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��C!onn.; m. New Haven, Aug. 14, 1862, William EXlward Poster; children: May Husted (deceased), Frederic Belts (deceased), Louise Holbrook (Mrs. Albert S. Thompson). Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Eh"Ie Co. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. FOSTER, Sophia Temon Hammond (Mrs. Burn- side Foster), 117 Farrlngton Av., St. Paul, Minn.

Bom Chllllcothe, Mo., Oct. 6, 1867; dau. Gen. John H. and Sophia Vernon (Wolfe) Hammond; ed. Sai'ah Porter's School, Farmlngton, Conn. ; m. St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 1, 1895, Dr. Burnslde Foster; children: Harriet Burnslde, Elizabeth Hammond, Roger Sterman. Interested In Homes of Hope; mem. Board of Protestant Orphan Asylum. Presbyterian. Mem. Colonial Dames, Woman's Welfare Soc. (for promotion of suf- frage). Century Club (literary), Town and Country Club.

FOSTER, Sophie Lee Jackson (Mrs. Sheppard W. Foster), 711 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Born Montgomery, Ala.; dau. Dr. Walter C. and Frances E. (Bibb) Jackson; ed. Home Coll., Montgomery, Ala., 1887-88; Price School for Girls, Washington, D.C. (mem. Hypatian Soc.); m. Nov. 11, 1890, Dr. Sheppard W. Foster. Methodist Mem. Colonial DameS, D.A.R., United Daughters of Confederacy, Ladies' Me- morial Ass'n, Atlanta; Southern Mountain School Ass'n, Associated Charities. Mem. Woman's Club of Atlanta (Reviewer), Regent D.A.R. of State of Ga., 1912; regent Atlanta Chapter D.A.R., 1908-10; State rec. sec. D.A.R., 1910-U.

FOSTER, Theodosia Toll (Mrs. James Henry Foster), Verona, N.T.

Teacher and author; b. Vernon, N.Y. ; dau. Daniel D. and Ruth HoUster (Hills) Toll; ed. private schools and Oneida Sem. ; m. Dec. 22, 1869, James Henry Foster; children: Edward Snow and James Henry, Jr. Principal of the Home School, Verona, N.Y. Pres. W.C.T.U. of Oneida Ck)., N.Y., 15 years. Sec. Woman's Pres- byterian Home Missionary Soc, Utica Presby- tery. Favors woman suffrage. Author: A Mod- ern Exodus; His First Charge; A Break in Schedule Time; The Opportunity Circle; A Baker's Dozen; Ck>mpetltlve Workmen. Pres- byterian.

FOULK, Elma Perry (Mrs. Charles W. Foulk), 384 King Av., Columbus, O. Lecturer; b. Troy, O., Sept 4, 1878; dau. Nathan C. and Harriet A. (Brooks) Perry; ed. Ohio State Univ., B.Sc. (domestic science), PhiB. (Sigma XI); m. Plqua, O., Sept. 12, 1905, Charles W. Foulk. Director of domestic science. Stout Manual Training School, Menomonie, Wis.; prof, domestic science. College of Industrial Arts, Denton, Tex.; lecturer extension dep't, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, O. Mem. of Council Godman GuUd (social settlement). Chairman Penny Lunch Cam., Home and School Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of magazine ar- ticles and of bulletins for Univ. Extension. Mem. College Woman's Club, Altrurian Club (Columibus), Home and School Ass'n, Women's Club of Ohio State Univ., Home Economics Com. of Ohio Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. FOULKE, Amelia B., New Rochelle, N.T.

Bom N.Y. City; dau. William Foulke and Mary Elizabeth (Fish) Foulke (dau. of Abram Klteltas Fish and Catharine Bedlow (Beekman) Fish; ed. private schools of N.Y. City. Con- nected with religious, social and philanthropic societies of St George's Church of N.Y. City and others. Protestant Episcopalian. FOULKE, Elizabeth E., Spring Grove, Rich- mond, Ind.

Primary teacher and writer; b. Richmond, Ind.; dau. William Wet>ster and Mary E. (Nerwman) Foulke; ed. in Richmond (Ind.) public schools. Friends Acad, and special studies In Elarlham Coll. Interested in religious, social and philan- thropic activities. Author of two books for chil- dren: Twilight Stories; Braided Straws. Origi- nator of the Browning Letter Club. Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage.

