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��gational Council Boston, 1899; 1st pres. of Minn. Federation of Women's Clubs, May, lS95-Oct., 1899; 2d vice-pres. General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1900-02; chairman Educational Com., 1896- 1900; speaker at Biennial Convention, 1896; hon. vlce-prea. for life since 1908. Appointed by Gov- ernor mem. of Minn. Library Commission since 1899, and chairman of the same. Author: Woman as Citizen; and of leaflets, pamphlets, and ad- dresses on various subjects. Congregationalist. Mem. Minn. State Art Soc, Minn. Public Library Commission, Am. Philological Ass'n, 10 years active mem. Nat Education Ass'n. Mem. Monday Club of Northfield. Recreations: Gardening, walking. Favors woman suiirage; mem. Educa- tional Com. of Minn. Suffrage Ass'n. Speaker on missionary, religious, educational, art and social themes.

EVANS, Margruerite, 115 Croft St., Victoria, B.C. Born Georgetown, Ont., Sept. 19, 1876; dau. John Evans; ed. Georgetown and Toronto. Spent some years on ranch in Northwest and contrib- uted series of sketches to Toronto Globe of prairie life. Mem. staff of the Victoria Times. Author (novels): A Prairie Rose; The Lost Baby; After the Storm. Has written poetry, short stories, travel sketches .and stories for children. Recreations: Motoring, traveling, canoeing, rid- ing, driving. Mem. Ladies' Musical, Alexandra, Women's Canadian Clubs.

KVANS, Mary, 1 37 Euclid St., Woodbury, N.J. Born Philadelphia, 1841; ed. Woodbury (N.J.) Acad.; Miss Carr's School, Philadelphia; grad. Mt. Holyoke Sem., 'GO; hon. M.A., Oberlin Coll., Lift. D., Mt. Holyoke Coll. Teacher of history and Latin, Mt. Holyoke, 1860-68; principal Lake Erie Sem., Painesville, O., 1868-98; pres. Lake Erie Coll., 1898-1909; after 41 years of continuous service resignation was accepted. Has delivered addresses at conferences of women's missionary societies, educational meetings, social and phil- anthropic meetings. Presbyterian.

EVANS, Mary Anna Buck (Mrs. Spalding

Evans), 158 Higli St., Lockport, N.Y.

Born Lockport, N.Y., Jan. 27, 1857; dau. John Hildreth and Harriet M. (Fletcher) Buck; ed. In Am. schools and abroad; m. Lockport, N.Y., Aug. 20, 1879, Spalding Evans; one daughter: Mary Hale E?yans (Mrs. Richard E. Norton, Philadelphia). Author (verse): In Various Moods; Nymphs, Nixies and Naiads; The Moon- light Sonata and Other Verses; also a Christmas booklet, called A Christmas Episode at the Old Eagle Tavern, and many contributions to maga- zines. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. D.A.R. (Buffalo Chapter), Twentieth Century, and Scribblers' Clubs of Buffalo, and Saturday and Country Clubs of Lockport, N.Y. EVANS, Nora Belle (Mrs. Rowland Evans),

1436 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind.

Club woman; b. Peru, Ind., May 4, 1865; dau. Judge Edward Thomberry and Martha M. (Cochran) Dickey; ed. Madison, Ind.; m. June 19, 1890, Rowland Evans (lawyer); one daughter: Edith M. Chairman Civic Dep't Woman's Dep't Club, Indianapolis; interested in improvement in working and living conditions of women wage earners. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. Art Ass'n of Indianapolis. Mem. Monday Club. EVANS, Sarah Anne (Mrs. William M. Evans),

823 Corbett St., Portland, Ore.

Journalist; b. Bedford, Pa.; dau. Olive E. and Virginia (Wsishabaugh) Shannon; grad. Maryland Coll., Lutherville, Md. ; m. St. Peters- burg, Pa., 1873, William M. Evans; children: Laura Douglas (now Mrs. A. B. Smith), Ger- trude Shannon Chapman (deceased), Elizabeth (now Mrs. G. H. Pettinger). Serving fourth term (eight years) as pres. Oregon Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs. Four years director of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage; chairman Campaign Com. Portland Woman's Club. Lutheran. Mem. League of Am. Pen Women, Forestry Ass'n of Portland, Ore. Eight years inspector of markets of Portland, Ore.; Dine years on editorial staff of Oregon Journal, Portland, and book reviewer for same.

��EVELETH, Eouise Friend Parsons (Mrs. Ed- ward S. Eveleth>, 20 Higiiland Av., Glouces- ter, Mass.

