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Confederacy at Thomasville. Baptist Mem. Anna M. (Pesetz) Lament; ed. N.Y. City; mar- Daughters of the Confederacy. Honorary pres. ried Harry H. Flagler. Actively Interested John Burroughs Federation for Georgia. Vice- in Music School Settlement; director Symphony pres at large Ga. Federation of Women's Clubs; Soc of N.Y. and of Symphony Club; mem. pres. Thomasville Study Class. Husband has Woman's Cosmopolitan Club. Presbyterian.

a^r^'r ^^™'°^ "^'■^'^ ^"^ ^^^^^^ ^""^ ^°"^ FLANTGAN. Georgia HnU (Mrs. Edward J.

^ Flanlgan), Box 589, Blsbee. Ariz.

FITZPATRICK, Marion Mattoon (Mrs. James Born McDowell, Highland Co., Va., Apr. 10,

Charles Fitzpatrick), 288 Clinton Av., Albany, 1875; dau. Mary (Dener) Hull; received educa-

N.Y. tion In Olympia, Wash., and Prof. Gnnn's private

Bom Albany, N.Y., Sept. 6, 1844; dau. David sehool in Napa, Cal. ; m. Oakland, Cal., May 4.

and Sarah (Ransom) Mattoon; ed. Music Vale 1905, Edward J. Flanigan; children: Charles

Sem., New London Co., Conn., and State Normal Meaoham, John Henry. Grad. nurse. State

Coll., Albany, N.Y. ; m. Albany, N.Y., Aug. 4, chairman Dep't Household Economics. Favors

1869, James Oharlee Fitzpatrick, journalist (died woman suffrage; mem. Central Com. State of

July 18, 1901); children: Mary Ransom, b. May 1, Ariz. Recreations: Rowing, horseback riding.

1870; David Mattoon, b. July 6, 1874; John Mem. Bisbee Woman's Club, Anona Club (cor.

Tracy, b. Jan. 6, 1878; Stoddard, b. Apr. 4, 1879; sec.).

Jesse Amettr b. Aug. 6, 1881; Marion Aurelia, b. _, .y^^-Kr-E-^^ m tj- t, ^, ttt j t->

Dec. 28, 1884; Sarah Hungerford, b. Sept. 7, 1887. FI-ANNEBT May K., Box 43, Wynnewood Pa.

Identified with Home Mission and social and .^P'^^^S"" %i social research ; b Philadelphia,

philanthropic work. Presbyterian. Vice-pres. P^^^d. Sharon Hill (Pa.) Convent; grad.

Woman's Home Missionary Soc., Albany Presby- Swarthmore Coll. 1901 (mem. K.A.E.) Inves-

tery; treas. Home Missionary Soc. of Fourth J'/ator on Industrial Education Commission of

Presbyterian Church; one of the managers of the Mass. ; director of Consumers' League of Eastern

House of Shelter. Has traveled, both In Europe Pa. Favors woman suffrage.

and in the -Far West, Including a trip to rXANSBUKG, Fonetta, 707 N. Wahsatch Av.,

Alaska. Pres. Pine Hills Fortnightly Club of Colorado Springs, Colo.

Albany, N.Y. Teacher, lecturer; b. Bleroy, 111., Jan. 22, 1852;

FITZPATRICK, Mary Ransom, Public School ^^^- JameS and Pleanor (Harrower) Flansburg;

34, Brooklyn, N.Y. ^d. Rock River Sem., Mt. Morris, 111. Public

Teacher; b. JBrooklyn, N.Y., May 1, 1870; dau. school teacher for 30 years; Normal Inst. In-

James Charles and Marion A. (Mattoon) Fitz- structor. Speaker on temperance, missions.

Patrick; ed. Girls' High School (Brooklyn), State Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Progressive

and Univ. scholarships won 1889, Cornell, A.B. i° politics. Lecturer to the Open Progrees Club

1893 (Phi Beta Kappa). Teacher Hornell (N.Y.) °^ Colorado Springs for 16 years upon literary

High School, 1893-98. Mem. Question Board State and art topics; before the Woman s Qub of

Educational Dep't of N.Y., 13S8-1900. Teacher ^ame city for two years, 1911-13, on Greek litera^

Eastern Dist. High School, Brooklyn, 1900-06. Pres. ^ure, mythology and art. Occasional lecturer be-

Brooklyn pu-blic schools, 1906-12. Favors woman fp^e many other clubs and societies in (>>Iorado

suffrage. Roman Catholic. Mem. D.A.R., Brook^ Springs and other towns. Pres. Colorado Springs

lyn Teachers Ass'n, Interboro Ass'n of Women f ^^^/ation of Women's Clubs, 1902-03, and again

Teachers (vice-pres. 1912-13), Brooklyn Women ^^ ^^l^-

Principals' Ass'n, Cornell Women's Club o^ FXEBBE, Beal^i Marie Dix (Mrs. Georg H.

N.Y. (pres. 1910-12). Flebbe), 420 Harvard St., Brookllne, Mass.

