��port and while pres. was appointed on Water- way Com., which became the Women's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Cksngress, an organiation of national prominence. Was chairman of civics of Louisiana State Fed. Women's Clubs, and later chairman of music in same. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Era Civic Ass'n, Shreveport, La., and Civic League.
FLOOD-KEYES, K^ina — see Keyes, Re&ina Flood.
PXOKER, Jeannette Smith (Mrs. Warren Wash- burn Florer), 910 Olivia Av., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Born Cheboygan, Mich., Aug. 5, 1872; dau. Charles Russell and Sarah Isabel (MacArthur) Smith; grad. Ann Arbor High School, '92; Univ. of Mich., B.L. '9S (mem. Alpha Phi) ; m. Ann Arbor, 1898, Warren Washburn Florer (Ph.D. Cornell); children: Mary Heywood (D.A.R.), Francis Mary, b. Aug. 3, 19u0; Herbert Wash- burn, b. Dee. 16, 1902. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.
FEOUKNOY, Anita Patterson (Mrs. George Al- exander Flournoy), Lo-lo-mai Lodge, Paducah, Ky.
Born in Kentucky; dau. William M. Patterson, D.D., and Delia (Morrison) Patterson; girlhood was spent in the City of Mexico, where her father was a missionary and where she received her early education, later at Nashville (Tenn.) Coll. for Young Ladies, A.B. '90; m. Paducah, Ky., Oct. 12, ls92. Lives in Paducah, but spends part of the winters in Memphis, Tenn. Interested in working for educational and civic improvement. In Kentucky has held the chairmanship of the Kentucky Library Comm'n since 1910, and chair- manship of Library Com. of Ky. Federation of Women's Clubs since 1911. In Memphis mem. Junior Equal Rights League and mem. of its board; mem. Woman's Club and Country Club. Lives much out-doors, swims, enthusiastic horse- woman (has won many prizes in horse shows), plays golf and tennis; chief pleasure is hardy garden at her country place in Ky., where she has grown thousands of old-fashioned flowers, which garden attracts many spectators at times of special bloom.
iXOWEK, Lucy E. (Mrs. James M. Flower), Coronado, Cal.
Teacher; b. Boston, May 10, 1837; adopted dau. S. E. and Charlotte H. (Ladd) Cones; ed. Ports- mouth, N.H. ; m. Washington, D.C., James M. Flower of Madison, Wis.; children: Elliott, Har- riet (now Mrs. Dunlop Smith), Louis. Pres. Training School for Nurses for many years; mem. Chicago Board of Education; trustee of 111. State Univ. (first woman elected to that position. Active in philanthropic work, espe- cially for children. Helped in framing and secur- ing Juvenile Court law for 111. ; selected and raised money to pay probation oflScers for first two years of this court Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Fortnightly Club, San Diego Woman's Club. During term of office in Chicago Board of Education worked for industrial training, for kindergartens and for baths in public schools; work along these lines has been recognized by naming the new High School of Industrial Arts for Women the Lucy L. Flower School.
EEY^NT, Fannie C. (Mrs. W. W. Flynt), Fox- croft, Me.
Born Guilford, Me., May 6, 1S63; dau. Joseph M. and Adelia F. (Thomas) Curtis; ed. town schools and acad., Foxcroft, Me.; m. Guilford, Me., 1SS4, W. W. Flynt; children: J. Curtis, b. July 15, 1SS7; Clifton W., b. Dec. 22, 1894. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Cos- mopolitan Club (pres. 1911-12), Philathea Soc, Order Eastern Star. Recreations: Music, painting.
FOBES, Harriet Keith, 153 Carnegie Hall, W.
57th St., N.Y. City.
