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(Liro ToiA.). 1906; Cathedrals and Cloisters of Mem. Monday Musical Club, Shake^eaxe Club, Midland, France (two vols.), 1907; Cathedrals and Woman's Club of Portland. Ore. Presbyterian. Cloisters of Isle de France (two vols), 1910; fbAJ^KLIN, Effle Scott (Mrs. Edward C. Frank- Photographs (with EUse Rose) tor Illustrated un), 320O Highland PI., Washington, D.C. edition of Ruskin's Bible of Amiens. Bplsco- Born Aug. 4, 1871; dau. John W. and Maria pallan. Mem. Board of Directors of Southwark (Protzmann) Scott; ed. Univ. of Kansas, A.B. Nelehborhood House (chairman of House Com., -c,!; Cornell Univ., Univ. of Berlin (Pi Beta Phi, chairman of Com. of Annual Subscribers), Exec, phj Beta Kappa, Cornell); m. Denver, Colo., Board Woman's Com. on Good Government, j^iy 22, 1897, Edward C. Franklin: children: Exec. Board of Consumers' League of Phila- Anna Comstock, Charles Scott, John Curtla. delphla; Board of Public Education Ass'n of Assistant prof, of German, Univ. of Kansas, Philadelphia, Nat. Child Labor Ass'n, Pa. Child 1895.97. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. Labor Ass'n, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Progressive in politics.

Science Nat Ass'n of Corr^tions and Charities. rjjANKIXN. Kuth Barker, 78 Spring St., New- Smith Coll. Alumuffi Asa n. Smith Coll. Students ^.^ -^ j

Aid Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Woman's Itest Teacher;' b. Newport, R.I., Jan. 14, 1865; dau. Tour ^'n Training School for Social Workers Robert Stillman and Susan (Weaver) Franklin; ass'tdlrectorK Mem. Board of Directors Col- ^^ ^^^^^ C^H ^ ^ ,55 Cornell Univ., A.M. lege Clab of Phi ade phia, Civic Caub of Ph la- , graduate work at Chicago Univ. and Brown deipMa Social Workers (^ub. New Century ^ instructor In Greek and ancient history, Cu*. Smith College Club Women s Unlversiy ^^ ^. ^ S^l^^^, Newport, R.L, 1889. Inter- Si^. /^-Z- ^"y^- L^*«™ ^^'^ ^^^ ^^"^^ estld in philanthropic and civic work. Pres. R.L (PhiladeljAia). Federation of Women's Clubs, 1898-1900; pres. FR.'tNCISCO, Kate Bottomes (Mrs. Andrew W. R.I. Branch Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, 1909-11; pres. Frajicisco), The Hargrave Apartments, 143 Newport Current Topics Club 5 years. Author of S. Flgueroa St., Los Angeles, Gal. two books on history, ancient and modern, in a Teacher; b. July 28, 1869; dau. John Thomas series of key books: Key Book VIII, Ancient and Aurelia J. (Hargrave) Bottomes; ed. Loa History; Key Book IX, Modern History. Bnp- Angeles High School, four years; Healdsburg tist. Mem. Classical Ass'n of Nerw England, Coll., Cal., three years; Heald'e Business Coll., Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae. R.I. Soc. for Coll. Edu- San FraJicisco, one year; m. Los Angeles, Jan. 3, cation of Wc«nen, Consumers' League of R.L, 1891, William H. Rardon; (2d) Los Angeles, Civic League of Newport, Smith Coll. Club of Feb. 5, 1910, Andrew W. Francisco. Taught R.L, R.I. Ex Club, Current Topics Club, New- seven years In Kern Co. High School; has four port

dlplemaa and four certificates. Including life itraNKIXN, Susan Braley, 33 Central Park

diploma for high school teacher. Through club west N Y. City.

work deals with many social and philanthropic Teacher-' ed Rogers High School, Newport,

problBflia. Oor. sec. Cal. Fed. of Women's Clubs; jj_j; . g ' Mawr Coll., A.B. '89, Ph.D. '95; fel-

very aaUve In federation work. Favors woman j^^ ^^ Greek Bryn Mawr Coll., 1889-90; fellow

suffrage; served In the campaign for suffrage in ^ courtesy iu Greek and graduate student,

Cal., 1811, aa speaker and in every way on com- iggo.igos; holder of American fellowship Ass'n of

mittees and In Political Equality clubs. Inde- collegiate Alumnae, 1892-93; student of Am.

pendent voter. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, gchool of Classical Studies In Athens and at

Home Finding Soc. Recreations: Club life, con- ^jniv of Berlin 1S98-90. Instructor In Latin,

ventions, federation correspondence. Mem. FrI- vassar Coll 1S93-97; teacher of Greek and

day Morning Club, City Club of Los Angeles Latin In Miss Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn

and four auSrage clubs (now discontinued). Fre- Mawr Pa. 1897-98, and 1899-1904; head of the

quent speaker at women's gatherings and con- classical dep't Ethical Culture School, N.Y.

yentloms. City, since 1904. Author: Traces of Epic Influ-

niANCISCO, Lucy Hogarth, 1616 University Av., ence in the Tragedies of .lEschylus (dissertation

Wichita, Kan. for doctorate), 1905.

