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torial staff Woman's Companion, September, wich, N.Y., May 6, I860: dau. John Samuel and 1904-October, 1906; fashion editor N.Y. Sunday Joanna (Terry) Shattuck; ed. schools of Norwich, American since April, 1907. Occasional con- N.Y. ; Vassar Coll., A.B. '85; m. Norwich, N.Y., trlbutor to periodical literature. July 14, 1886, Dr. Frederick S. Fulton (died Mar. J'Xri.LER, Sarah, 122 Concord St., Newton Lower 26, 1889); children: Ruth, b. June 5, 1887; Mar- Falls Mass sery (Mrs. Robert Freeman), b. Dec. 26, 1888, Teaching; b Weston Mass. Feb. 15, 1836; dau. Teacher, Miss Mlttleberger's School, Cleveland, Hervey and Cel^nda (Fiske)' Fuller; ed. public 0-. 1885-86; Norwich (N.Y.) High School, 1893-94; schools of Weston and Newton and in the Eng- St. Joseph (Mo.) High School, 1894-96; PiUsbury lish and Classical School of West Newton. On Acad Owatonna Minn. 1896-98. Sup't of cir- Nov. 10 1869, organized a public day school for culation, Buffalo Public Library, 1898-1911. Mem. deaf children in Boston; was principal of this «' B'd of Directors, Y.W.C.A., Pasadena, Cai. (The Horace Mann School for the Deaf) from Occasional contributor to periodicals. Pres'by- Nov. 10, 1869, until reUrement In June, 1910. In terian. Republican Progressive. Mem. D.A.R. 1890 taught Helen Keller to speak. Mem, Board FULTON, Linda de Kowalewska (Mrs. Robert of Directors of the Am. Ass'n to Promote the Fulton), Delaware Av.. Buffalo, N.Y. Teaching of Speech to the Deaf; mem. of the Artist and writer; b. Niagara Falls, N.Y., Woman's Education Ass'n of Boston; vlce-pres. Mar. 27, 1858; dau. Count Plotr de Kowalewskl Exec. Ck)m. of Sarah Fuller Home School for Ca Polish patriot ofiBcer and exile) and Asenath Little Deaf Children; mem. Board of Directors (Whitney) Kowalewska: ed. private schools; m. of Boston Education Ass'n for the Deaf; mem. Niagara Falls, Robert Fulton (died 1910). Trans- of the New England Educational League. Favors lated: The Jew (from the Polish); Carine (from woman suffrage. Author: An Illustrated Primer; the French of Louis Enault. Author: NadlEi, A Set of Phonic Charts. Episcopalian. Mem. the Maid of the Mist, a story of Niagara; has Neighbor Improvement Soc, Church Guild, done much newspaper work, art critiques and Recreations: Musical entertainments, reading. short stories. Landscape painter (has exhibited) ; FUIXEETON, Anna Martha, Landour, Mussou- ^^^o P°et and lecturer. An officer in the rle. United Provinces, India, Buffalo Chapter D.A.R. ; is first vice-regent of Physician; b. Agra, United Provinces, India, Niagara Frontier Chapter Daughters of 1812, Aug. 16, 1853; dau. Rev. Robert Stewart and through descent from her grandfather. General Martha (White) Fullerton, American mission- Parkhurst Whitney, officer in that war and a axles; ed. Philadelphia Girls' High School and disUnguished pioneer of the Niagara frontier. Normal School, Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Past (M.D.), '83; post-graduate work in Europe. Pres. of the Scribblers; sec. Buffalo Soc. of Tanght 8 years In Girls' High School, Phlladel- Artists.

phia; b«fore entering Woman's Med. Coll. of FULTON, »Iary Cella, Young Women's Christian

Pa., taught In latter as demonstrator of ob- Ass'n, St. Louis, Mo.

stetrlea, and later clinical prof, of gynecology. Education secretary Y.W.C.A. ; b. Newark, O., Physician in charge Woman's Hospital of Phila- Nov. 5, 18S2; dau. J. Willis and Harriet (Glick) delphia, 1886-96; taught in med. school, Lodiana, Fulton; ed. Denison Univ., Granville, O., B.S., India, 1899-1903 and 1906-07. Went to India in 1899 Univ. of Chicago, M.S. Instructor modern lan- and has been engaged in med. missionary work guages in Broaddus Inst, Clarksburg, W.Va., ever since: has now retired from very active work, 1904-05; In Scio Coll., Scio, O., 1905-06; dean of on aceoont of health; has been asssociated as an Coll., Lexington Coll., Lexington, Mo., 1912. Ed- honorary worker with the Foreign Missionary ucatlonal sec. in St. Louis Y.W.C.A. Favors Soc. of the Am. Presbyterian Board of Foreign woman suffrage. Cor. sec. during Ohio cam- Missions, N.Y. City. Author of articles on paign for Licking Co. Equal Suffrage League. Gynecology and Obstetrics, contributed to the Baptist. Pres. Investigation Club, 1911-13; mem. various journals on these subjects published In Research Club, 1911-13, at Newark, O. America: two books for nurs^, entlUed: Ob- rULTON, Sara Acer (Mrs. Edward Fulton), stetrio Nursins ^d Surgcal Nurs^g; a b^k logg ^4^4 California Av.. Urbana. 111. fn*" '^^kl^" n?^Vf^V^^v1^H?n'^ I^L^Hv Born Shelby Center, N.Y., Jan. 7, 1861; dau. rnn^li^h Jsi A^^^i? A«-,, ^nT^ila ^olney A. and Charlotte (Peck) Acer; ed. Vas- Po 1?^ -Jl^ <!^= ^; f^!^-n„-^ti^ w^ :^^ ^r Coll., A.B. '84; m. July 23. 1896, Edward Ful- o^fffH^ti l^;«^^ Phn.Hpfnh^^ r?.^ Afc°n ^°^- P^of. of mathematics. Wells Coll.. 1886-96. «f Mif^ wnm^ «n^ fhi M»H^ Mu^.^n^r, l^'n Trustee Presbyterian Church, Urbana; cor. sec of T^fd^fl ' Missionary Ass n Bloomington Presbyterian Missionary Soc.; mem.