Born Gloucester, Mass.; ed. in schools of Glou- cester, Mass,; Vassar Coll., A.B. '68, A.M. '69; m. Oct. 17, 1878, Edward S. Bveleth. Teacher, New Haven, Conn., 1865-66; Charlestown, Mass., 1871-73; Providence, R.I., 1873-78.

EVEBAI.L, Amy Ford (Mrs. George L. Everall),

Lancaster, Mass.

Superintendent State Industrial School; b. Chicago, 111., April 5, 1879; dau. James M. and .Mary (Foy) Ford; ed. Lake View High School, Chicago; Wellesiey Coll., B.A. '02; m. Evanston, 111., Sept. 12, 1905, Dr. George L. Everall; one daughter: Eleanor Elizabeth Everall, b. 1909. Mem. Boston College Club. Presbyterian. EVERETT, Clara Winter (Mrs. Arthur Ever- ett), 182 East Irving St., Oshkosh, Wis. Teacher; grad. Rockford (111.) Sem. (no-w col- lege), 1859; m. Arthur Everett (a teacher; died 1873): two children (one deceased). Taught in Oshkosh High School, 1865-70, and again since 1873, serving for some time as principal but more recently as teacher of Latin. Episcopalian (ac- tive in parish guild work). Mem. Twentieth Century Club of Oshkosh (has been vice-pres. and director).

EVERETT, Elizabeth Hawley (Mrs. Francia Denison Everett), Highland Park, III. Born Pekin, 111., Aug. 23, 1857; dau. William C. and Mary S. (Nason) Hawley; ed. public schools of Mt. Pleasant, la. ; Mt. Pleasant Ladies' Sem. and Univ. of Neb.; twice married; 1st, Sept. 13, 1881, to James A. Bowen; 2d, Mar. 2, 1899, to Francis D. Everett; one son: George Hawley Bowen. Principal Everett and Prescott Schools of Lincoln, Neb., 1887-94; sup't of schools of Highland Park, 111., 1894-98. Active in Bible school work. Mem. Am. Com. Y.W.C.A., 1901-06; vice-pres. Highland P.ark Public Library Board, and a mem. board since 1904. For 15 years has stood for equal suffrage and has spoken for it frequently. Has been rec. sec. 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Founded Illinois Club Bulletin, 1909, and edited it three years. Presbyterian. Pres. Ossoli Club of Highland Park, 1900-02; vice- pres. 111. Federation of Women's Clubs, 1906-08; pres. 111. Federation, 1908-10; General Federati6n of Women's Clubs (sec. for 111), 1910-12.

EVERETT, Ida Josephine, Wheaton College,

Norton, Mass.

College professor; b. Walp/»le, Mass.; dau. Charles Francis and Hannah Maria (Pierce) Everett; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.L. '93; Bow- doin Coll., A.M. '11; grad. student Yale Univ., 1902-05. Instructor In Mills Coll., 1893-01; in- structor in Wheaton Sem., 1905-12; since 1912 dean of Wheaton Coll. and prof, of English literature. Congregationalist. Mem. Boston Browning Soc.

EVERETT, Leolyn Louise, Willoughby, O.

Writer; b. Cleveland, 0., Aug. 5, 1888; dau. Henry A. and Josephine (Pettengill) Everett; grad. Hathaway-Brown School, Cl^eland, 1907. Mem. Stonywood Sanitarium and of Bide-a-Wee Home for Friendless Animals. Author of verses for magazines. Sleep-book, anthology of the poetry of slumber. Recreations: Singing, the stage, swimming, baseball. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage.

EVERHARD, Eleanora S., The Calvert, Day- ton, O.

Physician; b. Ripon, Wis., Sept. 3, 1867; dau. Aaron and Ann V. (Marsh) Everhard; grad. Ripoo (Wis.) Coll., B.S., A.M.; School of Medi- cine and Surgery, Univ. of Mich.. M.D. (mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota). Resident physician Coll. for Women, Columbia, S.C, four years; chair- man Com. on Public Health Education Among Women, Am. Med. Ass'n, 1911-13. Mem. Dayton Ass'n of Coll. Women, Humane Soc, Fruit and Flower Mission, Needlework Guild, Young Wo- men's League, Anti-Tuberculosis Soc, Mont- gomery Co. Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, Gym- nasium Com. of Y.W.C.A. Mem. Book Club of Presbyterian Church. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; chairman Civic Hygiene Ooim. Montgomery Co. Equal Suffrage Ass'n.


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