��FAIRBANKS, Charlotte, St. Johnsbury, Vt.
Physician; b. St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '94; Yale Univ., Ph.D. '96; fellow in chemistry, Bryn Mawr, 1896-97; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '02. Instructor in chemistry, Wellesley Coll., 1897-99; physician, Philadelphia, 1902-08; St. Johnsbury, Vt., since 1908. FAIRBANKS, Cornelia Cole (Mrs. Charles War- ren Fairbanks), Indianapolis, Ind. Born Marysvllle, Ohio; dau. Judge P. B. Cole; grad. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., A.B. '72; m. Marys- vllle, Ohio, 1874, Charles Warren Fairbanks (U.S. Senator from Ind., 1897-1905; Vice-Pres. of the United States, 1905-09). Methodist. Mem. Nat Soc. D.A.R., of which was president-general, 1901-05: has been active in federated club move- ment and Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; also in the promotion of the Junior Republic movement. FAIRBANKS, Rebecca Pike (Mrs. William P. Fairbanks), St. Johnsbury, Vt. Born Waterford, Vt., Nov. 8, 1841; dau. Dennl- son and Huldah (Johnson) Pike; ed. St. Johns- bury (Vt.) Aoad., with honors; m. St. Johns- bury Vt, Apr. 18, 1861, William P. Fairbanks; (died Dec. 15, 1895); children: Almira Taylor, b. 1865 (died July 26, 1903), Mabel, b. 1871; Joseph, b. 1881. Treas. eleven years and pres. nine years Woman's Home Missionary Union of Vt. ; pres. Brightlook Hospital Aid Ass'n. Mem, and former pres. St. Johnsbury Woman's Club and officer Woman's Interdenominational Home Mis- sionary Council. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R. ; actively interested in Vt State Fed. of Women's Clubs and also in General Fed. of Women's Clubs.
FAJRBBOOK, Iva Valeria Smith (Mrs. Joseph Henry Fairbrook), 1859 Chautauqua Boule- vard, University Park, Portland, Ore. Born Massachusetts; grad. 'Smith Coll., B.A. '95; m. May 2, 1908, Joseph Henry Fairbrook; one son: Warren Seelye, b. Dec. 19, 1909. Teacher, Marblehead (Mass.) High School, 1896; Milhury (Mass.) High School, 1896-98; private teacher (piano), Worcester, Mass., 1899-1908. FAIRBROTHER, Mary Lamkin Hatchett (Mrs. Al Fairbrother), Davis St., Greensboro, N.C. Newspaper writer; b. Lunenberg, Va. ; dau. Dr. R. J. H. and Sarah (Wilson) Hatchett; ed. Mechlenburg (Va.) Female Coll.; m. Henderson, N.C, Nov. 5, 1889, Al Fairbrother. Edited and pu'blishid the Southern Woman in Henderson, N.C, in 1S86. Interested in civic and social serv- ice. Episcopalian. Pres. Woman's Club of Greensboro, N.C. (departmental club). FAIRCHILD, Alice Bidwell (Mrs. George Har- vey Fairchild). 400 Duboce Av., San Fran- cisco, Cal.
Born Greenville, Cal.; dau. Henry Codman Bidwell (prominent mining man and pioneer of San Francisco and N.Y.) and Julia Shaw (Poole) Bidwell; ed. Field's Sem. and Snell's Sem., Oakland, Cal.; m. San Francisco, Aug. 19, i890, George Harvey Fairchild; children: HoUis Bid- well, George Harvey Jr. Mem. Recreation League, interested in City Beautiful movement, public playgrounds, juvenile courts. Congrega- tionalist. Non-partisan voter. Associate mem. State of Maine Soc. in Cal. Pres. San Francisco Colony of New England Women; mem. Corona Club (San Francisco). Favors woman suffrage. FAIRCHILD, (Mary) Salome Cutler (Mrs. Mil- ton Fairchild), 507 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md.
Library lecturer; b. Dalton, Mass., June 21, 1855; dau. Artemas Hubbard and Lydia (Wake- field) Cutler; ed. Mt Holyoke Sem. '75, Univ. SUte of N.Y., B.L.S. '91; m. Troy, N.Y., July 1, 1897, Milton Fairchild, lecturer and author. Cata- loguer Columbia Coll. Library, and instructor in Columbia Coll. Library School, 1884-89; vice-direc- tor N.Y. State Library School, 1889-1905. Lecturer on Selection of Books and American Libraries since 1905. Was chairman of the com. in charge of the library exhibit of the World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893), and identified with the issuance of the A.L.A. Library catalogue. Au- thor: Children's Home Libraries, 1894; Scientific Study of Philanthropy, 1894; Function of the Library, 1901. Contributor to library journals.
