High School, New Haven, Ckmn., 1900-04. Mem. FBEEMAN, Clara Angmsta (Mrs. L,. M. Free- Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n. man). Independence, la.
FBASEB, Margaret Ethel Victoria, 1434 Glen- T,.^°i;^, y„^^i^i,^7'?i„i.^' Pr^- !^' S ^"^a
arm .=!» Dpnvpr Onio Thomas and Ann (Gifiord) Gray; ed. Iowa State
Ph^sicknfr Quebec; Que., Can., 1871; dau. Univ. ■96, Springdale Sem. -90; m. Nor 10 1896.
Donald and Elizabeth J (Brown) Fraser; ed. Ledyard M. Freeman; one son: Kenneth Gifiord.
McGill Univ., Montreal, B.A. '94; Trinity Univ., Interested in church and Sunday-scool work;
Toronto, M.D.. CM. '99. Interne Kew England focial and cmo improvement work of house
Hospital for Women, 1899-1900; gynecologist to to^m Mem P.E O (CTiapter B.D. l£u); pres.
County Hospital, Denver, Colo., 1910-12; ass't Ladies Literary Club. Recreations: Golf, rldmg,
in gynecology, Univ. of C<ilorado; city physician, drivmg, horticulture. Presbyterian. Favors
Denver, Colo.; physician to State Industrial woman suffrage.
Sthool for Girls; rec. sec. of Woman's Public FKEEMAN, Elizabeth Janette Child (Mrs. Dan- Service League, and of Soc. for Social Health. lei B. Freeman), Bethel, Vt Mem. City Federation, W.C.T.U., Colorado Physician; b. Bethel, Vt., July 1, 1840; dau. Suffrage Ass'n, Med. Soc. of the City and Lyman and Elizabeth E. (Blanchard) Child; ed. County of Denver, State Med. Soc. and Am. Med. Randolph State Normal School '68; grad. Univ. Ass'n. Clubs: Woman's (Denver), Colorado of Mich., M.D. '89; m. Bethel, Vt, 1903, Dr. Mountain. Recreations: walking, mountain Daniel B. Freeman. Engaged In practice of climbing. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage, medicine from 1889.
Independent in pontics. FREEMAN, Ella Maria, Vassar College, Pough- FBAUENTHAX, Ida Baridon (Mrs. Joseph keepsie, N.Y. Frauenthal), Conway, Ark. College instructor; b. Milbury, Mass.; ed. In Born Mooers, N.Y.; dau. Rev. Louis and schools of Milhury, Mass., and Vassar Coll., Fanny (Challet) Baridon (father of Huguenot, A.B. '84; Univ. of Chicago, A.M. '06. Teacher, mother of Swiss descent); ed. Filler Inst., St. Dudley, Mass., 1884-86; Clinton, Conn., 1886-87; Johns, Que., Can.; m. Conway, Ark., 1901, instructor in Vassar Coll. since 1887. Joseph Frauenthal. Pres. Ark. Federation of FBEEMAN, Lucy Jane, West Wrentham, Mass. Women's Clubs. Presbyterian; teacher in Sunday- Author, publisher; b. Central Falls, R.I., Not. school; interested in local and State charities. 19^ 1572; dau. Edward L. and Emma Elliot Mem. Conway Shakespeare Club, School Im- (Brown) Freeman; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '97; provement Clut, City Beautiful Ass'n, State Brown Univ., M.A. '99; studied Boston Art Ass'n for Charities and Correction, Y.W.C.A., Mupeum, '98; Am. School of Archaeology, Rome, Southern Sociological Ass'n. Recreation: Motor- 1900 ; foreign art museums, 1898-1907 (mem. Zeta ing. Favors woman suffrage. Alpha). Author: Italian Sculpture of the Ren- FBAZEB, Susan Carpenter, 38 N. Lime St., aissance; Masterpieces of Sculpture (in Key Lancaster, Pa, Book Series); editor Key Book Series. Con- Bom Lancaster, Pa.; dau. Reah and Abiann gregationalist. Mem. Societa EUeno-Latina, (Steele) Frazer; ed. Lancaster High School. Italy, Nat. Geog. Soc., Am. Archaeological Soc., Formerly State Regent D.A.R. of Pa., now hon- Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: Motor- orary pres. Interested in local charities— such as ing, traveling. Mem. Woman's University Club, societies for benefit of poor and a home for old N.Y. City. Interested in farming and greenhouse ladies. Mem. The Daughters of 1812, Colonial work for women; raising violets and mushrooms. Dames (Pa. soc). Daughters of the Cincinnati. Favors woman suffrage.
