��EVEKITT, Ella B., 1807 Spruce St., Philadel- phia. Pa,
Physician and surgeon; b. Danville, Pa.; dau. John and Eliza (Girton) Everitt; grad. Wilson Coll., A.B. '88, A.M. '91; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., '91. Resident physician, Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia, 1891-92; sup't Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn., 1892-93. Ass't physician, St. Peter State Hospital, St. Peter, Minn., 1893-96; chief resident physician. Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia, 1897-1902. Professor of gynecology. Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., 1902-1. Consulting gynecologist to Bryn Mawr Coll.; attending gynecologist to the Woman's Coll. Hospital, Philadelphia, and the Philadelphia General Hospital. Interested in Christian edu- cation of women, advanced Bible study and teaching, mission work. Against woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Mem. County Med. Soc, State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, fellow of Am. Acad, of Medicine. Recreations: Camping, read- ing, music. Mem. College Club of Philadelphia. EVERS, Helen Margaret, 11507 Mayfleld Road,
Cleveland, Ohio.
College instructor; grad. Washington Univ., St. Louis, A.B. '99; Univ. of Missouri, A.M. '02; fellow in Romance Languages, Univ. of Mo., 1902-03; fellow In Romance Languages, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1903-05, Ph.D. '05. Teacher of French in Gleim School, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1905-07; acting instructor 1905-06 and instructor in Romance Languages 1907-09, Univ. of Mo. ; instructor in Internat. Inst, for Girls, Madrid, Spain, 1909-10; instructor in Romance Languages, Coll. for Women of Western Reserve Univ., since 1910. Author: Critical Edition of the Disoours de la Vis de Pierre de Ronsard, par Claude Binet, 1905. EVVALD, Martha Robinson (Mrs. D. E. Ewald),
1211 Av. N, Brooklyn, N.T.
Dentist; b. Cleveland, O.; dau. Jere Em«rson and Mary Josephine (Carpenter) Robinson; grad. Univ. of Mich., D.D.S. '88; m. Cleveland, O., Sept., 1892, D. E. Ewald; one daughter: Harriot Robinson Ewald. Engaged in practice of den- tistry from graduation. EWART. Mary Kirkpatrick (Mrs. Frederick C.
Ewart), 403 Quaker Road, Edgeworth, Pa.
Born Allegheny, Pa., June 10, 1865; dau. John and Elizabeth (Jackson) Kirkpatrick; ed. public school. Allegheny; Allegheny Collegiate Inst.; m. Pittsburgh, Mar. 8, 1894, Frederick C. Ewart. Mem. Sewickley Valley Hospital Ass'n, Woman's Work Soc. of the First Presbyterian Church. Clubs: Allegheny Country (Edgeworth), Wo- man's of Sewickley Valley. Recreation: Golf. Presbyterian. EWING. Addle B. (Mrs. S. M. Ewlng), Bankel-
man, i"eb.
Born Xenia, 111., April 8, 1869; dau. Johnston and Louisa J. (Parks) Hamilton; ed. public schools; m. Mar. 8, 1888, S. M. Ewlng of Parks, Neb.; children: May B., Levine L., Henry J., Ida L., Hattie C, Annie Marie, Sammy, Merle, Florence, Gladys. Taught school two years in Neb. Interested in religious work. Mem. of the Order of the Eastern Star, Benkelman, Neb. Was pres. of Woman's Club at Parks, Neb. United Pre.sbyterian. Against woman suffrage. EWING, Amanda Woods (Mrs. G. C. Ewlng),
Enfield, Mass.
Born Enfield, Mass., Aug. 2, 1850; dau. Rufus D. and Isabella (Smith) Woods; grad Vassar Coll., A.B. '70; m. Enfield, Mass., April 20, 1882, George Clinton Ewlng; children: Katherlne, Rufus Dodd Woods, Marjorie. Organist and trustee of church, branch officer Hampshire Co. Missionary Soc. Mem. Mercy Warren Chapter D.A.R., Nat. Geographic Soc. Mem. Quabbln Club, Springfield College Club. Congregation- alist. Against woman suffrage. EWING, Margaret Wylie (Mrs. Edwin C.
Ewlng), Leatherwood, Wheeling, W.Va.
Writer; b. Wheeling, W.Va.; ed. in schools of Wheeling, W.Va., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '75; m. 1885, Edwin C. E>wing; three sons. Editor of church paper for six years; contributor of ar- ticles to various newspapers. Chairman of Press Com., W.Va. Fed. of Women's Clubs.