FITZ-RANDOLPH, Louise, South Hadley. Mass. p,^^^?.'"' .tf^ll^V ^^ ^-f ^^*'°,' ^^^/l, ^^^•

College professor b. Panama, N.Y., June 25, ^^{J^S' nf,hiin th^m!- ^^^L^^^l^-h' ^^°^^^^

1851; dau Reuben and Julia (Bell) Fltz-Ran- 5?' ^'^•oP^^//£/'=^°,°,^' ? r .q7 ,*'"^ Chelsea,

dolph; ed. Mt. Holyoke Sem., 1869-72 (Mt. Hoi- ^fifv h^v°^^e„i^°"-;„ i'^^^iii^ ^!"f?™^ "^^^

yoke Coll., M.A. '04); University Coll. and the ',f"^V.Pr^nHf« nf «^ a m^ q^ ^rS*^ A^^ ^-^"^^

art schools of South Kensington Museum, Lon- fqm pif^r-^^ lil^i ;^- h ' «?■ Cambridge,

don, mo-81; Sorbonne and CoUSge de France, J?i-°' i^"^^ Jlkhf l'„th ^f"^^^^';^ Evelyn

1881-82; also lectures later In Univ. of Berlin '^I^^l^rruP^^^^- J-'^^ZfJ^"^^^^'-, ^""^^

Univ. of Zurich and the Am. Schools of Classical ^^P^'T.^^J^^I ?L?u'^'^^°^^?^ Ferrlngham;

��studies in Athens and Rome during periods rep- l^^„^^^ %S°^.^JJ^}^J^'V,.^l,Jt;, «^P"2'

���uuici uu history vo. aii. m Yv c.3i,ci 11 ivcoci v c ouinj»-»i tt_-_„ m « «« . a ■d,.^^ ^» t>i ' *.i,. m' ^ ■■."

of Design, Cleveland, Ohio, 1884-92; since 1892 S*'^^' ^IfX^L^, ^f. ° .Plymouth Town (with

with Mt. Holyoke Coll. as instructor until 1904, ^^it' ^lll^JL.t J„?.Ll'^ti ^'^o ^n°^^-^<=^

since then as professor of history of art and g fI^;,J?I°^ JX ° ??^^i!' ™!^- H""" ^S""*^

archaology. Mem. Managing Com. Am. School Suffrage League, Drama League of Boston. Rec-

of Classical Studies at Athens; mem. Archaeo- ^^^^V^^T^U^^l^fuf^^f^ii.^^'l producing

logical Inst of America (mem. board of management of the Toy Theatre,

logical inst. ot America. Boston); also enjoys rowing and swimming:

FLAGG, Edna Pressey (Mrs. Charles Fobes Clubs: Boston Authors', CoUege Club of Boston,

Flagg). 110 Emery St., Portland. Me. 47 Club of RadclifTe, Soc. of Am. Dramatists and

Born Corinth, Me., Feb. 11, 1873; dau. Joseph Composers (N.Y. City). In 1902 began to collab-

W. and Mary E. (Pearson) Pressey; ed. private orate in playwrlghting with the late Evelyn

schools; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.S. '94; graduate Greenleaf Sutherland, of Boston. The Joint plays

study in Univ. of Rochester; mem. Tau Zeta are as follows (in England): The Breed of the

Epsilon; m. Rochester, N.Y., Dec. 16, 1896, Treshams, 1903- ; Matt of Merrymount, 1906-07;

Charles Fobes Flagg; children: Gwendolin, b. Boy o' Carroll, 1906; Young Fernald 1910. In

1902; Joseph Pressey, b. 1908. Bx-pres. Me. Fed. America: A Rose o' Plymouth Town. 1902-03; The

Women's Clubs; ex -pres. Woman's Literary Road to Yesterday, 1906-09; The Lilac Room,

Union of Portland; ex-pres. Civic Club; direc- 1906-07; Young Fernald, 1906; The SubsUtute,

tor .Mfline Home for Friendless Boys; mem. 1908-09

Board of Trustees of State Juvenile Institutions; Tmrr'K-T *ra tw-™ ttiwok^^t, -ir-.i, /vc t

chairman scholarship fund of Maine Fed. of ,.Fr 1^, , ,^ „cl ,, ° o'* X^"; , ^^

Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Prot- V^° ^leckles), 265 Macon St.. Brooklyn,

estant Episcopal. Mem. Portland Soc. of Art. U: ,, ^ rn. , n o vt-d-t<v

Recreations: Motoring, gardening, dancing. Mem. ,„^^,^?='^ = ^- J^S^"*^' °!^1^ ^•Jv.^V^'.: S®^■

Women's Literary Union, Civic Club College ?2' u^^^^L. ^"- P,"<JJey and Elizabeth (Chaffee)

Club, Equal Suffrage Club, College Equal Suf- S^l?', ^^r^""""*"'?^. ^'^^•^^ f^io^^V^- ir^^f^'

frage League, Current Events, Wellesl^ Club. S?"', ^°^ ^°J?,^^°' ^^*U^- ^^^;^f- 1897. L- Victor

r^, .„.-,„ , ' ■> • Fleckles; children: Elliot Victor and Rol>ert

FLAGLER, Anne Lament (Mrs. Harry H. Flag- Schoebel, twins, b. Feb. 16, 1898; Helen Ellza-

ler), Mlllbrook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. beth. b. June 28. 1903. Has pracOced continu-

Born N.Y. City; daughter of Charles A. and ously since graduation. Mem. S. Parks Cad-


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