Artist; b. Brooklyn; dau. Nathan and Eliza- beth C. (Keith) Fobes; ed. Dearborn Morgan School, Orange, N.J.; Cooper Union, Nat. Acad. of Design. Exhibited World's Fair, Chicago; exhibited Architectural League, N.Y. City, Am. Sederation Art League, Washington, D.C., Bal- timore Decorative Art Soc. ; won a prize in burnt
��work. Specialist on hand-wrought jewelry. Swe- denborgian. Clubs: Nat. Arts, MacDowell. De- scendant in maternal line from Rev. James Keith, first minister of Plymouth Colony. FOGG, Helen Moore, Cynwyd, Fa,
Bom Philadelphia, Pa. ; da.u. Clarkson and Martha A. (Moore) Fogg; ed. Friends Central School, Philadelphia; Swarthmore Coll., B.A. ; Univ. of Grenoble, France. Manager W. Phila- delphia Hospital for Women; manager Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, Philadelphia. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Am. Acad, of Political and Social Science. Favors woman suf- frage. Director Philadelphia Coll. Equal Suf- frage Leagu-e; treas. and business manager of the Pa. WniTian Suffrage News. Mem. Society of Friends, College Club of Philadelphia. FOGLE, Amanda Harter (Mrs. James Under- bill Fogle), 982 N. Cleveland Av.. Canton, O.
Born Canton, O., Dec. 13, 1877; dau. George D. and Elizabeth (Aultman) Harter; ed. Farming- ton, Conn., Smith, B.L. '99 (mem. Alpha); m. Canton, Apr. 17, 1901, James Underbill Fogle; children: Elizabeth, James Underbill Jr., William Lewis, Richard Harter, Stephen Francis. Mem. Board of Managers of Consumers' League and Woman's Exchange; menu CJhildren's Aid Soc, Y.W.C.A., Municipal League, College Settlement Ass'n. Lutheran. Favors woman suffrage. FOHS, Cora Baldanf (Mrs. F. Julius Fobs),
414 Linden Walk, Lexington, Ky.
Born Henderson, Ky., Feb. 3, 1882; dau. Morris and Lina (Kahn) Baldauf; ed. Henderson public schools, Miss Steven's College Preparatory School, Germantown, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., Pa.; m. Henderson, Ky., Sept. 16, 1908, F. Julius Fobs; one daughter: Ella Baldauf. Teacher of German and Latin, Henderson High School,
- 1905-08. Favors woman suffrage. Jewess. Pro-
gressive. FOLEY, Edna Eois, Monroe Building, Monroe
St. and Michigan Av., Chicago, 111.
Registered nurse; b. Hartford, Conn., Dec. 17, 1878; dau. William R. and Matilda (Baker) Foley; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '01; Hartford (Conn.) Hospital Training School for Nurses, 1904, R.N. '05. Head nurse Hartford JHos- pital, 1904-05; Albany (N.Y.) Child's Hospital, 1905-06; Boston Children's Hospital, 1906-07; su- pervising nurse Chicago Tuberculosis Inst., 1909- 11; sup't Municipal Tuberculosis Nurses, 1911-12; sup't Visiting Nurse Ass'n, Chicago, 1912. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; vice-pres. Nat. Organi- zation for Public Health Nursing; mem. Social Service Club of Chicago, Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Am. Nurses Ass'n, 111. State Ass'n for Graduate Nurses, Chicago District Nurses' Club, Woman's City Club. Favors woman suffrage. FOLEY, Marcella M., cor. West and Main Sts.,
llion, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Uion, N.Y., Jan. 13, 1S79; ed. llion High School, class of '96; Cornell Univ., '01. Instructor in Latin, Herkimer (N.Y.) High School, 1901-02 (inclusive) ; prin. Herkimer High School, Herkimer, N.Y"., 1903-12. Mem. Utlca Cornell Alumnae Club, Herkimer County Cornell Club. Recreation: Camp life. Catholic. FOLGEl^, Alice Adele, 1038 Pine St., Cincinnati,
Artist, writer; b. Cincinnati, O.; dau. George Macy and Anna G. (Laird) Folger; ed. in Cincin- nati, Hughes High School, and special course at Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Art School under the late Thomas Noble and Clarence D. Bart- lett. Author and illustrator: Songs from the Heart (book of verse) ; co-writer of An Aston- ishing Climax; also writer of a series of articles on the great paintings, and many short stories and poems. In the last three years has made a profession of the art of story telling, and has many engagements during the season before clubs, churches, etc. Interested in Y.W.C.A. work and gives her services by telling of stories. Has a class in Christ Church (P.E.) Sunday- school. Mem. Girls' Friendly Soc. of the Epis- copal Church; Woman's Auxiliary; Consumers' League, Cincinnati; Woman's PriTis Club (exec, board); pres. Cincinnati Folk-Lore Soc; 1st vlce- pres. Ohio Newspaper Woman's Ass'n; Clncin-