ization socs., etc.; in missionary organlza- School, London, Eng. ; m. Wichita, Kan., Feb, tions, particularly the Summer Evangelistic cam- 10, 1886, Armitage S. C. Forbes. Originated and paign in N.Y. City and the N.Y. City Mission established the Nat. Naval memorial ceremony and Church Extension Soc. of M.E. Church; In of casting flowers upon the sea in memory of the various young people's organizations tor mis- naval dead. Pres. El Camino Real Ass'n, Cal., sionary and religious work, the Y.W.C.A., etc. the object of which is the reconstruction of tb,9 Author: The Librarian of the Sunday-school; road that in the early days of Cal. joined the Strengthening the Sunday-school Library; and 21 Franciscan Missions, the Pueblos and Pre- articles, mostly professional, in various journals, sidios of that State. Presented with a gold badge Methodist. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, N.Y. LI- by the Masonic Veteran Ass'n of the Paciflo brary Ass'n (State). Mem. N.Y. Library Club, Coast in recognition of patriotic work. Author: N.Y. Alumna Chapter of Alpha Phi, Women's California Mission and Landmarks; Mission University Club. Favors woman suffrage. Tales in the Days of the Dons. Republican FOOTE. Mary Hallock (Mrs. Arthur De WInt )!,?.'". Mem. Eschscholtzia Chapter DA. R., Cal. Foote). North Star Mines, Grass Valley, Cal. Cliff Dwelling Ass n Stanton Relief Coiys No Writer; b. Milton, N.Y,, Nov. 19, 1847; dau. 16- Hon. mem Nat. Ass n of Ladies of Naval Nathaniel and Anne (Burling) Hallock; ed. small Veterans; of Hopkins Squadron No 11, U.S. private schools and Poughkeepsie Coll. Sem. for Veteran Navy; of U.S.SPmta Detachment En- Young Ladies (Rev. A. M. Rice, principal); later Smeer Division; Naval Militia of Cal. and of the was student at School of Design for Women, Grand Parlor of the Native Daughters of the N Y Citv m Feb 1876 Arthur De Wint Golden West. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Friday Foote (civil engineer)";' children: Arthur Burling, Morning Club of Los Angeles, Rusldn Art Club. Elizabeth Townsend, Agnes (deceased). Author: Woman's Improvement Club of South Pasadena, The Led Horse Claim (novel) ; John Bodewin's Landmarks (^lub, Sequoia League. Was for Testimony; The Last Assembly Ball; In Exile, ttiree years State chairman of the Dep t of Cal. and other stories; Coeur d'Alene; The Chosen ^'^tory and Landmarks for the Federated Clubs Vallev; The Cup of Trembling; The Desert and °^ Cal. Favors woman suffrage, the Sown; The Prodigal; The Little Fig Tree FOBD, Gertrude Seay (Mrs. William Washing- Stories; A Touch of Sun, and Other Stories; ton Ford). 22 South Broadway, White Plains, The Royal Americans; A Picked Company. N.Y.
Among her chief illustrations are: Longfellow's President of Southern Club, N.Y. City; b.
Hanging of the Crane, Marble Martin; The Richmond, Va. ; dau. Joseph Andrews and
Skeleton In Armor, and The Scarlet Letter; also Aseanath Burton (ShaJT) Seay; ed. in convent
illustrated her own stories when they were pub- m Va.; m. N.Y. City. 1S83, William Washington
lished as serials in the Century Magazine. Uni- Ford; children: William Andrews, Russell
tarian. Of Republican antecedents, but voter Hewes. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy,
for Wilson in 1912. Anti-suffragist, but as Cal. D.A.R., Dixie Club, Minerva Club, Rubenstein
has given women franchise, expects to live up Club. Episcopalian.
to it. FORD, Harriet, 200 W. 106th St., N.Y. City. FOBAKEB, Julia Bundy (Mrs. Joseph B. For- Playwright; b. New Haven, Conn., June 17, aker), Grandln Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio, and 1500 1868; dau. Samuel Cook and Isabelle Stoddard 16th St., Washington, D.C. (French) Ford; ed. Neiw Haven, Conn., and Bos- Born Jackson Co., O.; dau. Hezekiah S. and ton. One of the authors of The Greatest Thing Caro'.ine (Paine) Bundy; ed. Ohio Wesleyan in the World. Adapter of: A Gentleman of Univ. (Monette Hall) Delaware, O., 1868 (mem. France. Audrey and other plays. Clionian Soc); m. Oct. 4, 1870, Joseph B. Poraker FOKD. Harriet Chalmers Bliss, 404 W. 115th fiormer Governor and U.S. Senator, Ohio); chil- St., N.Y. City.
