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��schools; grad. from Mrs. Somers' School, Wash- ington, D.C. On the Board of Children's Free Hospital; mem. Dist. Nursing Soc, Woman's Exchange, tVanklln Street Settlement, Animal Welfare Com., Detroit Soc. for Study and Pre- vention of Tuberculosis; vice-pres. Infants' Ward of Children's Free Hospital; section pres. of Needlework Guild. Against woman suffrage; one of vice-presidents of Mich. Soc. Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Mem. Christian Church. Mem. Fine Arts Soc, Theatre Arts Soc. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Woiman's Indoor Athletic Club, Grosse Pointe Riding and Hunt Club, Twentieth Century Club.

FORNEY, Marj- Emma (Mrs. James Harvey

Forney), Moscow, Ida.

Born Bentor Co., Ore.; dau. Rev. Corrington G. and Ann Aletha (York) Belknap; grad. Univ. of the Pacific, San Josfi, Cal., B.S. (mem. Emen- dian Soc.); m. Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 14, 1881; children: Rosa Aletha, Cora May (died May 17, 1906). Interested in educational matters; served six years on School Board of Moscow; five years on Public Library Board; conducted the correspondence leading to a grant for a building from Andrew Carnegie. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Democrat. Clubs: Pleiades (Moscow, Ida.), Ladies' Historical (Mos- cow) ; pres. Idaho State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1908-10. Ancestors on both sides fought In the Revolution.

FORREST, Felicia H. Brinton (Mrs. John For- rest), 10 King St., Charleston, S.C. Bom Rosevale, Delaware Co., Pa.; dau. Hill and Sarah (Cole) Brinton of Philadelphia; ed. at home by tutors and governesses; studied art 'n Philadelphia, N.Y. City, North Carolina and Charleston, S.C; m. Rosevale, Mar. 24, 1877, John Forrest, M.D., prof. S.C. Coll. Interested in Japan, Corea, kindergartens, King's Daugh- ters, Woman's Rest Ass'n and hospitals. Episco- palian. Mem. Arts and Crafts Ass'n, King's Daughters, Housewives* League, D.A.R., His- torical Soc. Recreations: Traveling (foreign and U.S.), cultivating flowers, study and lectures. Mem. Art Club of Charleston.

FORRESTER, Izora L,. — see Mlddlefleld, Izora L. Forrester.

FORTSON, Bessie Wasiiington Tompliins (Mrs.

Edward Nerval Fortson), The Highlands,

Washington, D.C.

Born Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 11, 1885; dau. Judge Henry B. and Bessie (Washington) Tompkins; ed. Mrs. Lefebvre's School, Baltimore, 1899-1902 (grad. with medals in F'rench, dictation and gen- eral scholarship), and Miss Huger's School, N.Y. City, 1902-03; m. Aug. 31, 1905, Edward Norval Fortson; one daughter: Virginia Norval Fortson, b. Dec. 5, 1810. Interested in social activities. Against woman suffrage. Episco- palian.

FOBS, Carrie M. Conant (Mrs. Sam Walter FoE3), 249 Highland Av., Somervllle, Mass. Born Somers, Conn., Dec. 18, 1854; dau. Rev. Henry W. and Mary (Hutchins) (Jonant; ed. Providence High School and R.I. State Normal School; m. Providence, R.I., July 13, 1887, Sam Walter Foss (poet, librarian— died Feb. 26, 1911); children: Saxton Conant, Mary Lillian. Teacher in public schools of Providence for 10 years. Mem. Park Av. M.E. Church and Ladies' Aid Soc. Mem. Y.M.C.A. Auxiliary, Visiting Nursing Ass'n, Boys' Club Auxiliary, Somerville Woman's Club, Heptorean, Sons and Daughters of N.H. and Candia Club (Candla, N.H.).

FOSS, Emma Merrill (Mrs. William J. Foss),

Plyrfiouth, N.H.

Born Plymouth, N.H., 1855; dau. Hiram W. and Mary E. (Foster) Merrill; ed. State Normal School, Plymouth, N.H. ; m. Plymouth, Oct, 1, 1890, William J. Foss. Taught for 20 years in public schools of N.H. Pres. Pemigewasset Woman's Club of Plymouth; chairman and active worker on committee of Congregational Church in Plymouth. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Rebekah Lodge, Library Ass'n.

