��ELLIOTT, Hattie HIU (Mrs. Lu Forrester El- liott), 1110 Walnut St., Newton Highlands,
Born" Northwood, N.H., Oct. 15, 1862; dau. Charles and Lydia Ann Hill; ed. Kimball Union Acad., Meriden, N.H., '81; Smith Ckjll., A.B. '86; m. Northwood Ridge, N.H., July 23, 1889, L. Forrester Elliott; children: Esther Jaquith, b. Aug. 27, 1S94; Luther Hill, b. Dec. 24, 1895; Fannie Eleanor, b. Aug. 14, 1897. Interested in the comfort or pleasures of the aged. Congrega- tionalist. ELLIOTT, Jennie MacCracken (Mrs. R. A.
Elliott), 315 N. Tenth St., Cambridge, O.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa., May 27, 1866; dau. Isaac II. and Isabella (Caldwell) MacCracken; grad. Allegheny public high schools, '81, with second honor; Pa. Coll. for Women, Pittsburgh, '84 (second honor); m. Port Huron, Mich., June 16, 1887, Rev. R. A. Elliott; children: Chester H., R. Harold, Isabel. Interested in religious work along missionary lines; was Freedmen's sec. of Woman's Board of Directors of U.P. Church, 1903-07. Favors woman suffrage. United Pres- byterian. Mem. Woman's Missionary Societies and Aid Soc. Mem. McClellan Brown Sorosis of Cambridge, O. Time has chiefly been given to the activities of the congregations of which her husband has been pastor: Lisbon Center, N.Y., two years; Ninth United Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh, Pa., 18 years; Cambridge, 0., since 1907. ELLIOTT, Jessie Gertrude 87 S. Logan St.,
Denver, Colo.
Born Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.; dau. Hon. Victor A. Elliot (Judge on District and Supreme Bench for IS years) and Josephine E. (Gillette) Elliott; ed. East Denver High School; Mansfield State Normal School of Pa. ; Oberlin Conservatory of Music of Ohio. Singer of church and operatic music, also now has private class of pupils. HetjM In the aid of the dependent pioneers. Favors w«aian suffrage. Baptist. Republican. Cor. sec. of Territorial Daughters of Colorado. Recreations: Camping, tennis, tramping. ELLIOTT, Katharine Reed, Putnam Hall,
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Taunton, Mass., Oct. 3, 1870; dau. Robert and Alice (Reed) Elliott; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. 92; student at Oxford Univ., England, in 1905. Instructor in English, Belmont Coll., Nashville, Tenn., 1898; Fairmont Sem., Wash- ington, D.C., 1901-10; head teacher Putnam Hall, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., since 1910. Against woman suffrage. Contributor to Youth's ODmpanion, Delineator, etc. Presbyterian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumna-. College Club. Wiishington, D.C.; Classical Club, Washlng1,on, D.C. ELLIOTT, Mand Howe, "Oak Glen," Union St.,
Newport, il.I.
Author, lecturer; b. Boston, Mass., Nov. 9, 1854; dau. Dr. Samuel Gridley and Julia (Ward) Howe; ed. at home and in private schools. Has lectured in principal American cities on literary and artistic subjects. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Atlanta in the South; Mammon; A New- port Aquarelle; San Rosario Ranch Art and Handicraft in the Woman's Building of the World's Columbian Exposition; Roma Beata; Two in Italy; The Price of Jealousy; Eleventh Hour In the Life of Julia Ward Howe; Sun and Shadow in Spain; Sicily in Shadow and in Sun.
ELLIOTT, JIaxine (Mrs. Nathaniel C. Good- win), Hartsbourne Manor, Bushey Heath, Herts, England, and Maxlne Elliott's Theatre, N.Y. City.
