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��domestic. In 1912 was teacher under Am. Mis- -'onary Ass'n at Tlllotson Coll., Austin, Tex. nOSTEK, £itixaa Eastman (Mrs. Leroy A. Fos- ter), 23 School St., Waltham, Mass.

Born Doudon, N.H., Mar. 13, 1850; dau. Moses L. and Frances 0. (Ayers) Eastman; ed. Worces- ter (Mass.) High School; Vassar Coll.; Cornell Univ., B.Li. '73; m. Aug. 25, 1874, Leroy Allison Foster; children: Clifiord, Cornelia. Through her efforts Cornell Univ. was opened to women in its early years. Through the courtesy of the professors she was admitted to classes and ex- aminations in the scholastic year 1871-72, and as a regular student in 1872 in response to personal appeals to Mr. Cornell and the college faculty. Editor hospital paper of the Children's Hospital, Baldwinville, Mass. Mem. Worcester School Board, Worcester Unitarian League. Favors woman suffrage; for several years sec. Suffrage Society In Worcester; also treasurer Worcester Woman's Club. FOSTER, riorcnce Josephine, Walpole, N.H.

Teacher; h. Walpole, N.H. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '93. Teacher Clinton (Ky.) Coll., 1893-95; Randolph Harrison School, Baltimore, 1896-1901; Putnam Hall, Poughkeepsle, N.Y., since 1896 (ass't principal since 1905). FOSTEB, riorence Meritt, 509 North WUson Av.,

Alhambra Station, Los Angeles, Cal.

Teacher, lecturer, writer; b. Buffalo, N.Y., Feb. 27, 1875; dau. Hubbard A. (M.D.) and Flor- ence A. (Jenkins) Foster; ed. Buffalo Central High School, 1889-93; Cornell Univ., 1893-97, A.B. '97; Univ. of Chicago, A.M. '01; grad. scholarship in English at Cornell, 1901. Instructor In Eng- lish, Lafayette High School, Buffalo, N.T., 1899- 1900, 1903-04; prof, of English, Highland Park Coll., Des Moines, la., 1910-11; now teaching English in Alhambra City High School, Los An- geles, which will soon include two years of college work In its curriculum. Has assisted at various times in college settlement work. Writer of short stories in college and academy periodicals. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnse, Buffalo Chapter, 1901-04; Boston Browning Soc, guest mem., 1906-07; D.A.R., Colonial I>ames, Highland Park Literary Club (Buffalo), 1897-1900; Church ■)t the Messiah Literary Club (Buffalo), 1897-1900; Vmateur Musical Club (Peoria, 111.), 1909-10. Recreations: Music, golf, cooking. Congregation- alist Favors woman suffrage. Voter (Repuh- llcan Progressive). FOSTEB, Gertrude Emslie Chap in (Mrs. A. F.

Foster), Litchfield, Minn.

Born La Crosse, Wis., Sept. 5, 1858; dau. Rev. N. C. and Mary A. (Fountain) Chapin; grad. Rock- ford (111.) Coll., '75; State Normal (salutatorlan), '76; m. Minneapolis, Minn., Mar. 27, 1883, A. F. Fos- ter, attomey-at-law ; children: A. Stanton Foster (Chicago), Chapin D. Foster, editor (Grandvlew, Wash). Former teacher in Winona State Normal, in St. Cloud, Minn., and in Minneapolis, Active In church and social circles. Pres. Missionary Soc, Presbyterial Missionary Soc; sup't of dep't of Sunday -school; pres. Literary Club for seven years. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Ladies' Aid Soc, Woman's Relief Corps. FOSTEB, Jnlla Catharine Morris (Mrs. Nellls

B. Foster), 515 Park Av., N.Y. City.

Born Utlca, N.Y., 1876; dau. Samuel H. and Emily C. (Stevens) Morris; ed. Smith Coll., B.S., Yale Graduate School; m. Montclair, N.Y.. 1904, Nellis B. Foster. Interested in social service work. Mem. Vanderbilt Clinic Auxiliary, Smith Coll. (N.Y. City). Recreations: Walking trips, tennis, sailing, music. Favors woman suffrage, FOSTEB, Julia E. (Mrs. Chester E. ;Fo3ter),

Stein Building, Butler, Pa,

Osteopathic physician; b. Royalton, Vt., Sept 20 1864; dau. Henry C. and Lucy A. (Gove) Dun- ham; doctor of osteopathy (D.O.), grad. at School of Osteopathy, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (since merged with Am. School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo.); m. Hartland, Vt., Mar. 2, 1886, Chester E. Foster; children: Julian C, Vera L. Foster. Active mem. Am. Osteopathic Ass'n, Pa. Osteopathic Ass'n, and Wesrtern Pa. Osteopathic Ase'n. Sun- day-school teacher (young women); mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Soc; mem. and worker

��in Social Settlement Soc, Children's Aid Soc« Needlework Guild of America. Methodist, Mem. Order of Eastern Star. Recreations: Landscape gardening, checkers. Mem. Woman's Club, Country Club, Chautauqua Woman's Club, Butler Public Library Club.

