��Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '04; holder of city scholar- ship for graduates of- Philadelphia High School for Girls, 1900-04. Mem. Board of Visitors of the Episcopal Hospital in Philadelphia, 1906-12, volunteer worker in the Philadelphia Soc. for Organizing Charity; sec. Frankford Day Nursery. Opposed to woman suffrage. Protestant Episco- pal Mem. Philadelphia College Club; sec. Women's Literary Club of Frankford. FKISBIE, Martha C. (Mrs. A. L. Frlsble), 1111 Seventh St., Des Moines, la. Missionary president; b. Danbury, Conn., May 17 1840- dau Judah P. and Catherine (Stevens) Crosby;' grad. Mt. Holyoke Female Sem. (now Mt. Holyoke Coll.), '59; m. Danbury Conn., July 29, 1S73, Rev. A. L. Frisbie, D.D.; chil- dren: Mabel Everett, Alfred Lowrey. Was teacher before marriage, in New Brunswick, N.J., 1860-62; Danbury, Conn., 1862-69; Temple Grove Sem., Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 1869-^3. Was for 25 years connected with the la. Brancn of the Women's Board of Missions of the In- terior 14 years vice-pres., 11 years as pres. Has been specially Interested and active In Bible study and instruction, in Sunday-school, Y W C A and Women's Club, and in other work social, religious and philanthropic. Favors woman suffrage. Has written leaflets and news- paper articles on missionary and other religious subjects. Presented paper at the Ecumenical Missionary Conference in N.Y. City. 1890. Con- gregationalist.
FROEHI.ICH, Ava M. (Mrs. Hugo B. Froeh- lich), 431 Spruce St., Richmond Hill., I-..I-; studio, Karol Shop. ,„.„ ^ „,
Craft worker; b. Avoca, N.Y., 1863; dau. M. Augustus and Harty (Hughes) Buell; ed. Cleve- land (Ohio) public schools; Pratt Inst.; m. Cleveland, Ohio, 1890, Hugo B. Froehhch. Teacher of jewelry work In N.Y. School of tine and Applied Arts. Favors woman suffrage. Author of articles on making of baskets (Palette and Brush Magazine), on jewelry (Ceramic Studio), on metal jewelry (International Studio). now writing a book on metal and jewelry. Unitarian. Mem. Nat. Craftsma^ N.Y. Recrea- tions: Music, theatres. Mem. Three Arts Club (N.Y. City).
IKOKLICHEK, Frances Mitchell (Mrs. Hans Froelicher^ 2221 North Charles St., Balti- more, Md. , _, , Born Philadelphia, March, 1854; dau. Charles W. and Anna C. (Jackson) Mitchell; ed. private schools, Philadelphia; Cornell Univ.. 1874-76; zarich Univ., 1884-87 (Ph.D. '87); Leipzig Univ., 18S7; m. Baltimore, Sept. 5, 1888, Hans Froe- licher Ph.D.; children: Charles Mitchel, b. 18S9, Hans 'Jr.. b. 1S91; Francis M.. b. 1892 Prmcipa^ Friends High School, Granville, N.Y., 1876-;n, principal Friends High School, Easton, N.Y 1877-80- principal Friends High School, West Chester Pa., 1880-81; reader In Anglo-Saxon, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1887-88; ass't prof, of German, Goucher Coll., nine years. Interested In District Charity Board, Baltimore; mem. Exec. Com. Lio- cust Point College Settlement, Baltimore. Mem. Club of College Women, Baltimore, Arundell Club Baltimore (formerly). Recreations: Eu- ropean travel, camping, tramping and nature Btudy Mem. Society of Friends. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League and of Woman's Wilson League of Baltimore. FKOST, Ruth (Mrs. Reginald Frost), Rancho Verde, Vlctorvllle, Cal.
Daughter Edward Canfleld and Cordelia (Sea- vey) Sterling; ed. in France and Germany and Mary Inst., St Louis, Mo.; m. Redlands, Cal., Apr ">* 1900 James Reginald Graham Frost; children'- Mary, b. Jan. 28, 1901; Evelyn Graham, b Oct 10 1903; Rosamund Ruth Sterling, b. Oct li, 19'06. Interested in education, painting and literature. Favors woman suffrage. Uni- tarian Democrat. Recreations: Riding, driv- ing Studied painting in St. Louis School of Fine Arts; pupil of Abbot H. Thayer, N.Y. City and of the Colarossi and Del6cluse studios, Paris; pupil of Giovanni Boldinl, Paris. Ex- hibited at Salon of Socl6te des Beaux Arts, 1893, and for several years at Soc. of Am. Artists, N Y City, and various other exhibitions.
