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GAIjK, Jane Wlnsor (Mrs, Lyman Whitman Indiana, Pa., 1888-93; co-prin. Private Coll. Prep.

Gale), Weston, Mass. School, 1896-1900; editorial staff, U.P.C, N.Y.

Manager; b. Winchester, Mass., Nov. 8, 1868; City, 1902-04; owner and pres. of private school

dau. Frederick Winsor, M.D., and Ann Bent for girls, Ebensburg, Pa., 1904-07; has estab-

(Ware) Wlnsor; ed. private schools, public high lished a boarding-school for younger girls,

school, boarding school, art schools in N.Y. and where important pedagogical principles have

Paris; m. Milton, Mass., Mar. 12, 1895, Lyman been developed. Interested in Sunday-school

Whitman Gale; children: Priscilla, Etoma W., work, Y.M.C.A- Auxiliary. Author, principally

Wlnsor. Originated, supported and managed of text-books, published under name of the

Toy Theatre, Boston, Mass., an experimental company. Mem. State Teachtrs' Ass'n of Pa.,

theatre with amateur actors, giving untried na- Am. Historical Ass'n, Nat. Geographic Soc.,

tive plays and foreign plays not before seen in Ass'n of Collegiate Alumn;??. Clubs: Round

Boston. Mem. Ways and Means Com. of Mass. Table (Tyrone, Pa.); Cornell Women's (N.Y.

Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Unitarian. Mem. City). Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.

Drama League Drama Soc, UnlUrian Aao'n GAO.OWAY, Emma Baker (Mrs. William Gal-

(Boston) Friendly Soc. (Weston, Mass.). Rec^ea- loway). 811 Saginaw St., Salem, Ore.

tions: Motoring, sailing, tennis, bridge, dancing. Former teacher; b. Dodge Co., Wis.. Dec 28,

writing, reading. X851; dau. Varranus and Sally J. (Fine!) Baker;

GALE, Margaret Morris (Mrs. Jesse Stearns of Revolutionary ancestry, descendant of Ool.

Gale), 1104 Sixth St., Greeley, Colo. EJthan Allen; crossed plains to Oregon with

Born Cincinnati, O., Mar. 10, 1854; dau. Robert widowed motier in 1865; ed. public schools of

Hunter and Martha Elizabeth (Wright) Morris; Wis., Iowa and Ore., completing education in

(descendant of Lewis Morris, signer of the academy at Lafayette, Ore.; m. Portland, Ore.,

Declaration of Independence); ed. mainly at home Oct. 13, 1875, William Galloway (now Judge Third

and In private schools; m. Topeka, Kaa., Juno 28, Judicial District of Ore.); children: Zllpha Vir-

1892, Jesse Stearns Gale. Taught Bngllah and ginia, Charles Varranus, Francis Vernon. Taught

history in Wyoming (O.) High School, 1876-90; six years in public schools of Yamhill Co., Ore.

held chair of English and history in State Served as dep't pres. of the Woman's Relief

Teachers' Coll., Greeley, Colo., 1890-92. Served Corps of Oregon^ 1901-02; pres. Rebekah Assem-

on Board of Directors of State Induatrial biy of Oregon, '07; now a mem. Board of Trus-

School for Girls in Colo.; registrar Oentennial tees of Odd Fellows' Home of Oregon; sec.

State Chapter D.R. ; served on State Confer- Yamhill Oo. Advisory Board to the State Boys'

ence D.R. and State Fed. Women's Clubs; and Girls' Aid Soc. Favors woman suffrage;

Com. for Conservation, Forestry and Child Wei- chairman Suffrage Com. Civic Improvement

fare. State Regent of D.R. m Colo, one Club; mem. State Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Suffrage

term; vlc«-pres. State Fed. Women's Clubs. League of Salem, Ore. Mem. United Artisans,

Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Self-Improvement Club of McMinnville Ore

Republican (progressive). Mem Colonial Dames, GALLOWAY, Fannie Mead DeUpUUm (Mrs.

United States Daughters of 1812 Stat* Forestry willlam K. Galloway), 107 Shermin St.. Den-

Ass'n and others. Mem. W. T. K. Club of ver, Colo.

