Belgium, Aug., 1910, and in relating Domestic Science to Social Service in curriculum of Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ. Has written magazine articles in Journal of Home Economics, Am. Journal of Nursing, Boston Cooking School Magazine, etc. Author: Lessons in Proper Feed- ing of the Family; Food for the Invalid and tihe Convalescent; Economical Cooking; in prepara- tion. Textbook in Home Economics. EJpisco- palian. Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Home E>conomic Ass'n, Internat. Congress for Rational Feeding of Man, N.Y. Oratorio Soc., etc. GIBSON, Mabel Leonard (Mrs. Adelno Gibson), Fort Du Pont, Del.
Born Albany, N.Y. ; dau. Oscar and Emily Manderville (Ulmer) Leonard; grad. Wellesley College, A.B. '99; N.Y. Stat« Normal College, B.Pg. 19O0; N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S. '06; m. Albany, N.Y., Itec., 1910, Lieut. Adelno Gibson, U.S.A. Cataloguer Library of Congress and Library U.S. Dep't of Agriculture; organizer of library of the Coast Artillery Corps, Fort Monroe, Va. Christian Scientist. Recreation: Walking.
GIBSON, j\Iary Adelaide (Mrs. John T. Gibson), Southboro, Mass.
Born Attleboro, Mass., May 31, 1853^; dau. Har- vey AugTistus and Mary A. (Wilmarth) Babbitt; ed. public school, Attleboro, Mass. ; m. at Attle- boro, Dec. 9, 1870, Jacob S. Klebes; 2nd, South- boro, Mass., Sept, 19(«, John Tyler Gibson; chil- dren: Alice Ardelia Klebes, Jacob Elmer Klebes. Amateur artist, specialty crayon portraits; sup't Southboro Congregational Sunday-school since 1997; sec. and teacher of young ladies' class, 1898-1904; lecturer Southboro Grange, 1905-06. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Delineator (N.Y.) Home League, for the promotion of better laws for -women. Congregationallst. Republican. Pres. Ladies' Home Missionary Soc, 1908-11; acting pres. Ladies' Auxiliary to Woman's Board of Foreign Missions, 1909-11. Recreations: Grand opera, concerts, musical plays, and light or English opera. Pres. Southboro Woman's Club, 1910-12 (mem. Board of Directors).
(JIBSON, Susan Meta, 124 W. 103d St., N.Y.
Artist; b. Burlington, Vt; dau. Dr. Robert Phillips and Susan (Moser) Gibson; grad. Art Dep't Cooper Art School, '81; Normal Industrial Drawing and Design at Cooper Art School, '77. Studied under John Bennett, of the Doulton Works, England; Alden Weir, Wyatt E>aton, Douglas Vclk, Swain Gifford, Charles Godfrey Leland, of Philadelphia and London, England; medal and diploma from Columbian Exposition (Chicago) 1893. Instructor in art and designing ever since graduation as an art student. Mem. Mary Washington Colonial Chapter D.A.R., Soc. of Daughters of Holland Dames, Descendants of the Ancient and Honorable Families of New Netherland, Altar Com. of St Agnes Chapei, Trinity Parish. Protestant Dpiscopal. Against woman suffrage. GIELOW, Mm. Martha Sawyer, The Farragut
(office. Room 331 Southern Building), Wash-
Inrton, D.C
Bom In Alabama; dau. Bnocb and Sophie E.
��(Barkley) Sawyer (twin sister of Mrs. Mary G. Pickens, one of the notable women of Ala); sev- eral years resident of Washington. Formerly widely known as reader and writer of the folk- lore of the Southland, filling many engagements on lyceum and Chautauqua platforms in America and Europe before taking up the educational work with which she has since been identified. Founder and vice-pres. of th« Southern Indus- trial Educational Ass'n (Inc.), to promote in- dustrial education among the impoverished, un- educated Anglo-Savon children of the Southern Appalachian Mountaias and reaiate rural districts of the South. Author: MamHiy*s RemiBlacences ; Old Plantation Days; Old Andy the Moon- shiner; Uncle Sam; also fugitive poems and many articles on education and the work in which she is engaged.
