FINCK, Abbie Helen Cashman (Mrs. Henry T. (mem. T. and M. Debating Soc.); m. South Finck), 485 Manhattan Av., N.Y. City. Orange, N.J., Oct. 11, 1912, John Malcolm Firth. Writer; b. Brooklyn, Sept. 29, 1868; dau. Mor- Chairman of Church Board, Robertsdale Eplsco- ton and Sarah (Black) Cushman; m. N.Y. City, pal Church. Favors -woman suffrage. Recrea- Oct, 17, 1890, Henry T. Finck (well-known critic), tlons: Gardening, music (both instrumental and Mem. of Audubon Soc. Against woman suf- vocal), riding, tennis, hockey, swimming, sailing, frage. Musical critic and magazine writer. I.'ISCHEI., Martha Ellis (Mrs. Waahlngton E. Recreations: Traveling, gardening, walking. Flschel), 5284 Westminster Place, St. Louis, FIN'CKE, Mattle Brown (Mrs. Charles Louis Mo. FIncke), 100 Bayard Lane, Princeton, N.J. Social worker; b. Jackson, Miss., May 25, 1850; Bora Boston, Mass., Mar. 11, 1875; dau. Joseph dau. Turner Morehead and Fanny E. (Hoibbs) E. and Lavinia (Ireson) Brown; ed. Brooklyn Ellis; ed. St. Louis public schools, 1860-64; St. Heights Sem. ; Miss Ely's School; Smith Coll.,, Louis High School, 1864-68; m. St. Louie, 1876, B.L. '98; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., April 25, 1901, Dr. Dr. Washington E. Flschel; children: Edna, Charles Louis F^ncke (died Mar. 19, 1906); chll- Walter, Ellis, Leopold. Prof, of English, Howard dren: Charles Louis, b. Mar. B, 1902; Margaret CxdII., Mo., 1871-74. Founder and director of Epes, b. April 12, 1904. Favors woman suffrage; Home Making Schools In St. Louis, 1888-1907; mem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League. Presby- organizer and pres. of St. Louis Emergency Aid, terian. Sec. Village Improvement Soc. of Prince- 1903-13; organizer and director St. Louis School ton. Recreations: Riding, walking, tennis. Mem. of Housekeeping, 1901-13; one of the founders of N.Y. Branch of Smith Coll. Alumnag. the Wednesday Club; organizer of Woman's FXNDLAY, Jessica White, Sanitarium, Castile, DeP't of Industrial Occupations, Day Nur- N.Y. sery and Lodging House of St Louie Provident Physician; b. Toronto, Ont., Can.; dau. John Ass'n. Has written club papers on social sub- and Elizabeth (Dunn) Findlay; ed. Univ. of Jects; lectures to philanthropic organizations. Mich., M.D. '89. Had interneship of one year at Mem. Central Council of Social Agencies, Ad- tbe New England Hospital for Women and visory Council of St. Louis Provident Ass'n, Con- Children, Boston; practiced in sanitarium as sumers' League, Pure Food Ass'n; pres. St. ass't physician; took N.Y. State examination In Louis Emergency Aid, St. Louis School of medicine, 1902; began private practice in Pitts- Housekeeping. Clubs: Wednesday, Contem- burgh. Pa. Mem. Criterion (Literary) Club of Porary. Recreations: Theatre, travel, family Pittsburgh, Pa. Mem. Woman's Medical Soc, gatherings. Mem. Bthl'cal Soc. Favors woman Pittsburgh, Pa. Presbyterian. suffrage.
riNDLAY, Louise Courtenaye O'Donnell (Mrs. FISCHER, Lanra E. B. (Mrs, F. William Fls-
John Van Lear Findlay Jr.), Oakland Manor, cher), 9226 Phillips Av., Chicago, 111.
