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��and governesses; m. Philip G. Galpln, lawyer; children: FYances Julita and Philip Galpin. Prominent in social life. Mem. Francisca Club. The Castros are a distinguished family of the early Spanish settlers of California, related to the Pacheco, Alvarado and Vallejo families. GAL,PrN, JAoy, Box 250, R.F.D. No. 1, Los

Angeles, Gal.

Teacher civics, Los Angeles High School; b. Saginaw, Mich., June 23, 1876; dau. Cromwell and JuHet (Wood) Galpln; ed. State Normal School, Los Angeles; Univ. of Wis., Ph.B. '99. Taught at Normal School, Oebu, P.I., 1901-02; lecturer for Southern California at Lewis and Clark Exposition, Portland, Ore., 1905, and Alaska- Yukon Exposition, Seattle, 1909. Active as speaker in Cal. State Campaign Progressive Party, 1912. Organizer of Woman's City Club; teacher of first class organized for preparation of foreigners for examination for naturalization papers; mem. executive board Civic Ass'n, 1912- 13; com. menu of Business Woman's Civic Club. Recreations: Mountain walking trips, swimming travel (especially on Pacific Ocean). Resident (unofficially) of Hull House, Chicago, 1893. Progressive in politics. First pres. South- em Cal. Branch of College Equal Suffrage League; speaker for Cal. Political Elquality League during successful campaign for suffrage in 19U. GALiT, Madeline Noyes (Mrs. Hubert Gait),

66 E. Division St., Chicago, 111.

Born Chicago, Nov. 16, 1878; dau. John T. and Elizabeth (High) Noyee; ed. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.; Miss Kersey's School, Boston; m. Winnetka, 111., Sept. 15, 1304, Hubert Gait; children: Madeline, Elizabeth. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Recreations: Golf, tennis and out-door sports. GALUITH, Sara Bailey (Mrs. Charles A. Gal-

with), Fulton, Mo.

Born Pulton, Mo., Jan. 19, 1862; dau. Benjamin Franklin and Melcena (Threlkeld) Bailey; ed. public schools and Synodical Coll., Pulton, Mo., and in Univ. of Mich., 1879-81; m. Fulton, Mo., June 23, 1887, Charles A. Galwith; children: Frank, Lester. Interested in economic questions and in social and religious activities of home town. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Floriculture, specializing on ferns and chrysanthemums. GAMBLE, Eleanor Achison McColloch, 207

Western Road, W^ellesley, Mass.

Teacher; b. Cincinnati, O., March 2, 1868; dau. Joseph and Mary (McGUI) Gamble; grand- daughter of the late Alexander T. McGill, D.D., of Princeton Theological Seminary; grad. Wel- lesley, A.B. '89; Cofm^ll, Ph.D. '98; studied at Gottingen, Germany, 1906-07 (Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi); fellow in psychology, Cornell Univ., 1896-97. Taught Greek, Oxford, 0., 1889-90; taught Greek and Latin, State Normal School, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 1892-95; grad. student at Cornell, 1896-98. Instructor Wellesley Coll., 1898-1903; associate prof., 1903-10; prof psychol- ogy, 1910 — . Interested in raising cocker spaniels (on sanall scale). Favors woman suffrage. Author of Wellesley College Studies in Psychology (a monograph of the Psychological Review); Studies in Memorizing Various Materials by the Recon- structive Method; The Applicability of Weber's Law to Smell, and other technical papers. Pres- byterian. Mem. Am. Psychological Ass'n, Ladies' Kennel Ass'n of Mass. GAMBLE, Miuide Morcy (Mrs. Fred C Gamble),

Jefferson, La,

Born Darlington, Wis., July 9, 1877; dau. James P. and Janette Irene (Metcaif) Morey; grad. with honors Storm Lake High School, fol- lowed by courses at Buena Vista Coll., at Storm Lake, la., and Univ. of Wis.; m. Des Moines, la., Nov. 2, 1893, Fred E. Gamble; children: Stephen Morey, Eleanor Janette Gamble. Active in the social and philanthropic activities of the city. Pres. Friday Club; chairman Constitu- tional Com. of City Federation; mem. Thursday Study Club, Jefferson Country Club. Recrea- tions: Motoring, music. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.