GUTIN, Etta Josselyn, The Mendota, Kalorama Rd. and 20th St, Washington, D.C. Assistant librarian; b. Newark, O. ; dau. Dr. James Hervey and Ruth (Josselyn) Giffln; ed. private schools, LaAvrence, Kan. Director of The Nat. Library for the Blind, Washington, D.C; ass't in Chase Reading Room for the Blind, Library of Congress; Nat. delegate Inter- nat. Congresses for Ameliorating Condition of Blind at Brussels, Vienna, Cairo, 1902, 1910-11. Pres. Kapitala Esperanto Klubo (for blind and sighted) ; mem. Am. Ass'n of Workers for Blind, La Valentin Haiiy Ass'n (Paris), Am. Nat. Red Cross Soc. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Li- brary Ass'n, D.AJl., Nat. Civic Federation, Po- tomac Archery Club. Recreations: Archery, sailing, rowing and horseback riding.
GIl'TORD, Auffusta Hale (Mrs. George Gifford),
42 Pine St, Portland, Me.
Author; b. Turner, Me., Feb. 19, 1842; dau. James Sullivan and Betsy (Staples) Hale; ed. Obcrlin Coll. (classical course) ; m. Aug. 8, 1869, George Gifford (many years consul at Basel, Switzerland); children: Katherine Gifford, b. 1870 (deceased); Clarence Hale Gifford, b. 1872; Marguerite Gifford Davis, b. 1879. Author: Italy, Her People and Their Story, 1905; Germany, Her People and Their Story, 1899; New Italy, 1909. Nearly half of life spent abroad; first time, 1877, extensive foreign correspondence with New England journals and contributions to various publications. Mem. State St. Church, actively interested in literary societies of Portland, Me.; also In prison reform work and social improve- ment organizations for ameliorating conditions of poor and women sunk in vice; also in State Tuberculosis Ass'n. Congregationallst. Repub- lican (for regular ticket). Enthusiastically fa- vors woman suffrage.
GIFFORD, Flora Sawyer, Tougaloo University,
Tougaloo, Miss.
Teacher (high school) ; b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 4, 1880; dau. Rev. O. P. Gifford, D.D., and Flor- ence (Lamson) (Jifford; ed. Buffalo High School, 1894-98; grad. Ogontz School, 1898-99; Brown Univ., 1899-1902; Bryn Mawr, 1902-03, A.B. (clas- sics); Radcliffe, 1909-10, A.M. Taught Fillmore (N.Y.) High School spring of 1904: Lowville (N.Y.) Acad, fall of 1904; Chevy Chase, Md.. 1905-06; Rust Univ., Miss., 1910-11; Shenandoah Collegiate Inst, Va., 1911-12; Tougaloo (Miss.) Univ., 1912-13. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. GIGNOUX, liOnise Fowler (Mrs. Robert Miles
Glgnoux), 118 E. Seventeenth St., N.Y. City.
Lawyer, lecturer; b. N.Y. City, Nov. 29, 1873; dau. Dr. Edward Payson and Mary Louise (Mum- ford) Fowler; ed. Univ. of the City of N.Y. (scholarships) LL.B., LL.M.; lecturer for two years to Woman's Law Class of N.Y. State Univ.; m. June 12, 1895, Robert Miles Gignoux; children: Louise Mumford, b. May 25, 1897; Mildred Fowler, b. Oct 26, 1898. Lecturer on Contracts at N.Y. Univ. Woman's Law Class; lecturer on Elementary Law two seasons at N.Y. League for Political Education; general lecturer and puWic speaker on economics, polit- ical science, law; teacher of the violin. Writings have been principally legal; assisted In compil- ing the Encyclopedia of Law published under mipervielon of Mr. Draper Lewis, of Philadeil-