��school lesson which was published in the Chris- tian Statesman. Reformed Presbyterian. Pro- hibitionist. Mem. Missionary Soc. ; managed Aged People's Honle of her church; life mem. Florence Crittenden Home, Nat. W.C.T.U., Pa. W.C.T.U., and a number of county W.C.T.U. organizations in Pa. Favors woman suffrage.
GEORGE, Eva G. Neal (Mrs. William Walker Georg-e), 1312 Market St., Parkersburg, W.Va. Bom Parkersburg, W. Va., Mar. 23, 1855; dau. George B. and Caroline (McKinley) Neal; ed. private schools; grad. Galbraith Female Sem. (first honors) '73; m. Parkersburg, W. Va., Mar. 15, 1898, William Walker George. Sec. Trinity Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions; vice- pres. W.Va. Audubon Soc. Favors woman suf- frage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Woman's Club of Parkersburg, W.Va. (Civic Dep't). GEOKGE, Grace (Mrs. William A. Brady), care W. A. Brady, 137 W. Forty-eighth St., N.Y. City.
Actress; b. N.Y. City, 1880; ed. in convent and later studied dramatic art; m. Jan. 8, 1899, Will- iam A. Brady (theatrical manager). First stage appearance in small part In Charles Frohman's production of The New Boy and in 1894 as Wilbur's Ann in The Girl I Left Behind Me, followed by Aimee in Charley's Aunt and Gretchen in The Wandering Minstrel; next sup- ported Charles B. Welles as Madeline in Fred- eric Lemaitre in vaudeville and afterward in Jealousy and An Undeveloped Bud; leaving vaudeville appeared in The Turtle at Manhattan Theatre, N.Y. City, and afterward as The Young Wife in Fifl. Since 1899 a star under manage- ment of W. A. Brady, beginning in the comedy The Princess Chiffon at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, 1899; Queen Wilhelmina In Her Ma- jesty, 1900; starred in Under Southern Skies, 1901-02; Gilberte In Frou Frou, 1902; In Pretty Peggy, 1903-04, at Herald Square Theatre; one of the all-star cast in revival of The Two Orphans, 1904; then starred in title role of Abigail, Lady Kitty in The Marriage of Will- iam Ashe, 1905-06, and in The Richest Girl, In Clothes, 1906-07; Divorcons, 1907; Sylvia of the Letters, 1907-08.
GEORGE Marian M., "The Old Adobe," Foot- hill St., South Pasadena, Cal. ; (business ad- dress, 521 S. Wabash Av., Chicago). Writer; b. Zanesville, 0., Dec. 25, 1865; dau. Dr. R. W. and Elizabeth (Frazier) George; ed. public schools of Illinois. Taught school in 111., 1883-99. Has contributed stories to maga- zines and papers since girlhood; began to write text books for schools in 1898. Author: Plan Books (10)— series for the use of teachers in primary schools, 1897-98; Plan Books (10)— se- ries for the use of teachers of intermediate grades, 1899-1900; Library of Travel, Little Jour- neys to Every Land (series), 18 numbers Issued, now used as Geographical Readers, 1900-06; Character Building (6) series for the use of teachers in teaching ethics and civics and hu- mane education; 6 Books for teachers' aids in special entertainments (with Mrs. Lydia Avery Coonley Ward), 1898-99; Stories in Season (with Rose J. George- Whilten), 1899; Songs in Season, 1899: How to Sleep, 1903; The Shepherd Psalm, 1908. Congregationalist. Progressive. Mem. League of American Pen Women, Friday Morn- ing Club.
GEORGE, Rebecca Rogers (Mrs. W. E. George), 1205 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. Physician; b. Pendleton, Ind.; dau. Elijah Pennypacher and Ellen P. (Dunwoody) Rogers; ed Pendleton High School and Univ. of Mich., M.D. ; m. Indianapolis, Apr. 5, 1899, Dr. W. E. George. Non-resident lecturer in social hygiene, Univ. of Ind., 1899-1912; Franklin Coll., 1912—. Chairman Health Dep't of Indiana Fed. of Clubs; lecturer before women's clubs throughout In- diana. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Franchise League (charter mem., mem. first Board of Directors). Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Inst. Homoeopathy, Ind. Inst of Homoeopathy. Recreation: Automobiling. Mem. Fortnightly Club, Monday Club (pres.). Present Day Club, Women's Department Club.
