��James), Margaret (now Mrs. Joh.nson), Charles, Rufus. Mem. Pettus-Roden Chapter United Daughters of Confederacy. Sometimes writes for newspapers. Mem. Culture Club, Dr. Evans' Shakespeare Club, Huntsville Av. Chautauqua Circle. Recreations: Cultivating flowers and vegetables, studying music. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.
FENDLEB, Amelia Molly, 527 Cathedral Park- way, N.Y. City.
Physician; b. Baton Rouge, La., Nov. 2, 1870; cau. Emanuel and Amelia (Unger) Fendler; ed. Readville Sem., Baton Rouge, La.; N.Y. public schools, Coll. of Pharmacy, N.Y. City; Woman's Med. Coll., Baltimore, Md. Engaged since graduation in practice of medicine in N.Y. City. Hebrew. Wrote: Ansemia in Children; Pertussis: A Neiw Cure, with Report of Cases. Favors woman suffrage.
FENN, Sarah Edna Howell (Mrs. John Roberts Fenu), 699 P'armlngton Av., Hartford, Conn. Born Port Jervis, N.Y., 1874; dau. the late Judge O. P. HoTvell (for twelve years surrogate in Orange County) and Frances Dennison (Gal- lup) Howell; ed. in schools of Port Jervis; grad. High School, '90; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '95; m. Port Jervis, N.Y., April 13, 1898, John Roberts Fenn, of Hartford, Conn.; children: Philip Curtiss, Edward Howell. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Vassar Alumnae Ass'n. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae (Conn. Branch), Hartford Equal Franchise League. Recreations: Out-door life, reading. Mem. College Club of Hartford, Vassar Club of Hartford and church societies.
FENNELL., Faimie Smith (Mrs. S. J. Fennell), 712 N. Santa Fe St., El Paso, Tex. Born St. Louis, Mo., 1877; dau. James M. and Nannie (Bown) Smith; ed. El Paso schools, grad. high school; m. El Paso, Nov. 9, 1910, Samuel J. Fennell. Mem. Women's Club of El Paso (pres. 1911-12). Has written several short stories, some newspaper work. Favors woman suffrage.
FENNEK, Jessie Gordon, studio, 2 W. Sixteenth St., N.Y. City; home, 227 Communipaw Av., .Jersey City, N.J.
Teacher of singing; b. Albany, N.Y., Nov. 30, 1875; dau. John Hill and Lisena Alice (Gordon) Fenner; ed. Jersey City (N.J.) public schools; grad. Hasbrouck Inst., 1892; later studied music in New York and Paris. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Tennis, out-door sports. Director of music in Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jersey City, N.J.; previous to professional ac- tivity was active in a business life; devotes entire time to the development and finishing of vocal technique. Mem. Reformed Church.
FENOLLOSA, Mary McNeill (Mrs. Ernest
Francisco Fenollosa), 159 Church St., Mobile,
Writer; b. Mobile, Ala.; dau. William Stoddard and Laura (Sibley) McNeill; ed. Irving Inst., Mobile, Ala.; m. N.Y. City, Dec, 1896, Ernest P'rancisco Fenollosa (several years Imperial Commissioner of P^ne Arts for Japan). Has trav- eled extensively; resided in Japan for several years. Favors woman suffrage; mem. the Writers' Branch Woman Suffrage League. Au- thor: Truth Dexter; The Breath of the Gods; The Dragon Painter; Red Horse Hill, a novel for child labor in the South; Out the West, a book of poems. Edited and published her late husband's Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art (two vols.), 1912. Episcopalian. Mem. So*, of Am. Dramatists and Composers, N.Y. FENWICK, Marin B., San Antonio, Tex.
Publisher and Journalist; b. Highland Co., O. ; dau. James and Marinda (Sloane) Fenwick; ed. Rockford (111.) Coll., A.B. Director Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage; first vice-pres. San An- tonio Equal Franchise Soc. ; corr. sec. Texas State Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Presbyterian. Re- publican. Mem. Woman's Club (was the or- ganizer and charter mem. of this first dep't Club in Texas); mem. of Texas Woman's Press Aissociatlon. Extensively traveled and in tour of tbe world was correspondent for several papers.
