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��EMERSON, Clara Beardsley Count (Mrs. Will- iam Henry Emerson), 12 Carl Place, Brockton,

Born" Ellenville, N.Y., Feb. 16, 1869; dau. Thomas Henry and Polly Ann (Downs) Count; grad. Northfleld Sem., '87; Wellesley Coll., '93; mem. Phi Sigma (local, Wellesley); m. New- burgh, N.Y., June 25, 1908, William Henry Emer- son. Private sec. to principal of Northfleld Sam., 1890-91; principal, Somerset (Mass.) High School, 1894-97; teacher English and mathematics, Wey- mouth (Mass.) High School, 1897-98; teacher English, Brockton (Mass.) High School, 1898- 1904; teacher mathem.atles. Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111., 1904-07; teacher English and regent, Senior House, Nat. Park Sem., 1907-08. Uni- tarian. Mem. Ten Times One, Cercle Frangals, both of Brockton; first vice-pres. Y.W.C.A., 1912-13, Brockton; recording sec. of Board of Managers Brockton Day Nursery since 1908. Pres. College Club of Brockton, 1908-10; first vice-pres. Woman's Club of Brockton, 1913—; mem. of College Club of Boston and various other clubs (local), such as Brockton Country Club, etc.

EMEKSON, Ellen Tucker, Lowell Road, Con- cord, Mass.

Social worker; b. in Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '01; student in botany, Rad- clifte, 1901-03; fellow in zoology. Smith Coll., 1903-04, M.A. '04. Teacher in private school, 1901-03; social worker, Mass. General Hospital, Boston, since 1906. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumna Ass'n (sec. 1906-10), Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse. EMERSON, Maria Furman (Mrs. W. K. B.

Emerson), Rye, N.Y.

Born N.Y. City, June 23, 1869; dau. John McKnight and Virginia Dimond (Holmes) Fur- man; ed. Miss Ballow's School, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, April 28, 1892, W. K. B. Emerson; children: W. K. B. Emerson Jr., b. April 9, 1894; Rupert Emerson, b. Aug. 20, 1899. Clubs: Colony, Apawamis Golf. EMERSON, Sarah H. (Mrs. William Emerson

Jr.), 425 West End Av., N.T. City.

Born N.Y. City, Sept. 19, 1835; dau. James Sloan and Abby (Hopper) Gibbons; ed. N.Y. City in Mrs. Charles Sedgwick's private school; m. N.Y. City, 1S63, William Emerson. First di- rector of Women's Prison Ass'n and Isaac T. Hopper Home. Mem. Diet Kitchen Ass'n of N.Y. Author: Life and Letters of Abby Hopper Gib- bons. Mem. Society of Friends. EMERSON, Susan ftlabel Hood (Mrs. George

Waldo Emerson), 431 Maple St., Danvers,


Graduate Smith Coll., B.A. '01; m. Oct. 5, 1904, George Waldo Emerson; children: Edward Ever- ett, b. Sept. 2, 1905; Elizabeth Capen, b. Nov. 22, 1906; Miriam, b. June 30, 1909. Private governess. Great Falls, Mont., 1901-02; teacher of Latin and Greek, Amesbury High School, 1902-03. EMERSON, Teckla Hilbert (Mrs. Frederick

Lincoln Emerson), 50 Hancock St., Dorchester,


Bom Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 28, 1879; dau. Hellodore J. and Josephine (Grenllch) Hilbert; ed. Milwaukee Downer Coll., B.A. ; m. Mil- waukee, Oct. 23, 1894, Dr. Frederick Lincoln Emerson; children: twin boys (died five months after birth), 1896. Interested in church activities of First Parish Meeting House Hill-Church; also in sociological questions. Club: Dorchester Wo- man's. Unitarian.

EMERSON, WUimena Hannah EUot (Mrs. Jus- tin E. Emersoa), 128 Henry St., Detroit, Mich.

Born New Haven, Conn., Jan. 30, 1853; dau. William Horace Eliot, Jr., and Sally Frances (Sawyier) Eliot; ed. Vassar College; A.B. '72 (Phi Beta Kappa); grad. M.D. from Women's College of N.Y. Infirmary '77; m. Kalamazoo, Mich., Dec. 26, 1877, Justin Edwards Emerson, M.D.; children: Paul Eliot, Philip Law, Ralph de Pomeroy. Spent three months as interne in Woman's Med. Coll., N.Y. Infirmary, and took tenement house practice during that time, 1876-77. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary, St. Paul's Church (pres. five years); Woman's Guild, St. Paul's Church; Young Woman's Home (pres.

