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��G«org« Pierce and Annie (Perkins) Garrison; ed. Univ. of Texas, B.A. (mem. Pi Beta Phi). Mem. Am, History Club, Austin Art League. GARRISON, Mary Rldgely (Mrs. Robert Thomp- son Garrison), Strathvem, Jensen, Indian

River, Fla.

Born Ontonagon, Mich., Jan. 10, 1885; dau. John Kearny and Elizabeth (Goode) Rodgers; ed. St. Mary's School, N.Y. City (pres. of class); m. Newburgh, N.Y., Sept. 21, 1907, Robert Thompson Garrison; children: Robert Thompson Jr., Kearny Rodgers. Interested and active in promoting social and religious movements. Epis- copalian. Against woman suffrage. (J.VRRISON, Thcodosla Pickering (Mrs. Joseph

Garrison), 71 W. Eighty-eighth St., N.Y. City.

Writer of verse; b. Newark, N.J.; dau. Silas Wright and Annie (Bedell) Pickering; ed. pri- vate schools; m. Newark, N.J., May 2, 1S9S, Joseph Garrison. Contributor to magazines, chiefly verse. Has published two volumes of poems: The Joy of Life and Other Poems, 1909; Earth Cry and Other Poems,. 1910. GARVEY, Alberta Alexander (Mrs. H. O. Gar-

veyi, 515 Buchanan St., Topeka, Kan.

Born Piqua, Ohio, Dec. 13, 1864; dau. Col. William D. and Margaret A. (Williamson) Alex- ander; ed, Topeka (Kan.) schools and colleges; Woman's Coll., Evanston, 111.; special courses in literature, French and music in Chicago and Boston; m. Topeka, 1S89, H. O. Garvey; children: Annabel, b. 1890; Willis, b. 1894. Active mem. Presbyterian Church of Topeka 32 years. Vice- pres. Topeka Federation of Women and chairman Dep't of EJducation. Mem. Vignette Literary Club (22 years), Western Sorosis Literary Club, Woman's (temperance) League (12 years) ; mem. Charity Board Stoemont Hospital and Y.W.C.A. ; mem. Kansas Authors' Club, Kansas Woman's Press Association, Topeka Country Club and associate member Ladies' Music Club. Ex-pree. Topeka Federation of Clubs (1,000 members), ex-cor. sec. and chairman Dep't of Philanthropy, Kansas State Federation of Clubs; ex-pres. First District Federation of Clubs of Kansas; ex-pres. Western Sorosis Club; ex-mem. Credential Com. Gen. Fed. of Clubs, Boston, 1908; mem. Kansas Ekjual Suffrage Association; mem. Shawnee County Executive Com., which took active part in campaign of 1912, resulting in full suffrage for Kansas women. Author: For Auld Acquaintance (books of poems), also addresses on literary, civic and philanthropic subjects, delivered over Kansas and other States; also poems and club articles, published in newspapers and magazines. Recreations: Travel, society and social activities. OABVIN, Amelia Wamock (Mrs. James War- nock), li)2 Glen Road, Toronto, Can.

Journalist ("Katherine Hale"); b. Gait, Ont. ; dau. Jamea and Katherine (Byard) Warnock; ed. Gait and Toronto, Can.; m. Toronto, 1912, John W. Garvin. Literary critic, Toronto Mail and Empire; editor Woman's Dep't Canadian Century Magazine; articles and short stories. Mem. Canadian Women's Press Club, Woman's Morn- ing Music Club, Heliconian Club, Woman's Art Ass'n, Toronto. Famous for unique recitals on Canadian songs and Canadian literature, also professional singer. GARVIN, Victoria A. (Mrs. James Stewart

Garvin), Somerton, Ariz.

Bom Chicago, Aug. 17, 1874; dau. Christian and Theresa (Hunt) Ackerman ; ed. Chicago public schools; grad. Western Springs (111.) High School; m. Dec. 5, 1905, Jamea Stewart Garvin Founder and officer of Yuma Valley Woman's Olub; chairman Merit System Dep't, Arizona Fed. Women's Clubs; mem. Ocotillo Club of Yuma, City Club of Los Angeles; first vice-pree. Woman's City Club of Yuma. B^vors woman suffrage; pres. Yuma Equal Suffrage League; mem. Arizona Eiquai Suffrage Central Com. Progreeslve Republican. GARY, Clara Emerette, 416 Marlborough St.,

Boston, Mass.