Music teacher; b. Richmond, Ind.. Mar. 1, fBASER, Amorette E. Harrington (Mrs. Jef-

1872; dau. Charles A. and Hannah (Dickinson) ferson Fraser), 226 Qulncy St., Brooklyn,

Francieco; •d. Earlham Coll., B.S. '95; A.M. '98; n.y.

Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-98; Scharwenka Conserva- Bom Forestville, N.Y., Mar. 24, 1836; dau. tory of Music, Berlin, Germany, 1903-04, 1909. jonas and Ruby (Benton) Harrington; ed. West- Director of School of Music, Friends Univ., fljid (N.Y.) Acad.; m. Elmira, N.Y., 1856, Jef- Wichlta, Kan.. 1899-1906, 1910-13; director of ferson Fraser; children: Arthur Cleveland, Anna music, Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., 1906-10; Marie, George Holt, Charles Kenneth, Herbert dean of women. Friends Univ., 1912-13. Mem. Jefferson. Interested in the church life and Kan. State Music Teachers Ass'n. Clubs: Twen- activities of Plymouth Church; mem. Home and tleth Century, Three Arts (Wiclilta). Mem. Soc. Foreign Missionary Soc. Mem. of Cambridge of Friends. Favors woman suffrage. Literary Club; pres. Woman's Health ProtecUve FBANK. Grace M. (Mrs. Tenney Frank), Bryn Ass'n; mean. Brooklyn Soc. of New England Mawr Pa. Women, Colony No. 8; mem. the Drama League Born 'New' Haven, Conn., June 28, 1886; dau. of America and the Tree Planting Ass'n of Murray Charles and Frances M. (Ullman) Mayer; Brooklyn; acUve mem. Quincy St, Improvement ed. Univ. of Chicago, A.B. '07; student in Bryn Ass'n. In favor of restricted suffrage, embody- Mawr Coll., Univ. of Gottingen and Berlin, 1908- ins educational qualification. CongregaUonallst. 11 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Chicago, 111., 1907, Prof FBASER, Jane Wells 69 Roxborough St., West Tenney Frank. Translator from the German 01 Toronto, Can.

Hermann Sudermann's Rosen, 1909; contributor Journalist; b. Toronto, Ont., Can.; dau. Rev. to The Nation. Favors woman suffrage. R. Douglas and Elizabeth (Wilson) Fraser; ed. FRANKEL, Abigail Keasey (Mrs. George J. ^1^}^ school, Bowmanville, Ont. ; matrloulant of Frankel), 614 Carter Lane. Portland, Ore. ^nlv. of Toronto. Has done a large amount of Born Fayette, Iowa; dau. E. W. Keasey (Meth- editorial work on papers for children Presby- odlst minister)' and Nella (Herrington) Keasey; terian. Mem Women's Can ad l^ Club, Hell- ed. Upper Iowa Univ., Fayette, Iowa; m. Fort eoniaj Club 1 oronlo Women s Press Club; treaa^ Worth, Tex., Nov. 9, 1887, George J. Frankel Canadian Women s Press Cluto. (deceased). Well known as reader. Interested FRASER, Mabel Augusta Canada (Mrs. Angus In social settlements and mission work. At M. Fraserj, 41 Franklin St., New Haven, present actively interested in the newsboys' work Conn.

and club work in Portland, Ore., planning to pay Born New Haven, Conn.; ed. Hlllhouse High

off an $8,00i) mortgage, equip the gymnasium and School, New Haven, Conn.; holder of the first

secure teachers for the night classes. Has been Bryn Mawr matriculation scholarship for the

four years at the head of club work in St. Louis, New England States, 1896-97; Mount Holyoke

Mo.; for six years an officer of the Nat. Federa- Coll., 1898-1900, A.B. 1900; graduate student In

tion of Musical Clubs (two years vice-pres.); German, Yale Univ., 1901-02; m. 1904, Angus M.

three years treas. of the Nat. Speech Arts Ass'n. Eraser. Teacher of English and 0«rznaji In th»


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