��FOUTE, Mary De Kantzow (Mrs. Robert Ches- ter Foute), The HlUcrest, San Francisco, Cal. Born Stockholm, Sweden; dau. Frederick and Elolse (Bullitt) de Kantzow; ed. Sacred Heart Convent, Orleans, France; m. Narragansett Pier, R.I., Rev. Robert Chester Foute, formerly U.S.N. ; children: George De Kantzow, Augusta GIbbs.

FOWLER, Janet King (Mrs. Everett Fowler), 129 Maiden Lane, Kingston, N.Y. Formerly teacher; b. Glens Falls, N.Y. ; d&u. James and Mary (Meehan) King; ed. Glens Falls public school; Albany State Normal Coll. (mem. Eta Phi); m. July 29, 1903, Everett Fowler; one daughter: Janet Warren Fowler. Sec. Kingston City Hospital (Ladies' Auxlhary); mem. Library Ass'n, Monday Literary Club, Daughters of the Empire State, Consumers' League, Sunshine Soc., Alumni Soc. of N.Y. State Normal Coll. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Kingston Political Equality Club. Episco- palian. Mem. Kingston Golf Club; was mem. Board of Directors of N.Y. State Fed. Women's Clubs.

FOWLER, Jessie Allen, 18 E. Twenty-second St, N.Y. City.

Phrenologist, author, publisher; b. N.Y. City, July 11, 1856; dau. Loronzo Niles and Lydia (Folger) Fowler; ed. public schools. East Jaffrey, N.H. ; private a<>ademy, Lincoln, England; Med. School for Women, London; Woonan's Law Class of N.Y. Univ.; Columbia Coll. Summer School on Education and Psychology. Specialist In exami- nation of defective children. Agitator for voca- tional bureaus in public schools and colleges. Leader of Mothers' Guild, Metropolitan Temple, N.Y. City; mem. Sunshine Soc. Worker in Nat! Woman Suffrage Ass'n and the Cooperative Equal Suffrage League. Author: Phrenological Diction- ary; Fowler's New Chart; Life of Dr. Francois J Gall; Brain Roofs and Porticoes; Practical Phy- siognomy; Manual of Mental Science; Personality in Business; Phreno-Psychology; Physical Cul- ture. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Woman's Total Abstinence Union, London; British Ass'n of Science; Nat. Vocation Bureau, N.Y. City. Rec- reations: Walking, chess, millinery. Clubs- Woman's Press, West End Woman's Republican Portia, Legislative League, Women's of Orange' N.J. '

FOWLER, Lula A. (Mrs. George H. Fowler) 72 Mineral Spring Av., Pawtucket, R.I. Born North Kingston, R.I., May 28, 1862; dau Allen and Elizabeth S. (Johnson) Reynolds- ed public schools of North Kingstown, R.I. ' and East Greenwich (R.I.) Acad.; m. North Kingston R,I., Dec. 7, 1887, George H. Fowler. Puolic school teacher four years; business sec. one year. Board mem. of Associated Charities of Pawtucket the Visiting Nurses' Ass'n and Soc for Relief and Control of Tuberculosis. Pros o' Young Ladles' Mission Circle; mem. Woman's Auxiliary Foreign Missionary Soc. and of Home Mission Circle, all three of the Pawtucket Con- gregational Church (which she attends during the winter); in summer attends Quidnessett Bap- tist Church, where she holds her membership. Baptist Mem. Board and Exec. Com. of Needle- work Guild of America (National); vice-pree Local Council of Women of R.I., Bethany Home of R.I. ; chairman of Board of Flledner Hall (girls home); mem. Exec. Com. Women's Aux- iliaries of Y.M.C.A. of Mass. and R.I. Recrea- tions: Automobiling, lectures, concerts. Mem. R.I. Women's Club, Pawtucket Woman's Club (ex-pres.), R.I. Ex-Club, Hospital Club of Paw- tucket. Mem. Civics Com. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; sec. and treas. New England Conference of State Federations of Women's Clubs; ex- pres. and now chairman State Education Com. R.I. State Federation of Women's Clubs; ass't State chairman Housewives' League of R.I. ; mem. Women's Welfare Dep't Mass. and R,I. (Nat Civic Federation), Nat Housing Ass'n; pres. Pawtucket Branch of Needlework Guild of America, Believes in limited suffrage for both sexes.

FOWLER, Marie Washbume (Mrs. Amos H. Fowler), Washington, D.C. Bom Galena, 111.; dau. Hon. Ellhu B. Wash-


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