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��man's Ohurch. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Professional League, 17th Assembly District, Brooklyn. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n of N.Y. Med. Coll. for Women; on staff of Memorial Hospital. Mem. Unity Child Welfare Club and Ohild Welfare of City Federation. BXEMING, Caroline Pelgram (Mrs. Henry

Stuart Fleming), 2 E. Sixty-flfth St., N.Y.


Born Paterson, N.J., Nov. 28, 1872; dau. Charles R. and Eliza (Bolleray) Pelgxam; grad. Vassar, A.B. '95; m. Jan. 4, 1905, Henry Stuart Fleming; children: Raoul Pelgrajn Fleming, Elizabeth Fleming. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreation: Socials. FLEMING, Dora HartzeU (Mrs. Fred Fleming),

3931 Worth St., Dallas, Tex.

Bom Dresden, Tex., Oct. 3, 18M; dau. Daniel B. and Martha (C!aJToll) Hartzell; ed. Dresden Acad, and private schools and Synodical Female Coll., Fulton, Mo., A.B. '83; m. Dresden, Tex., Feb. 24, 1885, Fred Fleming; children: Mrs. Mabel Elliot Jr., Florine, Miss Fred. Mem. of Tex. Fine Arts Ass'n, Dallas Arts Ass'n, Dallas Free Kindergarten Ass'n, Dallas Orchestral Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Metbodist Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of the Tex. Republic. Recreations: Driving, golf. Mem. Tex.' Fed. of Womien's Clubs, Matheon Literary, Woman's Forum, Forum Art Dep't, Stephen F. Austin's Mothers' Club, Mrs. Craie'i Travel Class. Vice- pres. at large of Tex. Fed. of Women's Clubs; was pres. of Third District Tex. Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs; served as chairman of Program five years; also served as chairman of Art. FLEMING, Jennie E. (Mrs. C. K. Fleming), 471

E. Santa Clara St., San Jose, Cal.

Born Mercer, Pa., Feb. 12, 1862; dau. Dr. D. W. and Eliza (Paden) Webster; ed. Grove City Coll.; m. San Jose, Cal., Nov. 20, 1889, Dr. C. K. Flem- ing; children: Howard Webster, b. Jan. 21, 1891; MUdred, b. Aug. 10, 1898. Mem. (Jal. Indian Ass'n, W.C.T.U. Presbyterian; mem. Wwnan's Missionary Soc. Independent voter. Pres. Fort- nlghUy Club (study club).

FLETCHER, Alice Cunning-ham, residence, 214 First St., S.E., Washington, D.C. ; permanent address, Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass. Anthropologist and ethnologist; b. Boston, Mass.; ed. In private schools and pursued spe- cial studies in the ethnic sciences and archseology in the Peabody Museum (Harvard), in which she has held the Thaw fellowship since 1891. Ass't In etinology, Peabody Museum of Arch- eology and Ethnology since 1882; writer on sub- jects connected with archeeology and American Indian folk-lore. Deeply interested in the wel- fare of American Indians and author of a loan- ing system to advance small sums to Indians to enable them to buy lands and build houses for their own occupancy; active in the promotion of the passage of the Act of Congress by which lands were alloted in severalty to Indians of the Omaha tribe; appointed by President special agent under the Severalty Allotment Act of 1S87, and made allotments to the Winnebagoes in 1887-88; Nez Perces, 1889-92; one of managers of Dep't of AnthrofKjlogy in the World's Colum- bian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Author: Indian Story and Song from North America; also nu- merous publications and bulletins of the Bureau of American EJthnology, Washington, and the Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass.; and arti- cles in anthropological publications. Fellow A.A.A.S. (vice-pres. Dep't of Anthropology, 1896); mem. Archaeological Inst, of America, Anthro- pological Soc. of Washington (ex-pres.). Am. Folk-Lore Soc. (pres.).

FLETCHETl, Catharine Westinghonse (Mrs.

Charles W. Fletcher), Englewosd, N.J.

Born Pittsburgh, Pa., April 17, 1883; dau. Henry Herman and Clara (SaJtmarsh) West- inghouse; ed. Thurston Preparatory School, Pittsburgh, Pa.; m. Kidder's Ferry, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1906, Charles W. Fletcher; one son: Herman Westinghouse Fletcher. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Club and Musical Art Soc, Englewood, N.J. Recreations: Golf, tennis, riding.

��FLETCHER, Cora Sechrist (Mrs. Hugh M.