drcn: Joseph B., Jr.. Florence Louise, Julia B., Editorial assistant; b. N.Y. City. Nov. 28. 1876;
Arthur. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, dau. Dr. Charles and Harriet M. (Kopper) Bliss;
Mem. Nat. Soc. Daughters of Founders and ed. Miss Salisbury's School, Pittsfield, Mass.,
Patriots, Colonial Dames, D.A.R., George Wash- 1884-93; Mary A. Burnham School, Northampton,
ington Memorial Ass'n; also Congressional Club Mass., 1893-95; Smith Coll., B.Litt, '99; m. June
and Club of Colonial Dames, Washington, D.C. 15, 1912, George Burdett Ford, architect. Ass't In
FORBFS, Elizabetii Leslie, 132 Jenkins St., Somen's University Club Smith College Club,
Providence R.I. Wednesday Afternoon Club, Appalachian Moun-
Teacher; b. Providence, R.I., Sept. 6. 1867; ^'"L^'*^^- , .^ o -..^ ,,, ^ . x
dau. Kenneth D. and Jane (Dunlap) Forbes; ed. FORD. Jessie Frances Smith (Mrs. Preston L.
Providence public schools; grad. June, 1885, as Ford), Hastlngs-on-Hudson, N.Y.
valedictorian of class. Subsequent study with Teacher; b. Grafton, Mass.; ed. in schools of
private teachers and college extension in Brown. Grafton, Mass.; Vassar Coll.. A.B. '80; Colum-
Filled for some years the position of teacher of bia Univ., A.M. '97; m. 1910, Preston L. Ford,
individual work; made a study of deficient chil- Teacher, Mrs. S. H. Hayes' Preparatory School,
dren, and secured important changes in courses Boston, 1880-83; high school. South Weymouth,
of study in grammar grades. Charter mem. Mass., 1886-93; lady principal of Conn. Literary
Saturday Club, and for two years its pres.; mem. Inst, South Weymouth, Mass., 1886-93; head of
Sarah E. Doyle Club (teachers club), in which English dep't Wadlelgh High School, N.Y., since
has held various offices; mem. Women's Bible 1897.
Union, Central Congregational Church. Mem. FORD. Minnie Smltli (Mrs. John Wheeler Ford).
R.I. Inst, of Instruction; former sec Public Waterford, N.Y.
School Teachers Ass'n, Providence. Recreations: Born Waterford. N.Y., Nov.. 1853; dau. Liddell
Reading, writing. and Margaret (Currie) Peverly; ed. Egbert's
FORBES. Georgie Hazel Scott (Mrs. Robert H. High School, Cohoes, N.Y.; m. North Side, in
Forbes), University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. town of Waterford, Sept., 1873, John Wheeler
Born Tucson, Ariz. Oct. 6, 1S73; dau. William Ford; children: Helen Ford Shroder, Peverly
Fi=her and Carrena A. (Pennington) Scott; ed. Westgarth Ford. Four years cor. sec. Home
public schools of Tucson, college at Fort Collins, Missionary Soc, Troy Presbytery; active in all
Colo, and Greeley (Colo.) Normal School; m. kinds of church and philanthropic work in own
Tucson, Jan. 15, 1902, Robert H. Forbes, director town. Presbyterian. Life mem. of the Foreign
Agricultural Experiment Station, and head of Missionary Soc, Synod of N.Y.; Nat. Soc.
Agricultural Dep't, Univ. of Ariz. Taught Patriotic Women of America, Nat. Geog. Soc,
grammar grades, Tucson public schools, 1893-02. State Charities Aid Ass'n, Egbert's High School
Mem. Tucson Woman's Club (pres. 1908-11). Alumnae Ass'n, Saturday Club, Woman's Civic
Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Club of Waterford (pres.). Woman's Club of Al-
FORBES, Harrye R. P. (Mrs. Armitage S. C. bany; mem. Island Golf Club. Cohoes, N.Y.
Forbes), 1104 Lyndon St., South Pasadena (of- Treas. of N.Y. Fed. of Women s Clubs, also
fice, 347 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles), chairman Conservation Com.
Cal. FOKD, Stella Dunbar, 1130 Woodward Av., De- Author; b. near Everett, Pa.; dau. William troit, Mich., Grosse Pointe Shores. Mich. Piper and R. Lavinia (Kay) Smith; ed. Wichita Born Jeffersonvllle, Ind. ; dau. Emory Low and (Kan.) Episcopal Coll., B.A., and Heatherly Art Ella I. (Neat) Ford; ed. Pittsburgh private