Greeley, Colo. B^rn Madison, Wis., July 22, 1867; dau. George GALE, Zona, Portage, Wis. P. and Emeline T. (Smith) Delaplala; special Author; born Portage, Wis., Aug. 26, 1874; student at Univ. of Wis., 1871-76; m. Madison, dau. Charles and Eliza (Beers) Franklin; ed. Wis., Sept. 30, 1879, William K. Galloway; public schools of Portage, Wis.; State Univ., children: George Delaplaine, Margaret, Joseph B.L. '95; M.L. 1900. Mem. Board of Directors Delaplain-e, William King. Interested in social Am. Civic Ass'n; chairman of Civics, Gen. Fed. work, philanthropy and politics. Was chairman of Women's Clubs; chairman of Civics, Wis. of Industrial Com. in Colo. State Fed. of Fed. of Women's Clubs; vice-pres. Win Peace Women's Clubs; served three years as chairman Soc.; pres. Portaee Study Club. Favors woman of Social Science Dep't in Denver Woman's Club; suffrage; vlee-pres. Wis. Suffrage Ass'n, and mem. Colo. State Free Traveling Library Corn- chairman of Columbia County Suffrage Soc. mission; campaign speaker in local political re- Author: Friendship Village, 1906; Th« Loves of form movement; for 10 years was vice-pres. of Pelleas and Etarre, 1907; Friendship Village charity ass'n in Wisconsin; helped organize Wis. Love Stories, 1909; Mothers to Men, 1911; Christ- Consumers' League; was its first pres. (served mas, 1912; also writer of Action in various three terms). Favors woman suffrage. Agnostic. magazines; author of pamphlet on Civic Work Nat., Democrat; local and State, Independent] In the Little Towns. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Labor Mem. D.A.R., Woman's Public Service League of Legislation, Women's Trade Union League. Denver (charter mem.), Direct Legislation OALJ^GHEB. Frances L. (Mrs. F. E. Galla- League, Woman Suffrage Soc; mem. Am. Acad, gher), 287 Waban Av.. Waban, Mass. Political and Social Science. Recreations: Music, Born Quaker Springs, N.Y.. June 13, 1881; Piano. Mem. Eau Clair (Wis.) Woman's Club dau. Franklin Pierce and Harriet A. (Robens) (charier and life mem. and first pres., serving Coons; ed. Kingston Acad., N.Y.; Cornell Univ., two terms); Woman's Club of Denver. Reviewers' A.B. "02. A.M. '04; N.Y. State Normal Coll., Club of Denver. Instrumental in securing Wis- Ph.B. '03 (Psi Gamma); m. Kingston, N.Y. consin laws on child labor and in getting Univ. July 13, 1907, Francis E. Gallagher; children': »f Wis. to establish a correspondence course in Catharine Anna, b. 1908; Francis Ralph, b. 1909. practical philanthropy; during winter of 1912-13 Teacher of physics and chemistry at Bound engaged in organizing first university extension Brook, N.J., and at Maryland Woman's Coll., course in applied sociology, to be given by Univ. 1904-07. Mem. Waban Woman's Club (Neiwton of Colo, in Denver, under direction of Social Federation). Cornell Alumnae Ass'n. Science Dep't of Woman's Club. GALLAGHER, Nettie— see Dunbar. Janet. ^^k^^^^,?V,*^' ^"^**'^ Warner (Mrs. William .^.-i T ;...x,^» V^ « X ^ ^ Gibson Gallowhur), Scarsdale. N.Y. GALLAHEB, Grace Margaret. Essex. C«nn. Born N.Y. City. May 27, 1879; dau. Lucien C. Born N City; grad Vassar Coll A.B. '17. and Keren S. (Osborne) Warner; ed. Classical Settlement worker. NY City. 1897-98; teacher. School. N.Y. City, 1S96; Vassar Coll., B.A. '01- Bridgeport, Conn., 1899-1902; Bryn Mawr School, ni. Irvington-on-Hudsou, N.Y., Oct. 15. 1902 Baltimore, Md since 1902. Author: Vaaaar wiUlam Qibeon Gallowhur; children: George! Stories; also stories and arUcles In magazUes b. 1904; Keren, b. 1907; Elizabeth, b. 1909. Pres. and newspapers. Scarsdale Nursing Ass'n, ass't treas. Sorosis. GALLAHEB, Sarab McCune, Ebensburg, Cam- Against woman suffrage. Congregationallst. brla Co., Pau Recreations: Tennis, gardening. Mem. Sorosis, President of private school; b. New Washing- Wom€n'» University Club. Scarsdale Country ton. Pa., June 8, 1J64; dau. G. W. and Elizabeth Club, Manurslng Island Club. (Hallesen) Gallaher; ed. State Normal Sobool. OALPIN, Jnlla Bogart (Mrs. Philip G. Galpin). Indiana, Pa., M.S.; Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '95; 62 Oakvale Av., Claremont Park, Berkeley. Universities of Oxford, Sorbonne, Berlin, 1900-01; Cal.

Univ. of Pa., fellow In American History, A.M. Daughter of Qea. Victor Castro and Julia

'02. Instructor in English, Stat© Normal School, (Tow^cad) Csatro of N.Y.; ed. home by tutors


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