��Chi); m. Worcester, Mass., April 26, 1905, Fred- erick F. Enman; children: Florence Jessie, Edith Rosilla, Norman Holden. Baptist. Be- lieves in limited suffrage tor both sexes. ENNIS, Edith MitcheU (Mrs. Robert Berry
Ennis), 1817 Chicago Av., Evanston, III.
Bom Jersey City, N.J. ; dau. Henry Mitchell, M.D., and Elizabeth (Roberts) Mitchell; ed. Vas- sar Coll.; Teachers Coll.; Columbia Univ., B.S. '02; m. St. Augustine, Fla., Mar. 22, 1904, Robert Berry Ennis. Mem. Evanston School Board, Dist. 75, 1911—; pres. Evanston Small Park and Playground Ass'n, 1912; director in CJentral Ass'n of Evanston Charities. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Evanston Woman's Club, Woman's City Club of Chicago, University Guild of Evanston. ENO, Clara Bertha, Van Buren, Ark.
Born Van Buren, Ark., Feb. 14, 1854; dau. Jonathan A. and Ellen E. (Ward) Eno; ed. Mld- dletown and New Britain, Conn., and Morris Fe- male Inst., Morristown, N.J. Mem. Guild of Trinity Parish; mem. of the Order Daughters of the King; active in both. Episcopalian. Mem. Mary Fuller Percival Chapter D.A.R., Mary Liee Chapter United Daughters of Confederacy; mem. of Arkansas History Commission (only lady In it). Clubs: Woman's Literary (Van Buren); Village Improvement (pres.); chairman Civic (Ark.) Federation Women's Clubs. ERB, Nellie Kilsey (Mrs. William G. Erb), 80
Main St., Silver Cresk, N.T.
Born Silver Creek, N.Y., April 13, 1870; dau. Henry Clin and Laura M. (Cook) Kilsey; ed. high school; m. Silver Creek, N.Y., 1890, William Gleason Erb; children: Gleason Goodrich, Arthur Kilsey. Has written for newspapers, also a few poems and miscellaneous articles. Mem. W.C.T.U., Y.W.C.A., Parent-Teachers' Ass'n, Sec. D.A.R. ; pres. Silver Creek Shakespeare Club. Recreations: Reading, theatre, music, walking, boating. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; pres. local Political Equality Club. ERICKSON, Martina Cecelia, Montlcello Semi- nary, Godfrey, 111.
Teacher; b. Norway; dau. Martin and Pauline Huse (Levind) Erickson; ed. La Crosse (Wis.) High School; State Normal School, Winona, Minn. ; Univ. of Chicago. Teacher and principal of high schools in Wis., Minn., Iowa; dean of women, Indiana State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind., 1905-10. Principal Montlcello Sem., Godfrey, III., since 1910. Favors woman suf- frage. Author of educational articles in educa- tional magazines. Episcopalian. ERLANDSEN, Clarita Knight (Mrs. Oscar
Erlandsen), 49 Union Av., Jamaica, L.I., N.T.
Bom N.Y. City, Mar. 9, 1872; dau. James and Sophie (Compton) Knight; ed. N.Y. City public schools; private preparation for college; Barnard CoU., B.A. '93 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Feb., 1900, Oscar Erlandsen (well-known engineer; children: Amy Louise, Winifred, Oscar. Interested in various social and philanthropic subjects, in public school affairs, public play- grounds, big sister movement in connection with the children's courts, etc. Favors woman suf- frage. Protestant Episcopal. Recreations: Golf, boating, walking. Mem. Women's University Club of N.Y. City, Jamaica Women's Club, Housewives' League, Mahopac Golf Club. ERSKINE, Emma Payne (Mrs. Charles Edwin
Erskine), Tryon, N.C.
Bom Racine, Wis.; dau. Alfred and Olive (Child) Payne; ed. at home by parents; m. Racine, Wis., 1874, Charles Edwin Erskine; chil- dren: Alfred Masena, Harold Perry, Ralph Child, Violet Leland, Malcolm Edwin, Susan Mildred. Novelist, writer of poems; teacher of men's Bible class; Interested in social work generally. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Author (books) : lona — A Lay of Ancient Greece (poem) ; When the Gates Lift Up Their Heads (a story of the seventies); The Harper and the King's Horse (poem); Joyful Heatherby; The Mountain Girl (a story of the Blue Ridge). Protestant Episcopal. Mem. D.A.X., National Congress of Mothers. Recrea- tions: Walking, driving, out-door sketching, golfing. Was charter mem. (now honorary mem.)