FOSTER, Mabel Grace, 737 Congress St., Port- land, Me.

Lecturer and writer; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Rev. Addison P. Foster, D.D., and Harrtette (Day) Foster; ed. Hasbrouck Inst., Jersey City, N.J., and Mass. Normal Art School. Interested in Italian immigration, studied economic conditions in Italy, speaks Italian language and works In the local Italian colony; lecturer on Italian Im- migration, also on Italian art and literature. Author: The Heart of the Doctor; A Story of the Italian Quarter. Congregatlonalist, Mem. Woman's Literary Union (chairman literary dep't), Portland, Me. Chairman Dep't of Litera- ture and Art, Maine Fed. of Women's Clubs. FOSTER, Margaret Bennett (Mrs. Bernard W. Foster), Mt. Sterling, O.

Born Fayette Co., 0., Mar. 9, 1870; dau. Ed- ward and Katherine ScJlans (Madison) Bennett; ed. country schools of Madison and of Lafayette Co. and by private study; m. London, O., 1890, Bernard W. Foster; one son: Paul Bennett Foster, b. 1891, Madison Co. Interested in li- brary, W.C.T.U, (county vlce-pres. at large). Favors woman stiSrage; was pres. of local suf- frage club. Has contributed several articles to local press, also several poems, chiefly on the suffrage question. Methodist, Mem. Taxpayers' League, Bpworth League and other church so- cieties. Mem. Twentieth Century Club (literary) and Social Hour Club (for social recreation). FOSTEB, Marion Beattle (Mrs. Samuel Lynde Foster), 1098 Dolores St., San Francisco, Cal. Writer; b. Staffordshire, Eng., July 1, 1871; dau. Robert Woodland and Mary Taylor (Hare) Beattie; grad. Cambridge (Mass.) Latin School (class poet) '85, and two years with private tu- tors and traveling In Europe; m. Trinity Church, Boston, June 13, 1888, Samuel Lynde Foster of San Francisco (Harvard '85). Author of a vol- ume of poems, an essay on "The Psychic of Poetic Temperament; articles In Elastern papers upon music, art and Callfornian scenery, also much religious work in Zion's Herald and Pactflc Churchman, and contributions to Boston Musical Record and Art Interchange. Her poem. The Guardian Angel, received Longfellow first prize. Among best-known poems are The Two Fleets (Harper's Magazine) and The Blue and the Gray (N.Y. Sun). Devoted to Bible study. EJpiscopalian. Mem. Pacific Coast Press Ass'n (sec. 6 terms), California Club (sec. dep't of education and has been sec. of two Industrial art exhibitions held under club's auspices): served two terms as mem. Board of (Jovemors of Intemat Lcsigue of Press Clubs (headquarters N.Y. City), and a delegate of that League to World's Press Congress, St. Louis, 1904. Was 12 years treas. Protestant Episcopal Old Ladies' Home; also interested in sewing school for young motherless glxls. Mem. League of Peace (England); L' Alliance Universelle pour la Palx par I'EMucatlon (Paris); Am. Soc. of Psychical Research, Writers' Club of Cal, Recreations: Music, riding. Republican (Taft). Against woman suffrage. FOSTEB, Mary Louise, Northampton, Mass.

Chemist, Instructor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '91; student of chemistry and biology, Mass. Inst of Technology, 1893-95; of bacteriology. Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia Univ.), 1907- 08. Teacher of chemistry, Boston public schools, 1891-96; ass't In Physiological Research Labora- tory, N.Y. City, 1899-1901, 1904-07; on scientific staff of chemical works, Maywood, N.J., 1901-04; prof, chemistry. Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y., 1904-05; instructor in biochemistry. Smith Coll., since 1908. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n and Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.

FOSTEB, Sarah Elyot Betts (Mrs, William Ed- ward Foster), 431 Delaware Av., Buffalo, N.Y. Bom Newburgh, N.Y. ; dau. Frederic Joel and Mary Ward (Scoville) Betts; ed. New Haven,


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