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bume (U.S. Senator, minister to France, etc.) FOX, Jane !■., 1304 B. Second St., Long Beach,

and Adile (Gratiot) Washburne; m. Amos H. Cal.

Fowler; children: Elihu Washburne, John E., Teacher of English; b. Bushnell, 111., Dec. 30,

Sully W. Mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames, Hugue- 1875; dau. George W. and Alice (Finly) Fox;

not Soc,, Soc. of Mayflower Descendants. grad. Univ. of Nebraska, A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa)

FOWLER, Susan, 420 W. llSth St., N.Y. City. '9.9. ^-M- '01. Taught in Univ. of NebrMfca and

Teacher; b. Baltimore Co., Md., 1875; dau. John ^^^ ^^^°°^^^ ^^ Lincoln, Neb.; Montelalr N.J.,

Henry and Ann Norris (McEndree) Fowler; ed. and Redlands and Long Beach, Cal. Favors

Brya Mawr Coll., A.B. '95; Columbia Univ., -P^oman suffrage. Episcopalian. Progressive.

1901-66. Since then engaged in teaching. Fa- rOX, Netta Scott (Mrs. Andrew Fuller Pox),

vors woman suffrage. Mem. Coll. Equal Suf- "Glen Viero," West Point, Miss,

frage League and Woman Suffrage Party; mem. Born Monticello, Fla. ; dau. Dr. Robert and

exec. com. of 19th Assembly Dist. Woman Suf- Mary (Adair) Scott; m. N.Y. City, 1902, Hon.

frage Club (N.Y. City). Protestant Elpiscopalian. Andrew Fuller Fox, of Miss. Interested in

Mem. Bryn Mawr Club of N.Y. church work aad D.A.R., now State Regent for

roW>fES, Jessie Gaither (Mrs. William Clark Miss, of D.A.R. Presbyterian. Mem. Colonial

Fownes), 518 Shady Av., Pittsburgh. Pa, Dames. Father was Dr. Robert Scott, a physi-

Bom Huntington, Pa.; dau. Walter William cian, and mother a granddaughter of George

and Malinda Catherine (Dom) Gaither; ed. Misses John Adair of Ky. Husband is pres. Miss. Bar

Jones' private school, Cumberland, Md.; Brie Ass'n and served three terms in Congress from

Acad., Erie, Pa.; under private tutors for two 4th Miss. Dist.

years and Madame Seller's School of Music FOX, VirgiBia Herrick (Mrs. Hugh Francis Fox), (vocal, harmony, instrumental), Philadelphia.; m. 508 Central Av., Plainfleld, N.J. William Clark Fownes; children: Florence, Henry Born New Jersey, 1S63; dau. J. B. and S. M. Gaither. Mem. Kingsley House Ass'n. Former (Bledsoe) Herrick; ed. in private schools in Balti- mem. Twentieth Century Club. Recreations: more, Md. ; m. New Jersey, 1887, Hugh Francis Golf, music. Protestant Episcopalian. Pox; children: Virginia Uoyd, Louise Herrick, FOX, Emma A. (Mrs. Charles Edgar Fox), The Janet, Frances Frederika. Pres. Monday After- Donaldson, Detroit, Mich. noon Club, Plainfleld, N.J., 1911-13. Episco- Pariiamentarian ; b. Broome Co., N.Y. ; dau. palian. Mem. charity organizations of Plainfleld, Allen GoS and Caroline (Scott) Stowell (of Purl- Nat. Anti-Suffrage Ass'n, Nat. Civic Federation, tan ancestry, descendant of William Locke, who j-qy, Mary Emily, Box 322, R.R. No. 1, Los settled in Mass. in 1634); ed. in public and pri- Angeles, Cal.

vate schools; m. Peoria, 111., Nov. 8, 1876, Retired' teacher; b. Los Angeles, Cal.; dau.

Charles Edgar Fox; children: Maunce Wiaslow, Samuel Calvert and Lucinda (Macy) Foy; grad.

Howard Stowell. Before marriage taught in j^g Angeles High School, '79; Los Angeles

WashiBgton School, Cambridge, Mass., and m Normal, '85; has life high school diploina; now

Chicago as head assisUnt m the Clarke School, jg^^ student under direction of Clara Shortridge

and in the North DiTislon High School. Resii poitz. Librarian Los Angeles City Library,

dent of Detroit since marriage. Made a special gept., 1880, to Jan. 1, 18S4. Taught over 11 years

and scientific study of parliamentary law, and is between Dec, 1885, and Dec., 1911, in Los

a recognized authority on that subject. Author Angeles nity or county. Interested in Sunday-

of Parliamentary Usage for Women's Clubs, used school pedagogy and travel and art lectures, and

by the General Federation and by women's clubs lectures for child study circles. School trustee

and societies throughout America. Trustee for ^^^^ interested in the rural school problems

20 years (and has been treas. and pres. board working out at Nithsdale School in Los Angeles

of trustees) of the WMnan s Hospital and In- qq Favors woman suffrage. Sec. of V«tes for

fants' Home, Detroit. Mem. D.A.R., Detroit -vvomen Club of Los Angeles (Clara Shortridge

Equal Suffrage Soc., Twentieth Century Club of poltz, pres.). Episcopalian. Democrat; pres.

