��editors of the Woman's Auxiliary to Missions Leaflet. Ardent Imperialist; early in married life identified with national and patriotic work. Founder of Empire Day. Convenor of the Flag and Ck)mmemorative Day's Com. of the Ontario Hist. Soc. ; was elected councilor on the Le^igue of Empire, London, England, 1903. Sec. Went- worth Historical Soc; mem. Nat. Council of Women. As organizing sec. for Daughters of Empire in 1901, read the address to the Duke of Connaught and York (now King George) on the occasion of his visit to Hamilton, when the Fes- senden Chapter, Daughters of Empire, presented the Xnith Royal Regiment with a new stand of colors; took strong and successful stand against the erection of a monument to General Mont- gomery in Quebec; was presented with a Nelson "Victory" copper salver by the British and For- eign Pallors' Soc. as a recognition of her work for Empire. Does not believe in the Parliamen- tary franchise for women. Author of a bro- chure, Our Union Jack (a copy of which H.M. Queen Victoria accepted with thanks) ; also of a pamphlet, The Genesis of Empire Day. Anglican. Conservative. Mem. Humane Soc; hon. mem. several historic and patriotic societies.
FESSENDEN, Laura Dayton (Mrs. Benjamin Arthur Fessenden), "Content," Highland Park, Ill.
Author; b. N.Y. City; dau. Abram Child Day- ton (author "Last Days of Knickerbocker Life in New York") and Maria Annls (Tomlinson) Dayton; ed. St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N.J.; m 1880, Benjamin A. Fessenden, of Boston; children: Aymar Child, Alice Hyde (wife of Lieut. Robert Gray Peck, U.S.A.), Ben Hurd, Dorothy Dayton. Books: Essie; Beth; A Pe- culiar Lover; Bonnie Mackerby; A Colonial Dame; Two Thousand and Two; Moon Children; Songs that the Children Sing; Hatsean; Story of the Dayton Family. Mem. Colonial Dames, Daughters of Founders and Patriots, D.A.R. Clubs: Fortnightly, Chicago Woman's, Ossoil (Chicago). Highland Park Woman's. Sister of Charles W. Dayton, Justice Supreme Court of N.Y. (died 1910). Episcopalian.
FESSENDEN, Susan Snowden (Mrs. John H.
Fessenden), 50 Peterboro St., Suite 27, Boston,
Lecturer, Instructor in parliamentary practice; b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1840; dau. Prof. Sidney and Elizabeth (Mitchell) Snowden; ed. Cincinnati High School, Oxford Sem. and Cin- cinnati Sem. (grad.); m. Mar. 22, 1S64, John H. Fessenden; children: Cornelia Snowden, Eliza- beth Mitchell, William Chaffln. Pres. Mass. W.C.T.U.; lecturer Nat. W.C.T.U. Exec. Board Ramabai Ass'n; Exec. Board Scientific Temper- ance Ass'n; mem. Educational and Industrial Union, Twentieth Century Club. Congregation- alist. Mem. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n, Political Equality Union; vlce-pres. Mass. Woman Suf- frage Ass'n. FBTTEBOI.F, Lanra Mangam (Mrs. Adam H.
Fetterolf), 1936 Pine St., Philadelphia. Pa.
Born N.Y. City; dau. Williajn D. and Sarah A. (Bedell) Mangam; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. ; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 30, 1883, Dr. Adam H. Fetterolf; two children. Meni. American McAll Asa'n, various philanthropic homes, Soc. for Organizing Charity. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. New Century and College Clubs. Her husband was president of Girard College for 30 years, resigning in 1910 and died in 1912.
FEULING, Alice Dynes (Mrs. Leonard Feuling),
Madison, Wis.
Writer, lecturer; b. Columbus, Wis., Sept. 30, 18€9; dau Valentine and Ellen (McCumisky) Dynes; ed. Univ. Cornell and Univ. Chicago, B.S. 1900, grad. student ('..hlcago) 1903-04; m. Columbus, Wis., July 4, 1890, Leonard Feuling; c'aildren: Ellen Maria, Leonard Valentine. Di- rector H.E. South Dakota State Coll., 1900-03; Instructor Univ. Chicago, 1903-04; director Home Economics, Bradley Institute. 1904-07; prof, and director of Home Economics, Iowa State Coll., 1907-10. Writer and lecturer 1910—. Social Set- tlement worker in Home Economics 1903-04, Die- titian In Hospital, 1904-07. Writes home eco-
��nomics articles for current publications. Roman Catholic. Mem. Am. Home Economics Ass'n, la. Acad, of Science, Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, Nat. Educational Ass'n, Graduate School of Home Economics. Recreations: Travel, art, litera- ture, scieatifie research, music. Experimented with macaroni wheat flour, winter 1902, and succeeded in making macaroni wheat bread; traveled abroad and made a study of Home Eco- nomics in the British Isles, France, Germany, Switzerland and Holland. Favors woman suf- frage. laCHTER, Bessie Bleasdale (Mrs. Charles
Flchter), 614 One Hundred and Forty-fifth
St., East Chicago, Ind.