��GERARD, Jessie Honor Bryant (Mrs. Franklin Ward Gerard). 23 High St., South Norwalk. Conn.
Born Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Ezekiel Drake and Lucy Tyler (Matthews) Bryant; ed. Brooklyn public schools, private tutors, Conn, public schools; m. Ansonia, Conn., 1879, Franklin Ward Gerard; children: Franklin, Jessie, Margaret, Raymond. Mem. D.A.R. and Conn. Chapter Daughters of Founders and Patriots. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Advisory Board, Conn. Forestry Ass'n; collaborator in Nat. Conserva- tion Ass'n; from 1908-10 chairman Forestry Com. Gen. Fed. Woman's Clubs; chairman Con- servation Com., Conn. Fed. Woman's Clubs; pres. South Norwalk Woman's Municipal League, New Psychology Study Club of Nor- walk; chairman Equal Guardianship Com. Conn. Fed. Woman's Clubs; secured the equal guar- dianship for Conn., and helped secure the law making the laurel the Conn. State flower. Lec- turer on Forestry and Conservation; initiated the patriotic education of foreign citizens in Conn., while Regent of Norwalk Chapter, D.A.R. GERE, Lanra Ella, 102 Summit St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '01. Ass't teacher in Michlgamme (Mich.) High School, 1901-02; teacher Jenner's School for Boys, Syra- cuse, N.Y., 1902-03; teacher of geometry and German, Batavia (N.Y.) High School, 1903-07; Syracuse Technical High School since 1907. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.
GERE, Mary Elizabeth, 75 High St., Northamp- ton, Mass.
Graduate of Smith Coll., B.A. '89; student of domestic science, Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1896-97. Director of domestic department The Western, Oxford, Ohio, 1893-96; Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, Ohio, 1898-1900; teacher of household science, Northfield (Mass.) Sem., 1900-04. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.
GERMAIfN, Belinda C. Knapheide (Mrs. Henry Germann), 1231 Maine St., Qulncy, III. Physician; b. Quincy, 111., July 16, 1863; dau. Henry H. and Catharine (Achelpohl) Knapheide; ed. Quincy High School (first honor, Morgan silver medal), Quincy Coll. of Medicine, M.D., and medical studies in Ziirich, Switzerland, Paris, France and Vienna, Austria; m. Quincy, 111., Sept. 16, 1891, Henry Germann; children: HUdegarde Catharine, Aldo Knapheide. Formerly lecturer in Chaddock Coll. of Medicine; mem. staff Blessing Hospital, Quincy, 111. Lecturer on obstetrics in Blessing Hospital Traaning School for Nurses; vice-pres. of the Military Tract Med. Ass'n of 111. Mem. Board of Education of Quincy, 111. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Adams Co. Medical Soc., 111. State Medical Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n; mem. E'astem Star (Grace Whipple Chapter).
GEROtJLD, Katharine Eullerton (Mrs. Gordon
Hall Gerould), Queen's Court, Princeton, N.J.
Born Brockton, Mass., Feb. 6,' 1879; dau. Rev. Bradford Morton (D.D.) and Julia M. (Ball) Fullerton; ed Radcliffe Coll., A.B. 1900; Rad- cliffe Coll., A.M. '01; m. Brockton, Mass., June S, 1910, Prof. Gordon Hall Gerould of Prince- ton, N.J.; one son: Christopher. Reader in English, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1901-10. Writer of short stories, essays and verse in Scribner's, Century, Harper's, Atlantic Monthly. Congre- gationalist. GERRY, Elolse, 616 Lake St., Madison, Wis.
Born Boston, Mass., Jan. 12, 1885; dau. Will- iam Gordon and Josephine A. (Bacon) Gerry; grad. Fryeburg (Me.) Acad., '02; Roxbury (Mass.) High School, '03; Radcliffe Coll.; Harvard Univ., A.B. (with distinction in chemistry) '08, A.M. '09; fellow in botany. Smith Coll., 1910. Ap- pointed expert in U.S. Forest Service, June, 1910; appointed microscopist in forest products, 1911. Interested in social service, community welfare work, etc. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Dane Co. Equal Suffrage League. Author of technical botanical paper on The Bars of Sanio in the Coniferales; also paper entitled Microscopic Structure of Wood in Relation to Its