Detroit (charter mem. and former pres.), and q^I. Woman's Democratic League. Mem. Sierra

pres. Parliamentary Law Club. Has served as qju^, Friday Morning Club. Was candidate for

member of the Board of Education of Detroit, presidential elector on Democratic ticket at elec-

and as parliamentarian of several Continental ^^^ \,-qv 5 1912

L°vfi-^^ISirt^rs^C:tn^g;es°s! Tnl S^^L^n^^s rB^.CKEl.XON. M^ Snsan Stnart, 6030 Jack-

organizations; has been rec. sec. and second vice- .ii,:!. ? Vnw,„l<r/ wV=, . ^o„ t^^™,-„ xj .^/i

ui6a.ijio»i,iu , Tir/NTriQr,'.! riiiiVio rnn»ro»!i Artist; b. Milwaukee, Wis.; dau. Edwin H. and

pres. m Gen. Fed. Women s Clubs. Congrega- Mary S. (Robinson) Goodrich; ed. private schools

tlonaiist. f ,T = T ^ -c of Milwaukee and N.Y. City; m. Milwaukee,

FOX, Fr^c^ Margaret, care of Mrs. Lee E. ^^^g ^^^^^^^ q prackeiton; children: William,

Jos yn, 66 Euclid Av., West Detroit Mich j^^^^ P^j^^ ^j^^ Received internaUonal

Writer of children's stones; b. South Fram- ^^^^^ from Mexico, France (1900), Antwerp;

mgham. Mass June 23, 1870; dau. James and ^^^^^^ ^^ Chicago Columbian Exposition for ar-

Frances M. (Franks) Fox; ed Kalamazoo Sem ^.^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ porcelain. Illuminator

Kalamazoo, Mich Author: Farmer Brown and j j^ Plankinton Memorial Manuscripts,

the Birds, lyuo; Betty of Old Mac^aw 1901 p %<ymiLii suffrage. Has written many ar-

The Little Giant's Neighbors, 1902 What Gladys j ^ ^ ^f ^^.j^^ ^ Pi^g_ ^>^^_

Saw 1902; Mother Nature s Little Ones. 1^ j ^ Chicago Woman's Club.

Little Lady Marjorie, 1903; Brother Billy, 1904; *^

The E.ainbow Bridge, 1905; How Christmas Came FRAJfCE, Anna Edith Eapham (Mrs. Clemens to the Mulvanevs, 1906; The Country Christmas, James France), The Hillcrest, 1618 East 1907; Carlota, i907; Alan's Jungle Story, 1S08; Hawell St., Seattle, Wash- Seven Christmas Candles, 1909; Seven Little Wise Born Canandaigua, N.Y. ; ed. m schools of Men 1910- also short stories for children in Caaandaigua, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; magazines Episcopalian. Mem. Authors' League m. Feb. 22, 190S, Clemens James France. Teacher of America, Detroit Story Tellers' League. Glov«rsville, N.Y., 1896-98; clerk in Surrogate's FOX. Harriet Gibbs (Mis. George Henry Fox), Oo^rt, 1S98-99; teacher Morristown, N.J. 1899- 43 E. Fifty-eighth St., N.Y. City; summer. Glen ISi^: associated with Miss Wagner in building, Cove NY. orgaaizmg and managmg the College Inn, Pough- Born Nunda, N.Y., Feb. 13, 1848; dau. Francis keepsie, N.Y., 1902-©«. Henry and Sarah (Keith) Gibbs; ed. Coll. Inst., FRANCIS, Vida Hunt, 1624 Locust St., Phlla- Rochester, N.Y.; m. Titusville, Pa., Aug. 29, delphia, Pa.

1872, Dr. George Henry Fox; children: Dr. How- Born Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Harry C. and

ard Fox, Mrs. Henry R. Russell, Pittsfl«ld, Anne Tredelle (Hunt) Francis; grad. Smith Coll.,

Mass.; Alanson Gibbs Fox, Mrs. Mason Trow- B.L. Gen. sec. of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae;

bridge, Port Washington, L.I. Actively identi- associate principal of Hillside, a school for girls,

fied with interests of Baptist Home for the Norwalk, Conn. Favors woman suffrage. Mem.

Aged, and Students' Clubs. Favors woman suf- Philadelphia Co. Soc. for Woman Suffrage, Equal

frage. Baptist. Mem. Soc. of the Descendants Franchise Soc, State delegate of E>qual Franchise

of Norman Fox. Recreation: Piano. Clubs: Soc of Pa. Co-author (with Elise Rose) of

Meridian, Barnard. Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South of France,


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