church work and missionary socs. Mem. Ter- FITZ GEKALD, Anne Campbell (Mrs. Jamea
rltoriaJ Com. of the Y.W.C.A. of Ohio and Tabor FitzGerald), 2445 Western Av., Los
W.Va. Mem. Ass'n of College Alumii»; Women's Angeles, Cal.
Club of Oherlin. Congregationalist. Favors Born Batesville, Ark., Apr. 1, 1867; dau. John
woman suffrage s-'i'i Sarah (Bates) Campbell; ed. public schools
■r^r^^^r IT ■ S ■E' 1- /HIT „ Tc-r^-a^^o "EM t n^h 1 of Portland, Ore; m. San Jose, Cal., Aug. 30,
^JF^' ^^'^l ^V^^ ^ ul!" wiT 1892, Jame^ Tabor FitzGerald: one adopted
n^ ^^Tf"^ t^- ^1 19 i%s ^kn Albert J daughter: Anne Louise FitzGerald, b. Feb. 10,
Born Milwaukee, Feb. 1^,1878 dau. Alb^^^^ s ^ .^ ^ ^ music and to the
and Margaret (Peebles) Barling ed^ ^^l}^J^ recognized charities. Against woman suffrage.
Sem., Chicago, and Ogontz Pa. m Chicago j^gj^^.^at. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy,
•^*'°^. h ^i^^' I^^T^^^ Tn^oriiV.fl i,^ MnwpTikee Los Angeles Chapter; the Auxiliary of the Good
PrS^^^^^^a c.^^ T!;«nu«t rnnd Ro^ds Tss'n Shepherd, Y.W.C A. Recreations: Reading. Card
InfaJits Home and Hospital, Good Roaas ass n K traveline Pre=i nt Galmn Shakesoeare
of Wisconsin. Episcopalian. Recreations: Golf, g^Xlice-pIeTlbeU Club 19^-^^ Shakespeare
swimmang, motormg. ' ^ , ' , ^ ,, „
■E^m/nTT M _„ 4ii/io ??7 -w TVTnrlcPt St War- FITZGERALD, Marie V., Whitestone, L.L, N.T.
riTCH, Mary Alida, 337 E. Market St., War journalist; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1884; dau. John
?e37£s°cience; b Warrensburg, Mo. June and M.^L. -t-rald. ^e.^ ViUa^Marie^N^^^^^^^^
^tchTe'd- W^arrfi^'b^urg^pulli'c ^li^s.^'^^^^l^s^ |TVd?^l?so"fferia^cring^^pC°w'rfghr^"^"" ^-
burg State Normal, '01; Univ. of Missouri, B.S. Brady, also tree lance ana piaywrignt.
'05 AM 'Oe- Sigma Xi '06; elected to fellowship FITZ GERALD, Susan Walker (Mrs. Richard
in 'zoology 06; Cornell Univ., Ph.D. '12; mem. T. Fitz Gerald). 7 Greeuough Av., Jamaica
Alpha Omicron Pi. Teacher of science in public Plain, Mass.
and private schols, 1904-05, 1906-08; ass't in Secretary; b. Cambridge, Mass., May 9,
botany Purdue Experiment Station, Lafayette, 1871; dau. John Grimes (U.S.N.) and Rebecca
Tnd 1910-12 Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Ass'n for w. (Pickering) Walker; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll.,
Advkncemeut of Science. A.B. '93; m. Wilton N.H., Aug. 3, 1901, Richard
^™,^^ •., .. 1 T •=„ no-m>„-ir!^£. TH Y. Fitz Gerald; children: Anne, Rebecca, Susan.
FITCH. Rachel Louise Cambridge, in^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^.^jl ^^93.35.
Born Galva 111., Sept ^,1878, df^^^^ teacher private schools. Washington. D.C..
E. and Rachel (Helgesen) Fitch, ^d- high scbool, ^^^^ ^^ ^.^^^ Barnard Coll., 1898-
?£7hJ^h- -Q^^^xT A ?^.m nplS. Deltf Delta' 1901; head resident West Side Branch Univ. Set-
1899-1902 A.B., M.A (mem Delta Delta Delta ^ ^y ^^^^^^ ^^U^ Richmond Hill
council 7 yprs) Taught school about 4 y^^^^^ House), 1901-04; sec. Boston Equal Sufirage
at Galva, 111., and ^t MUtonN^Dak^ Editor and '^ Good Government, 1907-10; sec. School
bu^ess manager of the ^aiva Weekly News League. Boston, 1910-U; cor. sec. Mass.
1906-08; elected hon mem^ of Men s Commer ^^^^^ suffrage Ass'n, 1911-12; rec. sec. Nat. Am.
cial Club of Galva, ^i°f-P(^!„„-^^^i.'^f^^ DeUa Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1911-12. Author: Wo-
Press Ass'n of 111 Nat ^spector for Delta .^ ^ ^^^^ .^ Democracy; and 4
Delta I^.elta, visiting in it%mterests 60 coneges Rainbow Fliers. Mem. Boston Coll. Club,
and universities of the U.b. urganisL uougre „ Afnwr rinh
national Church, Kewanee, 111.; librarian Town- Bryn Mawr CluD.
shiD Library Cambridge, 111.; mem. first library FITZGIBBON, Eleanor, 514 Lydia St., Carnegie,
board public library, Galva, 111., 1908-11. Editor Pa.