Howard Co., Md. Reader; b. Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; dau. David and
Born Baltimore, Md., June 17, 1885; dau. Louis Anna (Reed) Rathbon; grad. Ind. SUte Normal
Courtney and Nina (Thompson) O'Donnell; ed. g°"°°' ^,^ Terre Haute, also grad. later from
in Paris and Miss Brown's School, 500 Fifth Av., ?,°Pf ,School of Oratory, Chicago; m. Ind., 1890,
N.Y. City: m. Baltimore, Md., April, 1906, John f- William Fischer (architect) in Chicago; chil-
V. L. Findlay; children: Courtenaye O'Donnell, ^^^^'- •'■ Athena, Walter R., Austin Harold
b. 1900; John V. L. Findlay, b. 1907. E)pisco- Reed. Has appeared before churches, lodges,
palian. Against woman suffrage. schools, social events, clubs In many parts of
FINDI.EY. Maud Kinsley (Mrs. Edwin Leigh H'^^ni'^Tv^^WaT n^vV°# Phi^ J^ I°/h^ J^^^^
Rinriiev/ 71 ns Wnnn-Vi Av piei/oia r,^ riv,if> sippi Kivcr (all over Chicago), ana before the
^■r"aS Fm^fth^Cot 11.'^^ aZV.\. tH^ fn^-^fc^tlr :LL7^^forn1a?s^'ln^^^ics"f^
Lei^h'^'b"'%ari8\°906'^=dier Dec^ 2Y'°$^'9? Chlcag'o? outd^rTt'^'^hi^carf of'chUdren 'U-
Leigh, b. May 18, 1906 (died Dec. 25 1909). tectlon of girls, and Is a mem. Juvenile Protec-
JZ'^Z^ (N Y^ %f^^nli ^^7 T'^n^il^l^^ "^« ^^S^e- Mem. Chicago Political Equality
sS for ^GiVTs^ Geneva' N Y fall o^^l"^ ^^^^- Methodist adherent. Republican. Mem":
Chestnut Hill (Miss) School 190^^^ Juvenile Protective League, Chicago; Law and
i;-T^^^ Ir tJI * ^? ' ^? o .. , ,c Order League, Woman's City Club of Chicago,
1- IN E, May Margaret, Miss Fines School, 38 Monday Club, South Side; Art and Craft Inst.
Stockton St.. Princeton, N.J. ^ , ^ _^ „ Council of Women. RecreaUons: Farming and
-Teacher; b. Troy, Pa., 1869; dau Lambert. S. automoblling. Has farm 80 miles out of Chi-
and Mary (Burchard) Fine; grad. Wellesley Coll., cago and gardens for pleasure. Was pres for
B.A. 89 (mem. Zeta Alpha Soc). Taught three two years of 2d Congressional Dist. of Clubs
years after graduation m the Franklin School, of 111.; chairman of Revision of State Federa-
Germantown, Pa. Did private tutoring in tion, 1911; only woman, save one, who led In
Princeton until became principal of a new school fight for prohibition in a large territory in
m 1899. Interested in social and philanthropic Chicago on South Side (won).
Interests. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. ,^c^w.^^ ■..
Mem. Women's University Club of N.Y. City FISCHEK, Mary EUen Sigrsbee (Mrs. Anton Otto
Present Day Club of Princeton, N.J. Fischer;, Bushnellvllle, Greene Co., N.Y.
FTN-RLE Kate Talliof 27G0 West Ttiv^r Tinnri , Artist; b. New Orleans, La., Feb. 26, 1876;
Ml^eaooHs Minn '^^"- Charles D. Sigsbee, U.S.N., and Eliza
Pr'obaZn"offlferTb. Moorhead Minn.; daugh- ^^n°?s^"'^lgu'i^' Washingto'^""'A"g'°%^? 'fr't
ter Henry George and Katharine (McLellan) Snts' Sue m NY Ci?v Oct^T" 1^2
Finkle; grad. University of Minnesota, B.A. '05. T^trCu LtrT^f^rh'^^ r=r.ti:t\'. ^„ ^^^^k i '
Probation officer Juvenile Court. Favors woman marr?aii D^vld L ?o,Vr Kpr ^.Ir.^ l°.T,^^
suffrage. Active worker In Political Equality f^nrL^ ^c^ULi
Club; charter mem. 1915 Suffrage Clut. Does !;!:", socialise.
university extension lecture work. Author FISH. Elizabeth Meigs Porter (Mrs. Daniel
(pamphlet): Significant Figures from Juvenile Fish), 2203 Third Av., South, Minneapolis,
Court; also short articles on same subject. Rec- Minn.
reations: Cross country walks, book collecting. Born Iowa; grad. Rockford (III.) Sem. (now gardening, esthetic dancing. Mem. College Club; college), 1867; m. Garnaville, Iowa, August 21, Exec. Board mem. Social Service Club National l^^^- Daniel Fish (lawyer; city attorney of Mln- Probation Officers' Ass'n, Juvenile Protective neapolis) ; five children. Teacher 1868-73 (one League, Legislative Com. of Woman's Welfare y^^"" at Rockford Sem.). Congregatlonalist League, Woman's Union Label League, State (mem. of several societies). One of the organ- Horticultural Soc. ' izers and was 22 years mem. of the Monday FIRTH, Louise Rodman (Mrs. John Malcolm ^lub; former pres. Tourists' Club. Firth), Plne-Croft Plantation, Robertsdale, FISH, May Ashworth (Mrs. Franklin Wakefield Ala. Fish), 133 N. Main St., Tucson, Ariz. Bora South Orange, N.J.; dau. Randolph and Born Plymouth, England, May 28, 1878; dau. Caroline Louise (Townsend) Rodman; ed. Miss Rev. John W. and Emma (Gregson) Ashworth; Beard's School, Orange, N.J.; Porter's ed. Putnam (Conn.) High School; Smith Coll., School, Springfield, Mass.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '07 .\.B. '01; m. Sept. 19, 1907, Franklin Wakefield