ALLEN, Annie King Blair (Mrs. William W. Allen Jr.), 519 Vine St., Camden, N.J.
Born in North Carolina; grad. Guilford (N.C.) Coll., A.B. 1900; Guilford graduate student at Bryn Mawr Coll. (Latin), 1900-01; m. 1905, William W. Allen, Jr. Principal of Corinth Acad., Conley, Va., 1901-02; teacher in Guilford Coll., 1902-05. Mem. Society of Friends.
ALLEN, Annie Winsor (Mrs. Joseph Allen), 9 Myrtle St., White Plains, N.Y.
Teacher, school director; b. Winchester, Mass., May 25, 1865; dau. Dr. Frederick and Ann Bent (Ware) Winsor; ed. Radcliffe Coll., 1883-85, 1886-89; m. Weston, Mass., June 4, 1900, Joseph Allen; children: Dorothea Teulon, Annie Winsor, Joseph Jr.. David (died 1906). Teacher in Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1889-1900; director of Roger Ascham School, Scarsdale, N. Y., since 1907. Manager of State Training School for Girls, Hudson, N.Y.; mem. Standing Com. All Souls' Church, White Plains, N.Y.; mem. and former pres. Mothers' Council of Public Schools, White Plains. Author: Home, School and Vacation, 1908; has written several magazine articles. Mem. White Plains Nursing Ass'n, National Consumers' League, Mothers' Council, Radcliffe Club, N.Y. City. Recreations: Walking, summer at Seal Harbor, Mt. Desert, Me. Unitarian. Democrat; votes only on school matters.
ALLEN, Cora Williams (Mrs. D. Frederick Allen), Wallingford, Conn.
Born Erie County, Pa.; dau. John E. and Chloe (McArthur) Williams; grad. Clarion (Pa.) State Normal School and Teachers College (Columbia University), '07; m. N.Y. City, June 12, 1907, D. Frederick Allen; one son: Frederick Williams Allen, b. May, 1909. Interested in all educational matters, school gardens and playgrounds, and all child welfare interests. Mem. Betterment League, N.Y. City, Connecticut Grange, Sunshine Society. Recreations: Arts, crafts, pottery. Recording sec. Conn. State Federation of Women's Clubs. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.
ALLEN, Eleanor Whitney, 12 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass.
Social worker; b. Ecouen, France, Apr. 18, 1882; dau. Thomas Allen (artist) and Eleanor Goddard (Whitney) Allen; ed. in private schools in Boston. Corresponding sec. Mass. Ass'n of Women Workers; mem. Vacation Committee, Mass. Section, Woman's Welfare Dep't Nat. Civic Federation; mem. Arlington St. Church branch of Woman's Nat. Alliance (Unitarian), and of Entertainment Committee of Herford Club of Arlington St. Church, which gives concerts, lectures, etc., at various hospitals and other institutions in the city. Mem. Boston Committee of Mass. Soc. Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women. Recreation: Golf; bronze medallist of Women's Nat. Golf Championship, 1911. Clubs: Chilton, Saturday Morning, MacDowell, Thursday Morning Musicales (all Boston), and Vincent Club.
ALLEN, Eleanora Isabel (Mrs. Byron D. Allen), 1 Pleasant St., Yarmouth, Me.
Born Brunswick, Me., July 21, 1864; dau. Charles G. and Cora S. (Durgan) Gooding; ed. public schools and high school of Yarmouth, Me.; m. Yarmouth, Sept. 12, 1885, Byron D. Allen; children: Byron Morton, b. July 29, 1887; Harold Bernard, b. July 6, 1889; Ruth Eleanor, b. Apr. 18, 1892; Clara Evangeline, b. Feb. 11, 1895; Harvey Crosby, b. Aug. 26, 1897 (died Sept. 14, 1897). Interested in religious and philanthropic work. Against woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's State Relief Corps of Me. Mem. Fortnightly Club of Yarmouth. Long active in club work, having served as pres. and filled all other offices.
ALLEN, Elisabeth Walbridge Cleveland (Mrs. Charles J. Allen), "The Knoll," Victoria Rd., Asheville, N.C.
Born Bedford, P.Q., Canada; dau. George W. and Adelia (Walbridge) Cleveland; ed. by governesses, Castleton Sem., Castleton, Vt.; m. Rock Island, Ill., Jan. 20, 1869, Gen. Charles J. Allen, U.S.A.; children: Philip Cleveland, George Walbridge, Charles Walbridge, Charles Kissam, Grace Elisabeth. Episcopalian.