Born Aurora, Ind., Mar. 14, 1879; dau. Robert Arthur and Frances Ann (Fry) Bleasdale; ed. high school, Aurora, Ind.; m. Sept. 15, 1898, Charleo Fiohter. Interested in civics. Helped actively to secure public library for East Chi- cago. Mem. Associated Charities. Favors wo- man suffrage. Presbyterian. Charter mem. Calumet Chapter D.A.R. of East Chicago; mem. Order Eastern Star. Pres. Woman's Club, 1911- 12 (sec. of Literary Dep't).
FIELD, Ada Martitia, Newnan, Ga.
College professor; b. in Georgia; grad. Guilford Coll., A.B. '98; Guilford graduate scholar at Bryn Mawr Coll., 1898-99; graduate student Guil- ford Coll., 1899-1900. Teacher of botany and chemistry, Idaho Industrial Inst., 1904-07; grad- uate student Univ. of Washington, 1907-08, and graduate instructor In chemistry, 1908-09; since 1910 in charge of Dep't of Chemistry, Guilford Coll. FIELD, Gertrude Bugrg, Tufts College, Mass.
Author, lecturer; b. Bath, Me.; dau. Rev. Henry Warren Rugg, D.D., and Abby Nelson (H./ward) Rugg; ed. public schools of Provi- dence, R.I., Ursullne Convent and private teach- ing. Grad. with honors from Providence High School; m. Providence, R.I., F. E. Field; one daughter: Abby Rugg Field. As a lecturer has apppeared before many large clubs and other organizations in New England and elsewhere. Interested in various philanthropies through church and club affiliations, and through social activities and wide circle of acquaintances. Writer nf prose and poetry in periodical litera- ture, T)je Boston Transcript, etc. Has written verses that have been privately printed for holiday cards and for especial occasions and functions. Universalist. Mem. Sunshine Soc. (charter mem. R.I. Branch), Nat. Geog. Soc, 'The Drama League of Boston, R.I., Short Story Club, R.I. Women's Club, Professional Women's Club of Boston, R.I. Ex-Club, Providence Mothers' Club, R.I. Congress of Mothers. Rec- reations: Walking, automobiling, traveling, theatre; lover of art and music. Honorary pres. Providence Mothers' Club, author of State Song of the R.I. Federation of Women's Clubs; representative of the Nat. Congress of Mothers R.I. State Com. in Nat. Educat on Ass'n.
FIELD, Isabel Louise (Mrs. Oliver Cromwell Field), 216 W. 102d St., N.Y. City. Born Detroit, Mich.; dau. Patrick Henry and Charlotte E. (Savage) Fitzsimons; ed. Mme. Towle's School, Detroit, and Nat. Conser\-atory of Music, N.Y. City; m. 1885, Henry Jerome Englebert (died 1900); (2d) Gustav L. Wilmerdlng (died Aug., 1909); (3d) 1910, Oliver Cromwell Field of London (direct descendant of Oliver Cromwell and son of Lady Elizabeth Pierson); one son: Sherman Jerome Englebert. Interested In children's day nurseries. Favors woman suf- trage; mem. Woman Suffrage Party, 17th Assem- bly Dlst. Mem. Church of England. Recrea- tions: Riding, golf, walking and fencing. Mem. the Nat. Fed. of Theatre Clubs, the Theatre Club, Deal Golf Club. FIELD, Jessie, Clarlnda, la.
County sup't schools; b. Page Co., la., June 26, ISSl; dau. S. E. and Celestla (Eastman) Field; ed. Western Normal Coll., Tabor Coll., A.B., winner In Junior-Senior debate. Senior Essay contest. Senior Oratorical contest. Prin- cipal Jefferson School, Helena, Mont.; elected Co. sup't of Page Co., 1906; elected Nat. Sec.