Pres. Iris Club (woman's), Lancaster, Pa., for FREEMAN, Mary Eleanor Wllkins (Mrs. Charles past 7 years. Presbyterian. M. Freeman), Metuchen, N.J. FRECHETTE, Annie Thomas Howells (Mrs. Author; b. Randolph, Mass., 1862; ed. In Achille Frechette), permanent address, Ot- schools of Randolph, Mass., and Mt. Holyoke tawa. Can.; present home, Hotel Belvedere, Sem.; m. Jan. 1, 1902, Dr. Charles M. Freeman. Lansanne, Switzerland. Author: Comfort Pease and Her Gold Ring; Born Hamilton Ohio; dau. William Cooper and Evalina's Garden; Giles Corey, Yeoman; Heart's Mary (Dean) Howells; sister of William Dean Highway; A Humhle Romance and a Far Away Howells distinguished American author; ed. put- Melody; In Colonial "Hmes; The Jamesons; Jane lie schools in Ohio; m. Quebec, Can., June 20, Field; Jerome— A Poor Man; The Love of Par- 1877 Achille Frechette, chief translator of House son Lord; Madelon; A New England Nun; Once of Commons in Canada; children: Marie Mar- Upon a Time; Pembroke; People of Our Neigh- gurite (portrait and miniature painter), Howells borhood; The Portion of Labor; A Pot of Gold; Frechette (mining engineer). Before marriage Silence, and other stories; Understudies; The was literary editor of the Chicago Inter-Ocean. Debtor; Givers (short stories); Six Trees (short Mem Ottawa Humane Soc., Woman's Council stories); The Wind in the Rosebush and Other (Ottawa). Cor. sec. Victorian Order of Nurses, Stories of the Supernatural; By the Light of the Home for Friendless Woman, Ottawa, and other Soul; "Doc' Gordon; The Fair Lav^la, and local societies and literary clubs. Favors woman other stones; The Shoulders of AtlM; The Win- suffrage. Author: Reuben Dale; The Farm's nmg Lady; The Green Door; The Butterfly Little People- On Grandfather's Farm; has also House; The Yates Pride; also poems and short contributed stories and essays to Harper's, Scrib- stories in the magazines.
ner's. The Atlantic, Cosmopolitan, McClure's, FKEEMAN, Mary I.., Canton, St. Lawrence Co.,
and other magazines. Unitarian. Recreations: N.Y.
Gardening and rural occupations, traveling. Prof, of modern languages; b. Camillue, N.Y.,
reading. April 14, 1860; dau. Andrew L. and Margaret
FREDERICK. Antoinette EUzabeth (Mrs. John f^^^^f ?r^.«7^^tH?^t°V l^i^" J=^f k^^'i'ss^'sT-
StanllF Frederick), 312 20th St., Miami, Fla. '81. AM. 87; student Bryn Mawr Coll., 188o-87;
?i„^^ DiftcT>M,ro-h -p^ qent 91 iRfii- dan And- one adopted child: Margaret Freeman. Teacher
lefw ^TmI^'e"^ (Vtn'DensenfGa'zzamt ed. in New Paltz Normal School, 1887-94; instructor
J 2j^A^.,Mw.c^-h,^r.\a TTtir^n M V ■ m ^pnt 6 in Northwestern Univ., 1894-1904; prof. In St.
1^3 'John'sCle|'F°eIerYck?cWlJren?FloTence Lawrence Univ., 1904-13. Interested in Sunday-
^toinette -niomas Emanue , Audley W., Alioe school work and settlement work for orphan
ElSior John Gazzam. Interested in Trinity children Mem. W.C.T U., Consumers' League,
?^i,7^i, -rJ^wtr PiT-ic!' -prionrtiv «;np hosnltal Ass n of Collegiate Alumnae, Vassar Alumnae
worT\ch<^l'lm?"oV\me'LrAss^n;'cfvic,^^^^^^^ A^'n. Needlework Guild, Missionary Soc
.5 „i„>r^T^t.t w^rVoH in atcirti^P- phiirphM in Library Ass'n, Political Equality Club, French
Miii^'r pr^. 6 ylZ^ft Mia^'w^man'^s'^Qub" Club. German Club Recreations : Tennis, .wim-
10 y^re officer in State Federation of Women's mlng, chess. Baptist Favors woman suffrage;
Clubs (now pres.). Mem. Relief Ass'n, Church former pres. of Political Equality Club.
Guild; vice-pres. South Side Civic Ass'n; pres. FREFJJIAN, Sarah Jane, 604 W. 112th St., N.Y.
Trinity Church GuUd; clerk Woodmen Circle; City.
mem. Woman's Club (Miami), Housekeepers' Bookbinder; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 11, 1867;
Club (Cocoanut Grove), Folie Club (Cocoanut dau. Elijah P. and Sarah Jane (Close) Freeman;
Grove). Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage. ed. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '91; student In book-