��Racine Woman's Club; mem. Lanier Woman's
Club of Tryon, N.C. Mem. of Board of the Mountain Industries, an association for the pro- motion at industrial activity among the moun- tain people and to preserve among them their native arts and handicraft,
ERSKINE, Mary Lonise, Wilson College, Cham- bersburg, Pa- Librarian; b. Newville, Pa., June 10, 1880; dau. Rev. E. Erskine, D.D., and Helen M. (McKeehan) Erskine; ed. Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa., A.B. '02; Drexel Inst. Library School, Philadel- phia, 1903-04. Librarian William McCann Li- brary, Norristown, Pa., 1904-06; Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa., 1906 — . Favors limited suf- frage for men and women. Pre^yterian. Mem. Keystone State Library Ass'n; Wilson Coll. Alum n 39 Ass'n. Recreation: Horseback riding. Clubs: Afternoon (literary), Wilson Club of Chambersburg.
EBVING, Emma Lootz (Mrs. William Gage Erving), 922 Farragut Square, Washington, D.C.
Physician; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; student of physics and chejnistry, Mass. Inst of Teob- nology, 1897-98; Johns Hopkins Med. School, 1898-1902, M.D. '02; m. Sept. 19, 1903, William Gage Erving; children: Selma, b. Septemtier, 1906; Henry W., b. August, 1909. Practised as physician in Boston, 1902-04; in Washington, D.C, since 1904. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Smith Coll. Alumni Ass'n.
ESKRIDGE, Belle Constant (Mrs. Joseph Hoff- man Eskridge), St. Clair City Park, Houston, Tex.
Physician and surgeon; b. Nov. 9, 1859; dau. Jacob and Elizabeth (Boulger) King; ed. public schools, Parkersburg, W.Va. ; Morgantown (W.Va.) Sem,; Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 1891; Woman's Med. Coll., '95; m. 1890, Dr, Joseph Hoffman Eekrldge; one son: Henry. In- terne in Woman's Hospital, Chicago. Taught obstetrics in Provident Hospital, Chicago, seven years, and was ass't surgeon Railroad Switching Ass'n; ass't surgeon Armour & Co. and Swift & Co., 1891-1904; nQ<w practices in Houston, Tex.; practice limited to diseases of women and ab- dominal surgery. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Chi- cago Med Soc, Cook County Med. Ass'n, Harris County (Tex.) Med. Ass'n and Texas State Med. Ass'n. Mem. com. of 25 of Houston citizens to cooperate with city officials and social workers, vice commission, etc. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Texas Political Equal Suffrage League. Author of monographs: Post Operative Dilatation of the Stomach; Some Information the Public Should Have Regarding Cancer; Use and Abuse of Uterine Curb (all published in Texas Med. Journal). Episcopalian. Mem. Houston Woman's Club, College Woman's Club, Consumers' League. Recreations: Automobiling, hunting, fishing, Mem. Country Woman's Club. ESMOND, Bessie Archer (Mrs. John W. Es- mond), Highland Park, 111. Bom Austin, Tex. ; dau. Osceola and Minnie R. (Wildie) Archer; ed. Marietta Coll., O.; m. Chicago, 111., Feb. 15, 1908, John W, Esmond; one daughter: Ida May Esmond, b. Feb. 22, 1910. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreation: Golf.
ESTABROOK, Alma Martin (Mrs. William Chester Estabrook), Greeley, Colo. Writer; b. Greenfield, Ind.; dau. Samuel Marsh and Florence (Howard) Martin; ed. Oxford Fe- male Coll., Oxford, O. ; m. Greenfield, Ind., June 30, 1896, William Chester Estabrook. Author: The Rule of Three; also stories and novelettes Id Century, Harper's, The Forum, Craftsman, Smart Set, American, Metropolitan, Cosmopol- itan, Red Book, etc.
ESTEP, Helen de Camp Lynch (Mrs. H. CoU Estep), 546 N. Harvey Av., Oak Park, 111. Technical journalist; b. Minneapolis, Minn., July 24, 1887; dau. Edward James and Margaret (Cooley) Lynch; wag three years in the chemistry dep't of Univ. of Minn.; m. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 17, 1909, H. Cole Estep. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreation: Handicraft work. Contributor to Engineering News, System,