FERNOW, Bernice Panahi Andrews (Mrs.
Bernhard Edward Fernow Jr.), 9 Woodland
Court, Milwaukee, Wis.
Portrait and miniature painter; b. Jersey City, N.J., Dec. 17, 18S1; dau. William and Adele Montgomery (Oscanyan) Andrews; ed. Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Cornell Univ.; pupil of Art Students' League, N.Y.; Olaf M. Brauner and Theodora Thayer (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. N.Y. City, May 16, 1908, Bernhard Edward Fernow Jr.; one daughter: Ethel Constance. Exhibitor in New York, Phila- delphia and Boston Miniature Societies, N.Y. Water Color Club, N.Y. Water Color Soc. Mem. Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Milwaukee. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Milwaukee Art Soc, Art Students' League. Recreations: Ten- nis, swimming, walking.
FERREN, Sallie Price (Mrs. Myron J. Perren),
44 N.Y. Av., N.W., Washington, D.C.
Born Kentucky, Mar. 16, 1854; dau. Gen. Sam- uel Woodson and Mary Frances (Thompson) Price; ed. College Hill, Cincinnati, O. ; m. Wash- ington, D.C, Nov. 11, 1902, Myron J. Ferren. Was chief clerk in Pension Agency in Louis- ville, Ky., for 8 years, and during that period paid out more than $32,000,000 to the old soldiers and their widows. Interested in the promotion of patriotism, teaching love for the flag. Has assisted her father in books he has published. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. D.A.R. (Am- erican Chapter); Woman's Relief Corps, past pres. ; Phil Sheridan Corps (past sec. Dep't of Potomac), and several social societies. Pres. Excelsior Literary Club (oldest woman's liter- ary club in D.C), director to the Dist. Federa- tion of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Society, theatre and all reading. Was born on grand- father's plantation, on the Cumberland River, in the small town of Eddyville; both grand- fathers were large slave owners. Has a good ancestral record and eligible to almost all pa- triotic socs.; some members of the family are Colonial Dames. TERRIER, Deborah Larimer, 133 E. Oak Av.,
Moorestown, N.J.
Born Moorestown, N.J., July 15, 1878; dau. George Bartlett and Carrie (Arnold) Ferrier; ed. Moorestown Friends High School, Moorestown High School, 1895, Swarthmore Coll., B. S. '01 (mem. Pi Beta Phi). Presbyterian Church. Mem. Somerville Literary Soc, Moorestown Field Club, Philadelphia AlumnjE Club of Pi Beta Phi, Auxiliary of Seaside Park Yacht Club. Recreations: Canoeing, sailing, golf, photogra- phy. Against woman suffrage. FERRIS, Amy, 6 East Thirty-seventh St., N.Y.
Interior decorator; b. Nerw York, 1879; dau. Frank A. and Mary A. (Cape) Ferris; ed. N.Y. Collegiate Inst.; Walnut Lane School, German- town, Pa.; Miss Capen's School, Northampton; Smith Coll.; N.Y. School of Fine and Applied Arts (mem. Biological Soc, Smith). Four years principal in an interior decorating business. Mem. N.Y. Probation Soc. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League. Recreations: Automobiling, swimming. Mem. Women's University Club, College Club (Mont- clair), Smith Club (N.Y. City). FERRIS, Eleanor Amanda, 10924 Magnolia
Drive, Cleveland, Ohio.
Teacher, writer; b. Sandusky, Ohio; ed. in schools of Cleveland, Ohio, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '86; Radcliffe Coll., A.M. '01. Teacher Smead School for Girls, Toledo, Ohio, 1890-1893, 1896-98; University School, Cleveland, Ohio, 1894- 96; Detroit Home and Day School, 1901-08. Au- thor: Financial Relations of Knights Templars. FERRIS, Ida May St. John (Mrs. Hiram Leav- enworth Ferris), Osage City, Kan., R.F.D.
No. 1.