��l-TEKGUSON, Afrnes JolU (Mrs. J. M. Fergu- son), 408 W. Seventh St., Hastings, Neb. Born Magalloway, N.H., Nov. 15, 1849; dau. David M. and Julia (Adams) Sawyer; grad. from Wisconsin Univ., 1866 (mem. Castillian Soc); m. Chicago, 111., Feb. 10, 1874, John Molyneux Ferguson: children: James Molyneux, Thomasina Vida, William Cyril, John Adams. Taught in Chicago; was principal of a public school. Has been mem. and vice-pres. of Hastings Public Library Board; charter mem. of George Eliot Club. Recreations: Traveled In Europe and America. Eipiscopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
FERGUSON, Catharine Lee (Mrs. Samuel Wragg Ferguson), 1826 W. Beach St., Blloxl,
Author; b. Lexington, Ky. ; dau. Major Will- iam Henry and Eleanor Percy (Ware) Lee; ed. Lexington, Ky., at Sem. of Misses Jackson; m. Mississippi, 1882, Gen. Samuel Wragg Fergu- son, C.S.A. ; children: James Du Gu6, Nathalie, Harry Lee, Percy. Has contributed to New York World, Herald, Munsey's, ET^erbody's Magazine and others. Also assisted the Hon. Jefferson Davis in his works, being a personal friend of him and his family. Has puWished several novels, among them Cllquot; also plays, dramas, poems, opera librettos, songs, etc. Eipiscopalian. Democrat. Mem. Daughters of Confederacy, King's Daughters' Soc Recreations: Reading, v/riting, visiting. Accompanied her husband throughout the Civil War, on horseback, most of the time with the command (a cavalry brigade).
FERGUSON, Georgia Ransom (Mrs. Charles Ferguson), R.F.D. 2, Littleton, N.H. Clergyman; b. N.Y. City; dau. Alonzo Good- rich and Amanda (Ransom) Fay; ed. in private schools in Europe and N.Y. City; special student in McGill Univ., Smith Coll., Boston Art Mu- seum; took course in MeadvUle (Pa.) Theolog- ical school ; m. Nov. ,9, 1886, Charles Ferguson. Licensed lay reader and preacher in Episcopal Church (diocese of Neb.), and home missionary, 1899; ass't pastor Liberal Unitarian Church, St. Joseph, Mo., 1903-04; Kansas City, 1904-09; Peo- ple's Church, Washington, 1909, until in July, 1910, resigned clerical duties to take charge of son, because of his failing health. Pastor of Unitarian Church, Washta, la., during summer vacation, 1906. Now owner and manager of Diamond Hill Farm and Trout Farm (over 100 acres In each) at Littleton, N.H. Served as chairman of Ways and Means Com. of Nat. Com. of the Unemployed, and as head of the People's Church Home, and regent of People's Inst. (Washington, D.C.). Mem. Am. Federa- tion of Labor, Nat. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n. Socialist. Theosophist.
FERGUSON, Margaret Clay, Wellesley College,
Wellesley, Mass.
Prof, botany; b. Orleans, N.Y., Aug. 20, 1862; dau. Robert Belle and Maria (Warner) Fergu- son; ed. Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N.Y., 1880-85; Wellesley Coll., 1889-91; Cornell Univ., 1897-01, A.B. '99, Ph.D. '01 (Sigma Xi, 1899). Author: The Development of the Pollen-Tube and Fertilization in Certain Species of Pinus Ann. Bot.), 1901; The Development of the Egged Fertilization in Pinus Strobus (Ann. Bot.), 1901; The Germination of Spores of Bosidiomycetus Fungi (Dep't of Agr., Washington, D.C.), 1902; The Life History of Pinus (Acad, of Science, Washington, D.C.), 1904; Embedded Reproduc- tive Organs in a Leptosporangiate Fern (Bot. Gaz.), 1910. Methodist. Mem. Soc. Sigma XI, A.A.A.S., Botanical Soc. of America.
FERNALD, Grace Maxwell, 2034 N. Capitol St.,
Washington. D.C.
College professor; grad. Mt. Holyoke Coll., A.B. 03, A.M. '05; graduate student Mt. Holyoke, 1903-04; graduate scholar In psychology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1904-06; fellow in psychology, Univ. of Chicago, 1906-07. Reader In education and demonstrator of psychology, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1907-08; served as acting head of the department of psychology. Lake Erie Coll., PainesviUe, Ohio, 1908-09.