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��of America was adopted to take In Canadian and Istlunus branches. Has specialized in legisla- tive and law enforcement work. At one time edited a woman's edition of a local paper and was offered the managing editorship of the rival paper, the Harvey (111.) Citizen. This was her chief weapon in a saloon fight that kept the city free from saloons for many years. li^vors woman suffrage. Editor of The Boy Magazine, organ of the Anti-Cigarette Lieague. In law en- forcement work has a record of more than 700 cases against Chicago tobacco dealers for selling to school boys. The Chicago Board of Educa- tion unanimously voted her the privilege of going into the Chicago schools with her force of lec- turers and the chief of police detailed a special ofilcer to work under her direction. Congrega- tionalist. Recreations: Athletic sports, walking. Mem. Cbicago Woman's City Club, Political Equality Club, Social Economics Club.

GATES, Eleanor (Mrs. Richard "Walton Tully), 58 W. Fifty-seventh St., N.T. City. Author; b. Shakopee, Minn., Sept. 26, 1875; dau. William Cummings and Margaret Ann (Ar- cher) Gates; ed. public schools of Dakota and Gal., one year at Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., two years at the Univ. of Cal. (Berkeley, Gal.) (mem. Prytanean); m. Merced, Gal., Jan. 26, 1901, Richard Walton Tully, playwright. Author: The Biography of a Prairie Girl; The Plow- Woman; Cupid, The Cowpunch; Good-Night; The Justice of Gideon; The Poor Little Rich Girl; also many short stories for Saturday Evening Post of Philadelphia, Sribner's, Cen- tury, American, Cosmopolitan, etc. Episcopa- lian. Republican (Progressive). Mem. The Spinners. Held a Phoebe A. Hearst scholarship at the Uniy. of Cal. ; introduced Desert Arab horses into Cal. in 1908, to further the interests of lovers of saddle animals In the State (these Arabs have occasioned coast-wide interest, and are being bred on large ranches for army use). Was on the staffs of the San Francisco Exam- iner, Chronicle and Call, and the Oakland En- quirer, both during and before college attend- ance. Active in college publications at Univ. of Cal. Favors woman suffrage.

GATES, EUen M. Hnntingrton (Mrs. Isaac E.

Gates), Hotel Majestic, Central Park West,

N.Y. City.

Hymn and verse writer; b. Torrlngton, Conn, (sister of the late Collls Potter Huntington, rail- road builder and capitalist) ; m. Isaac E. Gates. Collected poems: The Treasures of Kurium, 1897; To the Unborn People's, 1910; also many poems published in various magazines and the hymns: The Prodigal Child; The Home of the Soul; Eternity, and others, besides occasional prose contributions. GATES, Eanny Cook, 1328 E. Fifty-third St.,

Chicago, 111.

Physicist; b. Waterloo, la., Apr. 26, 1872; dau. John Cook and Adella (St John) Gates; ed. Northwestern Univ., B.S. '94; M.S. '95; Ph.D. (Univ. of Pa.) '08; fellow in mathematics. North- western Univ., 1894-95; scholar and fellow In mathematics, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1895-97; European fellow Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, 1897-98; research worker in physics, McGlll, 1902-03; Cavendish Laboratory (Cambridge, Eng.), 1905-06 (mem. Alpha Phi). Instructor In physics. The Woman's Coll. of Baltimore, 1898-99; associate prof., 1899- 1906; prof, physics, 1906-10; research worker. School of Education, Univ. of Chicago, 1911-13. Chairman Education, Md. State Federation of Women's Clubs, 1909-11. Author: Effect of Heat on Excited Radioactivity; On the Nature of Certain Radiations from the Sulphate of Quin- ine; The Conductivity of Air Caused by Certain Chemical Changes. Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Am. Phvsical Soc, Societe de Physique, France; Phi Beta Kappa Soc., Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. Rec- reations: Golf, gardening. Favors woman suf- frage.

GATES, Josephine Scribner (Mrs. Charles H.

Gates), 408 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, Ohio.

