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dau. Etevld Henry and Cornelia (Fltdi) Durbln; nal and the Chautauqua on library topics. Mem. ed. In Anderson (Ind.) High School; Earlham Am. Library Ass'n (was its first woman presl- CoU., 1905-06; Indiana Univ., A.B. '09, A.M. '10 dent, 1911-12; vlce-pres. 1895-96); N.Y. Library (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Sept., 1909, Max Ass'n (press. 1903-04). Mapes Ellis. Ph.D. Engaged in biological re- search work in the biology of fishes, upon which ELTLNGE, ionise, 607 Fifth Av., N.T. City, has written several monographs. Author: Teacher; b. New Paltz, N.Y.; dau. Magdaline Analysis of Rate of Regeneration Throughout D. B. and Edmund (Eltinge) Deyo; ed. New the Regenerative Process (Journal Experimental Paltz Acad, and Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., Zoology, Vil.), 1909; A Genus and Twelve New 1901-05. Teacher at Mme. Da Silva's School, Species Tetragonopterid Characins (Annals Car- N.Y. City, 1893; teacher In the Gardner School negie Museum VI.) 1909; on the Species of Has- for Girls on Fifth Av. ; vlce-pres. same school, mania Hyphessobrycon and Hemigrammus Col- 1908-09; principal since 1910. Mem. Reformed lected by J. D. Haseman, etc. (Annals Carnegie Dutch Church. Museum, VIII.), 1911; Genera Hemigrammus

Hyphessobrycon, Dermatochier and Family ELWELI,, Abbie Miner (Mrs. L. H. Elwell), 6

Sciaenidse in Elgenmann's Fresh Water Fishes of Lincoln Av., Amherst, Mass.

British Guiana (Memoirs Carnegie Museum, V.), Born Provlncetown, Mass., Nov. 3, 1858; dau.

1912; also monograph on the green KLallctus of James H. and Mary A. (Cowing) Nlckerson; ed.

North America (in preparation). Mem. Soc. of West Newton English and Classical School. New-

the Sigma Xi, Ind. Acad, of Sciences. Mem. ton High School, class of 1877; Vassar Coll., A.B.

Society of Friends. Favors woman suffrage. '82; m. West Newton, Mass., Dec. 20, 18^, LeTi

ELLIS. Olyette (Mrs. Brazier R. Ellis). Wind- }^^Y^y,^^Vn'n^-^>:;^^-^-^^T- ^J""^' °^ 9^!?

sor Wis In Amherst Coll; children: Marlon Freeman (A.B.

Teacher;' b. Ellington. N.Y.. April 9, 1844; dau. Z^^'^J.'^V' ^^'"'^ Ross (A.B. Vassar '11).

Hiram and Lydia (McGowan Smith; ed. public g.^'^" NlckCTSon (deceased) James Henry. Pres.

schools of Chautauqua Co., N.Y.; one tefm in I^T^'^.^w^^^'^^^r., k^ ^°^ono9^!""*'TT= .."^f™"

high school, Madison, Wis.; one term In Wla. Amherst Woman s (:iub (pres. 1908-10). Unitarian.

State Univ.; m. Lodi, Wis., June 27. 1867. Brazier Y^^ mem yasear Students' Aid Soc; life mem.

R. Ellis; children: Claude Smith, b. May 4. Associate Alumna of Vassar Coll.

1868; Lydia, b. May 5. 1870; Addle, b. June 3. ■n>T v t>„/i i„i,- c i, «• ,»/r tj v _* tt. t^i ^

1872'(dl'ed Oct. 4. 1878). Ne'wspaper correspond- ^^g^' ^"'^liP^^^teth if N Y 6ifv '^^^

ent and writer. Author of book of poems: Au- i^^rL it!f ! k d .^ t t i iq

tumn Leaves. 1908. Mem. W.C.T.U., Ladies' Aid lo^^'^^^^'J^^'^yiL^ l' ^"'i®^°'"^' ^^7^- Iff ^\

Soc., Missionary Soc. Windsor Neighborhood ^l^i-i^"^, ^"^"l^^. i^'l K^^"^„ (Michiel^n)

Club. CongregaUonalist. Favors woman suf- f^i'^.^^^^L^^/J^fAl^ "„V^nl'^°i'H^^ 2°^

fraee Prohibitionist ^^°' Cocservatotre of Dramatic Art, Amster-

irage. i-ronioiuonist. ^^^^^ Holland; m. Binghamton, N.Y.. June 7.

