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��Fisii; children: Franklin, Edward Gregson. Head English Dep't Joliet (111.) Township High School, 1903-05; instructor English, Univ. of Arizona, 1905-07. Mem. Am. School of Home Economics; chairman Home Economics Section of Woman's Club, Tucson; State chairman Edu- cation Com. Woman's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Progressive Re- publican. Mem. College Club of Tucson. nSH, 3Iay Hall (Mrs. H. C. Fish), Bismarck,


Born Edgar Springs, Mo., 1885; dau. Joseph and Emily Lucy (Bower) Hall; ed. Univ. of Wis- consin, 'OS; m. Madison, Wis., 1905, H. C. Fish; children: Vynor Starr, Virginia May. Interested in carrying on clubs with working girls. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Republican. Mem. Fortnightly Club, Mothers' Club. FISHBURN, Jilrs. Josephine Kedmond, 110

Huntington Place, Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, O.

Bom Cincinnati; daughter of James A. and Barbara (Hoffmann) Redmond; ed. In public schools, Notre Dame, and by private teachers; m. June, 1891; children: Cyrus C. Fishburn, Albert R. Fishburn, Frederick Fishburn. Espe- cially and closely Interested in art and craft work; mem. Crafter Company, Cincinnati; active mem. Woman's Art Club of Cincinnati. Unitar- ian; mem. Cincinnati Branch of Woman's Alli- ance of the Unitarian Church. Recreations: Music, tennis, walking.

nSHER, Dorothy Canfield (Mrs. John Red- wood Fisher), Arlington, Vt.

Author; b. Lawrence, Kan.; dau. James Hulme and Flavia (Camp) Canfield; ed. Ohio State Univ., B.Ph. '99; studied in France and Italy and at Columbia Univ., specializing in Romance lan- guages; Columbia Univ., Ph.D. '04; mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma; m. May 9, 1907, John Redwood Fisher; one daughter: Sally. Interested in edu- cational matters and improved methods of agri- culture and forestry. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Corneille and Racine in England; Eng- lish Rhetoric and Composition; What Shall We Do Now? Gunhild; The Squirrel Cage; The Montessori Mother; has also publis'hed short stories and articles in leading American maga- zines. Episcopalian. Socialist. Recreations: Riding, skiing, mountain climbing, housework, traveling, gardening. Lived in Conway, N.H., sixteen years. nSHER, Elizabeth Tlorette, Wellesley, Mass.

College profess9r, geologist; b. Boston, Mass., Nov. 26, 1873; dau. Charles and Sarah Gerrish (Gushing) Fisher; grad. Girls' High School, Boston, '91; Mass. Inst, of Technology, S.B. '96; special work in geography in Harvard Univ., 1S96, and Radcliffe Coll., 1900. Connected with Wellesley Coll. since 1S94 as instructor in geology and mineralogy until 1906, associate prof. 1906- 08, since then as prof, of geology and geography and head of that department. Has made original researches on the formation of river terraces, and on the lateral movement of rivers in various countries and has given numerous scientific lectures on these topics. Mem. Nat. Geographic Soc., A.A.A.S., International Geographical (Con- gress. Mem. Appalachian Club (Boston), Boston Society of Natural History. nSHEB, Jessie Weston (Mrs. William E.

Fisher), care Connecticut Hospital for Insane,

Middletown, Conn.

Physician, pathologist, alienist; b. Cherry Hill, Md., Aug. 10, 1872; dau. John W. and Laura Elizabeth (Jones) Weston; ed. Wilmington Con- ference Aoad., -Dover, Del.; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D.; m. Middletown, Conn., 1897, Dr. William E. Fisher; one son: William Weston. Ap- pointed assistant pathologist of same, 1900, and pathologist same institution, 1908. Favors woman suffrage. Has written numerous articles published in medical journals. Methodist. Rec- reation: Tramping. FISHER, Katharine Conner (Mrs. Howard

Fisher), The Mendota, Washington, D.C.

Born NeTV Albany, Ind., Mar. 14, 1872; dau. Charles H. and Katharine Boudinot (Atterbury) Conner; ed. Home School (Miss Belle Peers, Louisville, Ky.), Prof. Chenault's University

��School, Louisville, Ky. ; Dana Hall, Wellesley, .Ma&s. ; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '95; mem. Shake- speare Soc. (Wellesley Coll.); m. New Albany, Ind., Jan. 10, 1896, Dr. Howard Fisher; children: Howard Fisiier, Jr. (deceased), Elisha Boudinot Fisher. Interested in religious, social and phil- aanthropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Pres- byterian. Recreation: Golf.

