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��Nicholas, Youth's Companion, et<. Reformed Eptocopallan. Mem. Women's Univ. Club, Pen and Brush Club (N.Y. City). P'ANE, Fnusces Gordon — see Hanley, Frances

Gordon Fane). FAJTNrNG, Clara Elizabeth, 1107 Harmon Place, Minneapolis, Minn.

Editor; b. Manchester, N.H., Oct. 11, 1878; dau. John Thomas and Louise (Bensley) Fan- ning; ed. Central High School, Minneapolis, and Univ. of Minn., B.S. '01, M.A. '03 (mem. Kappa Alpha Thet»). Editor of Book Review Digest, 1905- . Editor of Kappa Alpha Theta, 1905-07. Editor and compiler: S€lected Articles on the Enlargement of the United States Navy; Selected Articles on Direct Primaries; Selected Articles on the Election of United States Senators; Se- lected Articles on Capital Punishment; Selected Articles on Conservation of Natural Resources. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnas, College Wo- man's Club, Minneapolis.

FANTON, Mary Annable, 142 E. Eighteenth St.; office, 6 E. Thirty-ninth St., N.Y. City. Editor; b. N.Y. City, Jan. 1, 1871; dau. W. H. and Isabel Agnes (Annable) Fanton; ed. Albany Female Acad. Special writer for the Sun, Her- ald, Tribune, Journal and on editorial staff of the Demorest Magazine, New Idea Woman's Maga- zine, Twentieth Century Home. Editor of the Woman's Home Companion; now managing editor of The Craftsman. Mem. Pen and Brush Club, MacDowell Club.

FARLEY, Grace Colvin (Mrs. Robert Emmet Farley), Hickory Hall, White Plains, N.Y. Born Elizabeth, N.J., Aug. 24, 1873; dau. Will- iam S. and Mary E. (Sentell) Colvin; ed. Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. Brooklyn, Dec. 1, 1897; Robert Emmet Farley; children: Colvin, b. 1S99; Theodore Sherman, b. 1902; Helen Eliza- beth, b. 1903. Mem. White Plains Presbyterian Church and Woman's Soc. Mem. White Plains Nursing Ass'n, Women's Auxiliary to White Plains Y.M.C.A.; for many years manager White Plains Hospital. Mem. New Century Club of White Plains, Mahopac Golf Club, Country Ten- nis Club of Westchester, N.Y. Recreations: Golf, tennis. Favors woman sufirage; mem. White Plains Woman Suffrage Ass'n. FAKMER, Lueile Merriman (Mrs. F. Malcolm Farmer), Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Born New Haven, Conn. ; dau. Mansfield and Wanda (Kubale) Merriman; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B.; graduate studies in Bryn Mawr and Colum- bia Univ. ; m. South Bethlehem, Pa., June 6, 1906, F. Malcolm Farmer (electrical engineer); one son: Allison, b. Mar. 29, 1909. Favors woman suffrage.

FARMER, Ruth Paul Capen (Mrs. Walter Harms Farmer), Washburn, Minn. Dramatic reader; b. Tufts College, Mass., May 19, 1870; dau. Elmer Hewitt and Mary Leavitt (Edwards) Capen; ed. Somerville (Mass.) public schools; Ijatin High School, Somerville, Mass.; Tufts Coll., A.B. '02 (received second prize In Goddard prize readings, 1900, and first prize in 1901 and 19021; studies for public speaking under Mr. Thomas Whittemore of Tufts Coll., 1902-05; mem. Alpha Omicron Pi (grad. pres. 1911-13); m. Winchester, Mass., Oct. 1, 1906, Walter Harms Farmer; one son: Elmer Capen, b. Jan. 24, 1908. Professionally engaged in general read- ing work before clutos, principally in the East, with occasional concert work. Played part of Fortune in Thomas Decker's lUa Fortunatus, given by the English dep't at Tufts Coll., June, 190G. Interested In civic improvement work, In the crusade against the White Slave traffic and in the work of the various dramatic leagues. Against woman suffrage. Universalist. Mem. Matthew Thornton Chapter D.A.R., Tufts Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Boston Alumnae of Alpha Omicron PI. Recreations: Amateur dramatics and general theatre-going, occasional golf, boat- ing, bridge. Former mem. Cornovla and Hep- torean Clubs of Somerville, Mass., and Criterion Club of Boston; mem. Nashaway Women's Club of Nashua, N.H., and College (5lub, Boston. FARNHAM, Coralyn Thompson (Mrs. LeRoy Dwlght Famham), Blngrhamton, N.Y. Born Catharine, N.Y.; dau. Jerome and Sarah