Teacher; b. Milan, Erie Co., O., Sept. 14, 1849; dau. Silas St. John (grandfather, Jonathan W. St. John, was with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga, and great-grandfather, John St. John, wus cap- tain in the Colonial wars) and Ava Ann (Corn- stock) St John (whose father was Revolutionary veteran) ; ed. North-western Normal School, Re-
��public, O. ; m. Republic, O., Sept. 16, 1874, Hiram Leavenworth Ferris of Springfield, Mich.; chil- dren: Frank Earl, b. April 1, 1884; Raymond Merle Ferris, b. Jan. 5, 1887. Teacher for 21 years. Mem. local M.E. Church and Aid Soc; mem. Osage Old Settlers' Ass'n and State His- torical Soc. Favors woman suffrage; writes suf- frage articles for papers. Writer of historical work of a local character and now compiling Historical Sketches and Reminiscences of Osage County. Progressive Republican in Kansas. Prohibitionist in 'national politics. Mem. Wo- man's Relief Corps, Osage Co.; Farmers' Inst, under direction of Agricultural Coll., Manhattan, Kan. Director of girls' county contests and chaperoned the girls to the State Inst, at Man- hattan, from where they carried away the best prizes for bread baked by girls in the college laboratories. Charter mem. Marshall Club of Osage City, Domestic Science Country Club; mother of the Osage Co. Fed. of Women's Clubs, first one ever organized in the world (now 14 years old).
FERRIS, Mary Lanman Douw (Mrs. Morris Pat- terson Ferris), Roxbury Road, Garden City,
L.I., N.Y.
Author; b. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., May 22, 1855; dau. Col. John de Peyster and Marianna (Chand- ler (Lanman) Douw; grad. Cook's Collegiate Inst., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1874; m. Sept. 4, 1879, Morris Patterson Ferris (lawyer); children: IMary Van Rensselaer (Mrs. Joseph B. Roberts), Morris Douw, Van Wyck. Editor of The Ameri- can Author. Author: Random Rhymes of Old Dutch Times; History of Fort Crailo; The Van Cortlandt Mansion; Colonial Dames; Legend of New Year's Eve; The Schepen's Dream; Grand- mother's Cake Basket; also various contribu- tions to history of the early Dutch settlers of America. Founder of Daughters of the Cincin- nati; mem. Soc. of Colonial Dames of the State of N.Y., Huguenot Soc. of America. FERRY, Abby Farwell (Mrs. William Henry
Ferry), Lake Forest, 111.
Writer; b. Chicago, April 4, 1851; dau. John Villiers and Abigail Gates (Taylor) Farwell (father, who was principal partner in the great mercantile house of J. V. Farwell & Co., was a distinguished philanthropist; chairman of the Christian Commission of Chicago in Civil War times, lifelong friend and credited with being the discoverer of Dwight L. Moody, to whom he furnished the funds for the initiation of the great revival in London) ; ed. in Chicago Acad. ; Dearborn Sem. ; Ferry Hall; Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '72; m. Lake Forest, 111., Oct. 12, 1875, William Henry Ferry; children: William Henry Jr., John Farwell, Francis Farwell, Montague, Horace Farwell. Writer of short stories, essays and poems, published in various papers and maga- zines; wrote article on Hans Holbein in New England Magazine, Mar., 1S93, also History of I he Farmington Soc. of Chicago, contained in the 2ath Anniversary Year Book, which she com- piled. Contributes annuity to Yale Institution in China as memorial to her son, John Farwell Ferry. Mem. Nat. Com. of D.A.R. for Welfare of Women and Children; regent of the Chicago Chapter D.A.R.; pres. Vassar Alumnse Ass'n of Chicago; pres. Farmington Soc of Chicago; mem. Centennial Com. to celebrate centennial of Miss Porter's birth in fall of 1913. Chicago clubs: Recording sec. The Fortnightly; chairman Lit- erary Com. Friday Club; mem. Woman's City Club, Woman's Athletic Club, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, Red Cross Soc. Lake Forest Clubs: Pres. Coterie; mem. Woman's Club, Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of the Northwest; chairman Mission Study Classes. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; has contributed to the cause always; knew Mrs. Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. FESSENDEN, Clementina (Mrs. E. J. Fessen-
den), 207 James St., South, Hamilton, Ont.
Jorurnalist; b. Province of Quebec, Can.; dau. Efl^ward and Marian (Ridley) Trenholme; ed. Mrs. Lay's Sem., Montreal, Can.; m. 1867, Rev. E. J. Fessenden, B.A., Church of England clergy- man (now deceased); four sons. One of the first