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��natl Woman's Art Club; Audubon Soc. Recrea- tion: Sketching while traveling. Against woman suffrage.

FOLGER, Emily Clara Jordan (Mrs. Henry C. Folger), 24 Brevoort Place, Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Ironton, O., May IB, 1858; dau. Edward and Augusta Woodbury (Riclces) Jordan; ed. Vassar, A.B. '79, A.M. '96; preparatory school. Miss Kannay's, Elizabeth, N.J. ; m. Elizabeth, N.J., Oct. 6, 1885, Henry C. Folger Jr. Mem. Vassar Coll. Alumnae Aas'n, Vassar Students' Aid Soc., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, D.A.R,, Y.W.C.A., Woman's Municipal League, McAll Mission, Music Settlement, Congregational Church societies, Meridian Club. Recreations: Out-door life of Nassau Country Club, Informal study of Shakesi>eare and Shakespearian drama. Congregationalist.

FOLIN, Lanra Churchill Grant (Mrs. Otto Folln), 43 Buckminster Road, Brookllne, Mass. Born Truro, Nova Scotia, Can. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '92; Univ. of Chicago, A.M. '96; m. Sept. 11, 1899, Otto Folln; one son, three daugh- ters. Teacher Ascham Hall, Chicago, 1894-96; Cleveland High School, St Paul, Minn, 1898. FOLKMAR, Klnora Cuddeback (Mrs. Daniel Folkmar), 1839 Ontario Pi., Washington, D.C. Physician, lecturer; b. Franklin, 111., Apr. 15, 1863; dau. George and Elizabeth Ellen ('JUrey) Cuddeiback; ed. Western Mich. Coll., B.S. '92; Carthage Coll., 111., M.Ph. '95; New Voir, of Brussels (Belgium) Docteur fes sciences soclales '99; George Washington Univ., M.D. '09; post- grad, student in science and sociology, Univ. of Chicago, 1904-06; certificate Ecole d' Anthropologic, Paris, 1899; student College des Sciences Sociales, Paris, 1898-99. State institute lecturer, Mich., 111., Iowa, Wis., 1889-97, 1902-05; lecturer New Univ., Brussels, 1900; exec. oCacer and lecturer Woman's Clinic, educational dep't, 1911 — . Chairman for District of Columbia, Ck)m. on Pub- lic Health Education, Am. Med. Ass'n, 1911 — . Lecturer on social hygiene, 1912 — , for Nat. Cash Register Co., Dayton, O. Lectured on sex educa- tion at fifteenth Internal. Congress on Hygiene and Demography, Washington, 1912. Awarded diploma of merit for exhibit. Organized in 1906 the Better Milwaukee Ass'n, which was instru- mental in getting an appropriation from the City Council for the purchase of several small parks; one of Incorporators Peoples Gardens of Wash- ington; chairman sub-corn, on the social causes of infant mortality, Monday Evening Club, Washing- ton; chairman of com. on Child Hygiene, Mothers' Congress, Washington; reviewer of books on sociology for L'Humanite Nouvelie, Paris, 1899- 1902. Joint author, with Dr. Daniel Folkmar, of Dictionary of Races or Peoples — vol. 5, Reports of the U.S. Immigration Com., 1911; numerous articles on life Insurance, civic improvements, and educational subjects for newspapers and magazines; in preparation: Sex Education and Social Hygiene. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n; Med. Soc. of the Dist. of Columbia; Southern Med. Ass'n; XV International Congress of Hygiene and Demography; Am. Soc. for Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis; Soc. for Social Hygiene for Dlst. of Columbia; The Woman's Clinic T League of Am. Penwomen; Am. Asa'n for Advancement of Women; Mothers' Congress (D.C.); Colutntiian Woman; Monday Evening Club; People's Gar- dens of Washington; Anthony League. F0L80M, Clara Abbott (Mrs. Charles Rog-er Folsom), 460 Allen St., Syracuse, N.Y. Born Oxford, Wis., May 20, 1867; dau. Frank and Mary M. (Kling) Abbott; ed. Westfield High School, Unlv of Wis. (grad. in pharmacy); m. Westfield, Wis., Aug. 28, 1901, Charles Roger Folsom; children: Abbott Charles, Roger Will- lam, Elizabeth. Practised pharmacy in Milwau- kee for ten years before marriage; one of the first two women graduates in pharmacy in Wis- consin. Active mem. Visiting Nurse Ass'n; assoc. mem. Y.W.C.A.; mem. Onondaga Chapter D.A.R. (all of Syracuse). Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist. Mem. Morning Musicale Club of Syracuse.