Bom Rockland, Me., Feb. 5, 1873; dau. Capt. Thomas and Adelaide (Hall) Dermot; much of her childhood spent on a large sailing ship of which her father was captain; later a student at Notre Dame Acad., Boston Highlands, Mass.; m. 1898, Nathaniel C. Goodwin. Made first stage appearance as Felicia Umphraville In The Mid- dleman with E. S. Willard, season of 1890-91, and played in other plays in the repertoire of that actor; after that In The Prodigal Daughter Company at the American Theatre, N.Y. City; following this was in Rose Coghlan's company and later with Augustln Daly, at whose theatre
��she appeared In th« title rdle of A Heart of Ruby and In other Daly productions, and in Shakespearian drama. Including Sylvia in Two Gentlemen of Verona, Hermia in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Olivia In Twelfth Night; went to London with that company; returned to America and was with the Daniel Frawley Stock Company until joining Nathaniel C. Goodwin's (Company In 1896 as leading woman, playing In the productions of his repertoire until 1903. Starred in Clyde Fitch's play, Her Own Way, 1903-04, and another Fntch play. Her Great Match, 1905-06, folloiwed by Under the Greenwood Tree, 1907; Myself— Bettina, 1908; since then in her own house, Maxine Elliott's Theatre, N.Y. City, starring in The Chaperon, Deborah of Todd's. Spends most of her leisure in England. ELLIOTT, Sarah Barnwell, Sewanee, Tenn.
Author; b. South Carolina; dau. Bishop Stephen and Charlotte Bull (Barnwell) Elliott; ed. privately at home. Pres. Tennessee State Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Author: The Felmeres, 1880; Durket Sperret, 1897; The Making of Jane, 1899; John Paget, 1893; A Simple Heart. Plays: His Majesty's Servant; Moonshine Whispers. Episcopalian. Democrat. Mem. Univ. of the South Alumnae Auxiliary, Colonial Dames of South Carolina, Soc. Descendants Colonial Governors, South Carolina Historical Soc, United Daughters of Confederacy, Lyceum Club of London, England; Wednesday Afternoon Club, N.Y. Womaii's Political Union, N.Y. Woman's Press Club; vice-pres. Ass'n Southern Writers, Civic League of Sewanee, Tenn.
ELLIS, Alice Meribah James (Mrs. William
Sheweli Ellisj, Moylan, Pa.
Club worker; b. Philadelphia, June 17, 1S79; dau. Joshua and Edith (Cox) James; ed. Phila- delphia private schools and one and one-half years at Smith Coll.; m. Oct. 18, 1899, William Sheweli Ellis; one daughter: Frances Edith Ellis. Pres. Woman's Club of Media. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Alumnae Ass n of Miss Gorden's School, Alumnae Ass'n of Smith Coll. Clubs: New Century (Philadelphia); Woman's (Media, Pa.). An active club worker, taking interest in all philanthropic, civic and social work in the community. ELLIS, Edith Anna Ellis (Mrs. Willard Waldo
EUis), 309 Farm St., Ithaca, N.T.
Born Dryden, Tompkins Co., N.Y.; dau. War- ren Clark and Alice Ann (Snyder) Ellis (greait- granddaughter of Judge John Ellis, who, bec?.u=:e he was for many years the most prominent of its citizens, became known as the "King of Dryden" and is so referred to in the local histories); grad. Ithaca High School, Cornell Univ. B.L. ; m. Ithaca. N.Y., Aug. 17, 1903, Willard Waldo Ellis, Cornell Univ., A.B. '01; LL.B. '03. Became inter- ested about 3 years ago in club work and joined several organizations in Ithaca, since whicli time has prepared and read some papers and repre- sented some of the clubs at conventions. Chair- man of the Hospitality Com. of the last Slate Suffrage Ass'n Convention, held in Nov., 1911. Contributor to various magazines. Collaborator on Wordsworth Concordance. Recreations: Read- ing, music, theatre, motoring, bridge. Mem. of D.A.R., Cornell Women's Club, Ithaca (sec.-treas. 1911-12, pres. 19ii-13); Campus Club, Cornell; Ithaca Woman's Club (treas.); Political Study Club of Ithaca (rec. sec. 1910-13); delegate to the City Federation of Women's Clubs of Ithaca (chairman Entertainment Com.).
ELLIS, Ellen Deborah, Mount Holyoke College,
South Hadley, M.iss.
Associate prof, history and oolltlcal science; b. Philadelphia, Nov. 25, 1878; dau. Henry C. and Ellen D. (Moore) Ellis; ed. public schools of Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; A..\l. •02; Ph.D. '05; Univ. of Leipzig 1902-03, as Bryn Mawr European fellow of Class of 1901; resident fellow In economics and history (Bryn Mawr), 1904-05. Instructor in history, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1905-08; asso. prof, of history, acting head of dep't of history, 1908-09; asso. prof, pure econom- ics and political science and 2d semester acting tory and political science and 2d semester acting head of dep't of history. Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1911-