ELLYSON, Lora llotchliii^s (Mrs. J. Taylor 1905. Robert E. Ely; children: Robert Scheffer,

Ellyson). 10 E. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Mia Roseboom, Rudolph Scheffer. For three

Daughter Nelson Hill and Harriet (Russell) years mem. of the Royal Soc. The Netherlands

Hotchkiss; ed. Loch Willow. Augusta Co.. Va., Stage. Author of play: De Man van Mademoi-

and by a governess; m. Howardsville, Va.. Dec. selle. produced by the Royal Society. The Nether-

2, 1869. J. Taylor Ellyson; children: Nannie lands Stage. Mem. Woman's Trade Union

(Mrs. Prank T. Crump); one grandson: J. Taylor League. Woman Suffrage Party. N.Y. ; Wo-

Ellyson Crump. Mem. D.A.R.. Daughters of man's Social and Political Union, Woman's Mu-

the Confederacy, Colonial Dames in State of Va., nicipal League. Consumers' League, N.Y. Peace

Dep't of Woman's Welfare Work. Y.W.C.A., Soc, McDoweh Club. Favors woman suffrage. missionary and other societies of the Second

Baptist Church. Opposed to woman suffrage; EMEKSON, Adaltne Elizabeth Talcott (Mrs.

mem. Va. Ass'n OpFKDsed to Woman's Suffrage. Ralph Emerson), 427 N. Church St.. Rockford,

Mem. Confederale Memorial Literary Soc, which 111.

owns the Jefferson Davis mansion and main- Bom Vernon, Oneida Co., N.Y. ; dau. Hon.

tains it as a Confederate museum; vice-regent Wait and Elizabeth Annie (Norton) Talcott;

of the Va. room in the museum. Pres. Ass'n for resident of Illinois since one year of age; ed. at

Preservation of Va. Antiquities, which owns and Rockton, Winnebago Co., 111., under the Misses

has its headquarters in the home of Chief Justice Teed, graduates of LeRoy (N.Y.) Sem., and pre-

John Mars'hall; mem. the Country Club of Va., pared for college by Mr. Seely Perry; grad.

Woman's Club. from Rutgers Female Coll., N.Y. City, In class

ELLYSON, Selma Daum (Mrs. C. W. Ellyson). gj 1856; m. Rockford, 111., Sept. 7 1858. Ralph

Alta Iowa Emerson (manufacturer and philanthropist);

Born Sumner, Iowa. 1876; dau. J. C. and C. C. children: Adaline (m A F Thompson). Harriet

(Koehler) Daum; ed. West Liberty (Iowa) High i™:», ^\'^™ f^V. ^^^""n 9' ^^"^r^^'^i ^- X'

School, '93; State Univ. of Iowa, Ph.B. 1900; m. ^J:?'^?]'^^^^/'""^ ^^^^1, ^^^ ^^'rP- ^- ^i'^^/

Albert Lea, Minn., 1907, Dr. C. W. Ellyson; one M..D., M.R C.S.. England), Dora Bay (m. Prof.

son: Craig Daum, b. 1908. Principal of high William Morton Wheeler). Taught summer

school at Manning, Iowa, 1900-03; held chair of '=?"°"5' ^«;'^°o'/ , ^3 Hf'°S go'ng^ to college;

mathematics in high school at Albert Lea, Minn., afterward Uught in high school In Rockford for

1903-07. Mem. of State Health Com. In Fed. of ^^°'■^»"™^; /'■°'?'°^^^ .'° 1^'^^ -^'^®, ^'V^.i

Women's Clubs; mem. Alta Library Board, activities of church and city; has served on City

Favors woman suffrage Presbyterian (pres. Hospital Board and local school boards; served

Ladles' Aid Soc). Mem. Library Ass'n, Ceme- as associate commissioner to Paris ExposiUon

tery Ass'n. Recreations: Automoblllng, card- ^ntf ^^^r^^^.Tu.^l ^^^1^^^^^°^ ^^h r^nw°r,;

playing, tennis, reading, walking. Mem. Worn- J;°y« ^°H?tln^ ^tril,^ RL.I,itJn« ^f

an'i riiih of Alta Town- qtjite FArtpratinn nt third edition); Personal Recollections of

w„rr,»n'a ri?vh, ' 1' ederatiou or _^i,raham Lincoln (In collaboraUon with hus-

women s 1.1UDS. band); Reminiscences of the Early Fifties;

ELMENIWRF, Tfaere«a West (Mrs. Henry Liv- also leaflet of Letters to Hon. Walt Talcott,

Ingston Elmendorf), 541 Massachusetts Av., which she wrote to her father from Paris when

Buffalo, N.Y. serving as associate commissioner to the exposi-

Librarian; b. Pardeevllle, Wis., Nov. 1, 1855; tion; now preparing Recollections of Later Years,

dau. Hubbell and Helen (Roberts) West; grad. Mem. Congregational Church and of its Home

Milwaukee public schools and Miss Wheelock's and Foreign Missionary and other church so-

School for Glrle (Milwaukee), 1874; m. Mil- cleties; also mem. Woman's Union Missionary

waukee .Wis., Oct. 6, 1896, Henry Livingston Soc, having Its headquarters in Bible House,

Elmendorf (died July 8, 1906). Deputy librarian, N.Y. City. Mem. Chicago Art Institute, th«

1880-92; librarian, 1892-96, Milwaukee Public Li- Fortnightly of Chicago, Monday Club of Rock-

brary; vice-Ubrarlan Buffalo Public Library since ford and the Argonauts, a young people's club,

August, 1906. Authority on bibliography; editor of Rockford, which she organized. Charter mem.

for selection of Am. Library Ass'n catalogue; and Honorary Regent of Rockford Chapter,

contributor to I*ubllc Libraries, the Library Jour- D.A.R-


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