FOLSOM, Ellen Mlnot, 114 Marlborough St., Boston, Macs. Educator; b. Charlestown, Mass.; grad. Vassar

��Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '71. Teacher in Syracuse, N.Y., 1871-72; Girls' High School, Boston, 1872-80; principal of private school in Boston, 1887-1902.

FOLSOM, riorens (Mrs. Charles Dwlght Fol- som), Box 14, Upper Montclalr, N.J. Writer; b. Brooklyn, Nov. 22, 1874; dau. John DeCamp and Mary Letitia (Hughes) Bluxome; ed. Packer Inst., Brooklyn; St. Gabriel's, Peeks- kill, N.Y.; m. Brooklyn, 1897, Charles Dwlght Folsom; one son: Charles Dwlght Folsom, Jr. First interest and connection was with the New Thought Magazine, Chicago; later The Nautilus, Holyoke, Mass. Deeply interested in the modern radical school of education, as exemplified by Ferrer, Calvert, Montessori. Has taught chil- dren along these lines and adults In the New Thought. Has published so far only In the magazines of the New Thought movement Rec- reations: Out-of-door sports, athletics, canoeing, driving, riding. Opposed to woman suffrage. FOLTZ, Clara Shortrldge (Mrs. J. D. Foltz), Merchants' Trust Building, Second St. and Broadway, Los Angreles, Cal. Lawyer; b. Henry Co., Ind. ; dau. Rev. E. W. and Telitha C. (Harwood) Shortrldge; ed. (3al. schools, went in childhood with parents to Cal.; m. J. D. Foltz (now deceased). On being, widowed vrith five young children to support, studied law, and was the first woman to be ad- mitted to practice law In Cal. Practiced first In San Francisco, later in Los Angeles; served two terms as deputy district attorney of Los Angeles Co. Active in many reforms; author of the prison parole system of Cal. ; drafted and put through amendments to the Constitution of Cal., providing that no citizen on account of sex shall be denied the right to enter and pursue any business vocation or profession; author of various statutes for benefit of women. Was first woman to serve as trustee of the State Normal School; first woman to serve on State Board of Charities and Correction. Pres. Votes for Women Club, which led in successful cam- paign for the suffrage In C^l., carrying the fight into every county and district in the State. Republican.

FOLWELL, Sarah Hnbbard (Mrs. William Watts Folwell), 1020 Fifth St, S.E., Minne- apolis, Minn.

Born Buffalo, N.Y., Jein. 6, 1838; dau. Russell Hubbard and Sally (Wicks) Heywood; ed. The Misses Hills School, Buffalo, N.Y. ; m. Buffalo, Mar. 14, 1863, William Watts Folwell, B.A., M.A., LL.D. ; children: Mary Heywood, D.A.R., Russell Heywood, B.S., M.S., and William Bain- bridge, captain U.S.A. Life mem. Minneaptolis Soc. of Fine Arts. Episcopalian. Recreation: Painting. FOOT, EUza Campbell, Lakewood, N.J.

Born Geneva, N.Y., Feb. 23; dau. Samuel A. and Jane (Campbell) Foot; ed. Geneva, N.Y. Organized the Woman's Chess Club and has been Its pres. 19 years. Organized the Woman's Chess Congress. Favors woman suffrage. FOOTE, Anna Jenner (Mrs. Sterling Foote), 550 Park Av.. N.Y. City.

Born N.Y. City, Jan. 25, 1881; dau. William Allen and Josephine ((jurtls) Jenner; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; m. Madison Square Church, Apr. 30, 1907, Sterling Foote; children: Eleanor Hopestill, b. Feb. 19, 1907; Hastings Foote, b. June 19, 1912. Mem. Woman's Muni- cipal League, N.Y. Magdalen Benevolent Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Junior Wednesday Afternoon Club. FOOTE, Elizabeth Looisa, N.Y. Public Library, 224 E. ]25th St., N.Y. City. Librarian; b. Rome, N.Y., Aug. 23, 1866; dau. Rev. John Bartlitt Foote, D.D., and Louisa (Young) Foote; ed. Wellealey Coll. two years; Syracuse Univ., A.B. '88; N.Y. State Library School, B.L.S. '92 (mem. Alpha Phi). Cataloguer and organizer of public libraries, 1892-97, during and after connection with public libraries di- vision of N.Y. State Education Dep't; ass't N.Y. Public Library. 1897—. Instructor of training class, 1901-11; branch librarian. 1911—. Inter- ested in social work, settlements, charity organ-


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