��12. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Mt. Holyoke Coll. Chapter of Coll. Equal Suffrage League. Wrote Introduction to History of Sugar as a Commodity. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Hist, Ass'n, Am. Economic Ass'n, Am. Political Science Ass'n, Ass'n of Coll. Alumna.
KLU8, Grace Vinton (Mrs. Horace Ellis), "Vincennes University, Vincennes, Ind. Librarian, writer; b. Long Island, N.Y., Jan. 19, 1867; dau.-> Dr. S. H. Mapes (surgeon Sixtieth Reg't N.Y. Vol. Infantry) and Prunetta N. Mapes; ed. In Butler Univ., Indianapolis; m. Mar., 1886, Horace Ellis, pres. of Vincennes Univ.; two sons: Max (associate prof, of biology in Colorado State Univ.), Howell (a student in Univ. of Vincennes. Author of many verses and a contributor of verse and short stories to maga- zines and other publications. Has written many sacred songs, which have been published. Li- brarian of Vincennes Univ. Methodist. Mem. Order of the Eastern Star. Favors woman suffrage.
£L.LIS, Jennie Agues Wilhite (Mrs. Overton Gentry Ellis), Olympia and Tacoma, Wash. Born Leavenworth, Kan., Sept. 27, 1867; dau. Presley Gray and Marie Louise (Price) Wilhite; ed. public schools of Kansa.s City, Mo., in pri- mary grades and grad. from Kansas City High School, '86; m. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 29, 1894, Overton Gentry Ellis (now judge State Supreme Court of Washington); children: Overton (Sentry Jr., b. Oct. 9, 1900; Presley White (daughter), b. Oct. 22, 1903. Taught 1S8S-94 in public schools of Kansas City, Mo. (Lathrop School). Regent (two terms) Virginia Dare Chapter D.A.R., ■Tacoma, Wash. ; State historian, Washington D.A.R.; mem. Board of Directors of Tacoma Public Library since 1908; special interest In children's dep't of library and aggressive policy of library to create and encourage love of read- ing among children of all the people. Favors woman suffrage. Has written many magazine and newspaper articles on foods, food sanitation, municipal health regulations and kindred subjects for club use and outlines for club study; has also spoken on above subjects in cities of the State of Washington; one of the speakers on same subjects at biennial of Gen. Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs, San Francisco, 1912; also articles of local historical interest as historian of D.A.R. Baptist. Democrat. Admitted to the D.A.R. in 1896 by ancestors of both father and mother; of Scotch-Irish-Bavarian and French Huguenot an- cestry, all of whom came to Va. before the Revolution and were patriots. Mem. United Daughters of (Ilonfederacy. Mem. (pres. two years) Aloha Club (Tacoma); chairman Food Sanitation Com. Wash. State Fed. of Clubs, seven years; pres. Pure Food Council of Tacoma. Drafted Market Sanitation Ordinance of Tacoma, which was passed by City Council, Mar., 1909, at instance of Pure Food Council, which also secured appointment of woman food inspector; chairman Food Sanitation Com. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs since 1910; Vice-Chairman Health Dep't Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, 1913 — ; director Washington State Soc. for Prevention of Tu- berculosis.
CLX.IS, Julia Ada, Atlanta University, Atlanta,
Teacher; b. Harwich, Mass., Sept. 11, 1863; dau. Amron and Pamella (Small) Ellis; ed. Natick High School, Natick, Mass. ; Wellesley Cioll., B.A. '84. Teacher in Preparatory School, Everett, Mass., 1884-87; High School, Natick, Mass., 1887-89; Atlanta Univ. (for colored stu- dents), since 1890. Interested in church work, missions and temperance; mem. the Y.W.C.A.; peculiarly interested in the advancement of the colored people. Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregationalist.
EIXIS, Katharine Bath, Charles City, Iowa,
Author: b. Charles City, Iowa; ed. in schools of Charles City, Iowa, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '01. Volunteer librarian of Charles City Library, 1904. Author: The Wide- Awake Girls; The Wide- Awake Girls in Wlnsted; also magazine contribu- tions.
��ELLIS, Leonora Beck (Mrs. Richard A. Ellis),
Hyde Park, Tampa, Fla.