ALLEN, Elizabeth, Hotel St. George, Brooklyn, N.Y. (summer, Burlington. Vt.)
Teacher of mathematics; b. Brooklyn, N.Y.; dau. Hon. John J. and Louise A. (Shaler) Allen; ed. Packer Coll. Institute, Brooklyn (certificate), Barnard Coll. A.B. (honors in mathematics, Phi Beta Kappa), Bryn Mawr, Columbia A.M.; (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma at Barnard). Mem. Board of Directors of the Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations; mem. Women's Political Union, N.Y. City; Equal Franchise League of Burlington, Vt. (field sec.); mem. Board Directors Associate Alumnae of Barnard Coll. Episcopalian. Recreations: Mountain climbing and tennis. Mem. Women's University Club, N.Y. City, Caroline Country Club, Green Mountain Club.
ALLEN, Emma Potter (Mrs. G. J. Allen). 720 W. College St., Rochester, Minn.
Born Clearwater, Minn., June 29, 1870; dau. William B. and Miriam (Stone) Potter; ed. Linden Hill Acad.; New Carlisle (O.) High School (valedictorian); won scholarship from Adrian Coll., Mich.; m. New Carlisle, June 29, 1896, George J. Allen, lawyer, of Rochester, Minn.; children: Samuel P., b. 1900; George B., b. 1906. Pres. of two clubs, also of First Dist. Minn. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. Eastern Star and Rebecca Lodges and W.C.T.U. Takes active part in church work, holding responsible offices in Parish Aid and Woman's Auxiliary of Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage. Clubs: Tourist, Home Economics, Civic League, State Federation.
ALLEN, Florence Eliza, 219 Lathrop St., Madison, Wis.
University instructor; b. Horicon, Wis., Oct. 4, 1876; dau. Charles and Eliza (North) Allen; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.L., M.L., Ph.D. (mem. Delta Delta Delta). Instructor in mathematics, Univ. of Wis. Congregationalist. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Favors woman suffrage.
ALLEN, Frances, 210 Pine St., Holyoke, Mass.
Photographer and illustrator; b. Deerfield, Mass., Aug. 10, 1854; dau. Josiah A. and Mary (Stebbins) Allen; ed. Deerfield Acad.; Westfield Normal School. In association with sister as Frances and Mary Allen, widely known as illustrators and pictorial photographers.
ALLEN, Gertrude, 515 North Lake St., Madison, Wis.
Editor, writer; b. Ossining, N.Y.; dau. J. Howe and Anna Gertrude (Hedden) Allen; privately educated under the teachers of her father's school, the Mount Pleasant Military Academy, and special work at Univ. of Vermont. Fiction reader for Collier's Weekly; short story writer; now associate editor of the Wisconsin State Journal. Favors woman suffrage.
ALLEN, Gretchen Brooks Stevens (Mrs. George W. H. Allen), Box 538, Cazenovia, N.Y.
Born Buffalo, N.Y., Mar. 3, 1892; dau. Frederick H. and Hattie (Brooks) Stevens; ed. Franklin School, Buffalo, 1897-99, Los Robles School, Pasadena, Cal., Villa Dupont School, Paris, 1906-10, and Julian Studio, Paris, 1909; m. Buffalo, April 18, 1911, George W. H. Allen, of Cazenovia, N.Y., formerly of St. Louis, Mo.; one son: Frederick Stevens Allen, b. July 3. 1912. Life mem. Barlow Sanatorium, Los Angeles, Cal.; connected with King's Daughters of St. Peter's Church, Cazenovia; donor Allen Prize for German, Morristown School, Morristown, N.J.; life mem. and patron Children's Hospital, Buffalo, N.Y. ; mem. Philharmonic Soc. of N.Y. City; sustaining mem. Erie County Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; life mem. Buffalo Fine Arts Acad, and Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo N.Y.: mem. The Owahgena Club (Cazenovia, N.Y.). Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage. Recreations: Horseback riding, driving, art, music.
ALLEN, Lucy Ellis, West Newton, Mass.
Principal of private school for girls; b. Boston; dau. Nathaniel T. and Caroline (Bassett) Allen; ed. Allen School, West Newton, Mass.,