FISHER, I.oiiise Sanford (Mrs. Hubert Fred- erick Fisher), 1142 Vance Av., Memphis, Tenn. Born Knoxville, Tenn., April 29, 1882; dau. Edward Jackson and EJmma (Chavannes) £,in- ford; ed. Vassar Coll., '02; Jenny Hunter Kin- dergarten Training School, N.Y. City, '06; m. Nov. 6, 1909, Hubert Frederick Fisher; one son: Hubert Frederick Fisher Jr., b. May 15, 1911. Before marriage chief interests were in Knox- ville (Tenn.) Y.W.C.A., Girls' Friendly Soc, Brookside Free Kindergarten; since marriage in Memphis, Tenn., Visiting Nurse Ass'n, King's Daughters. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Episcopal Church. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Nineteenth Century Club of Memphis, Tenn. FISHER, JI. Antoinette Schley (Mrs. Parks Fisher), Morgantown, W.Va. Bom Richfield Farm, Frederick Co., Md. ; dau. John Thomas and Georgiana (McClure) Schley; ed. Frederick (Md.) Female Sem., Southern Lit- erary Inst., Baltimore, 1863-65, grad 1865; m. Baltimore, June 1865, Parks Fisher; children: Frank S., Parks Jr., Charles McClure, David Gustave (died 1S96), Robert Waldorf Fisher, M.D. Became mem., 1908, Woman's Auxiliary Retail Clerks' Internat. Protective Ass'n; directress Altar Guild Episcopal Church, Morgantown, W. Va. Vice-pres. and executive officer Con- sumers' League of Md., 1903-06, Baltimore, Md. ; pres. Woman's Industrial E^xchange, Baltimore, eight years, resigned Jan. 1907. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames of Md., Regent Col. John Evans Chapter D.A.R. (Morgantown), United Daughters of the Confederacy. Pres. Present Day Club (for discussion of current events), Morgantown. Originator of the Nat. Hostesses' Ass'n, organized at Universal Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904, at which she was elected permanent president, which organization still exists. Was appointed by Gov. John Walter Smith mem. of the Maryland Commission and official hostess of the Maryland Building at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. FISHER, Metta De Bow, Randolph, Neb.

Born Batavia, N.Y., Apr. 16, 1877; dau. Henry Stephen and Maria (Douglass) De Bow; ed. high school, Wich'ta, Kan. (entered in 1892), 1896-98; attended Columbia Coll. of E.xpression, Chicago, 1896-98, and again 1903-04; m. Coleridge, Neb.. April 14, 1898, William F. Fisher. Has been public reader and has taught expression. Iden- tified in church work; active mem. of Missionary Soc.; teacher in Sunday-school; worked for civic improvement. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Daughters of Rebekah. Recreations: Walking, auto riding, reading. Mem. Twentieth Century Club; pres. Woman's Club for six years. Especially inter- ested in educational and philanthropic work. FISHER, Olivia, 13 Grove Av.. Oil City, Pa.

Retired nurse; b. Oil City, Pa., Mar. 5, 1870; dau. Daniel and Josephine (Thompson) Fisher; ed. Oil City High School, Penn. Coll. for Wo- men, Presbyterian Hospital Training School for Nurses, Philadelphia, Pa. One of the first 8 nurses sent out by Government at time of the Spanish-American War. Chairman Red Cross Soc, Oil City, Pa. Pres. Twentieth Century Club of Oil City. Episcopalian.

FISK, Anna Louise Black (Mrs. George R. Fisk), 23 Morgan Boulevard, New Orleans. La. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., May 1, 1868; dau. John and Kathleen (Raleigh) Black; grad. Coll. of Immaculate Conc^tion, Oldenburg, Ind. (vale- dictorian); m. Aurora, Ind., Jan. 5, 1888, George R. Fisk; one soru Howard Douglas Fisk. Or- ganizer of penny lunches In the public schools of New Orleans (children too poor to pay served free); has charge of the 5th ward on subscription day for benefit of Anti-Tuberculosis League. Pres. New Orleans Woman's Club; mem. Era


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