The Trident of Delta Delta Delta since 1905. Born Armstrong Co., Pa.; dau. William and Mem The Woman's Tuesday Club of Galva, Gertrude Grace Fitzgibbon; prepared for college ill a travel study club holding bi-monthly at Dilworth Hall, Pittsburgh; grad. Pa. Coll. for meetings- D A R. (Kewanee, 111., chapter). Pres. Women, A.B. '03. Active in society, club work '~'ollege Literary Soc, College Glee Club (Worn- and in various philanthropic and religious work, an's) Favors woman suffrage. especially interested in work in behalf of chil- , „ ,-, „ r-iofVo n dren. Chairman of Dramatic Dep't of College FITTS, Maud Lenore Emerson (Mrs. ClarKe i^. ^^^^ ^^ Pittsburgh; interested in amateur dra- Fitts), Brattleboro, Vt. <;„mnpr matics. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Born Milford, N.H.May 2^ 18,0 dau Sumner j^^^^^^^^^^, Qoif riding, walking. Mem. Col- B. and Martha A. (Bales) Emerson ed. Smith ^,^j^ ^^ Pittsburgh, Monday Club of Car- Coll., '93; m. Brattleboro, June 30, 19U3, oiarKe ^ Pittsburgh Branch Dickens Fellowship, De- ?^^^.k^TBecTlm?%fA: ^rat°t^ebo'i^ -- Club, Pa. Coll. for Women. T^ib'erculosis Ass'n; vice-pres. Brattleboro Civic FITZHUGH, Laura Davis (Mrs. R. K. Fitzhugh), T.pnCTifi- vice-pres Vermont Fed. Women's Clubs Augusta, Ark.
^S' woi^n sufirage. Congregationalist. Teacher; b. Forrest City Ark., Feb. 15 1875;
Mfim Soc for Promotion of Teaching Speech to dau. Thos. Jefferson and Martha (Hood) Davis;
the Deaf" Recreations: Driving, automobiling, ed. Forrest City public school; Ward Sem.,
B-n,if tennis skaUng. Taught in high school Nashville, Tenn.; Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville,
f™7r vears 'and deaf school four years before Tenn.; Ecole de Mmes. de Raucourt, Chalons-
rna^inle sur-Marne, Sorbonne. Paris, France; m. For-
^^ ^ ^ o, .1 .Tw = livnnu rest City. Ark.. Sept. 6. 1905, R. K. Fitzhugh;
FITZ. Adeline Frances Slade (Mrs. F^ank ^j^^^ren: Rufus Davis, 1906; Thomas Baytop,
Eustace Fitz), Beach Bluff, Mass., winter, ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ j^^^_ Federation of Women's
Inverness. Fla. rio-^irl Clubs; mem. Ex. Com. Ark. State Charities and
Bom Chelsea, Mass., July 12, 1861, dau. yavm corrections; especially interested in educational
and Elizabeth Wilson (Whitaker) Slade, ed ^^^ ^.^j^ ^^^.^ ^^^^ Q^i Vive Club, City
private tutors, Carolyn Johnson s School lor ggj^utifm League, French Club, Cemetery Ass'n,
Girls, Beacon Hill, Boston; m. oneisea, Mass., ggj^^oj improvement Ass'n. Recreation: Auto-
1884. Frank Eustace Fitz; children: Lustace ^^^^^g Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.
Pnrv David Slade Robert Francis. Writer of "^"" * ^ „.
so^h l«tiu-er aid club woman. Mem. of Pro- FITZPATRICK, Ida Hester (Mrs. Z. L Fitzpat-
fesslonal Woman's Club, Boston Kosmos Club, rick), Thomasville, Ga. (summer, Madison,
Sn^f^Nel^'nlfanf litlrumlr- liL\^'^% lor^n Brooks Co.. Ga., Dec. 3. 1863 dau. Cul-
I^historian vice-rlgent and regent Mass. Daugh- len and Mary (Yates) Hester; ed. high school,
ffrs of th4 Revolution. Pres.-gen. Nat. Soc. Quitman, Ga., and Houston Female Coll., Perry,
Daughterrof the Revolution, 1909-12. Composer Ga.; m. July 8, 1884, at home. Brooks Co. Z I.
songs- 'The Sweetest Flower That Blows; The Fitzpatrick. Taught in public schools of Blake-
D^delion and the Daisy; The Shepherd's Lul- ly, Ga., Albany, Ga.. and Lavonia, Ga. ; also
lab^ • My Little Sweetheart; The Siren of Old, taught in early married life (teacher 10 years),
^d many children's songs. Episcopalian. Rec- Active in church work, missionary soc. and Sun-
^ti^s Music floriculture, research work, day-schoolteacher. For years historian of John
pXushed a m4gazlne article. Music of Our B. Gordon Chapter United Daughters of Con-
g^ers. whil appeared in the New England ^ederacy.^Thom^^ville,^G..^^and^