Physician; b. Middlesex, Vt. ; dau. Ephralm and Sarah A. (Robinson) Gary; ed. Montpelier, Vt., and Boston, Mass. Grad. Boston Univ. School of Medicine, diploma granted 1885. Has

��practised In Boston since graduation. Interested in many philanthropic objects; has organized several societies. Has written many medical articles, poetry for private circulation, lectures given before clubs and societies. Baptist. Vice- pres. Am. Inst, of Homoeopathy; mem. Mass. Homeopathic Med. Soc, Mass. Surgical and Gynecological Soc, Boston Homceopathic Med. Soc, La Soci6t6 Frangaise d'Electrotherapie; pres Nat. Soc. of Electro-Therapeutists; mem. New England Ass'n of Physical Therapeutists, 20th Century Med. Soc. Pres. Ladies' Physiolog- ical Inst.; mem. Daughters of Vermont, New England Women's Club; vice-pres. Boston Univ. Women's Graduate Club. Recreations: Travel in foreign lands and our own country quite exten- sively, three months each year. GASKILL, Susanna Miller (Mrs. James Gasklll),

Bo:v 45, Swarthmore, Pa,

Born West Chester, Pa., Oct. 3, 1842; dau. William and Susan G. (Miller) Nicholson; ei. Girls' High and Normal School, Philadelphia; m. Philadelphia, Mar. 25, 1863, James Gasklll ; children: Naomi, Lucretia. Was almoner for Jesse George estate; mem. school board of Friends Schools at 4th and Green Sts., and 17th and Green Sts. and Friends Central School; for about 25 years; pres. Delaware Co. V7.C.T.U., and pres. Woman's Club of Media, one year each. Active in movements for tem- perance and for colored people; chairman of Sub-Com. of Philadelphia Philanthropic Com., yearly meetings. Mem. Suffrage Soc since 1876, writes articles for public press in favor of it. Wrote leaflets on Hints to Teachers on Scien- tific Temperance Instruction, leafiet on Health, 2d editions of both endorsed by W.C.T.U. of Delaware Co., Pa, Author of poems and essays on current topics. Mem. So. of Friends, Chris- tian Temperance. Mem. Woman Su^rage League of S-warthmore, Pa., and Swarth— ore Club; hon. mem- Media Woman's Club. GASKINS, Anna Robinson (Mrs. J. C. Gaskins),

Aurolia, O.

Bom Aurelia, O., Oct. 31, 1865; dau. Francis M. and Phila (Johnson) Robinson ; grad. from Robinson Select School, Clermont (io., O., liter- ary course; m. Aurelia, O., Sept. 4, 1883, J. C. Gaskins, M.D., B.C.L. ; children: Rose Alice, b. June 17, 1884; Cyms R., b. June 21, 1887; Francis E., b. Aug. 7, 1889; Apphia G., b. May 20, 1892; John C, b. 1900. Active in religious work; mem. M.B. Church. Prominent in social life; pres. of the first philanthropic club of Clermont Co., also sec. of Clermont Go. Fed. One of the Ohio State Reception Com. at Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Cincinnati, 1910. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Order of Eastern Star. Recreations: Rid- ing, croquet, outdoor sports. Pres. Clermont Co. Club; pres. Woman's Club.; mem. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs and of Ohio Stat« Fed. GASS, Sarah A. (Mrs. John W. Gass), Romeo,


Bom Macomb, Macomb Co., Mich.; dau. William B. and Louise (Davis) Sutton; ed. Romeo Dist. School and Dickinson Inst., Romeo, Mich.; m. Romeo July 3, 1888, John W. Gass. Mem. Romeo Literary C3ub (pres. 1911-12) ; treas. Home Missionary Soc. Methodist. Mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Ladies' Aid Soc. ; sec Forester Society of Romeo. Favors woman suffrage. GASTON, Lucy Page, Hinsdale, III.

Superintendent Anti-Clgarette League of Amer- ica (founder); b. Delaware, O., May 19, 1S60; dau. Alexander Hugh and Henrietta (Page) Gaston; grad. High School, Lacon, 111.; attended State Normal School, Normal, 111.; taught in public schools ten years. Interested in boys; taught boys In Sunday-school 13 years; began public school work before 16. First public work in organized Sunday-school. Pres. Marshall Co. Sunday-school Ass'n; became specially con- cerned over growth of cigarette haliit, and began campaigning against it in 111. and other State Legislatures and In public school and other ad- dresses. Backed by Chicago business men, an organized work locally was incorporated in 1899; this became a national organization in 1901, and in 1911 the name Anti- Cigarette Leasns


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