lar Astronomy. Unitarian. Fellow A.A.A.S.; Zoologists. Anatomische Gesellschaft (Germany);
mem. Astronomical and Astrophysical Soc. Rec- trustee George Washington Memorial Ass'n, fel-
reatlons: Walking, bird study, skating. low A.A.A.S. Favors woman suffrage.
FURNISS, Grace Livingston, The Southern, 203 GAGEB, Nellie (Mrs. William M. Gager), 8908
W. 54th St., N.T. City. N. 42d Av., Chicago, 111.
Playwright; b. N.Y. City; dau. William and Bom Palatine, 111., Mar. 12, 1859; dau. Homer
Louise (ChoUet) Furniss. First professional B. and Mary J. (Cady) Galpin; ed. grammar
production was Colonial Girl, 1899. Author: and high schools, Chicago; m. Chicago, 111., May
Colonial Girls and Pride of Jennico (in collabor- 22, 1879, Willlm M. Gager; children: Jennie
atlon with Abby Sage Richardson); sole author May, Grace,Homer Perry, Adeline Luella,
of Robert of Sicily; Mrs. Jack; Gretna Green; William Lleyd. Active worker for 30 years in
The Man on the Box; The Best Man; Tandem; Reformed Church of Irving Park (pres. Ladies'
Quicksands; Marco; and numerous amateur Soc. for two years; sec. of Missionary Soc.; has
plays. Interested In The Consumers' League, been pres. of Aid and Loan Soc. for past two
The Humane Soc, The Burroughs Nature Club, years). Mem. Butler Relief Corps, Irving Park
Christian Scientist, Mem. The Twelfth Night Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage.
Club, The Am. Dramatists Club. Favors woman GAIGE, Charlotte May (Mrs. Orson Hoag
suffrage. Gaige), 172 W. High St., Carlisle, Pa.
FUTCHEB, Marjorie Howard (Mrs. Thomas B. Born Ransom, Mich.; dau. Andrew Edwin and
Futcher), 23 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. Emallne (Miller) Scott; ed. Hillsdale High School
Born Montreal, Can., 1885; dau. Robert Palmer and Hillsdale Coll., Mich.; m. Hillsdale, Mich.,
and Emily S. (Severs) Howard; ed. in England, Nov. 27, 1895, Orson Hoag Gaige (died 1901); one
in Highfleld School, and at Dresden, Germany; daughter: Ruth Eleanore. Manager educational
m. Montreal, Nov. 24, 1909 Thomas B. Futcher; celebrities, 1906-08; field manager for the Lee
children: Palmer Howard, Thomas Bruce Fut- Lecture System, 1908-09; field sec. Nat. Soc. for
Cher. Protestant. Recreations: Golf, walking. Broader Education, 1909-10; chief traveling sec. of
motoring. Mem. Baltimore Country Club. the Nat. Soc. for Broader Education, 1910—. Has
FUTBELLE. Louise May Peel (Mrs. Jacques f^^^}'}},t^r.J^^^r.J^l!^\f^y\rr.lli fh'<f'^'nL jff
Fiitrfiiifi^ c;pUiintP Ma/« hygiemc and economic Imes among the poor of
WrYterf b At^antk, Ga, May 26, 1876; dau. Ktor"t'n'ed„cLlon'.l .^c.'Sfn'.ic^rfrfdnVn.nm'^c
David Gabriel and Mary (Thompson) Peel; ed. ^u^r^als AuS^^^^^
at the Convent of the Immaculate Conception, i°Vfil^'^-i>j„^'^'^S,°'^,.Kj„ Jo w^l,i^^^^
Atlanta. Ga.; m. July 17, 1895, Jacques Futrelle ^}'^^A ^™/ %^5ffl^!i„^,°™^i5:^>,?t"^*HHS[n!'
(distingliished novelist; died April 15, 1912). °!^t 'ot^ Recreations: Fishing, driving.
Author: A Secretary of Frivolous Affairs, 1911. 5;,i5'^.| ■, ^ -^ „ xi ■ ,-., -r, t.
One of the survivors of the Titanic disaster, in GAINES Janet Maxwell Hams (Mrs. R. E.
which her husband lost hia life. Games) Richmond College, Richmond. Va.
Born Richmond Va. ; dau. Dr. H. H. and
EJmma (Bibb) Harris; grad. Woman's Ck)ll.,
Richmond; HolUns CJoll., Va. ; m. Louisville,
G Ky., 1896, Prof. R. B. Gaines; oh© daughter:
Elizabeth Pendleton. Vice-pres. Baptist Woman's
GABRIIX, Olive Scott (Mrs. Adolphe Gabriel), Missionary Union of Va-; sec. Baptist Home for
77 Washington Place, NY City Aged Women, Richmond; vice-pres. Every Mon-
Lawyer; b. In Oregon; 'dau. Fielding Denny ^fy Club (literary) ; mem. A.P.V.A., Conf«d.
and Mary Ellen (Perry) Stott; ed. St Mary's Memorial Society, Daughters of the (Confederacy.