Author; b. Mt. Vernon, O., Sept. 12, 1859; dau. Chas. H. and Mary E. (Morehouse) Scrib- ner; ed. public schools, Toledo, 0.; m. Oct 12,

��1881, Charles H. Gates; children: Alice, Jessie, Charlotte. Author: The Story of Live Dolls; More About Live Dolls; The Story of the Lost Doll; The Story of the Three Dolls; The Live Doll's House Party; Little Red, White and Blue; The Live Dolls' Busy Days; The Live Dolls' Play Days; The AprU Fool Doll; The Live Dolls' Party Days; Sunshine Annie; iilttle Girl Blue; Tommy Sweet- Tooth; The Turkey Doll ; One Day (which is ten short stories put to music by Mary Turner Salter); The Live Dolls in Wonderland. Protestant. Mem. D.A^a. Has told stories in kindergartens, illuBtratlng them with toys and dolls.

GATES, Lenna Plcrence Alexander (Mrs. & A.

Gates), Leon, la.

Stenographer, teacher; b. Leon, la., Apr. 5, 1862; dau. Capt Eli H. Alexander and Sarah A. (Flynn) Alexander; ed. Garden Grove Normal School, 1878-80; m. first. Max. 21, 1882, Dr. D. A. Hustln; second, July 24, 1894, S. A. Gates; children: John A., b. Sept 28, 1898; Florence E., b. March 28, 1903. School teacher four years; teacher of stenography and typewriting thre« years; active in church and Sunday-school work. Pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. seven years; mem. Ama- cltia Club ten years; treas. Relief Com. six years. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. P.E.O. Chapter W., Homestraders Lodge, Ladies of Charity. Recreations: Traveling, mountain climbing. Mem. Amacitia Club. GATES, I.iBla Foster (Mrs. Jasper C. Gates), 642

Second Av.. Detroit Mich.

Born Kalamazoo, Mich. ; dau. John Foster and Julia A. (Hill) Judge; ed. Kalamazoo schools and Baptist Coll.; m. Jasper C. Gates, of De- troit, Mich.; children: Lulu, Marjorie. Baptist Mem. Daughters of the Revolution, Mt. Yernon Son. Mem. Bridge and Thimble Club, Twentieth Century Club and Woman's Historical Club, Detroit.

GATES, Mary BandaU (Mrs. Charles I. Gates),

15 Bentham Rd., Dorchester, Mass.

Born North Stonington, Conn., Feb. 22, 1875; dau. Darius Hewitt and Abbie Palmer (Frink) Randall; ed. Providence public schools. Brown Univ., A.B. '99 (mem. Alpha Beta); m. Provi- dence, R,I., July 9, 1902, Charles I. Gates; children: Douglas Randall, Priscilla Marie. Teacher In South Hadley Falls High School, 1900-02. Mem. D.A.R., Boston Alumnae of Brown Univ., Dorchester Woman's Club. Congrega- tional 1st GATES, Siisa Yoangr (Mrs. Jacob F. Gates),

672 N. First West St, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Writer; b. Salt Lake City, Mar. 18, 1856; dau. Brigham and Lucy (Bigelow) Young; ed. In father's private school and Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah; m.. St. George, Utah, Jan. 5, 1880, Jacob F. Gates, of Utah; children: Emma Lucy, Brigham Cecil, Harvey H. and Franklin Young; also Mrs. Leah E. Widstoe, daughter by former marriage. Mem. Board of Brigham Young Univ. 20 years; trustee of State Agricul- tural Coll. for seven years; organized Musical Dep't Brigham Young Univ., 1878, and Domestic Science Dep't of the University in 1896; mem. Gen. Board of Young Ladies' Mutual Improve- ment Ass'n, 18S9-1909. Mem. Gen. Board of Re- lief Soc. of the Mormon Church. Works con- stantly at teaching classes in genealogy In Genealogical Soc. of Utah; also many other ac- tivities. Worker in equal suffrage cause; has charge of some phases of State campaign work in Republican party. Author: History of Y'oung Ladies' Mutual Improvement Ass'n; John Stevens' Courtship (novel); Lydia Knight's His- tory. Was founder, owner and editor of Y'oung Woman's Journal (local magazine) for 11 years; then presented it to the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Ass'n; writes for local press, weekly articles fcr State Sunday papers. Mem. Nat and Internat CTouncil of Women. Mtm. Press Club (local) and Nat Press Club; was State organizer of the D.R. in Utah during early years. Chairman Press Com. of Nat. Council of Women of U.S. one term; U.S. dele- gate to Internat. Exec. Session in (Copenhagen in 1901; speaker at Internat. Council of Women


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