��FBOTHINGHAM, Kugenia Brooks, 476 Beacon
St., Boston, Mass.
Author; b. Paris, France, Nov. 17, 1874; dau, Edward and Eugenia (Mifflin) Frothlngham; ed. private schools. Author: The Turn of the Tide, 1901; The Evasion, 1906; Her Roman Lover. 1911. FBOTHINGHAM. Jessie Peabody. Princeton, N J
Author; b. Boston, Mass; dau. Arthur L. and Jessie (Peabody) Frothlngtam ; ed. In I^y. Interested as manager Men's Free Reading Room- director Town Club (philanthropic), sec. and treas. Com. on Music; mem. Village Im- provement Soc. Trustee of private estates. In favor of limited suffrage. Writer of magazine and newspaper articles. Lecturer on French literature. Author: Sea Fighters from Drake to Farragut; Sea Wolves of Seven Shores; Running the Gauntlet; "Journal" of Maurice de Guferln, translated from the French; "Obermann, by Senancour, translated from the French; Success in Gardening: The Work Week by Week. Pres- byterian. Recreations: The opera, concerts, traveling. Mem. Present Day Club. FBT, Emma Viola Sheridan (Mrs. Alfred Brooks Fry), care of Chief Engineer Fry, U.S. Custom House, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Painsville, O.; dau. George A. ana Emma Christina (Huther) Sheridan; grad. N.Y. Normal Coll.; m. 1891, Deer Isle, Me., Alfr^ Brooks Fry; one son: Sheridan Brooks. Grad. Am Acad, of Dramatic Arts, 1885. Was a mem. of- the Boston Museum Co. and of Richard Mansfield Co. Took dramatic direction of the Children's Educational Theatre, N.Y. City, 1904, and conducted all its educational work till Jan. 1 1909; took charge, as dramatic director, of the Educational Players, N.Y. City, 1910. Teacher In Am Acad, of Dramatic Arts, 1909-10. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of general syndicate newspaper work, and Polly Papers In the Dra- matic Mirror, 1887-1900; has in preparation a text book of Educational Dramatic Methods, and Educational Players' Students Arrange- ment of "Twelfth Night" and "Macbeth/" Pro- duced at the Children's Educational Theatre, The Prince and the Pauper, written by her from Mark Twain's book, and the Abby Sage Rich- ardson play, produced with the Educatlcmal Players, 1910; "Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Morris High School, N.Y.; produced "The Tempest" for Smith Coll. Alumnse, 1898. All her present work tends towards spreading and demonstrating the principles of educational dra- matic methods. Episcopalian. Recreation: Riding (horseback). Mem. Pen and Brush Club, N.Y. City.
FRY Georglana (Mrs. John Hemming Fry), Gainsborough Studios, 222 W. Fifty-ninth St., N.Y. City.
Artist; b. St Loula, Mo., Feb. 3, 1864; dau. Henry Timken; ed. Llndenwood Coll., St. Charles Mo.; St. Louis Art School; art schools of N.Y. City; in Paris under August Schenck, G Guigare and Harry Thompson; m. San Diego, Cal July 29, 1891, John Hemming Fry. Has exhi'bited In the Paris ^Salon and at various exhibitions in American ciUes. Favors wom^ suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of N.Y. Mem. Woman's Art Club, Barnard Club. FKYBEKGEB, Mrs. Agues Moore, 3032 James Av., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Teaoher and lecturer; b. Madison, Ind., May 30, 1868- dau. Benjamin F. and Florence (Wilber) Moore; ed. Minneapolis public schools and State Univ. of Minn.; m. 1891, Dr. W. O. Fryberger. Ass't supervisor of music in Minneapolis public schools; lecturer on grand opera and music. Mem D.A.R. ; charter mem. Woman's Welfare League; charter mem. Hennepin Co. Auxiliary of Med Soc ; chairman Minn. Supervisors of Public School Music; vice-chairman Music Dep't Gen. Fed Woman's Clubs, 1910-12; charter mem. Tourist Club; pres. Thursday Musical, 1906-09. CongregaUonalist. Prominent through Northwest as a speaker on musical subjects. FBYE, Annie Franc««, 14 Summer St., Rockland. Maine. „ _.
Teacher; b. Oct. 27. 1861; dau. Dr. Thomae