Fletcher), 416 Rose Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio.

Physician; b. Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 16, 1871; dau. Jacob M. and Catherine L. (Bostick) Se- christ; ed. Cornell Univ., B.S. '93; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. "96 (mem. Alpha Phi); m. in Ohio, Jan. 1, 1908, Dr. Hugh M. Fletcheh Episcopalian. Mem. Cleveland College Club, Cor- nell Alumnae Club for Women. FLETCHER, Katharine Ogden, Amherst, Mass.

Teacher; b. Hartford, Conn., 1877; dau. Will- iam Isaac and Annie L Baron (Richmond) Fletcher; ed. Amherst (.Mass.) High School; Smith Coll. A.B.; N.H. State Normal School, Plymouth, N.H.; Columbia Univ. M.A. Taught in high schools of Plymouth, N.H. ; Randolph, Hyde Park and Newton, Mass. ; since Sept. 1912, head of English dep't St. Agnes' School, Albany. Mem. Central Congregational Church, Boston. Has done settlement work and visiting for out- patient dep't of hospitals. Favors woman suf- frage. Congregationallst. Recreations: Walking, rowing, swimming, paddling, snowahoeing, skat- ing and out-door sports in general; indoor ac- tivities, music. Summer spent in camp in Quaker Hill, Conn. Mem. local literary and musical clubs and college alumnse ass'n.

FLETCHER, Mabel Elizabeth BLllings, 470 E.

Center St., Decatur, 111.

High school librarian; b. Decatur, 111., Nov. 16, 1886; dau. George Everett and Nancy Elizabeth (Billings) Fletcher; ed. Decatur High School, Univ. of Chicago (Associate in Philosophy 1912, hon. mention work of Junior Colleges). Author of paper. The Child's Point of View in Lan- guage, delivered before Child Study Section of 111. State Teachers' Ass'n in Chicago, 1910. In- terested in helping the young folk to appreciate the mechanical difficulties and compensating joys of beginning authorship, also talented children the great medium of child expression. Has or- ganized several chapters of the St. Nicholas League. Favors woman suffrage. Ck)ntributor since 1905 to Home and School and divers peda- gogical journals: A Figured Flame (Every- body's), 1911; The Young School Teacher; Her Day of White Bread; Lavendar's for Ladies (Youth's Companion), and A Blundering Life (Canada World). Winner of silver and gold badges in the St. Nicholas League. Baptist. Recreations: Writing, walking, bird study, dancing. Mem. Decatur Drama (3lub, Scribblers' Club, Decatur Bird Club, Societas Puellarum. FLETCHER, Margaret Abert Beale (Mrs.

Robert Walter Fletcher), Fletcher, N.C.

Musician; b. Arden, N.C, Aug. 29, 1879; dau. Charles Willing and Maria Parker (Taylor) Beale; studied music in Paris, France, also in Cincinnati, O. ; studied wood carving in N.Y. under Baron Van Rydingsvard; m. Sept. 15. 1906, Robert Walter Fletcher; children: Maria Parker Taylor Beale, b. Sept. 25, 1907; Bertha Beale, b. Oct. 25, 1909. Against woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. D.A.R., Current Literature Book Club. FLETCHER, Mary Emily Moose (Mrs. John

Fletcher), 991 W. 19th St., Little Rock, Ark.

Born Lewisburg (now Morrilton) Ark., Jan. 21, 1854; dau. Jamea Miles and Sophia E. (Stockton) Moose; ed. Martha Washington Coll., Abingdon, Va. ; m. Mar. 30, 1875, John Fletcher; one son, •rhomas. Active in church and mission work, also philanthropic work; sec. Orphans' Home for 28 years; one of lady guardians of the Ada Thompson Home for Old Ladies; pres. State Mis- sion Soc. for eight years. Favors woman suf- frage. E>dlts church paper (a little quarterly); has written club and missionary articles for the press, club and church journals. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church; mem. State Missionary Soc, Y.W.C.A., Little Rock Orphans' Home; Ada Thompson Home for Old Ladies; Daughters of Confedwacy. Ex. -pres. Ark. Federation of V/omen's Clubs; State Federation sec. for Gen. Federation Women's Clubs for Ark. Mem. A'^sthetic Club, Edelweiss Club, Musical Coterie Co-operative Ass'n; pres. for the Southern Dist. of Nat. Federation of Music Clubs, consisting of 14 States.


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