��seven years). Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Coll. Equal Suffrage League of Detroit. Au- thor: Genealogy of the Descendants of John Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians, 1905; class poet Vassar, 1872 (published in class book) ; delivered poem at first gathering of Eliot family, Guilford, 1875; delivered poem at second meeting Eliot family at Natick, Mass., 1901. Protestant Epis- copalian. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames, Daugh- ters of Colonial Governors; New England Soc, Soc. for the Prevention of Tuberculosis; Ass'n Ck)ll. Alumnae. Recreations: Writing rhymes, breeding blooded Persian cats, water sports of all kinds. Mem. College Club of Detroit. Was the first Am. woman to attend a clinic of Dr. Ru- dolph Virchow (Berlin, 1879) — a great honor. EMERY, Susan L,., 6 Percival St., Dorchester,


Writer; b. Dorchester, Mass., Sept. 26, 1846; dau. Charles and Susan Hilton (Kelly) Emery; ed. Mather School and high school, Dorchester, Mass. (valedictorian of class). Miss Stone's Boarding School, Greenfield, Mass., and at home. Editor Young Christian Soldier, 1871-74; on the editorial staff of Sacred Heart Review since 1891. Essayist; critic; author of short stories; poet. Books: Maxims for Every Day in the Year from St. John of the Cross, 1891; Inner Life of the Soul, 1903; The Petals of a Little Flower, 1306; A Catholic Stronghold and Its Makings (a his- tory of St. Peter's parish, Dorchester, Mass.), 1910. Translator from Latin, French and Ger- man poetry into English. Roman Catholic since 1875 (Protestant Episcopalian until 1875). EMMET, Lydia Field, 535 Park Av., N.T. City

(summer. Strawberry Hill, Stockbridg'e, Mass.).

Artist; b. New Rochelle, N.Y., Jan. 23, 1866; dau. William Jenkins and Julia Colt (Pierson) Emmet; ed. Art Students' League, N.Y. City; Julian's and others, Paris, Professors William M. Chase, Robert Reid, Kenyon Cox, Siddons New- bury, William MacMonnies, Collin, Henry Gia- commotti, Paris. Medals: Bronze, World's Columbian Exposition; bronze, Atlanta, Ga. ; sil- ver, St. Louis; Pan-American, Buffalo; honorable mention, Shaw prize, 1906; Proctor prize, 1907; Clarke prize, 1909; honorable mention, Pittsburgh, 1912. Mem. Woman's Political Union. Firm be- liever in woman suffrage. Protestant. Pro- gressive in politics. Mem. Art Students' League, Municipal Art Soc, Metropolitan (N.Y. City), Nat. Ass'n of Portrait Painters, Conn. Acad, of Fine Arts, N.Y. Zoological Soc, Nat. Hist. Mu- seum, N.Y. Botanical Soc, Nat. Acad, of Design. Began career as an illustrator for books and magazines, but soon devoted energies to portrait painting. Best known for pictures of children. EIMMONS, Elizabeth Wales, 1378 Beacon St.,

Brookline, Mass.

Welfare worker; ed. Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; St. Timothy's School, Catons- ville, Md., and Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01. Ass't sec. and ass't out-of-door sports, Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, 1901-03; director of out-of-door sports and ass't in the gymnasium, 1903-04. Pri- vate sec. and sup't Household Aid Co., Boston, 1904-05: ass't sup't Domestic Reform League, Women's Educational and Industrial Union, 1905- 06, and sup't of the Business Agency, 1906-07. EMORY, Reba Cornett (Mrs. Percy Franklin

Emory), Cazenovla, N.Y.

Born Reading, Pa.; dau. Charles A. and Lillian (Sohrack) Cornett; m. N.Y., April 25, 1896, Percy Frankiin Emory. Soprano soloist, Broadway Tabernacle, N.Y. City, 1904-09, and 1912-13; in Europe 1910. Mem. Tonkiinstler Society, N.Y. City.

ENDICOTT, Katharine Sears (Mrs. Henry Endl- cott Jr.), 250 Commonwealth Av., Boston; also Weston, Mass.

Bom Weston, Mass., July 22, 1876; dau. Fran- cis Bacon and Mary Elizabeth (Sparhawk) Sears; cd. Miss Winsor's School, Boston; m. Boston, Oct. 15, 1907, Henry Endlcott Jr. ; children: Ellen Bacon, b. Aug. 9, 1908; William 3d, b. Nov. 17, 1909. Interested in various local inter- ests, children's charities, etc. Recreations: Piano, singing, drawing. Episcopalian. AgiUnst woman suffrage.


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