��EXALL, May Dickson (Mrs. Henry Exall), 1916
Ross Av., Dallas, Tex.
Born McKlnney, Tex., Aug. 14, 1859; dau. Joseph J. and Sarah (Epperson) Dickson; ed. Vassar Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ; m. Dallas, Tex., Nov. 9, 1887, Henry Exall; one son: Henry, Was active in organizing and establishing the Dallas Public Library (pres. Board of Trustees for nine years, now mem.); active In organizing and establishing a free public art gallery in Dallas. Interested In Y.W.C.A., Old Ladles' Home and other charities. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Recreation: Auto riding. Pre«. Dallas Shakespeare Club since its organiza- tion in 1886; also interested In Drama League moveonent.
ETSTEB, Penelope Anna Blessing (Mrs. David A. S. Eyster), 2618 Hlllegass Av.. Berkeley, Cal. Author, journalist; b. Frederick, Me.; dau. Abraham and Mary M. (Ent) Blessing; ed. Bar- ley wood Sem., Md., and by private tutors; m. David A. S. Eyster of Harrisburg, Pa. ; children : Mary A. (now Mrs. Scott Elder), and Charles. Teacher of music, rhetoric and belles lettres. In various seminaries for several years. State lec- turer upon scientific temperance in colleges and public schools of Cal. Works among the Chinese. European traveler. Mem. various philanthropic societies. Former treas. Political Equality Club of Berkeley, Cal. Author: Sunny Hours; Chin- capin Charlie; On the Wing; Tom Harding and His Friends; A Colonial Boy; A Chinese Quaker; A Noted Mother and Daughter; Biography of Eliza Fryor; contributor to Harper's Magazine and others. Editor the Pacific Ensign. Lutheran (Evangelical). Republican. Mem. Cal. Club, hon. pres. Pacific Coast Woman's Press Ass'n, Twen- tieth Century Club, Berkeley W.C.T.U. Assisted in the purchase of Mt. Vernon (Washington's home) for the U.S.; was an officer of Great Sani- tary Commission during Civil War. Removed from Harrisburg, Pa., to San Francisco in 1876, and became prominent in its social and literary life. Pen name, "Nellie Blessing Eyster." Fa- vors woman suffrage.
��FABYAN, Eleanor McCormick (Mrs. Marshall Fabyan), 381 Commonwealth Av., Boston,
Bom Chicago, 111., Nov. 7, 1882; dau. William G. and Eleanor (Brooks) McCormick; ed. Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore; Bryn Mawr Coll., '04; m. Baltimore, June 3, 1908, Dr. Marshall Fabyan; one son: Marshall Jr., b. Nov. 15, I&IL.
FAELTEN, Marie Dewlngr (Mrs. Relnhold Fael- ten), 30 Huntington Av., Boston, Mass. Musician; b. San Francisco, Cal., April 26, 1870; dau. Charles Shumway Dewing, D.D., and Louisiana (Collins) Dewing; ed. public schools of Union, N.Y.; Tuscarora Acad. In Pa.; New Eng- land Conservatory of Music, grad. 1890; m. Bos- ton, Mass., 1896, Relnhold Faelten. Teacher of piano in Nerw England Conservatory, 1890-1897; sup't of Normal Dep't in New England Conserva- tory; associate founder with Mr. Carl and Mr. Relnhold Faelten Pianoforte School in Boston in 1897; still In active work In the school. Inter- ested In all matters of art and treasures of an- tiquity. Mem. Second Soc. of Unlversallsts of Boston. Clubs: Professional Woman's, Mac- Dowell. Recreations: Collecting antiques, Egyp- tian and Colonial antique furniture. Univer- sallst. Against woman suffrage.
FAHNESTOCK, Edith, Vassar College, Pough- keepsie, N.Y.
College instructor; grad. Western Reserve Univ., B.L. '94; student Univ. of Zilrich and Sorbonne, Paris, 1894-96; Mistress of Modern Languages, Miss. Industrial Inst, and- Coll., Co- lumbus, Miss., 1898-1901 and 1902-05; graduate scholar and fellow by courtesy In Romance languages, Bryn Mawr, 1901-02, and graduate scholar, 1906-07. Instructor In Romance lan- guages, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1907-08; Vassar Coll., since 1908.