Ass'n of CoUegiate Alumnse. Presbyterian. Mem. FULLERTON, Edith Lorlng (Mrs. Harry B. Am. Mathematical Soc, 1892-97; Fortnightly Club, PuUorton), Medford Station, Long Island, N.Y. Champaign Social Science Club. Author; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct 24, 1876; dau. •E-TT.Tir . -..t ilt m ^ r> ,^, ^ ^ John A. and Eleanor Louise (Swltzer) Jones; ed. *^^^'"^> ^=1"° l" ^\ (Mrs. George Furman). Friends schools of Pa., Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, I" Hooper St.. Brooklyn, N.Y. N.Y.; m. Bristol, Pa., June 3, 1898. Harry b! 1^?°^?. 'S^f„®i°^^' ^Tf„^-i. ;'^;„^\ ^^I^: <^*"- Fullerton; ohUdren: Hope. Eleanor, Lorlng. ^'^7^'^'L^- ^°* J^^'^ ?.\*^w^^,^?^c'*'"u^ ?^™P- Co-worker with husband on the Long Island R.R. ^®"'^,^- ^'?°^'Z?, ^j'^'^ioon"'!^ School; m. Experimental Stations and lecturer on agrlcul- Brooklyn. N.Y (>ct 14. 1890. George Furman. tural subjects. Interested In agricultural uplift. Director of The Internat Sunshine Soc sec. Author: How to Make a Vegetable Garden; The ^°'«'"°f*^- ■^?"°^^^°%?®? ' ^°'" ^5^^^^"?,^', If^' Lure of the Land; Small Gardens for Small ^"ii'^°f,,?°™®n^?J,„?°i^^*o^^',^^!'" "^^ Folks. Editor of The Long Island Agronomist; P^f • Southern Division NY. State Intenat. Sun- contributor to magazines, weeklies aid dallies. ^^\^f 1°?-= ^-"-^S- A^^^??/^^°^*'? ^^- °' Mem. ■ N.Y. State Agricultural Soc., Suffolk Co. ^"' Reformed Church Brooklyn. N.Y. Teach- Agrlcultural Soc; pres. Long Island Agricultural ^r of Young Men's Bible Class Mem Rainy Soc; associate mem. Pa, School of HSrtlculture ^^^ iil'"M«^ '^,?^yf^,of.^^I^Ph?^;>, ^°'^"^- for Women. Recreation: Floriculture. walking. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church.

FULLICK, Elizabeth, Dana Hall, Wellesley, FUBNE8S, Caroline EUen. Vassar College.

jjj^gg •" Poughkeepsle. N.Y.

Teacher, artiet lecturer; b. Alton, England; , Teacher: b. Cleveland, O.; dau. Hennj Ben- came to U.S. in klrlhood; educated In schools of it^n^t,^ n'^,h?ip""LphL«^^f«l«r'?lfn°= a^r ^'q^i' Coldwater, Mich., and Vaasar. A.B. '78; student p. n rS^!^h.n tt^I ' ^o^ t£^w i?' hith of art m Europe. 1888-96. Teacher In PorUand, fA-P^-i.^^^wf^? w^« I;i' ^^r, ^^ r J^mh f. Ore., two years; Tacoma, Wa^h.. three years f^^°°il:, ^r. Xo^ri^^^ vo^c'; ^t i^f]"^ci^^' Staten Island. N.Y.. 1896-1901; teicher and lee- 9{^,^^VJ ^f^^t^r^n^J^^/^'J VH ' m^,^" turer In Dana Hall Welleslev Mass nlncp i<»ni '^^^^ P^°^- °' astronomy, Vassar, 19U. Mem. lurer m uana Haii. weiiesiey. Mass.. since liWl. ^.udubon Soc. N.Y. League of Unitarian Wo-

FULTON, Beatrice Joanna Shattuck (Mrs. men. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse. Associate Alumnae

Frederick S. Fulton), 675 Magnolia Av., Pasa- of Vassar Coll. Favors woman suffrage. Has

dena, Cal. made scientific contributions to the Astronomical

Teacher and librarian (now retired); b. Nor- Journal, Astronomlsche Nachrichten, and Popu-


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