��M. (McCarty) Thompson; ed. Blralra Coll.;

Mme. Mears' School, N.Y. City; m. Candor, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1878, LeRoy Dwight Farnham; one son: Dwight Thompson. Regent of Tuscarora Chapter D.A.R. ; pres. Binghamton Colony of New Eng- land Women; pres. Monday Afternoon Club; director State Fed. Women's Clubs of N.Y. State; mem. Board of Managers Susquehanna Valley Home for Orphans, also Board of Managers of Home for Aged Women. Mem. Soc. of New England Women, D.A.R. , Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Animals, Civic Club, Monday Afternoon Club. Episcopalian. FARNHAM, Mary Frances, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore.

Teacher; b. South Bridgton, Me.; dau. Will- iam and Elizabeth (Fessenden) Farnham; grad. Mt. Holyoke Coll., '68; student Harvard Coll. Summer School, '96; Radcliffe Coll., 18^-96; Litt.D. Mt. Holyoke Coll. on 75th anniversary, 1912. Sup't Bridgton (Me.) schools, 1877-79; vice- principal Bloemhof School, (Jape of Good Hope, South Africa, lSSO-88; Forest Park Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1891; Fryeburg Acad., 1892-95; dean of women and prof, of literature, Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Ore., since 1S97. Interested in botany and bird study. Traveled in Europe, 1888, 1901. Vice-pres. Oregon Branch of Home and Foreign Missions (Congregational Church) ; trus- tee Scholarship Loan Fund, Oregon; director of Oregon Audubon Soc. Author: The Documen- tary History of Maine; The Farnham Papers (two volumes). Congregationalist. Progressive Republican. Mem. Multomah Chapter D.A.R. FARNSWORTH, Nellie Wing, State Normal, Valley City, N.Dak.

Director of domestic science; b. St. Paul, Minn. ; dau. George W. and Marion (Wing) Farnsworth; grad. State Normal, River Falls, Wis., '92; Stout Inst., Menomonie, Wis., 1905; had special education in music. Taught music in Madison, Wis., and Duluth (Minn.) Normal; later instructor in domestic science at Stout Inst. ; now director of domestic science. State Normal, Valley City, N.Dak. Has written arti- cles on home economics for publication. Congre- gationalist. Mem. Woman's Club, Music Club, Home Economic Ass'n. Has given many lec- tures on home economics and many demonstra- tions before women's clubs, farmers' Institutes and at Chautauqua.

FARR, Lucy Cheyney (Mrs. James M. Farr), 242 South Franklin St., Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Bom Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 19, 1871; d-au. Henry W. and Mary Catharine (Cheyney) Bartol; ed. Miss Case's and Miss Irwin's schools in Philadelphia; m. West Chester, Pa., Nov. 14, 1895, James M. Farr; children: Anne, James M. 3d, Jocelyn. Interested in church and hospital work. Presbyterian. Mem. Basket Soc, Sen- Night Club, Prout's Neck Country Club. Rec- reations: Tennis, golf, canoeing, swimming, walk- ing.

FARR, Virginia Whelen (Mrs. William W. Farr), Chestnut HIU, Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Oct. 19, 1879; dau. Kingston Goddard and Mary (Harbert) Whelen; ed. Phila- delphia private schools; m. April 23, 1902, William W. Farr, M.D.; children: John W., Mary W., Virginia F. Interested in music and patron of Philadelphia Orchestra and Opera. Against wo- man suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Tennis, golf, walking, motoring. Mem. Philadelphia Cricket Club.

FARRABEE, Emma aiiller (Mrs. S. D. Farra- bee), 2402 N. Penn St., Indianapolis, Ind. Born Putnam Co., Ind.; dau. Humphrey D. and Harriet (Smith) Miller; ed. Nat. Normal Univ., Lebanon, O, and by private instructors in German, French and Spanish; m. Greencastle, Ind., S. D. Farrabee; one son, Belt D. Pres. Philomathean Club, which has pursued a care- fully arranged plan of study of Shakespeare's works for many years (pres. 13 years) ; State treas. D.R. since 1907; director of Indian- apolis Local Council of Women many years, vice-pres. three terms; mem. W.C.T.U. ; mem. Y.W.C.A. and Prasbyteriaxi Churoh. Favurs woman suffrage. Independeat Democrat. Mem. Philomathean Club, Lo>cal Council of Womaen.


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