< Page:Woman's who's who of America, 1914-15.djvu
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nett. Active in church and Sunday-school Marion Blanche. Began teaching at age of 16,

work. Author: Volume of poems — Sea Murmurs and waa for 5 years teacher in public schools

and Woodland Songs, 1903. Baptist. Mem. Wo- at Osage, la. After marriage resided for some

men's Inst. Recreations: Music, painting. Held time at Des Moines, removing, in 1892, to Sioux

the oflSce of postmistress of Lakefieid P.O., Rapids and a few years later to Storm Lake.

1871-91. Taught In various public schools of One of organizers, 1895, of Tuesday Club of

N.B., 1885-93. Storm Lake (pres. seven years). Club devoted to

FAUNCE, Sarah Edson (Mrs. William Herbert ".terary work and civic improvement, making

Perry Faunce), Providence, R.l. E'^s of pictures and statuary to Storm Lake

Born Somerville, Mass.; dau. Nathan W. and Public Library, and in the beautifying of the

Ellen (Orr) Edson; ed. In schools of Lynn, Mass., Lake Shore ajDd public parks °^J^°^F^ i^fii^-

and In State Normal School, Salem, Mass.; m. Patroness of Kappa Gamma Soronty of Buena

Lynn, Mass., June 18, 1884, William Herbert Vista Coll. Chairman Household Economics

Perry Faunce (slfice 1S99 pres. of Brown Univ.); Com., Iowa State Federation Women s Clubs

one son: Perry Edson, b. Nov. 25, 1898. Actively Congregationallst. Mem. Missionary and Lad es

identified with religious, social, philanthropic ^'^ ^l""^-, ^°n^^^ V^^ ^.^J'^'^f^L .Z K^lw^^^

and missionary Interests; for many years vice- day-school. Mem. board trustees and chairman

pres. Woman's Baptist Missionary Soc. Baptist Book Corn., Storm Lake Public Library from

A(?Hin<!t wotnan siiftraffo 'ts founding m 1906. Mem. state Lit. boc.

^.!.,^1 n^. . !^ !!', r.. „ ^ .,.. Chairman Northwest Sedition Iowa Library

1-AUST, Elsie Ada, 503-504 Hooper Building, ^gg'n Work along line of home economics has

Salt Lake City, Utah. jjggn chiefly with rural clubs and with the exten-

Physiclan and surgeon; b. Salt Lake City, Jan. gjoj, .^^ork of the State Coll. at Ames, la.; firm

14, 1865; dau. Henry Jacob and Elsie Ann advocate of the rural school as a social center;

(Akerley) Faust; grad. Univ. of Utah, '85; Coll. jj^s arranged and published two study programs

of Physicians and Surgeons of San Francisco, qq home economics for the use of clubs. Mem.

Cal., M.D. "08; passed State board in October, Home Economics Com. of Gen. Fed. of Women's

1908. Organized and became sec. of Woman's clubs

Med. Ass'n of Utah, 1910; placed on staff of ' , „ ,,., o. xtt i.

Judge Mercy Hospital, 1913. Appointed med. FAWCETT, lidna Uagrue, 1348 Euclid St., Waah-

examlner for Woodmen of the World, Royal ington, D.C. „ ,, „ t ,o, . , <.

Neighbors of America, Ladies of the Maccabees, Botanist; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. 01; student

1910. Organized the Coronis Archiatri, a society of botany, Barnard Coll., 1902-03; research worker

for women of the Coll. of Physicians and Sur- in botany at Botanical Gardens. Bronx Park,

geons of San Francisco; served as pres. two N.Y. City, 1904-05; fellow Woods Hole (Mass.)

terms and sec. one term. Active worker during Biological Laboratory, summer of 1901. Teacher,

campaign for suffrage and before Constitutional Springfield (Mass.) public school, 1901-02; Miss

Convention when Utah was admitted as State. Keller's School, N.Y. City, 1902-05; scientific ass t

Mem. first campaign com. for Utah In 1900; in Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of

mem. Women's Democratic Club and sec. for Agriculture, Washington, D.C, since January,

five organizations in Democratic Party, 1898-99; 1906. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumna Ass'n.

chairman Press Com. of Utah in the Council of FAXON, Eudora Meade (Mrs. Henry Faxon,

Women. Has written articles in behalf of prohi- jr.), New Ray Block, Franklin, Mass.

bition, advancement of women and hygiene. Physician; b. Waterviile, Me.; dau. Alonzo

Democrat. Mem. Women of Woodcraft, Ladies and Hannah Vose (Cram) Draper; ed. Boston

of the Maccabees, Royal Neighbors of America, public schools, grammar, high and normal; med-

Salt Lake Esperanto Soc, Shakespeare Soc, jcal education at Boston Coll. of Physicians and

Salt Lake County Med. Soc, Utah SUte Med. Surgeons, M.D. '92; Tufts Medical, M.D. '94; m.

Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, Sub-Corn. Med. Literature Boston, Mass., Sept. 19, 1865, Henry Faxon, Jr.;

of the Com. for Public Health Education Among children: Richard, Henry Meade, Dora Wini-

Women. Recreations: Literature, music. Has f^gd Faxon. M.D. (on staff of Taunton State Hos-

given lectures on hygiene, social questions, nurs- pHal). Engaged in general practice of medicine

ing. Taught school eight years. in Boston until 1907, when removed to Frank-

FAUST, Emma Beebe, 507 E. 7th St.. Little lin, Mass.. where she has since practiced as a

Rock, Ark. specialist in eye, ear, nose and throat. Mem.

Manager Woman's Dep't for Ark., Equitable Mass. Med. Soc.

Lite Assurance Soc of the U.S ; b Little ROck ; j^^y j^^ gg ^ Nlnety-flrst St., N.Y. City,

dau. John W. and Cora F. (Beebe) Faust; ed Concert pianist and teacher; b. Bayou Goula,

Mary Baldwin Sem Staunton Va Chicago and ^ ^ 2^ ^g^^ ^^^ j^^^ Charles Fay, D.D.,

Cook Co Normal, Chicago, 111 Teacher for 10 ^^^ ^^^^ (Hopkins) Fay (granddaughter of

years. Presbyterian. Mem. History Auxiliary judge Fay of Cambridge, Mass., and of Rt. Rev.

of Arkansas. Clubs: Colonial Dames United ^ ^ Hopkins, Bishop of Vermont); ed.

Daughters of Confederacy, Esthetic Club, - ■ -- ' -- ^~ '■ ■- ^-- - _" .. Y ~ ■' . -. - - . . . ,


(now larg-,„. ., ._ ,_ . concert pic^.... .._ . .^ .... „.

Arkansas agency. Mendelssohn Glee Club In N.Y. City, 1876; played

FAVEKSIIAM, Julie Opp (Mrs. William Faver- with Theodore Thomas Orchestra at Cambridge,

sham), 214 E. Seventeenth St., N.Y. City, and Mass., 1877; was first to introduce piano con-

The Old Manor, Chuddlngfold, Surrey, Eng. certs with orchestra at the Worcester (Mass.)

Actress; b. N.Y. City; dau. John and Mary annual musical festivals. Has given concerts

(Dwyer) Opp; ed. convent, N.Y. City; m. Dec. and recitals in principal cities of U.S.; even-

oO, 1902, William Faversham; children: William 'ing lecture recitals in N.Y. City public schools,

Crozier, Philip Norman Faversham. Was five 1902-05; mem. of numerous women's musical

years leading lady with Sir George Alexander, clubs; pres. Women's Philharmonic Soc. of N.Y.

St. James Theatre, London; created role of City. Author: Music Study In Germany, 1881,

Marianne In Stephen Phillips' Herod in America, which has passed through 22 editions; has been

Co-starred with husband, William Faversham. translated into French and at request of Abbe

Author of a novellzation of Edwin Milton Royle's Liszt into German.

-The Squaw Man. Recreations: Golf, walking, j-^y j,^i, Louise Bostwlck (Mrs. Edwin

riding, tennis. Favors woman suffrage. RuJhven Fay), Bostwick Cottage, Stamford.

FAVIL.L.E, Cora Thomburg: (Mrs. Frederick F. Conn.

FavlUe), Storm Lake, la. Born Stamford, Conn., Sept. 17, 1850; dau.

Born Orchard. Mitchell Co., la.; dau. A. A. Leander and Hannah Elizabeth (Scofleld) Bost-

and (Gould) Thomburg; ed. public schools of wick; ed. graded schools two years, private tu-

Mitchell Co., la., and afterwards while teaching tors, studied with Prof. John McMuUan of

took four years in normal work; m. Orchard, Columbia Coll.; m. Stamford, Ck)nn., April 9,

la., Frederick F. FavlUe, then sup't of liools 1874, Edwin Ruthven Fay; one son: Charles

ftt Orchard, but latw a practising lawyer, now EJdey. Active in philanthropic and religious work

V.8. attoruey); children: Stanton Sherwood, in N.Y. City. Believes in representation in taxa-


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