Writer; b. in Georgia, about 1872; dau. James W. and Margaret (Wells) Beck; ed. Oxford, Ala., and N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, 1896, Richard A. Ellis. Editor the Illustrator Magazine, 1896-97; since then, general writing. Has done much church work, as teaching Bible class in Sunday- school; has worked In philanthropic organiza- tions; has worked unceasingly to have both Government and State recognize the rights of the neglected remnant of Seminole Indians in Fla. ; has devoted herself for years to fighting child labor in Georgia and the Carolinas. Contribu- tions on literary, sociological, industrial sub- jects published in the Forum, Review of Re- views, Independent, American Journal of Sociology, Gunton's, Leslie's, Christian Herald, etc. ; stories, verse and general articles in Mun- sey's. New England Magazine, National Maga- zine, Book News Monthly, Lippincott's, Collier's, American Magazine of History, Criterion, Wo- man's Home Companion. Baptist. Mem. Con- sumers' League, Educational Conference Soc., Sociological Congress, Charitable Ass'n, both of Tampa and Atlanta; Child Labor Com. of Ga. Recreations: Boating, cruising, camping. Clubs: Tampa Woman's, Woman's Press of Ga., Civic Ass'n of Florida. ELLIS, Louise Alverda Spencer (Mrs. Pearls
B'jckner Ellis), 711 Spear St., Carson City,
Born Bangor, Me., Mar. 20, 1860; dau. Albert Jewett and Sara (Warren) Spencer; ed. at home by governesses; grad. Bangor High School; m. Dec. 23, 1886, Pearls Buckner Ellis; one daughter: Annie Louise, b. 1890. Interested in social and philanthropic duties. Contributor in verse and prose to Pacific Coast publications. Author: Sunbeams and Reflections. Episcopalian. Char- ter mem. and pres. Leisure Hour Club. ELLIS, Lucy Morris (Mrs. John V. Ellis), Box
402, R.F.D. No. 2, North Yakima, Wash.
Newspaper woman; b. Blnghamton, N.Y., Jan. 15, 1878; dau. Robert and Sara A. (Ogden) Mor- ris; ed grammar schools, Binghamton, N.Y. ; high school, Buffalo, N.Y.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. 1900; m. North Yakima, Wash., Feb. 18, 1905, John V. Ellis Jr. Engaged in newspaper work in Buffalo, Milwaukee and North Yakima; spe- cial correspondence for Portland, Seattle and Spokane papers. Mem. Yakima Valley Branch Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Mem. Portia Club. Recreations: Gardening, fancier pure bred poul- try, studying native-bred birds. Favors woman suffrage. ELLIS, Lucy Terrill, 429 W. Munroe St.,
Phoenix, Ariz.
Kindergartner; b. St. Louis, Mo.; dau. Edwin and Jane (Hunae) Ellis; ed. St Louis and Bos- ton. A pioneer kindgartner in the Territory of Arizona. Favors woman suffrage; active mem. Civic League of Phoenix, Ariz. Author of maga- zine articles on garden kindergartens, open-air schools, garden schools, Kindepcroft, The (Jarden, th« Gateway to Character Building. EHJiscopallan. Democratic voter. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Am. School Peace League. Charter mem. Phoenix Woraan'a Club; organizer and pres. Conservation Club; chairman Oonserration Dep't Ariz. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Ariz. State pre*, of Woman's Nat. Rivers and Harbors Congress.
ELLIS, Margaret Dye (Mrs. Jonathan T. Ellis),
522 Sixth St., N.W., Washington, D.C.
Born N.Y. City; dau. Clarkson and Margaret (McLean) Dye; ed. N.Y. City; m. New York, 1863, Jonathan T. Ellis of Maine; children: Mary Margaret, Jessie Russell (deceased). Sup't legis- lation for Nat. W.C.T.U. for 17 years In Wash- ington, D.C, looking after reform measures in Congress. Was cor. sec. of N.J. W.C.T.U. 15 years. Favors woman suffrage. Writes Wash- ington weekly letter for the W.C.T.U. official organ, the Union Signal. Mem. D.A.R., Wom- an's Welfare Dep't of Civic League, Consumers' League, Woman's Suffrage League. ELLIS, Marion Durbtn (Mrs. Max Mapes
Ellis), 1109 Thirteenth St., Boulder, Colo.
Biologist; b. Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 26, 1887;