��Am. Library Ass'n (vice-pres. 1894-95 and 1900-01; mem. Council 1892-98 and 1909 — ; Bibliographical Soc. of America, N.Y. State Library Ass'n. FAIRCHILD, NelUe Rebecca, 175 Governor St.,
Providence, R.I.
Born South Hadley Falls, Mass., Jan. 8, 1875; dau. Arthur Whittlesey and Ella M. (Hone) Fairchild; ed. Miss Wheeler's School, Provi- dence; Smith Coll., B.L. '98; graduate at Brown Univ. Interested in work for working girls; pres. of a Providence club; director in Nat. League of Women Workers; treas. R.I. Ass'n of Working Woman's Club. Congregationalist Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alumnae, and Smith Alum- nse Ass'n.
FAIRFIELD, Fanny Thompson Wagmer (Mrs.
Prank M. Fairfield), 10422 Lcmgwood Av.,
Chicago, 111.
Born Illinois; grad. Rockford Coll., B.A. 1900; m. Frank M. Fairfield (lawyer) ; one son. Mem. Bethany Union Church (Sunday-school teacher). Mem. Rockford Coll. Ass'n of Chicago (has been sec.). Mem. Morgan Park Woman's Club, Round Table Club (for child study).
FAISSLER, Jane Byers (Mrs. John Faissler),
608 Somonauk St., Sycamore, 111.
Born South Grove, DeKalb County, 111., 1871; dau. William M. and Jane (Adee) Byers; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '96; children: Margareta Agata, Jane Frances, John Jacob, William Byers. Mem. Congregational Church. Mem. Athena Library Ass'n, Sycamore Woman's Club.
FALCONBRIDGE, Elizabeth Porter (Mrs. John Delatre Falconbridge), 22 Chestnut Park, To- ronto, Can.
Born N.Y. City, Mar. 8, 1879; dau. Rev. Samuel Munce and Eimily Augnista (Porter) Hamilton; ed. Mrs. Semple's Collegiate School, Louisville, Ky. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1896-98; m. Englewood, N.J., Apr. 27, 1905, John Delatre Falconbridge, M.A., LL.B.; one daughter: Emily Porter (deceased). Mem. Board of Y.W.C.A., mem. Y.W.C.A. Cafa- teria Com.; asso. of Georgina House (boarding home for business women) and representative of Georgina House on the Woman's Council; Inter- ested in work for women prisoners; mem. Pierian Literary Club. Presbyterian. Recreations: Canoeing, reading.
FALCONBRIDGE, Lady, Mary Phoebe, SO Isa- bella St., Toronto, Can.
Born Canada, May 2, 1850; dau. Hon. Robert Baldwin and Emily Louisa (Delatre) Sullivan; ed. Villa Maria, Montreal; m. April 15, 1873, Hon. Sir Glenholme Falconbridge (chief justice of the King's Bench); children: Madeleine St. George (m. Arthur Whyte Anglin), John Delatre, E^v•elyn M. (m. Vincejit J. Hughes, died 1909), Emilia (m. Robert Cassels), AdSle (m. Cawthra Mulock), Aimee (m. Major D. D. Young). In- terested In general philanthropic and charitable work. Against woman suffrage. Catholic. Hon. pres. St. Elizabeth Nursing Soc. Recreation: Music. Hon. pres. Toronto Ladies' Club, 1911. FALK, Elisabeth Vogrel (Mrs. Otto Herbert Falk), 426 Terrace Av., Milwaukee, Wis. Born Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 7, 1878; dau. Frederick Vogel, Jr., and Louise (Pfister) Vog^; ed. German-English Acad., Milwaukee; Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1900 (mem. Phi Sigma); m. Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 10, 1901, Otto Herbert Falk; children: Elisabeth Louise, Otto Herbert Jr. Board mem. of Mil- waukee Mission Kindergarten and Neighborhood Ass'n; mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. FALLOWS, Alice Katharine, care Edward H. Fallows, 30 Church St, N.Y. City. Author; b. Milwaukee, Wis.; dau. Rt. Rev. Samuel Fallows, D.D. (bishop Reformed Epis- copal Church), and Lucy Bithia (Huntington) Fallows; ed. (jhicago public and private schools; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97 (mem. Alpha). Ass't to father in psycho-therapeutic church work, 1908; investigated psycho-therapeutic work in London and on the Continent, 1909-10. Author: The Point of View; Hygiene in Every Day Living; A Talk in Relaxation; contributor of prose and verse to Scribner's, Century, Harper's Bazar, Good Housekeeping, The Outlook, St