Acad, and Coll., Portland, Ore. (AlUHinaB medal Baptist.
for composition), 1889; N.Y. Univ., LL.M. '03; GALBBAITH, Anna Mary, 68 W. 47th St., N.Y.
m. Milwaukee, Wis., Adolphe Gabriel. Associate SV^^'. ,
editor Woman Lawyers' Journal. Interested In Physician, author; b. Carlisle, Pa.; dau.
Woman's Auxiliary to Salvation Army Rescue Thompson Moore and Elizabeth (Woods) Gal-
Dep't and in suppression of "white slave" braith; ed. public schools of Pa-, Vmssar Oil.,
traffic. Clubs: New Yorkers, Woman Lawyers. 1875-79; Woman's Med. Coll., Pa., M.D. '84;
Protestant. Favors woman suffrage; vice-pres. followed by two years' post-graduate work In
William Lloyd Garrison Equal Rights Ass'n, Vienna and Munich (first woman admitted as
Oregon (College League. resident physician in the Woman's Hospital of
„-^^ -., -^ -.^ 1^ ,,, „ Munich). Clinician and ass't in the gynecologi-
GAGE, Mary E. Mott (Mrs. Hurley Calvin eal staff of the Woman's Hosp. of Philadelphia,
Gage), 4 Dupont Circle, Washington, D.C. 1886-89; since 1889 has practiced modicine In
Bom Caldwell Manor, Grand Isle (Co., Vt; dau. n.Y. City. Attending clinician and Instructor in
Hon. Ashley and Rosetta Abigail (Graves) Mott; clinical medicine In the N.Y. Infirm«ry for Wo-
ed. Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., A.B. '80; men and Children, 1889-1903, and attending phy-
m. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 21, 1883, Harley sician. One of founders and mem. N.Y. Branch
Calvin Gage (banker); one daughter: Margaret Vassar Students' Aid Soc. (pres. 1892-93); mem.
ViVian Gage. Lite mem. N.Y. Genealogical and Alumnae Ass'n Woman's Med. Coll., Pa., and
Biographical Soc.; charter mem. Women's Univ. pres. of the Ass'n 1897-99; fellow N.Y. Acad, of
Club of N.Y. City; mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alum- Medicine. Author: Hygiene and Physical Cul-
nae; Soc. of Mayflower Descendants; D.A.R.; ture for Wo^men, 1895; The Four Epochs of
pres. of the Nat. Soc. Colonial Daughters of Woman's Life, 1901; Personal Hygiene and Phy-
American Founders and Patriots; mem. Soc. for gigal Training for Women, 1911, and many other
the Promotion of Hellenic Studies (London), and contributions to the medical and general press.
the Classical Ass'n of England and Wales. Presbyterian. Recreations: Walking, boating,
Mem. Vassar Alumnae Ass'n and Vassar Stu- riding horseback
dents' Aid Soc Author: Revolutionary Heroes; gALE, Mrs.. Agnes SpofTord Cook, 5646 Klmbark
Royal Descent; Colonial Ancestry of Several ^y Chicago HI
New England Families. Favors woman suffrage; g^r'n Normal, 111., Aug. 7, 1873; dau. John
mem. Nat. Woman s Suffrage Ass n (district williston and Lydia Farnham (Spofford) Cook;
branch). g^ jjl_ g^^^^g Normal Univ.; Wellesley Coll.;
GAGE, Susanna Phelps (Mrs. Simon Henry Univ. o^ Chicago, A.B.; mem. Zeta Alpha (Wel-
Oage), 4 South Av., Ithaca, N.Y. lesley). Mortar Board (Chicago); m. Jan. 5,
Student, scientific Investigator; b. Morris- 1901; one daughter: Beatrice. Taught two years
ville, N.Y., Dec. 26, 1857; dau. Henry Samuel at Univ. of 111., dep't of English; acting head of
and Mary (Austin) Phelps; ed. C!azenovIa Sem., rhetoric dep't, second year. Favors woman suf-
Comell Univ., Ph.B. '80; m. Morrisville, N.Y., frage. Author: The Children's Odyssey, Achilles
Dec. 14, 18S1, Prof. Simon Henry Gage; one son: and Hector. Editor: Last of the Mohicans
Henry Phrips Gage, b. Oct. 4, 1886. Author of (Cooper); Sesame and Lilies (Ruskln); Songs of
scientific axtlcles on Structure of Muscle and De- Tree-Top and Meadow; Songs of Mother and
velopment of the Brain ia Am. Journal of Anat- Child. Unitarian. Mem. Univ. of Chicago Set-
omy, and ot3ier publications. Mem. Ass'n Coll. tlement League. Recreations: Music, golf. Mem.
Alumnae, Ass'n Am. Anatomists, Am. Soc. Woman's City Clu<b.