��FOSSEEN, Carrie 8. (Mrs. Manley L. Fosseen), 2916 Bloomington Av., South, Minneapolis, Minn.

Born Fergus Falls, Minn., Jan. 30, 1875; dau. 0. and Julia (Hovda) Jorgens; ed. high school, Normal and Univ. of Minn.; m. Minneapolis, Sept. 15, 1897, Manley L. Fosseen; children: Freeman Forest, Rolf Osman Leonard. Active in social and philanthropic work; has been pres. Thomas Hospital Tubercular Soc; chairman of Sane Fourth Com. in Minneapolis. Mem. Execu- tive Board of Tag Day work In the Interest of Visiting Nurses. Active In home and educa- tional work and legislation pertaining to wel- fare of teachers and children; treas. of Women's Welfare League. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Recreations: Horse- back riding, out-door sports. Mem. Woman's Club, Thursday Musical Club.

FOSTER, Agne8 Greene (Mrs. William C. Fos- ter), 3614 Lake Av., Chicago, III. Author, lecturer; b. Athens, Ala., Dec. 6, 1863; dau. John and Mary (Stuart) Greene; ed. high school, Stillwater, Minn.; Mile. Piquot's Ecole I>our Demoiselles, Blols, France, and Coll. of Oratory, Chciago; m. Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 31, 1886, William Clarence Foster. Distinguished as lecturer and orator. Author: By the Way (travels) ; You and Some Others (poems) ; Bless- ings; Royal Road; Eyes of a Child; To Friend- ship; A Silver Journey to Golden Dalmatia; A Canon in a Canyon; Weaving of Life's Fabric and You. Christian Scientist. Recreations: Study of French, travel, motoring. Opposed to woman suffrage.

FOSTER, Claudia Hills (Mrs. William H. Fos- ter), 2022 S. State St., Syracuse, N.Y. Born Keysville, Va., near plantation, Oct. 17, 1875; dau. Homer I. and Mary A. (Remer) Hills; ed. Rochester (N.Y.) public schools, Genesee State Normal School, grad. from latter June, 1894; later took private kindergarten training; m. Clifton Springs, June 26, 1900, William H. Foster. Taught in public kindergartens of State of N.Y. for six years. Resided 10 years in Le Roy, N.Y., where was active in church, social and club work, and was vice-pres. one year and pres. two years of the Woman's Club. Recently removed to Syracuse. Against woman suffrage. Baptist.

FOSTER, Edna A., 1267 Commonwsalth Av.,

Allston, Mass.

Editor, author; b. Sullivan Harbor, Me.; dau. Charles W. and Sarah J. (Dyer) Foster; ed. Lowell (Mass.) schools and School of Languages, Boston. Associate editor of The Household; for 12 years editor Childrea's Pago, Youth's (Com- panion. Author (girls books) : Hortense; and Its sequel, Cordelia's Pathway Out; also verses and short stories in various publlcatloBB.

FOSTER, Ellen Barronghs, 1402 Glrard St.,

Washington, D.C.

Born Lowell, Mase. ; dau. Rev. Eden Bur- roughs Foster, D.D., and Catherine (Plnneo) Foster; ed. Lcxwell grammar aad high schools, Wellesley Coll., 1875-76, and studied kinder- garten work with Mrs. Ropes, Boston; Mrs. Voorheos and Ellzabetk Pealwdy, Cambridge, and Madams Kraus-Boelte, N.Y. City, lSS'1-86. Carried on private school, ani was kindergartner 10 years. Has been largely occupied as business woman in real estate, store and stock securities business of her own and her mother; regular correspondent of newspapers. Collaborated with brother. Rev. Addison P. Fester, D.D., in writing biography of her father u»<ler title Four Pas- torates, 1888. Mem. Mary Desha Chapter, D.A.R., Nat. Arbitration Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc, Lin- coln Circle, Ladies of the G.A.R., Y.W.C.A. ; active mem. Am. Woman's Republic and was first pres. of White House Chapter of Am. Woman's League, an affiliated society; for past It'i years active mem. and for three years librarian Woman's Nat. Press Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Congregatlonalist; Interested In church and Sunday-school, missions, suppres- sion of vice, protection and education of women and children; kindness to dumb animals, and the peace movement— international, national and


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