��GANE, Gertrude, 114 B. Walton Place, Chicago,


Pianist, teacher; b. West Newton, Mass., June, 1872; dau. Thomas F. and Sarah F. (Jones) Gane; ed. Smith Coll., B.S. '94; studied music in Berlin, Columbia School of Music, Chicago (B.Mus.). Mem. Smith Students' Aid Soc, Smith Alumnae Ass'n, Ass'n of Colllegiata Alumnae Clubs: Amateur Musical, Chicago Wo- man's, Chicago College, Woman's Civic (Chi- cago), College Club (Boston). Recreations: Study of birds, country sports, traveling. Uni- tarian. Favors woman suffrage. GANE, Marjory, Wonalancet, N.H.

Bom Yonkers, N.Y., Mar. 8, 1880; dau. Thos. P. and Sarah P. (Jones) Gane; ed. Kirkland School, Chicago; Smith Coll., B.L. '01. Musical education in America and Europe. Interested in gardening, travel, violin. Mem. Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumna. Clubs: College (Boston); Le Lyceum (Paris). Recreations: Winter sports. Unitarian. GANNETT, Alice Peirson, 265 Henry St., N.Y.


Social worker; dau. Henry and Mary (Chase) Gannett; ed. Bryn Mawr, A.B. '98. Ass't head- worker. Welcome Hall, Buffalo, 1906-07; head- worker, Lenox Hill House, N.Y. City, 1907-12; associate headworker, Henry St. Settlement, N.Y. City, 1912. Mem. Women's Trade Union League, Ass'n for Labor Legislation, xntercoll. Socialist Soc. Mem. Bryn Mawr Club (N.Y. City). Recreations: Theatre, tennis, walking. Favors woman suffrage (chairman 18th Assem- bly District, 1908-09). Socialist. CANS. Birdie Stein (Mrs. Howard S. Gans),

401 West End Av., N.Y. City.

Social worker; b. Allegheny City, Pa., May 29, 1868; dau. Solomon and Pauline (Bemhard) Stein; ed. private schools in N.Y. City, Douai Inst, and Anne Brown School; law course in N.Y. Univ.; m. (1st) April, 1888, Louis Stern- berger; (2d) July, 1908, Howard S. Gans. Inter- ested in educa. work; pres. of Fed. of Child Study since 1896; vlce-pres. of League for the Im- provement of Children's Comic Supplement; second vice-pres. Woman's Conference of Society for Ethical Culture. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Society of Ethical Culture. Mem. Public Education Ass'n, League for Political Education, Child Welfare League, Round Table, (Drippled Children's Soc, School Art League, School of Mothercraft, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Acad, of Political Science, Woman's Rest Tour Ass'n, United Re- lief Works of Ethical Culture Soc, Nat. Geo- graphic Soc. Gen. Com. of Nat. Board of Censor- ship, Hudson Guild, Madison House City History Club, Nat. Child Labor Ass'n. GANTT, L. Rosa H. (Mrs. Robert Joseph Gantt),

Spartanburg, S.C.

Physician (eye, ear, nose and throat) ; b. Camden, S.C, Dec. 29, 1875; dau. Solomon and Lena (Debrena) Hirschmann; ed. Med. Coll. of S. C, M.D. (the first woman in the history of this Coll. to receive its degree and diploma) '01; m. SparUnburg, S.C, Mar. 16, 1905, Robert Joseph Gantt. Resident physician Winthrop Normal and Industrial School, 1904-05; chair- man for S. C. of Public Health EVlucation Com. of Med. Ass'n since 1910; lecturer on diseases of eye, ear, nose, throat and hygiene at Spar- tanburg Hospital; sec. Spartanburg Co. Med. Soc. since 1909; sec. of S.C. Soc. of Med. Secre- taries, since 1909; mem. Advisory Board o) Health Dep't of General Federation of Women's Oiubs. Organizer, pres. and sec. of Spartan- burg Health League; chairman Health Dep't Kennedy Library Ass'n; chairman Health Dep't of S.C. Federation of Women's Clubs; pioneer worker for the establishing of medical inspectiOD of school children in S.C. Has published several papers ou mei. subjects. Mem. Country Club (Spartanburg, S.C), State Lyceum Club, Nat. Club, N.Y. Jewess. Favors woman suffrage. GANTT, Matilda Weidenieyer (Mrs. James Brlt-

ton Gantt), Jefferson City, Mo.

Born Osceola, Mo., Oct. 2, 1857; dau. Capt J. M. and Leila (Crutchfleld) Weidemeyer; grad. Elizabeth Ann Sem., Lexington, Mo., M.A. ;


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